I've got a 1965 Schwinn Typhoon and I'm putting together a 1967 Schwinn Sting-Ray 5 speed Fastback. Those are my beach cruisers.
For longer rides... I stiil have a 1985 Mountain bike and a 1972 peugeot with Shimano 105 upgrades (circa 1988).
I like the new bikes and all... but, my bikes serve me well for what I use them for.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I've got a 1965 Schwinn Typhoon and I'm putting together a 1967 Schwinn Sting-Ray 5 speed Fastback. Those are my beach cruisers.
For longer rides... I stiil have a 1985 Mountain bike and a 1972 peugeot with Shimano 105 upgrades (circa 1988).
I like the new bikes and all... but, my bikes serve me well for what I use them for.
eh, I think it's cooler to have old bikes you've customized for your needs a bit. my old bike was getting to be like that. it was just an old specialized cross bike but thanks to the "random parts for $5" box at a local bike shop I had it just the way I wanted it. then some asshole stole it for drug money.
I'm gonna get me a bike for the summer coz the damn gas price are raping my wallet! That's what's everyone should start doing. Ride bikes!
I have an Electra Townie. I love it. A hybrid cruiser/road bike
And if you surf, they sell things to hang your board off of.
And I have little red dice on my tires.
I have an Electra Townie. I love it. A hybrid cruiser/road bike
And if you surf, they sell things to hang your board off of.
And I have little red dice on my tires.
I have an Electra Townie. I love it. A hybrid cruiser/road bike
And if you surf, they sell things to hang your board off of.
And I have little red dice on my tires.
omg, just came very close to having a very strange bike-related injury!
I was riding between work and my doctors office, and I came up to a light. I rode up next to the cars waiting for the light on the right side, but it was a fairly tight squeeze. So I come up to the front car and this DOG riding in the passenger seat of this van almost jumped out the window at me! he was barking like crazy, and since the window was open and right next to my head it scared the shit out of me! totally wasn't expecting that!
I think bicycles are horrible for the environment. What about all that rubber and stuff?..God, I wish people would be more considerate and stop shitting all over the earth for their own selfish indulgence..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I'm a total bike nut and have been since I got my first tricycle. I don't take it too seriously, I just ride to have fun and to stay healthy.
One of my two bikes is a 1995 Trek 850SHX that I bought new and is still in great shape. That's my "beater" bike that I ride casually and that I use to commute to/from work. I got a Giant OCR a few years ago that I use for my "serious" riding. I'm itching to replace it the first chance I get. I don't like compact frames, I don't like the color, and I just never felt like it fit me. I'd planned on getting a new one in 2009 at Bikes Direct (http://www.bikesdirect.com/) but if Pearl Jam is putting out a new album late this year, then that means they'll more than likely be going on a full-fledged worldwide tour in 2009. So I'd have to choose: Pearl Jam shows, or a new bike. Dammit.
Those of you that just bought a bike and are having issues with it: Every LBS (local bike shop) that I've been to offers free tune-ups when you buy your bike there. Some shops only offer them for the first year but some offer them for as long as you own the bike. If you bought the bike recently you should take it in to them and have them take a look at it. You should do this anyway after you've broken it in. The break-in period can be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on how much you ride.
OR learn to fix it yourself. One thing I love just as much as riding my bike is working on it. The issues that were posted earlier seemed like pretty easy fixes, and cheap fixes if you do it yourself.
I seriously considered taking my mt. bike with me for my east coast PJ shows. I've heard that VA Beach, Camden/Philly, and DC are pretty bike friendly. They are also cities that have a lot to do, and getting around on bike is a hell of a lot better than getting around in a car.
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so poor I can't afford to comment on the PJ forum Posts: 201
Great thread! I like bikes too. So much that I work at a bike shop. Anyone ride with a flip flop hub? Fixed gear on one side and single speed freewheel on the other...
I had always wanted a nice Trek ever since a friend of mine had one when I was a teenager.
I bought a Trek full-suspension with disc brakes last year and I've been very happy with it.
Some mountain biking magazine gave it a horrible review last year, but just a few years ago they gave a positive review for a bike with essentially the same components.
From what I've read, the reason why it got such a bad review from this magazine last year is because it was being compared to bikes that were in a different price range -a much higher price range.
But, regardless of what some magazine says about it, I am not disappointed. I did, however, buy a new seat for it. The one the bike came with was not very comfortable at all.
i cycle every single day now... have done for a month or so.
its even better in weather like we're having now.. 24˚c today
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
This june my Cannondale Killer V 800 and me will be celebrating being together for 10 years! It's great weather outside, I have a day off and I'll be cruising thru the dunes within an hour.
One of my two bikes is a 1995 Trek 850SHX that I bought new and is still in great shape. That's my "beater" bike that I ride casually and that I use to commute to/from work. I got a Giant OCR a few years ago that I use for my "serious" riding. I'm itching to replace it the first chance I get. I don't like compact frames, I don't like the color, and I just never felt like it fit me. I'd planned on getting a new one in 2009 at Bikes Direct (http://www.bikesdirect.com/)
I kinda know what you mean about not feeling right about your bike. I had a giant hybrid a few years back that I really never liked! That was my first bike as an adult, I had no idea what I was buying, the bike shop guy just talked me into it. luckily it got stolen . I'm a wee bit worried about my fancy-schmancy road bike I bought last fall too. I had a really, really hard time fitting a road bike. I spent 2 ENTIRE weekends at the bike shop trying different bikes and different handlebar stem configurations, etc. The problem was that I have more of a "male" shape- short legs and longer torso, so the women-specific road bikes weren't quite right (they are usually made for long legs and short torsos). but I have teeny tiny little hands and fingers, so I really liked having the breaks and shifters closer in. It was a tough decision but I went with a women's bike and put a longer handlebar stem on. I *think* it's ok, but sometimes I feel like the bike is a little too small, maybe because I'm used to riding bikes that have been too big for me since I was a kid. this is my road bike: http://thebikelane.com/images/library/large/trek_5000wsd_irisblue_07_m.jpg.
my new "beater" bike (if you can call a new bike a beater) is a womens bike though and it's really long horizontally, which is cool. that thing I think fits me perfectly. It's also cool cuz it's a hybrid, but it's so much less upright than so many of those bikes-I can't ride those things where your hands are way up above you. It's heavy as f*ck though, I hate lugging it up and down the front stairs. I really wanted to get a used bike, but try finding a 15-16 inch or 47 cm used bike for a decent price, it's impossible. this is my getting around bike: http://www.rainiercycle.com/embedded/wingra.jpg.
as an aside, anyone remember the 2003 tour when ed would ride his little bike through the crowd so he could talk to people but still get away if he had to? that was awesome. he walked right by us, but he was deep in conversation with someone so we didn't say anything.
I just love them. I love going into a bike store and looking at all the different types. I always wish I had a use for some kind of flashy-painted cruiser. Actually, I'd have all sorts of bikes if I could. I love riding a bike. it just feels very independent- when I was a kid and I went off on my bike it was huge release and I still feel that way sometimes! I love the bike guys I pull up next to at lights, they're always cute. I love bungie cords and helmets and bike lights.
are there any other bike people?
P.S. I'm talking bicycles, not motorcycles.
what a fabulous, happy GTD post!
that said, my husband is the big bike affectionado in our house. he's huge into mountain biking and has been for years. usually ever sunday morning him and a couple of friends hit the trails.
i used to go bike riding fairly often, the two of us....we have those hybrid bikes, i think mine is a specialized. love it. really don't know how i fell out of going, but really...it's been years! now since i last really went riding. really should take it up again! definitely fun, and absolutely liberating.....
i used to go bike riding fairly often, the two of us....we have those hybrid bikes, i think mine is a specialized. love it. really don't know how i fell out of going, but really...it's been years! now since i last really went riding. really should take it up again! definitely fun, and absolutely liberating.....
never knew, but yeah definitely take it up again! I should have taken you biking at least once while u were here...
yes, mr. dream and i used to go biking a LOT....just about every week during the nicer weather. dunno why exactly i stopped. then he got heavily into mountain biking, off road, rough terrain stuff....not my thing. then he stopped for a long while himself. he *just* really got back into it again this year. i think b/c he now finally has weekends off so he can go with friends.
i like paved bike trails, or at least gravel, soft dirt.......no riding over treetrunks for me.
and i've seen those postcards before? you must've sent em and/or posted em at another time.
say you've got a few miles to commute, do think it's better exercise to walk or bike?
I always feel like walking is much better exercise...but so many people, including people here, seem to feel the opposite.
Either one could be better than the other, it just depends on how much intensity you put into it.
I would probably choose biking over walking anyway, mostly because I'd have more options as far as where I could go. If I can get there quicker on bike, then I'd be more likely to go.
The other reason I'd bike is because you can't ride a wheelie when you're walking
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i couldn't ride a bike like that - i take mine everywhere ... sure to get stolen!!
haha yeah, well that's why I have two bikes. the carbon one lives inside and only goes for long rides. It was kind of superfluous purchase, but really I'll have it for the rest of my life. I did a little sprint triathlon last year and I was way ahead of people after the swim, but they all blew past me on road bikes as I'm pedaling my ass off on my hybrid. that's what put the idea in my head originally.
Well...that is until you start playfully comparing TCT carbon to OCLV carbon. Your bike is TCT carbon, which is slightly heavier than OCLV carbon, which is what Lance's bike was made from.
Then you'll be saying to yourself, "Well, my bike is still in pretty good in condition, and I did buy it at a discount. I might be able to sell it, and then just fork over the difference to upgrade."
I'm so glad to see this thread. I love my bike (a Bianchi hybrid--I've attached the most recent picture http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u165/foxwell2000/DSCN0132.jpg ), I love ridding, and I love cyclists--with a few exceptions, but every group has their bad apples.
The best part of cycling (besides getting all the good parking spaces)?
You get to know your neighborhood/city more intimately than you would in a car: you know where all the potholes are, where the mean dogs are, where the nice dogs are, where the streets are lined with jacaranda, where the streets are well lit and where they are not...
Living in Southern California, I sometimes feel like it's 1520 C.E. and to convince Angelinos that the car isn't the center of the universe would be a task of Copernican proportions.
Yet every time I feel that way, I am undoubtedly moments away from peddling by a fellow cyclist who gives me that knowing nod of the head and half-wave from the hand brake, and I know that I'm not crazy for thinking the world is round and I'd rather be on a bike.
Thanks for the thread...ride on.
"In the depths of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." -- Albert Camus
"He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that." -- John Stuart Mill
For longer rides... I stiil have a 1985 Mountain bike and a 1972 peugeot with Shimano 105 upgrades (circa 1988).
I like the new bikes and all... but, my bikes serve me well for what I use them for.
Hail, Hail!!!
eh, I think it's cooler to have old bikes you've customized for your needs a bit. my old bike was getting to be like that. it was just an old specialized cross bike but thanks to the "random parts for $5" box at a local bike shop I had it just the way I wanted it. then some asshole stole it for drug money.
btw those cruisers sound cool!
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
what a novel idea!
seriously last night on the news they were like "gas prices are so high, people have resorted to riding bikes!!!" :O horror of horrors!
And if you surf, they sell things to hang your board off of.
And I have little red dice on my tires.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
those are cute! can I ask what you use it for?
...egos! :rolleyes:
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
EDIT: got it...the closest one is 19 miles away from me.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
I'm a man. I ride/ commute. I've got no problem not spending >$75 a week on gas.... I even wear the bike get up on longer rides ...sometimes
I was riding between work and my doctors office, and I came up to a light. I rode up next to the cars waiting for the light on the right side, but it was a fairly tight squeeze. So I come up to the front car and this DOG riding in the passenger seat of this van almost jumped out the window at me! he was barking like crazy, and since the window was open and right next to my head it scared the shit out of me! totally wasn't expecting that!
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
gotta get a bigger frame now
One of my two bikes is a 1995 Trek 850SHX that I bought new and is still in great shape. That's my "beater" bike that I ride casually and that I use to commute to/from work. I got a Giant OCR a few years ago that I use for my "serious" riding. I'm itching to replace it the first chance I get. I don't like compact frames, I don't like the color, and I just never felt like it fit me. I'd planned on getting a new one in 2009 at Bikes Direct (http://www.bikesdirect.com/) but if Pearl Jam is putting out a new album late this year, then that means they'll more than likely be going on a full-fledged worldwide tour in 2009. So I'd have to choose: Pearl Jam shows, or a new bike. Dammit.
Those of you that just bought a bike and are having issues with it: Every LBS (local bike shop) that I've been to offers free tune-ups when you buy your bike there. Some shops only offer them for the first year but some offer them for as long as you own the bike. If you bought the bike recently you should take it in to them and have them take a look at it. You should do this anyway after you've broken it in. The break-in period can be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on how much you ride.
OR learn to fix it yourself. One thing I love just as much as riding my bike is working on it. The issues that were posted earlier seemed like pretty easy fixes, and cheap fixes if you do it yourself.
I seriously considered taking my mt. bike with me for my east coast PJ shows. I've heard that VA Beach, Camden/Philly, and DC are pretty bike friendly. They are also cities that have a lot to do, and getting around on bike is a hell of a lot better than getting around in a car.
Must have an earnest desire to save the world
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cassette hubs
I bought a Trek full-suspension with disc brakes last year and I've been very happy with it.
Some mountain biking magazine gave it a horrible review last year, but just a few years ago they gave a positive review for a bike with essentially the same components.
From what I've read, the reason why it got such a bad review from this magazine last year is because it was being compared to bikes that were in a different price range -a much higher price range.
But, regardless of what some magazine says about it, I am not disappointed. I did, however, buy a new seat for it. The one the bike came with was not very comfortable at all.
its even better in weather like we're having now.. 24˚c today
My precious: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v31/obi_once/Picture136.jpg
I kinda know what you mean about not feeling right about your bike. I had a giant hybrid a few years back that I really never liked! That was my first bike as an adult, I had no idea what I was buying, the bike shop guy just talked me into it. luckily it got stolen
my new "beater" bike (if you can call a new bike a beater) is a womens bike though and it's really long horizontally, which is cool. that thing I think fits me perfectly. It's also cool cuz it's a hybrid, but it's so much less upright than so many of those bikes-I can't ride those things where your hands are way up above you. It's heavy as f*ck though, I hate lugging it up and down the front stairs. I really wanted to get a used bike, but try finding a 15-16 inch or 47 cm used bike for a decent price, it's impossible. this is my getting around bike: http://www.rainiercycle.com/embedded/wingra.jpg.
as an aside, anyone remember the 2003 tour when ed would ride his little bike through the crowd so he could talk to people but still get away if he had to? that was awesome. he walked right by us, but he was deep in conversation with someone so we didn't say anything.
what a fabulous, happy GTD post!
that said, my husband is the big bike affectionado in our house. he's huge into mountain biking and has been for years. usually ever sunday morning him and a couple of friends hit the trails.
i used to go bike riding fairly often, the two of us....we have those hybrid bikes, i think mine is a specialized. love it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Obi's promotional postcards:
yes, mr. dream and i used to go biking a LOT....just about every week during the nicer weather. dunno why exactly i stopped. then he got heavily into mountain biking, off road, rough terrain stuff....not my thing. then he stopped for a long while himself. he *just* really got back into it again this year. i think b/c he now finally has weekends off so he can go with friends.
i like paved bike trails, or at least gravel, soft dirt.......no riding over treetrunks for me.
and i've seen those postcards before? you must've sent em and/or posted em at another time.
as for biking...next time eh?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I always feel like walking is much better exercise...but so many people, including people here, seem to feel the opposite.
Either one could be better than the other, it just depends on how much intensity you put into it.
I would probably choose biking over walking anyway, mostly because I'd have more options as far as where I could go. If I can get there quicker on bike, then I'd be more likely to go.
The other reason I'd bike is because you can't ride a wheelie when you're walking
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whew..that is a purrdy bike. carbon fiber frame...dang.
yup, got it on sale too. $300 off.
i couldn't ride a bike like that - i take mine everywhere ... sure to get stolen!!
haha yeah, well that's why I have two bikes. the carbon one lives inside and only goes for long rides. It was kind of superfluous purchase, but really I'll have it for the rest of my life. I did a little sprint triathlon last year and I was way ahead of people after the swim, but they all blew past me on road bikes as I'm pedaling my ass off on my hybrid. that's what put the idea in my head originally.
Well...that is until you start playfully comparing TCT carbon to OCLV carbon. Your bike is TCT carbon, which is slightly heavier than OCLV carbon, which is what Lance's bike was made from.
Then you'll be saying to yourself, "Well, my bike is still in pretty good in condition, and I did buy it at a discount. I might be able to sell it, and then just fork over the difference to upgrade."
The best part of cycling (besides getting all the good parking spaces)?
You get to know your neighborhood/city more intimately than you would in a car: you know where all the potholes are, where the mean dogs are, where the nice dogs are, where the streets are lined with jacaranda, where the streets are well lit and where they are not...
Living in Southern California, I sometimes feel like it's 1520 C.E. and to convince Angelinos that the car isn't the center of the universe would be a task of Copernican proportions.
Yet every time I feel that way, I am undoubtedly moments away from peddling by a fellow cyclist who gives me that knowing nod of the head and half-wave from the hand brake, and I know that I'm not crazy for thinking the world is round and I'd rather be on a bike.
Thanks for the thread...ride on.
"He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that." -- John Stuart Mill
"Mongo just a pawn in game of life." -- Mongo