Marriage Counseling
Steve Dunne
Posts: 4,965
Anyone ever go through this? I'm spent.
I love to turn you on
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I made the mistake of allowing my ex to choose someone and the type of therapist she was made it difficult for me (and for her) communicate.
I think this scene will cheer you up.... "build a tree of trust".
No experience with counseling, but common sense should prevail at all costs, some counselors can be great, but some can be the opposite, just be sure you're getting help and not more headaches from the experience if you do it.
To sum up the 2 day session:
Session1: The bashing of me
(According to my wife) I need to abandon "my side" of our family, Our kids grandparents (my side only) don't need to be at their grandkids kids birthday parties or take them places. My parents need to stop calling our house (probably called once a week to say hello, etc). My mother is Satan on earth......etc
- I agree I need to be there for my wife more and tell my parents to cool it with the interfering of our family and will try to be a better husband. (it is agreed that I am a kickass father)
Session2: What can my wife do to help
Nothing, She is doing everything right and perfect in every way(according to my wife). The counselor noted that she herself is a grandmother and loves her grangchildren and that its nice to have that factor in their lives. My wife argues and basically tells her to bud out. The counselor gave me a "damnnn" kind of look...and we are done.
Good luck man!
BD thanks for the advice...
love the 'old school' bit - forgotten about that!!!
anyone else?
but good luck stevie
yes you are! like me! you're a whalers fan!
(i didn't see your reply when i posted - thanks for sharing...)
It was a waste of my time. But if you are both in it for the right reasons and are both willing to be honest then I think that it could work.
My wife and I haven't spoke in a week. Wanna know why? (I'll tell you anyway)
I was cooking some steaks on the grill and doing some side work in the basement at the same time. We were outside with the kids playing I ran in to replace a keyboard on a laptop and it took a little longer than expected and she starts yelling for me to hurry up and get back outside after I said I'll be out in a minute. I snapped back "OK, quit screaming at me" Her attitude starts and decides she isn't talking to me. She then tells my daughter to tell my son to bring the baby upstairs. ( I am holding the baby) so I mocked her (yeah I know) which fueled a hateful tirade of an email to me at work and here we are.
A quote from the movie The Money Pit : "As long as the foundation is solid, everything else can be fixed. "
I truely hope you guys work things out and good luck if you decide with a counselor
no, according to her, I am the only husband that has parents and a brother.
haha....I get my counseling at the local bar
Steve: I say try can't hurt ...there may be things bothering her that she doesn't tell you and wants you to read her mind. These things may come out in counseling. Best of luck
Yea, this has been my experience. Early in my marriage we had some rough spots and went to 'the counselor'... somehow, I was always wrong and she was always justified. Then, whenever we argued, there was always the threat of 'calling in the counselor'. Man, I hated that... we eventually worked through it and stopped going, but it was NOT a fun experience.
I have to blow off my niece's Walk for Autism because I didn't want to put my kids through another fight. So I secretly donate time and cash to her team (making her posters etc)) I pretty much dread birthdays and events having to do with my side of the family.
Wanna go grab a beer (or 12) sometime?...haha
It just makes me sad that I have to choose between my wife and my extended family.
We (well more "she" but I agree with her) have discussed this already
...a lover and a fighter.
"I'm at least half a bum" Rocky Balboa
Edmonton, AB. September 5th, 2005
Vancouver, BC. April 3rd, 2008
Calgary,AB. August 8th, 2009
my mother isn't that bad and my bro's wife is more of a pain in the ass than evil but damn, I know exactly whre you are coming from.
agree...and doing this before the wedding is good advice. i laughed at the thought of pre-cana (sp?) and all that stuff, but it would have saved sooooo much aggrevation. it's not a cure, but every little bit helps. unless your fiancee is a bullshit artist.
That's crap. I do some marital counseling in my work and a good counselor knows enough not to side with either spouse - because the truth is, in a marriage it is never one person's fault. One person's problems may be more blatant (affair, drug abuse, etc.), but about 99% of the time that's because their spouse is doing/not doing something. The "blame" is equal.
And if a spouse feels they are being picked on the counselor isn't working hard enough.
Anyway, my advice is this: you can't change someone only influence them = you can only change yourself - if you are committed you'll try (same goes for the spouse).
I didn't feel like I was being picked on by the counselor at all, she was very helpful. My wife on the other hand....
edit: and, steve, of course i'm sorry to hear about the rough patch. hopefully you guys work through it in no time.
I would just like to say that as a shemale (:D) I am appalled that you are forced to choose between fights and drama OR doing things with your "side" of the family!
being a sister with brothers that are married I totally know what it is like to see my formerly AWESOME bro reduced to a Mervynized shell walking into the house with a sheepish grin and a poorly wrapped gift. BREAKS my FUCKING HEART. apologizing and making excuses for why their wives aren't there...or worse, not showing up because her family has a "thing"
Stevie, Mr.Merk, and PatB - goddammit I hope counseling works for you all...
but it kinda seems to me (here is some salt, sorry for it...but I kinda feel like I have to be honest) like most counseling follows bizarre "sitcom" logic. That is, Husband = dumb oaf, good for paying bills and 30- minute shenanigans...and Wife = long suffering settler, always right.
I did counseling with my current BF (we aren't married officially - but it's only from a distaste of religious dogma, and the lack of concern for legal/societal standards) and it made me feel like absolute SHIT...this counselor basically ripped my BF a total new one!
made me very aware that the reason I am with him is NOT to change him.
I don't want a khaki wearing dude that spends more time in the garage than with me...hiding from me and drinking beer.
so yeah...I wish you SO much luck - but I also HOPE that you stand your ground...
the last day of counseling I told my counselor (it was a man too!) "just because i have a vagina doesn't mean I am always right. when I am a bitch, he should be able to call me on it...this just isn't working for us. We are going to spend our counseling money on sex toys"
(the last part was kinda a joke - I wanted to shock this man)
Good luck...seriously!!