The Top 10 Game



  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926

    1. Because E.K said so
    2. So did Jen (fucked topic EK - this one will be lucky to finish)
    3. Because he has the firmest bum on the message pit :eek: :p
    4. So that jen can have an easy time pooping on her diapers.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    suns rival wrote:

    1. Because E.K said so
    2. So did Jen (fucked topic EK - this one will be lucky to finish)
    3. Because he has the firmest bum on the message pit :eek: :p
    4. So that jen can have an easy time pooping on her diapers.

    SUNS that is a secret!!!! :mad: :o
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578

    1. Because E.K said so
    2. So did Jen (fucked topic EK - this one will be lucky to finish)
    3. Because he has the firmest bum on the message pit :eek: :p
    4. So that jen can have an easy time pooping on her diapers.
    5. Because, like, OMG like, he totally, like could start a really good topic, like, because you know, like, his favorite word is "like" you know what I mean, like kinda sorta yeah?
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    SUNS that is a secret!!!! :mad: :o

    :eek: oops, sorry. ;)
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • E.KE.K New South Wales, Australia Posts: 7,726

    1. Because E.K said so
    2. So did Jen (fucked topic EK - this one will be lucky to finish)
    3. Because he has the firmest bum on the message pit :eek: :p
    4. So that jen can have an easy time pooping on her diapers.
    5. Because, like, OMG like, he totally, like could start a really good topic, like, because you know, like, his favorite word is "like" you know what I mean, like kinda sorta yeah?
    6. Because he bludges at work all day and has nothing better to do. ;)
    Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006;  Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024

  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    1. Because E.K said so
    2. So did Jen (fucked topic EK - this one will be lucky to finish)
    3. Because he has the firmest bum on the message pit
    4. So that jen can have an easy time pooping on her diapers.
    5. Because, like, OMG like, he totally, like could start a really good topic, like, because you know, like, his favorite word is "like" you know what I mean, like kinda sorta yeah?
    6. Because he bludges at work all day and has nothing better to do.
    7. Because he is intelligent and funny and would have come up with a better topic than this (am I talking about myself here) :D
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328

    1. Because E.K said so
    2. So did Jen (fucked topic EK - this one will be lucky to finish)
    3. Because he has the firmest bum on the message pit
    4. So that jen can have an easy time pooping on her diapers.
    5. Because, like, OMG like, he totally, like could start a really good topic, like, because you know, like, his favorite word is "like" you know what I mean, like kinda sorta yeah?
    6. Because he bludges at work all day and has nothing better to do.
    7. Because he is intelligent and funny and would have come up with a better topic than this (am I talking about myself here) :D
    8. Because DonJon is well hung! Aren't you, big boy?
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • zenithzenith Posts: 3,191

    1. Because E.K said so
    2. So did Jen (fucked topic EK - this one will be lucky to finish)
    3. Because he has the firmest bum on the message pit
    4. So that jen can have an easy time pooping on her diapers.
    5. Because, like, OMG like, he totally, like could start a really good topic, like, because you know, like, his favorite word is "like" you know what I mean, like kinda sorta yeah?
    6. Because he bludges at work all day and has nothing better to do.
    7. Because he is intelligent and funny and would have come up with a better topic than this (am I talking about myself here) :D
    8. Because DonJon is well hung! Aren't you, big boy?
    9. ummmm ... because he was told to ... and he always follows orders
    impatience is a gift ........
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646

    1. Because E.K said so
    2. So did Jen (fucked topic EK - this one will be lucky to finish)
    3. Because he has the firmest bum on the message pit
    4. So that jen can have an easy time pooping on her diapers.
    5. Because, like, OMG like, he totally, like could start a really good topic, like, because you know, like, his favorite word is "like" you know what I mean, like kinda sorta yeah?
    6. Because he bludges at work all day and has nothing better to do.
    7. Because he is intelligent and funny and would have come up with a better topic than this (am I talking about myself here) :D
    8. Because DonJon is well hung! Aren't you, big boy?
    9. ummmm ... because he was told to ... and he always follows orders
    10. cos he smells of llama puke
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • zenithzenith Posts: 3,191
    does everyone understand the concept of this game??? #10 poster gets the new topic...

    dunkman ....

    *taps foot*

    impatience is a gift ........
  • yellowled24yellowled24 Posts: 3,118
    Ill start it, seeing as though Dunk would prolly be pulling back a pint at the mo :D

    Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    3. My boogie collection on my computer screen :eek:
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    3. My boogie collection on my computer screen
    4. Using the post on your earring for picking something out of your teeth...fucking nasty
    "The ASSHOLE"

    "The world fascinates me."

    "Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"

  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    3. My boogie collection on my computer screen
    4. Using the post on your earring for picking something out of your teeth...fucking nasty
    5. Tapping the top of my drink cans twice before opening them....

    ****some of these are really really gross...especially no 4****
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    3. My boogie collection on my computer screen
    4. Using the post on your earring for picking something out of your teeth...fucking nasty
    5. Tapping the top of my drink cans twice before opening them....
    6. Sticking my hands under my armpits and then smelling them
  • E.KE.K New South Wales, Australia Posts: 7,726
    Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    3. My boogie collection on my computer screen
    4. Using the post on your earring for picking something out of your teeth...fucking nasty
    5. Tapping the top of my drink cans twice before opening them....
    6. Sticking my hands under my armpits and then smelling them
    6. Flossing my teeth with my hair ;)
    Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006;  Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024

  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    3. My boogie collection on my computer screen
    4. Using the post on your earring for picking something out of your teeth...fucking nasty
    5. Tapping the top of my drink cans twice before opening them....
    6. Sticking my hands under my armpits and then smelling them
    7. Flossing my teeth with my hair ;)
    8. i always blow on ice-cream, as if its hot.. :confused:

    sorry i didnt pick a subject last time.. oops :o
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    3. My boogie collection on my computer screen
    4. Using the post on your earring for picking something out of your teeth...fucking nasty
    5. Tapping the top of my drink cans twice before opening them....
    6. Sticking my hands under my armpits and then smelling them
    7. Flossing my teeth with my hair
    8. i always blow on ice-cream, as if its hot..
    9. I smell all my food before I eat it
    "The ASSHOLE"

    "The world fascinates me."

    "Doesn't mean that much to me, to mean that much to you"

  • yellowled24yellowled24 Posts: 3,118
    Top Ten Weirdest Habits:

    1. Picking whiskers out with tweezers (my step dad does this, its fucking gross)
    2. Scratching their own butt.
    3. My boogie collection on my computer screen
    4. Using the post on your earring for picking something out of your teeth...fucking nasty
    5. Tapping the top of my drink cans twice before opening them....
    6. Sticking my hands under my armpits and then smelling them
    7. Flossing my teeth with my hair
    8. i always blow on ice-cream, as if its hot..
    9. I smell all my food before I eat it
    10. Finding only about 3 of these habits weird, due to the fact that I do about 7 of them :eek:

    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
  • FifthelementFifthelement Lotusland Posts: 6,963
    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    3. Hallowe'en
    "What the CANUCK happened?!? - Esquimalt Barber Shop
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    3. Hallowe'en
    4. Movie Extras (and everyone just rocks up wearing what they want! I hate fancy dress parties)
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • E.KE.K New South Wales, Australia Posts: 7,726
    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    3. Hallowe'en
    4. Movie Extras (and everyone just rocks up wearing what they want! I hate fancy dress parties)
    5. Something starting with a certain letter of the alphabet
    Sydney, Australia - March 12, 1998; Sydney, Australia - February 14, 2003; Sydney, Australia - November 8, 2006; Sydney, Australia - November 25, 2006;  Brisbane, Australia - November, 2009; Gold Coast, Australia - January, 2014, Gold Coast, Australia - November 2024

  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    3. Hallowe'en
    4. Movie Extras (and everyone just rocks up wearing what they want! I hate fancy dress parties)
    5. Something starting with a certain letter of the alphabet
    6. Super Hero
  • yellowled24yellowled24 Posts: 3,118
    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    3. Hallowe'en
    4. Movie Extras (and everyone just rocks up wearing what they want! I hate fancy dress parties)
    5. Something starting with a certain letter of the alphabet
    6. Super Hero
    7. Your favourite contraceptive
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    3. Hallowe'en
    4. Movie Extras (and everyone just rocks up wearing what they want! I hate fancy dress parties)
    5. Something starting with a certain letter of the alphabet
    6. Super Hero
    7. Your favourite contraceptive
    8. Toga party - no underwear allowed
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    3. Hallowe'en
    4. Movie Extras (and everyone just rocks up wearing what they want! I hate fancy dress parties)
    5. Something starting with a certain letter of the alphabet
    6. Super Hero
    7. Your favourite contraceptive
    8. Toga party - no underwear allowed
    9. Canadian Hockey Players
  • Top 10 Themes for a Dress-up Party

    1. 80's
    2. children's party
    3. Hallowe'en
    4. Movie Extras (and everyone just rocks up wearing what they want! I hate fancy dress parties)
    5. Something starting with a certain letter of the alphabet
    6. Super Hero
    7. Your favourite contraceptive
    8. Toga party - no underwear allowed
    9. Canadian Hockey Players
    10.American Serial Killers

  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    10.American Serial Killers

    Don't forget it is your turn to start a new topic :)
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