question for the girls (and maybe the guys who knows)

If you have a massive skin break out (and I mean massive), do you think it's better to attempt to cover it with make up or just not even bother cuz everyone will know anyway?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Do not cover it, it will look even worse! It'll also take longer to heal and spread the bacteria further round your face.
probably a good call...
sigh, I just want to put my head in like a vat of bubbling tea tree oil all day and then wear a ski mask...
I bet a lot of times when you think a girl isn't wearing make up, she is. it's an art form.
dude when i was in Winger back in the 80s, Kip Winger made me wear mascara just so i'd look normal. and i just said 'no way man' and then his band sucked.
(gtd...sorry for the brief look good w/out makeup)
it depends .. if you are picking at your skin and then put makeup on thats not so great. everyone has this idea that makeup is so wrong and oh no.. most makeups nowadays are so light and moisturizing.. they are actually good for your face... if you dont normally wear makeup i wouldnt suggest it though.
you need to go get yourself a gentle exfoliator to get all that dead skin off your face and bacteria so that your face will heal faster..
and dont forget to moisturize.. people think moisturizers are greasy.. and therefor cause pimples.. oy.. sometimes you get pimples cause your face is too dry.
but whatever you do.. don't pick at it!!!
yeah probably... but its a misleading tool really.. it is a mask.. and it a mask made from mashed up bull willy and chicken eyelids..
i think my wife looks better without make-up.. my 2 wee girls dont wear make up and they look gorgeous... but when my wife puts it on i think it makes her look older.
it will look awful and will probably make the outbreak worse therefore lengthening the healing process....
Its better that you have it out in the open for a week than covering it up and it looking probably just as bad but for 3 weeks... accept it and treat it. It won't be there long if you do that
EDIT: tbh it does depend on the severity of the outbreak
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
I don't think there's much you can do. Best to just leave it. Maybe use some anti bacterial type cream live Savlon or something.
When I was pregnant, I had an allergic reaction to something and my face swelled up like a balloon and went all flakey.
well unfortunately some of us dont' have great skin. i wear makeup because i have really red cheeks.. i dont really like that.
and you love your wife.. so of course shes gonna look great!
really red cheeks?
ah, that's cute.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
but guys dont always have great skin and they dont plaster their faces with make up... if you have bad skin then make up will only exarc.. exsarb.. excaerr.. make it worse.
yeah thats true.. although she always saying "hey, my face is up here you know"
oh no I'm not picking!!! One big one scabbed though :( (sorry that was gross, but necessary to explain the problem).
I've been exfoliating. and using a tea tree oil mask. and toning. and moisturizing. I've got a good skin care routine in general, but I got laser hair removal monday for the first time in like 2 years and the shaving and stuff beforehand and lotions they use just destroyed my sensitive skin.
Exactly. This doesn't really apply to dunk because I've never really heard him say a bad word about anyone but some men say they hate make up but then will be the first ones to insult women they think are ugly. Not of all of us can wake up and look stunning.
well i believe it only makes it worse if you dont know how to use it. i used to do makeup and i can tell you i saw some disasters.. but the #1 thing i saw was people dont take care of their skin and therefor it makes the makeup look bad.
and yes i frequently have to tell my boyfriend that my jubblies arent my eyes.. but he's happy so what can ya do...
yeah dunk, I mean I just wear a tad of all natural make up from the body shop when I'm trying to look good- a little cover on red spots, some light shimmery eye shadow, clear mascara, and sheer pink lip gloss...I agree that if you wear a lot of thicker make up it often makes you look old.
in regards to make-up....less is usually more. make-up should enhance your best qualities, not be used as a mask. sure, sometimes in evenings go a little more 'dramatic' with eye make-up or lips....but otherwise on a day to day should not be such a big difference between you with or without make-up. just my 2 cents. i LIKE make-up, i like a little more color to my fac, particularly my lips....and a little mascara really opens up the eyes.
i too agree, if it doesn't look good and flatter the person, either too heavy-handed and/or simply does not know how to apply properly, or possibly chooses the wrong colors, etc.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
ahhh ok. well at least you are trained hahah. if i were you i would call your dermatologist and let them know this happened.. maybe they can recommend something to do.. and if they are ready to burst (sorry gross) then some hot hot water always does the trick.
but it sounds to me like you just need time. i have extremely sensative skin too and did laser hair and i got a weird thing on my arm.. it was just odd... so i know how intense that process can be. i swear by my exfoliator though.. for that rough winter skin.. ick
exactly. it takes a LOT of work (and money). not just the make up, but all the "taking care of" women have to do. there was a huge sale at the Body Shop yesterday, so I stocked up and spent $60 on skin care products, and I saved $40!
this is true my dear but make-up is a societal thing... if make-up didnt exist then everyone would wake up and look..well.. themselves... is that such a bad thing?
and then there's the morning after scenario... like if you woke up next to a previously gorgeous lady from the night before and thought to yourself.. "oohhh god i shagged a deformed panda last night"..
my last paragraph was sponsored by for all your cheeky comment needs
i wont even discuss the amount i have spent :(
but its worth it.. i have very very porcelain skin with these red cheeks. lovely yes but i like a more even tone.
i think makeup is only done right if you have the right skin. if you dont take care of your skin dont come talk to me about how your makeup looks bad. i also think people just fall into patterns... women who wore makeup that look good on them in their 20s are still wearing it in their 40s... and that just doesnt work. i also think alot of women apply it wrong.. its almost like they need to see it to know its there... oh i could go on all day about this...
and there goes my coffee all over the place.. funny.. damn funny
use nothing for the moment
a little raw aloe will help the irritation
but give your skin a chance to work on its own
Im sure you know to use a very light hypoallergenic cleanser and moisturizer, and an herbal toner such as calendula (depending on your skin type)
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
*cough*Facial scrub*cough*
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
well I also think women our age (I'm assuming you're somewhere between 20 and 40) wear less make up in general. I mean being a teenager in the 90s, I never wore make up until my senior prom (my mother was always chasing me around the house trying to get me to wear blush). And I'm always putting on my make up and then rubbing half of it off because it looks like too much even though it's barely there. I'd say MOST girls I know are like that. My mum on the other hand, has never left the house a day in her life without make up since she was 14. She calls it "putting her face on."
and i still stand by the fact that gtd, based on her pics, looks good w/out makeup (or if you did have any on in those pics, it wasn't noticeable, and i mean that in a good way!)
it absolutely is a societal/cultural thing. it has also existed since at least the ancient egyptians. almost every human society has some form of grooming/beautifying rituals that both men and women did, and it varied by gender and culture just how much. men used to wear as much make-up and/or more in certain cultures...piercings...tatttooing....hairstyles....etc. nothing wrong with any of it. also nothing wrong with it not being your thing either. most people look *themselves* with or without make-up.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
hmm, I'm pretty sure I did, at least at the wedding. I wouldn't go to a wedding and wear a dress and not wear make up. but this is what I'm talking about, you just wear a little enhancement...though I do think that on some people, some dramatic eye makeup looks great, but I can't seem to pull that off.
You're preaching to the choir. I already know all this but it does exist... and yes, it is a bit gross.