I love bikes

I just love them. I love going into a bike store and looking at all the different types. I always wish I had a use for some kind of flashy-painted cruiser. Actually, I'd have all sorts of bikes if I could. I love riding a bike. it just feels very independent- when I was a kid and I went off on my bike it was huge release and I still feel that way sometimes! I love the bike guys I pull up next to at lights, they're always cute. I love bungie cords and helmets and bike lights.
are there any other bike people?
P.S. I'm talking bicycles, not motorcycles.
are there any other bike people?
P.S. I'm talking bicycles, not motorcycles.
Post edited by Unknown User on
lol, I think we're talking about different kinds of bikes!
Never had a motorcycle but I think they're cool!
I've been having some *chain* issues with both my bikes, both pretty new. The first nice day of the spring I took my road bike out, bought it last fall and rode it maybe 5-10 times before winter. I get down the block and all of a sudden my bike comes to a screeching halt. the chain had come off and wedged itself between the front gears-it was a mess, completely tangled up. I couldn't get it out so I took it to the bike shop- once they got it (took 3 mechanics in the shop) out they discovered the chain was actually broken, had to buy a new one, a fun $60. I was kind of perturbed.
today, I'm riding into work, on Mass ave (very busy street) on my hybridy thing, and the chain just pops right off. I hadn't even shifted, I was just riding along on flat ground. I had a hard time getting it back on too as it somehow went on the outside of the front gears- very weird. came into work all greasy. this is a new bike too- maybe that's why, it hasn't been like broken in yet.
Total bike guy. I may be an environmental nut job but I try to walk the talk as much as possible. My office just moved and now I bike 36 blocks along the greenbelt path next to the river that runs right through Boise. I see wildlife almost every day (eagles, minks, foxes, bums, etc.)
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But I do love a long bike ride. Lately it's just my commute to and from work ...
cool! not too much wildlife on my route...
I've always been a huge walker, but I'm trying to become more of a bike person. after my old commuting bike got stolen last spring it set me back until a few weeks ago when I could afford a new one (I made the mistake of buying a fancy-schmancy road bike instead of a commuter last fall, should have bought the commuter first). I think the biggest problem I have with taking a bike *everywhere* is clothing. I don't like to ride in my jeans and stuff too much because I've learned in the past it destroys clothes, so I usually just ride to work and stuff where I can change or to places where I can wear pants with paint and grease on them.
I got them at the same shop, but they are not the same brand. one is a trek and the other is a gary fisher. It's really a GREAT bike shop though, I'd be surprised if a mechanic there screwed it up. Just chains though at least, not too much of a big deal.
the fisher though, which I bought a few weeks ago, always sounded crunchy, even when I test drove it. I told the mechanic too to check the chain and gears. now that the chain came off and I put it back on though, it sounds better...
we are talking about pedal type bikes.
i would say that isn't normal ... hopefully, it's fixed itself ...
yeah it is a wee bit strange the more I think about it.
I was having a similar "issue" and they had to re-do my bottom bracket. All's well now. Frustrating as shit at the time. But it's worth being able to ride a well oilied machine.
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— Unknown
I give you props for mt biking. I'm terrified of the whole concept!
it was funny ... dude was like "do you use your middle or bottom ring?" ... i was like nope ... big ring only ... i change between 1 or 2 gears usually ...
Same here. Not much need to do much shifting on my commute. It's more of a work out as well.
I keep it on the middle ring, less chance of accidentally crunching it. then I usually just shift between the hardest back gears. it's like completely flat around here. When I lived in raleigh-durham I used a lot more gears I think, but still kept the front on the middle. I hate shifting the front gears, causes more problems than it's worth.
oh as for a work out- I am with you, I enjoy pushing on harder gears, but apparently that is not the correct way to ride a bike, even from an exercise standpoint. Apparently you're supposed to spin more.
I love Felt bikes!
Sweet THANK YOU!!! I am going to get my old bike up to shape now. I think I will try going to the Morton Arboritum (sp) in a couple of weeks to try it out, Thanks to this thread. I need more excercise. I keep telling my GF she's a cubby chaser now since I gained weight. This will help.
Good, I don't have to legally wear a helmet. Not that I would anyway. I reserve the right to give my noggin' a floggin' anytime I want. Hell, if I survived my childhood without wearing a helmet, I can't see much use for one now..
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Great logic.
I always wear a helmet unless I'm just going down some quiet side streets, but that usually doesn't happen. The way I see it, when I was a kid I was riding my bike around the suburbs. Now I'm going up and down mass ave during rush hour. there's a lot more chance I'm going to get hit by a car, a bus, a car door, or a person (because for some reason, when people cross the street, they think "oh there is a bike coming, that's no problem, I'll cross now). I am quite peeved that my trek helmet I loved broke and now I have this bell that I'm not quite thrilled with.
oo I like the cruisers they have. I need to move to a beach town just so I can ride around on a cruiser in my flip flops.
cool, some of those "cafe" cruisers have the rack built right into the frame...that's really interesting!
this is the bike I get around on. it's all black and very boring looking. I should have put more effort into getting a cute bike
Yeah, like I said, my biking commute is easy breezy Japaneezy (on a bike path next to the river and totally removed from traffic). If I did wear a helmet, I would wear a football helmet just for the looks I'd get...
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In 2002 I biked across ireland with an REI group- we had to sign a waiver that we'd never get on a bike without a helmet. Like we had to put on a helmet to ride the bike from one end of a driveway to another. it was a bit ridic.
I don't think people anywhere know how to share the road, even around here where there are tons of people on bikes!
Raleigh-durham was BAD though. it was scary as hell, students were always getting hit.