11/18/97 Oakland
07/13/98 Los Angeles
07/14/98 Los Angeles
10/31/99 Bridge School
10/28/00 San Bernardino
10/31/00 Mountain View
10/21/01 Bridge School
06/01/03 Mountain View
07/15/06 SF I
07/16/06 SF II
07/18/06 SF III
10/21/06 Bridge School
04/07/08 Berkeley
04/08/08 Berkeley
Sfunny, I supped a few Stella Artois earlier, very nice too.
I would love to see you guys taste British beer, or 'ale' as it's called. I imagine you may enjoy it, it's stark contrast to the beers like Stella, which we really call lager.
p.s. It's nothing like Guinness, that's not British. We call that type of beer a 'stout'.
boddingtons pub ale YUM, even in the can.
Dont really have a favorite, but I find myself buying heineken and sierra nevada more than any others. Brooklyn lager is good as is the magic hat (what could be better than a beer with eddie vedder)
My favourite ales: Newcastle Brown Ale (god, it's like caramel and peanuts :eek: ), Fursty Ferret, Bishop's Finger.
As far as lagers go, I'll drink most, even Stella if there's nothing else, but I actually enjoy Lech, Zywiec and some other polish ones.
As for special types, Guinness is awesome, not a huge fan of Hoegaarden... it's just a bit weird, and I had a scottish ale blended with scotch whiskey a few weeks ago that was very cool.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Alexander Keiths Red and Pale Ale are the two I drink most often. I won't pick a favourite of the two. They are on an equal plane.
“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies — ‘God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” - Kurt Vonnegut
mexico --> australia+ NZ --> eastern europe --> canada --> british isle's --> germany --> belgium --> USA
While i would like to give Belgium the #1 spot based on its knowledge and history. The US wins on its craft brewing ability. Founders, Three Floyds, Dogfish Head, Avery, Stone, Rogue, Alesmith, etc... brew up something great and new every year. Of course i have much love and respect for the trappists, fantome, De Dolle, Rodenbach, St. Sixtus, etc...
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Sfunny, I supped a few Stella Artois earlier, very nice too.
I would love to see you guys taste British beer, or 'ale' as it's called. I imagine you may enjoy it, it's stark contrast to the beers like Stella, which we really call lager.
p.s. It's nothing like Guinness, that's not British. We call that type of beer a 'stout'.
Fullers ESB. My favorite English beer. It's not an ale but sweet Lord it's good. I get it every time I go to the British pub. I'm also still a big fan of Newcastle.
Ayinger might be the best brewery in Germany. Have you had the Doppelbock? It'll knock you on your ass, in a good way. Their hefeweizen is the tops too.
when I'm drinking beer to get drunk I either go with Bud Light or Busch Light as the beers above are too heavy sitting to want to get drunk off of them....
when I'm drinking beer to get drunk I either go with Bud Light or Busch Light as the beers above are too heavy sitting to want to get drunk off of them....
Why not take shots of Vodka and chase it with soda water? It's quicker and probably tastes better. Sorry I couldn't resist.
mexico --> australia+ NZ --> eastern europe --> canada --> british isle's --> germany --> belgium --> USA
While i would like to give Belgium the #1 spot based on its knowledge and history. The US wins on its craft brewing ability. Founders, Three Floyds, Dogfish Head, Avery, Stone, Rogue, Alesmith, etc... brew up something great and new every year. Of course i have much love and respect for the trappists, fantome, De Dolle, Rodenbach, St. Sixtus, etc...
man, this world loves beer
Mexico #1? Wow. I'd have to place any Czech beer well ahead of Mexico. They do it right over there. But living on the west coast I do miss JW Dundee's Honey Brown...
Van 92.07.21 / Van 98.07.19 / Sea 98.07.22 / Tor 98.08.22 / Sea 00.11.06 / Van 03.05.30/ Van 05.09.02/ Gorge 06.07.22 & 23 / EV Van 08.04.02 / Tor 09.08.21 / Sea 09.09.21 & 22 / Van 09.09.25 / Van 11.09.25 / Van 13.12.04 / Pem 16.07.17 / Sea 18.08.10
O dierbaar België, O heilig land der Vaad'ren...
naděje umírá poslední
11/18/97 Oakland
07/13/98 Los Angeles
07/14/98 Los Angeles
10/31/99 Bridge School
10/28/00 San Bernardino
10/31/00 Mountain View
10/21/01 Bridge School
06/01/03 Mountain View
07/15/06 SF I
07/16/06 SF II
07/18/06 SF III
10/21/06 Bridge School
04/07/08 Berkeley
04/08/08 Berkeley
boddingtons pub ale YUM, even in the can.
Dont really have a favorite, but I find myself buying heineken and sierra nevada more than any others. Brooklyn lager is good as is the magic hat (what could be better than a beer with eddie vedder)
My favourite ales: Newcastle Brown Ale (god, it's like caramel and peanuts :eek:
As far as lagers go, I'll drink most, even Stella if there's nothing else, but I actually enjoy Lech, Zywiec and some other polish ones.
As for special types, Guinness is awesome, not a huge fan of Hoegaarden... it's just a bit weird, and I had a scottish ale blended with scotch whiskey a few weeks ago that was very cool.
mexico --> australia+ NZ --> eastern europe --> canada --> british isle's --> germany --> belgium --> USA
While i would like to give Belgium the #1 spot based on its knowledge and history. The US wins on its craft brewing ability. Founders, Three Floyds, Dogfish Head, Avery, Stone, Rogue, Alesmith, etc... brew up something great and new every year. Of course i have much love and respect for the trappists, fantome, De Dolle, Rodenbach, St. Sixtus, etc...
man, this world loves beer
bloody good whiskies goin into that beer!
mexico top? madness
and scotland has some crackin ales that beat many other countries.:) we demand a separate placing!
Great Lakes Burning River Pale Ale
Bells Two Hearted Ale
Stone Ruination
Great Divide Hercules IIPA
Bells Hopslam
9. Hamm's
8. Bud Light
7. Miller Lite
6. Coors (any type)
5. Stag
4. Natty Ice
3. Ice House
2. Steel Reserve
1. Camo
Fullers ESB. My favorite English beer. It's not an ale but sweet Lord it's good. I get it every time I go to the British pub. I'm also still a big fan of Newcastle.
Ayinger might be the best brewery in Germany. Have you had the Doppelbock? It'll knock you on your ass, in a good way. Their hefeweizen is the tops too.
Rolling Rock
when I'm drinking beer to get drunk I either go with Bud Light or Busch Light as the beers above are too heavy sitting to want to get drunk off of them....
Why not take shots of Vodka and chase it with soda water? It's quicker and probably tastes better. Sorry I couldn't resist.
but, I drink beer to get drunk for things like tailgating, and that's when the Bud Light or Busch Light gets bought
and vodka is the nastiest shit on this planet
My favorite domestic Canadian brew is Kokanne.
My favorite domestic US brew is Redhook ESB or Alaska Amber
Mexico #1? Wow. I'd have to place any Czech beer well ahead of Mexico. They do it right over there. But living on the west coast I do miss JW Dundee's Honey Brown...
Gambling=a taxation on stupidity.
Remember, you can walk anywhere, as long as you have the time.
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
you talked me into it.
the Kilt Lifter aint half bad either...