Top ten people who should have won an Oscar already but haven't
1. Johnny Depp
2. Al Pacino (Dog Day Afternoon, i know he got one for something else!)
3. Boom!!
4. the Italian football team
5. Lindsay Lohan
6. Chuck Norris
7. David Hasslehoff
8. Billy Mays
9. Cheech Marinos (From Dusk 'til Dawn)
10. the murderer on Ziggy's short horror film, seriously
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
Let me tell you a story about a stupid person I know (a friend's girlfriend). She said to me "You'd think that Australia would be sooo much more advanced in technology than America". Puzzled, I asked "Why?" She said "Because we're actually a day ahead of them and if you added up all those extra days that's like heaps of days that we've had more than America so you'd think that we'd be heaps in front of them".
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
Let me tell you a story about a stupid person I know (a friend's girlfriend). She said to me "You'd think that Australia would be sooo much more advanced in technology than America". Puzzled, I asked "Why?" She said "Because we're actually a day ahead of them and if you added up all those extra days that's like heaps of days that we've had more than America so you'd think that we'd be heaps in front of them".
That, my friends, is STUPID!
my reaction:
*laughing out loud 'ooooh fuck'
that's pretty shocking
Top 10 things that really gets your goat
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.)
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
1. Slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
8. American talk shows
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
1. Slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
8. American talk shows
9. The female goat next male goat just can't resist her...little slut!
9. The female goat next male goat just can't resist her...little slut!
Haha. I was going to post "I don't have a goat" but thought that would be stupid.
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
1. Slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
8. American talk shows
9. The female goat next male goat just can't resist her...little slut!
10. People that reply as the 10th person on top 10 lists then run and bail on a new topic, bastards
1. Slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
8. American talk shows
9. The female goat next male goat just can't resist her...little slut!
10. People that reply as the 10th person on top 10 lists then run and bail on a new topic, bastards
Stella, get your arse over here now!!!
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
isnt it strange, that when whingeing about things that "get our goat", it turns into a really long novel, but when listing top things that make us happy...its not as long.
We love to whinge, let it be said.
Oh, and I only just got Zigs "goat" joke.
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
Top 10 Bands That Are Better Than Pearl Jam:
(somebody has to start this, and i have the guts to do so. )
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who (i don't know about this one to be honest but i'm sure Eddie would say so )
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
6. Creed
scratching my butt...
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who (i don't know about this one to be honest but i'm sure Eddie would say so )
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
6. Creed
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who (i don't know about this one to be honest but i'm sure Eddie would say so )
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
6. Creed
8. Nickelback
scratching my butt...
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
6. Creed
8. Nickelback
9. Good Charlotte
Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006; Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024
1. Johnny Depp
2. Al Pacino (Dog Day Afternoon, i know he got one for something else!)
3. Boom!!
4. the Italian football team
5. Lindsay Lohan
6. Chuck Norris
7. David Hasslehoff
8. Billy Mays
9. Cheech Marinos (From Dusk 'til Dawn)
10. the murderer on Ziggy's short horror film, seriously
ha ha ha
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
but her posts suck
Bullshit...her posts are awesome fact, she's just awesome all over....and don't even start on her top ten lists! Even more Fucking AWESOME!!
Ahhh....let's all just stop to think about how awesome she is....a moment's silence please.....
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
Let me tell you a story about a stupid person I know (a friend's girlfriend). She said to me "You'd think that Australia would be sooo much more advanced in technology than America". Puzzled, I asked "Why?" She said "Because we're actually a day ahead of them and if you added up all those extra days that's like heaps of days that we've had more than America so you'd think that we'd be heaps in front of them".
That, my friends, is STUPID!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
my reaction:
*laughing out loud 'ooooh fuck'
that's pretty shocking
Top 10 things that really gets your goat
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.)
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
1. slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
1. Slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
8. American talk shows
1. Slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
8. American talk shows
9. The female goat next male goat just can't resist her...little slut!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Haha. I was going to post "I don't have a goat" but thought that would be stupid.
1. Slow walkers. i cannot stress this enough
2. Stupid people
3. People that hog the centre of supermarket aisles
4. People who are in a turning lane where the green arrow doesn't stay on very long and when the arrow finally turns green they aren't paying attention and don't start driving straight away and leave a MASSIVE gap between them and the car in front of them....and they finally speed off at the very end and make it through the amber light while you get caught at the red light in the hot sun burning to a crisp. Happened to me today.
5. Chicks waltzing around at clubs and pubs in the middle of the night, in freezing weather, wearing the most pathetic excuse for clothing, and quite obviously suffering from hypothermia - just so they can look like sluts. (true story, not that long ago, I overheard a female wearing strips of cloth outside a pub, complaining about how cold she was. I was wearing a hooded jumper and jeans, and I was freezing. She looked like someone off Jerry Springer.
6. People who make proclamations without thinking about the consequences of said actions
7. People who don't get the hint and won't stop talking when obviously you're trying to pay attention to something else. If I'm reading a textbook don't come up to me and give me a detailed account of how/why you didn't study and don't know what you're doing. FUCK OFF. :mad: People who talk to much in general.
8. American talk shows
9. The female goat next male goat just can't resist her...little slut!
10. People that reply as the 10th person on top 10 lists then run and bail on a new topic, bastards
Stella, get your arse over here now!!!
We love to whinge, let it be said.
Oh, and I only just got Zigs "goat" joke.
(somebody has to start this, and i have the guts to do so.
1- Pink Floyd
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
(somebody has to start this, and i have the guts to do so.
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who
(somebody has to start this, and i have the guts to do so. )
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who
3. ZEPPELIN!!!!!
"The world fascinates me."
"Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who (i don't know about this one to be honest but i'm sure Eddie would say so
4. The Beatles
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who (i don't know about this one to be honest but i'm sure Eddie would say so
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
this is not a secret anymore jen....:D
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who (i don't know about this one to be honest but i'm sure Eddie would say so
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
6. Creed
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who (i don't know about this one to be honest but i'm sure Eddie would say so
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
6. Creed
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who (i don't know about this one to be honest but i'm sure Eddie would say so
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
6. Creed
8. Nickelback
kinakamot ang aking puwit...
me rascando pompis...
krap mijn reet...
boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
bahrosh teezy...
1. Pink Floyd
2. The Who
4. The Beatles
5. Backstreet Boys
6. Creed
8. Nickelback
9. Good Charlotte