see when you have a reason its fine, too much stuff to carry you need a car, youre not driving for the sake of driving or because youre too lazy.
but i DID do it b/c i was lazy too!
i did it even on days i didn't have shit to cart back and forth...mostly b/c i far preferred sleeping later. i love my sleep, especially in the mornings. so my main 'reason' was extra sleep!
I walk to and from the train station (almost one mile)
and we only own one car, despite having two kids
may have to change that once they get older though
whomever comes out with a hybrid mini van will make a killing!
when you commute to the city, i truly see no reason to have 2 cars. that said, we do have 2 cars...only b/c we already owned em. my car is 13 years old but under 70K mileage...and so cheap to insure. when it finally kicks it, that's it...we'll be a 1 car household. now that we both work in manhattan and have the same days off, there really is no reason to have 2. i think even with kids, it's unnecessary. the only reason to have 2 cars imo is if you both commute by car...and even then, it isn't absolutely nrecessary depending on your circumstances. i hope we both work in the city long-term or at the very least, always maintain - finally! - the same days/weekends off.....and it will be bliss! hubby bought a brand new versa last year - before the job location change - so we have a practially brand-new car in the garage and use my car the most.
until each needs to be in two, non-walkable places at once
figure Ive got about two more years
this is when you pool resources with other parents, swap kids/rides!
seriously, i think back to my own childhood....3 children, one station wagon, one 1,200 sq ft home.....and we were comfortable, happy, lacking nothing. it is unreal what is 'necessary' today. btw - not singling you out ....just sayin'. i remember thinking much the same back when i taught, seeing my nephews grow up, neighbors, cousins, etc.
hahaha, thats the worst argument i've ever heard.
like saying, i've lost both my legs i might as well just cut off my fingers as well.
and i am concerned about who is dumping what in my drinking water - but why make it worse? and ps, its not just an environmental thing... if you are an able bodied person that cannot walk one block without taking your car then the only thing you and your standards represent is a sad fucking state that our society is coming to.
Well if they all anger you equally.........why not start a thread covering it all.....instead you choose to attack a very small portion of people.......I don't understand it.........
in all honesty I think some you people really do come on here and complain.........about a certain group of people.........and never fail to mention about how you don't engage in such behavior...........I really do think you people inflate your own egos over it........
I know i can't be the only who has seen this time and time again.........but I'm probably the only one in this thread.........
my brother bought a new Yaris, and sold his 98 corolla to my mom... my mom thought about buying a brand new car and she said she was going to give me the corolla... but i refused and convinced her not to buy a new car.
why? for one, the corolla runs perfectly why buy another car.
and for me? i don't need a car.... i have a bus that goes directly from where i live/work to where my university is. from my university is a train that takes me downtown to vancouver if i want. i'm lucky enough to live near solid tranist lines who needs a car? besides, the uni i go to has a mandatory uPass that you have to buy, which is way cheaper than regular bus/train passes and gets me unlimited use everywhere.
besides, even without car payments, with the price of gas and insurance there's just no way i'd be able to afford to be that lazy.
i'm way cheaper than i am lazy!!
Well if they all anger you equally.........why not start a thread covering it all.....instead you choose to attack a very small portion of people.......I don't understand it.........
in all honesty I think some you people really do come on here and complain.........about a certain group of people.........and never fail to mention about how you don't engage in such behavior...........I really do think you people inflate your own egos over it........
I know i can't be the only who has seen this time and time again.........but I'm probably the only one in this thread.........
hahaha, wow.
because, i don't think i'm asking people to change every aspect of their life here. if you think that being annoyed by people who drive 2 blocks is an attack then you must be a very sensitive person.
these are tiny things that people can change.
here is an example:
i've worked in retail for some time now, some people will ask for extra plastic bags for 2 items that really don't need to be. one itme i had a lady even yell at me for taking the 2 things out of a larger bag and giving them to her in 2 smaller bags (cos they fit, duh?).
now, i'm not asking these people to carry their items out of the store with no bag (although i'm talking about childrens socks, baby onesies, pairs of jeans etc - by no means backbreaking things)... i'm asking them to be a little more conscientious ...why take 2 bags when you only need one?
hopefully you're not as ignorant as you are coming across as in your frivolous posts and can see my point here... i'm not saying you should hike 10 km to work, i'm saying maybe people should consider walking the block that they would have driven.
just think of all the small changes, EASY changes people can make... if everyone started thinking that way then at least we'd have a start. and once people with mindsets like yours change, then we can work on the bigger things - but we're not going to go anywhere with people who arent afraid to let their cars idle because they think it wont make a difference.
hahaha, wow.
because, i don't think i'm asking people to change every aspect of their life here. if you think that being annoyed by people who drive 2 blocks is an attack then you must be a very sensitive person.
these are tiny things that people can change.
here is an example:
i've worked in retail for some time now, some people will ask for extra plastic bags for 2 items that really don't need to be. one itme i had a lady even yell at me for taking the 2 things out of a larger bag and giving them to her in 2 smaller bags (cos they fit, duh?).
now, i'm not asking these people to carry their items out of the store with no bag (although i'm talking about childrens socks, baby onesies, pairs of jeans etc - by no means backbreaking things)... i'm asking them to be a little more conscientious ...why take 2 bags when you only need one?
hopefully you're not as ignorant as you are coming across as in your frivolous posts and can see my point here... i'm not saying you should hike 10 km to work, i'm saying maybe people should consider walking the block that they would have driven.
just think of all the small changes, EASY changes people can make... if everyone started thinking that way then at least we'd have a start. and once people with mindsets like yours change, then we can work on the bigger things - but we're not going to go anywhere with people who arent afraid to let their cars idle because they think it wont make a difference.
I'm having trouble understanding how someone having a different point of view makes them ignorant.........
Well if they all anger you equally.........why not start a thread covering it all.....instead you choose to attack a very small portion of people.......I don't understand it.........
in all honesty I think some you people really do come on here and complain.........about a certain group of people.........and never fail to mention about how you don't engage in such behavior...........I really do think you people inflate your own egos over it........
I know i can't be the only who has seen this time and time again.........but I'm probably the only one in this thread.........
did you even read her original post at all? not once did she attack anybody. all she did was gave examples of her best friend and her mother. she even included her brother in the examples. she didn't attack anybody, only don't understand why they need to drive all the time especially in walking distances.
you were the one who came in all high and mighty and told her to fuck off. :rolleyes:
did you even read her original post at all? not once did she attack anybody. all she did was gave examples of her best friend and her mother. she even included her brother in the examples. she didn't attack anybody, only don't understand why they need to drive all the time especially in walking distances.
you were the one who came in all high and mighty and told her to fuck off. :rolleyes:
did you even read her original post at all? not once did she attack anybody. all she did was gave examples of her best friend and her mother. she even included her brother in the examples. she didn't attack anybody, only don't understand why they need to drive all the time especially in walking distances.
you were the one who came in all high and mighty and told her to fuck off. :rolleyes:
Tell me that in Chicago in February when it's freezing and windy.
mmmmm CHICAGO! *dreams*
In january i was in milwaukee. I noticed a mall close to my hotel so i thought hmmm, im gonna take a walk over there. It was probably 100 feet away. I walked out of the hotel and got like ten feet and hadd to go back!!! My eyes were SOOOO watery and my lips were frozen and the wind was ICY and there was snow everywhere!!!! DRIVING WAS IN ORDER!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
mmmmm CHICAGO! *dreams*
In january i was in milwaukee. I noticed a mall close to my hotel so i thought hmmm, im gonna take a walk over there. It was probably 100 feet away. I walked out of the hotel and got like ten feet and hadd to go back!!! My eyes were SOOOO watery and my lips were frozen and the wind was ICY and there was snow everywhere!!!! DRIVING WAS IN ORDER!!!
It just takes some getting used to.........if you're not it's a shock
It just takes some getting used to.........if you're not it's a shock
True. I was gonna mention that i was un prepared too. I only took a hoodie! :eek: AND i didnt want to take off my flip flops but....i was forced to wear shoes!!!! I am DYING to see chicago in the winter!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
True. I was gonna mention that i was un prepared too. I only took a hoodie! :eek: AND i didnt want to take off my flip flops but....i was forced to wear shoes!!!! I am DYING to see chicago in the winter!!!!
it's ok.........there really isn't anything special.......maybe around christmas time......
I was just bored........and there was nothing on tv...........
typical cycle...
starts pointless argument > looks like a jerk > continues argument > continues to look like a jerk > creates replies that don't have any basis to try and rebound > still looks like a jerk > back pedals.
starts pointless argument > looks like a jerk > continues argument > continues to look like a jerk > creates replies that don't have any basis to try and rebound > still looks like a jerk > back pedals.
no back pedaling.............I really couldn't care less on the subject....I do my part........And i do my fair share of walking.........when i can..........I don't really care if you believe it or not........if you knew me you'd believe it.........
I live in Chicago, and dammit that makes it special enough!
Maybe it just because I live near it and happen to visit it at least once a year sometimes more................So i guess people who don't...might find it more special than i do...........I do appreciate the skyline however.......
the one thing I liked about my last job was that I had to walk about 5 miles a day (well I could have found easier ways but never looked) so now I walk a lot of places... if it's less than an hour I'll walk.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
but i DID do it b/c i was lazy too!
i did it even on days i didn't have shit to cart back and forth...mostly b/c i far preferred sleeping later. i love my sleep, especially in the mornings. so my main 'reason' was extra sleep!
you just get into habits... start as you mean to go on and all that. In other jobs, I'd find the laziest way to get there so I could sleep in... but my last job, I found one of the ways that took the most walking, started off that way and it became my routine, I knew no easier way or I would have took it on days I wanted more sleep.
and, in fairness, I MUCH prefer walking in the winter... wrap up well with a big coat and plenty of layers and by the time you get to work you're nice and warm. But in the summer, (those rare occasions when it IS hot) I hate when I'm all hot and sticky when I get to work and have to cool down.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
but i DID do it b/c i was lazy too!
i did it even on days i didn't have shit to cart back and forth...mostly b/c i far preferred sleeping later. i love my sleep, especially in the mornings.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
and we only own one car, despite having two kids
may have to change that once they get older though
whomever comes out with a hybrid mini van will make a killing!
when you commute to the city, i truly see no reason to have 2 cars. that said, we do have 2 cars...only b/c we already owned em. my car is 13 years old but under 70K mileage...and so cheap to insure. when it finally kicks it, that's it...we'll be a 1 car household. now that we both work in manhattan and have the same days off, there really is no reason to have 2. i think even with kids, it's unnecessary. the only reason to have 2 cars imo is if you both commute by car...and even then, it isn't absolutely nrecessary depending on your circumstances. i hope we both work in the city long-term or at the very least, always maintain - finally! - the same days/weekends off.....and it will be bliss! hubby bought a brand new versa last year - before the job location change - so we have a practially brand-new car in the garage and use my car the most.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
until each needs to be in two, non-walkable places at once
figure Ive got about two more years
this is when you pool resources with other parents, swap kids/rides!
seriously, i think back to my own childhood....3 children, one station wagon, one 1,200 sq ft home.....and we were comfortable, happy, lacking nothing. it is unreal what is 'necessary' today. btw - not singling you out
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Well if they all anger you equally.........why not start a thread covering it all.....instead you choose to attack a very small portion of people.......I don't understand it.........
in all honesty I think some you people really do come on here and complain.........about a certain group of people.........and never fail to mention about how you don't engage in such behavior...........I really do think you people inflate your own egos over it........
I know i can't be the only who has seen this time and time again.........but I'm probably the only one in this thread.........
why? for one, the corolla runs perfectly why buy another car.
and for me? i don't need a car.... i have a bus that goes directly from where i live/work to where my university is. from my university is a train that takes me downtown to vancouver if i want. i'm lucky enough to live near solid tranist lines who needs a car? besides, the uni i go to has a mandatory uPass that you have to buy, which is way cheaper than regular bus/train passes and gets me unlimited use everywhere.
besides, even without car payments, with the price of gas and insurance there's just no way i'd be able to afford to be that lazy.
i'm way cheaper than i am lazy!!
hahaha, wow.
because, i don't think i'm asking people to change every aspect of their life here. if you think that being annoyed by people who drive 2 blocks is an attack then you must be a very sensitive person.
these are tiny things that people can change.
here is an example:
i've worked in retail for some time now, some people will ask for extra plastic bags for 2 items that really don't need to be. one itme i had a lady even yell at me for taking the 2 things out of a larger bag and giving them to her in 2 smaller bags (cos they fit, duh?).
now, i'm not asking these people to carry their items out of the store with no bag (although i'm talking about childrens socks, baby onesies, pairs of jeans etc - by no means backbreaking things)... i'm asking them to be a little more conscientious ...why take 2 bags when you only need one?
hopefully you're not as ignorant as you are coming across as in your frivolous posts and can see my point here... i'm not saying you should hike 10 km to work, i'm saying maybe people should consider walking the block that they would have driven.
just think of all the small changes, EASY changes people can make... if everyone started thinking that way then at least we'd have a start. and once people with mindsets like yours change, then we can work on the bigger things - but we're not going to go anywhere with people who arent afraid to let their cars idle because they think it wont make a difference.
I'm having trouble understanding how someone having a different point of view makes them ignorant.........
the i'll let my car sit and idle all afternoon if i want to mindset is seething with ignorance.
i also think you have trouble understanding a lot of things. :rolleyes:
Only when i want to piss people off........:D
you were the one who came in all high and mighty and told her to fuck off. :rolleyes:
her OP
your OP
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
you should read my last post...............
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
I was just bored........and there was nothing on tv...........
In january i was in milwaukee. I noticed a mall close to my hotel so i thought hmmm, im gonna take a walk over there. It was probably 100 feet away. I walked out of the hotel and got like ten feet and hadd to go back!!! My eyes were SOOOO watery and my lips were frozen and the wind was ICY and there was snow everywhere!!!! DRIVING WAS IN ORDER!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
It just takes some getting used to.........if you're not it's a shock
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
it's ok.........there really isn't anything special.......maybe around christmas time......
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
I live in Chicago, and dammit that makes it special enough!
and that's why they are overweight:p
but then again some people are just lazy.
To keep you clear of the sun
You've been burned more than once
You don't think much of trust
starts pointless argument > looks like a jerk > continues argument > continues to look like a jerk > creates replies that don't have any basis to try and rebound > still looks like a jerk > back pedals.
no back pedaling.............I really couldn't care less on the subject....I do my part........And i do my fair share of walking.........when i can..........I don't really care if you believe it or not........if you knew me you'd believe it.........
Maybe it just because I live near it and happen to visit it at least once a year sometimes more................So i guess people who don't...might find it more special than i do...........I do appreciate the skyline however.......
I've pretty much seen it
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
and, in fairness, I MUCH prefer walking in the winter... wrap up well with a big coat and plenty of layers and by the time you get to work you're nice and warm. But in the summer, (those rare occasions when it IS hot) I hate when I'm all hot and sticky when I get to work and have to cool down.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you