Paris Hilton will visit Rwanda



  • what has she done that is so foul that she deserves such hatred? she went to clubs, like every other college girl in this country. she had sex with guys, like every other college girl in the country. she got busted for drunk driving and did jail time (more jailtime, i might add, than i served for all THREE of my dui's combined). so she fucked up, again, like every other college kid who overdid it with booze at some point.

    where is this hidden, hideous evil i'm missing? i never said i see no foul. i said she's fucked up, but the only difference between her fuckups and everyone else's is hers are on tv.
    I used to dislike her a LOT... just cos I found her annoying and wouldn't want to go drinking with her or anything... but when that happened and people were laughing at her crying and wishing bad stuff on her, I found myself defending her.

    I suppose she's really just a product of the society that WE created... so who can complain about her? She does something like this and somebody posts straight away about how they're sick hearing about her :confused:
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • I'm willing to bet Ms. Hilton could not spell Rwanda...............

    i'm willing to bet she has trouble spelling her own name.
    Nice shirt.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    why are you getting so annoyed? He has a point... Jaysus, if I'd cameras following me around from 18 to 23 :eek: Paris would actually be quite the angel compared to me. Yeh she was stupid for letting yer man film them. But she handled it really well.

    I don't like her but I've a bit of a soft spot for her and I'm not sure why

    i do too. she doesn't deserve this kind of loathing is why. we have people like bin laden, dick cheney, and the president of iran out there. and this hatred is directed towards paris hilton? wtf? i saw once on camera where they read her some of the things people said about her on msg boards like this... things like "i wish she would die a horrible, slow death." that's just plain sick. i don't care what she's done. people like this get off on hating people like her becos 1) they're jealous and 2) it makes them feel smug. and it's sick and pathetic. she looked pretty upset, and i don't blame her. what has she done to deserve something like that? she didnt seem to be able to understand it, and neither do i.
  • what has she done that is so foul that she deserves such hatred? she went to clubs, like every other college girl in this country. she had sex with guys, like every other college girl in the country. she got busted for drunk driving and did jail time (more jailtime, i might add, than i served for all THREE of my dui's combined). so she fucked up, again, like every other college kid who overdid it with booze at some point.

    where is this hidden, hideous evil i'm missing? i never said i see no foul. i said she's fucked up, but the only difference between her fuckups and everyone else's is hers are on tv.

    She's a fucking annoyance. Go away already Paris. We don't care. Stop soaking up so much attention. Sure she did things we all do in life, but for fuck's sake, stop needing to put your pouty face all over the media. She's famous for being famous. She's done nothing positive towards society. Typical of most of these heiress' around the globe. My hatred spews out because I am so sick of hearing about her. Soon as I open the paper, I see about her Rwanda bullshit. 2 months ago she's in jail and all over the media. As much as I've started a thread on here about her, as contradictory as this is going to sound, I don't give a flying shit about her. There are so many more people in this world that need attention other than that dimwitted asshole.
  • She's a fucking annoyance. Go away already Paris. We don't care. Stop soaking up so much attention. Sure she did things we all do in life, but for fuck's sake, stop needing to put your pouty face all over the media. She's famous for being famous. She's done nothing positive towards society. Typical of most of these heiress' around the globe. My hatred spews out because I am so sick of hearing about her. Soon as I open the paper, I see about her Rwanda bullshit. 2 months ago she's in jail and all over the media. As much as I've started a thread on here about her, as contradictory as this is going to sound, I don't give a flying shit about her. There are so many more people in this world that need attention other than that dimwitted asshole.

    but would you kick her out of bed.
    assuming you could get her into it.
    I've never met Ed,never shook his hand, talked to him or had my picture taken with him.
    But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  • 15 minutes wrote:
    but would you kick her out of bed.
    assuming you could get her into it.

    Ha ha ha!! I'd rather do Lindsay!
  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    She's a media whore. She loves attention. She loves the spot light. Of course she's not going to throw a fit. She wants her face everywhere. Conceited people are like that.

    And you're just giving her more attention....

    Nice sig... looking for alittle attention yourself?????
    This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.


    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • She's a fucking annoyance. Go away already Paris. We don't care. Stop soaking up so much attention. Sure she did things we all do in life, but for fuck's sake, stop needing to put your pouty face all over the media. She's famous for being famous. She's done nothing positive towards society. Typical of most of these heiress' around the globe. My hatred spews out because I am so sick of hearing about her. Soon as I open the paper, I see about her Rwanda bullshit. 2 months ago she's in jail and all over the media. As much as I've started a thread on here about her, as contradictory as this is going to sound, I don't give a flying shit about her. There are so many more people in this world that need attention other than that dimwitted asshole.
    I think you're blaming the wrong person... you need to blame the media.

    From what I can tell... she was pushed into the spotlight, no?
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • LEAVE PARIS ALONE I MEAN IT. I LOVE THAT GIRL. you people are lucky she looks so good and she lets you look at her. even though i think she's hot and all HOW THE HELL IS THAT GIRL GONNA SURVIVE RWANDA FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR? PRANCING AROUND IN HER JIMMY CHOO'S CARRYING HER CHI CHI IN HER LUIS V BAGS.
    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll ride the wave
    Where it takes me
    I'll hold the pain
    Release me
  • chromiam wrote:
    And you're just giving her more attention....

    Nice sig... looking for alittle attention yourself?????

    Oh you figured me out, I am an attention whore. How did you know??!! We are having a fun little pow wow about it on here this morning. Big deal.
  • I don't give a flying shit about her. There are so many more people in this world that need attention other than that dimwitted asshole.
    so why did you start this thread then? :confused:

    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • I think you're blaming the wrong person... you need to blame the media.

    From what I can tell... she was pushed into the spotlight, no?

    I agree with you 100%. It is us. We are infatuated with celebrities. There are shows on TV and magazines just dedicated to reporting what the celebrities are doing. But she really wasn't pused into it. She is a glutton, she's eating it all up. Where's her sister? She seems to stay pretty quiet.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    She's a fucking annoyance. Go away already Paris. We don't care. Stop soaking up so much attention. Sure she did things we all do in life, but for fuck's sake, stop needing to put your pouty face all over the media. She's famous for being famous. She's done nothing positive towards society. Typical of most of these heiress' around the globe. My hatred spews out because I am so sick of hearing about her. Soon as I open the paper, I see about her Rwanda bullshit. 2 months ago she's in jail and all over the media. As much as I've started a thread on here about her, as contradictory as this is going to sound, I don't give a flying shit about her. There are so many more people in this world that need attention other than that dimwitted asshole.

    she'll go away when you stop reading about her and posting about her and paying money to hear about her. hate the culture that produces celebrity worship, not her. you contradict yourself. why is she famous? becos people like her. she never did anything and she doesn't force herself on anyone. people just obsess about her and that's not her fault. all she has done was manage to handle a hugely embarrassing situation well and parlay it into a tv show that lampooned her image. sounds like a damn fine Pr/business sense to me. maybe she's done nothing yet, but she's 25. what the fuck have you done for society? give her a few years... i've a feeling she's going to be one hell of a businesswoman when she inherits daddy's empire.
  • I agree with you 100%. It is us. We are infatuated with celebrities. There are shows on TV and magazines just dedicated to reporting what the celebrities are doing. But she really wasn't pused into it. She is a glutton, she's eating it all up. Where's her sister? She seems to stay pretty quiet.
    Her sister didn't have some asshole release a sex tape and try to make a fortune off her name, did she?
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • so why did you start this thread then? :confused:


    Because I read the article in the newspaper and decided to start the thread about it. It angered me that this airheaded person is now standing out for world issues when I doubt she even knows where Rwanda is. I found a lot of irony with the story. So what better place to bring some discussion than the Message Pit. I got you all talking this morning, didn't I??!! :)
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Ha ha ha!! I'd rather do Lindsay!

    yeah, cos she's a model of class and contributions to society...
  • Because I read the article in the newspaper and decided to start the thread about it. It angered me that this airheaded person is now standing out for world issues when I doubt she even knows where Rwanda is. I found a lot of irony with the story. So what better place to bring some discussion than the Message Pit. I got you all talking this morning, didn't I??!! :)
    Yeh you did :) but we don't mind her... we don't mind her going to Rwanda.

    I'm also betting she's a lot more intelligent than she lets on or than people give her credit for.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • she'll go away when you stop reading about her and posting about her and paying money to hear about her.

    How can I stop reading about her, she's EVERYWHERE!!! I can't go get groceries without seeing magazines with her. I read the paper to read some local issues, NOT PARIS HILTON! Don't blame me. And trust me, I wouldn't pay a cent to to hear about her.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    chromiam wrote:
    And you're just giving her more attention....

    Nice sig... looking for alittle attention yourself?????

    good point... holy celebrity worship! have you washed your hand since, corduroyboy???
  • Yeh you did :) but we don't mind her... we don't mind her going to Rwanda.

    I don't mind her going either. I hope she never comes back. Fucking stay in Rwanda.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    I agree with you 100%. It is us. We are infatuated with celebrities. There are shows on TV and magazines just dedicated to reporting what the celebrities are doing. But she really wasn't pused into it. She is a glutton, she's eating it all up. Where's her sister? She seems to stay pretty quiet.

    she was? as i recall, no one knew her name until a private videotape was leaked onto the internet. she managed to turn it into quite a career, but that's only becos she's savvy. i don't think she was very happy about that tape surfacing, she just made the best of a bad situation.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    How can I stop reading about her, she's EVERYWHERE!!! I can't go get groceries without seeing magazines with her. I read the paper to read some local issues, NOT PARIS HILTON! Don't blame me. And trust me, I wouldn't pay a cent to to hear about her.

    then when you see the headline, you turn the page. very easy. as far as magazine covers... it must be very hard for you to have to stare at a sexy woman on a magazine cover for the 96 seconds you're in line at the grocery :rolleyes:

    this is reason enough to loathe her? i still have not seen you provide anything she has actually done as reason to hate her. only the fact that she's famous and you feel this is an outrageous miscarriage of justice that this young girl is rich, beautiful, AND famous.
  • I'm torn on what to think of Paris. On one hand, I think people are WAY too hard on her. Like you say , ss, she is young and just having fun…I think at that age, I'd have been in a lot more scandalous positions with a camera following me everywhere. But at the same time….I have to disagree that she didn't create the media circus. She absolutely did. You can't tell me that sex tape wasn't leaked intentionally. I was used to hype her reality show…which, btw, is the only thing she's ever done to gain fame. What has she done since that show went off the air? …she is 100% a product of the tabloids. She handles the paparazzi well, but if she didn't handle them well, she would be a nobody (well, a stinkin rich heiress nobody). I don't feel sorry for her, but I don't dislike her. She chose the spotlight as a way to gain fame and noteriety, so she has to deal with the pitfalls.

    From what I can see of her personality, I think she'd be a fun person to be around. I know a lot of girls that are like her (minus the millions) - hot and stupid…. sometimes they're the best company ;);)

    As far as going to Rwanda goes….we'll see what she does when she gets back. If this is the start of her life as a humanitarian, power to her. If she comes back and gets busted snorting coke with Britney's kids, then there's a good chance she did it for publicity. She did say she was going to start using her fame for good after she got out of jail…hopefully she is doing just that. Good on her
  • good point... holy celebrity worship! have you washed your hand since, corduroyboy???

    Ha ha ha, no I haven't. Not in a year. And my sig is with sarcasm if you me personally, you'd understand it. Because when I did meet Eddie, I wasn't like a 14 year old girl meeting Justin Timberlake. It was very down to earth and I didn't get all into the fact of meeting a celebrity.
  • she was? as i recall, no one knew her name until a private videotape was leaked onto the internet. she managed to turn it into quite a career, but that's only becos she's savvy. i don't think she was very happy about that tape surfacing, she just made the best of a bad situation.

    Sorry to say, we knew her name long before a porn tape of her came out.
  • Sorry to say, we knew her name long before a porn tape of her came out.

    man, as much as you deny it, you must follow the cult of celebrity fairly closely...I don't think many people knew who she was before that tape came out.
  • man, as much as you deny it, you must follow the cult of celebrity fairly closely...I don't think many people knew who she was before that tape came out.

    That tape only came out what, a year or so ago. The Paris Hilton fame has been out for a good 3+ years. I think as a byproduct of owning a TV and going to grocery stores, we are sucked into the cult of celebrity worship.
  • i hope they keep her there can they ? ,i would give her credit if she was taking a couple of planes loaded with medicine or food she has enough money to do that surely ......
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • That tape only came out what, a year or so ago. The Paris Hilton fame has been out for a good 3+ years. I think as a byproduct of owning a TV and going to grocery stores, we are sucked into the cult of celebrity worship.
    First I heard of her was the tape... a good 3+ years ago :p
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • i hope they keep her there can they ? ,i would give her credit if she was taking a couple of planes loaded with medicine or food she has enough money to do that surely ......
    I'm sure she'll bring a few kids home with her :D that's the 'in thing' these days, isn't it?
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
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