To The Slow Walkers of the World...



  • mookie9999 wrote:
    Keep up the good work!!!

    thankyou, i hope i didn't let the team down :D
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    YUP! There it is all 4 pages of it! The reason I rarely leave the house anymore! Great folks! Obviously not being too old, or too young or visibly disabled gives me no excuse. So me and my slow, careful walking are gonna stay home. Wouldn't want to have to waste precious energy on pushy folk in a hurry anyway.:(
    I guess I'll stop assuming that people really are goodwilled and next time someone darts past me throwing off my balance maybe I should just keel off and hit them with the stick!

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    Jeanie wrote:
    YUP! There it is all 4 pages of it! The reason I rarely leave the house anymore! Great folks! Obviously not being too old, or too young or visibly disabled gives me no excuse. So me and my slow, careful walking are gonna stay home. Wouldn't want to have to waste precious energy on pushy folk in a hurry anyway.:(
    I guess I'll stop assuming that people really are goodwilled and next time someone darts past me throwing off my balance maybe I should just keel off and hit them with the stick!

    Are you both too old and too young?!? Anyways if you go back to when I started this thread I asked, no requested, that slow walkers learn to walk in a straight line. I don't expect you to stay home, just don't roam the sidewalk like a drunk driver navigates the road, all over the place and being in everyones way. If you are disabled or old I don't expect you to walk fast. But young kids that walk in packs need to get some of your stick action more than me!
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    xscorcho wrote:
    i'm definately a slow walker... although i know to keep to the right so people can pass me (esp in fast paced places like london... its crazy there!!)

    Bless You! That is all we ask
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    Vedd Hedd wrote:
    Good call. And if you are slow walker, walking with OTHER slow walkers, you cant walk 5 people side by side so nobody can pass......

    get to the right side.

    I deal with this shit in the city every day. I agree, the side by side nonsense is a bunch of bull. Sometimes I walk along the street to pass them and make sure they notice. When ahead, I turn around and give them a big 'fuck you' grin as I walk on by..
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    mookie9999 wrote:
    Are you both too old and too young?!? Anyways if you go back to when I started this thread I asked, no requested, that slow walkers learn to walk in a straight line. I don't expect you to stay home, just don't roam the sidewalk like a drunk driver navigates the road, all over the place and being in everyones way. If you are disabled or old I don't expect you to walk fast. But young kids that walk in packs need to get some of your stick action more than me!

    YUP!! GOT IT!! And the reason I'm cross with your comments is because when I'm tired I do weave like I'm drunk and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it and I get really sick and tired of having to adjust my life just because people like you are in such a bloody hurry! I'm sure you're not a completely insensitive prat and I'm all for walking fast if you are able but it'd be nice if you stopped assuming that people walk slow, or stagger or wander into your path just to piss you off!! I take the bloody stick in a pathetic attempt to stop people like you getting frustrated with my feeble attempts at walking and their pathetic assumptions that I'm drunk!!! All I'm saying is, by all means run if you must just don't make assumptions about people. The very bloody fact that some of us are walking at all is at the very least a miracle and at the very most probably the end result of endless rehabilitation!! SORRY if I sound cross but I am! This whole thread has really struck a nerve!!

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • Hey, if y'all have to constantly pass people on the sidewalk, that's your problem. Not everyone is able to walk fast.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    What annoys me is people who stop in front of Ticket barriers/turnstiles at train stations whilst dithering and fumbling for their tickets. Also people who stand still on escalators when they're moving DOWN?
    It's bad enough people creating bottlenecks at the bottom of escalators when they all rush to stand still on them. But when they're going down? I mean, how much effort is required to walk down a flight of stairs? Lazy fuckers!
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    Jeanie wrote:
    YUP!! GOT IT!! And the reason I'm cross with your comments is because when I'm tired I do weave like I'm drunk and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it and I get really sick and tired of having to adjust my life just because people like you are in such a bloody hurry! I'm sure you're not a completely insensitive prat and I'm all for walking fast if you are able but it'd be nice if you stopped assuming that people walk slow, or stagger or wander into your path just to piss you off!! I take the bloody stick in a pathetic attempt to stop people like you getting frustrated with my feeble attempts at walking and their pathetic assumptions that I'm drunk!!! All I'm saying is, by all means run if you must just don't make assumptions about people. The very bloody fact that some of us are walking at all is at the very least a miracle and at the very most probably the end result of endless rehabilitation!! SORRY if I sound cross but I am! This whole thread has really struck a nerve!!

    I can't speak for anyone else who has posted, but I feel that you are misunderstanding me. I don't feel that I am an insensitive prat at all. I'm quite sensitive to people who have difficulties walking. I am not referring to these people. I am talking about people all throughout NYC (and I would assume most major cities that are overcrowded) that walk slow, in groups, and do not care if you or anyone else has someplace to be, and theywalk and obstuct as needed. As I stated earlier, it's not the senior citizens nor the tourists, but rather these young punks that do what I described above. I'm sorry if you have taken these comments personally. They were not directed at you, unless you are able to walk without pain and still decide to take up the whole sidewalk, which it doesn't sound like you are. Even people who walk the street that are drunk are easy to get by. It's just this specific group that know you want to get by and still do whatever they can to stay in the way. You have a right to walk anyway you choose, as I have the right to pass you.
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • mookie9999 wrote:
    I've got two words for you:


    Look into it!

    That is all

    100% true. Boston is crowded with these people too. Also related are those that assume that their getting a seat is more important than those getting off the train, or their cousins those jerks who enter an elevator before looking to see if anyone is coming out.

    However the crown princes of walking are those a-holes who use GOLF umbrellas on city sidewalks. They deserve a special place in hell.
    9/7/98, 8/3/00, 9/4/00, 4/15/03, 7/1/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 5/24/06, 5/25/06, 6/17/08, 6/22/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 5/17/10, 10/15/13, 10/16/13.
  • JamalJamal Posts: 2,115
    Those snails tend to crawl together in the tunnels of the trainstations and seem to find a strange fulfillment in hindering you when you have a train to catch.

    At least, in Belgian 'big' cities

    Move it, sis! I wanna enjoy life while I'm still young...
    Surf little waves big... Charge big waves hard

    - Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
  • Vedd Hedd wrote:
    Good call. And if you are slow walker, walking with OTHER slow walkers, you cant walk 5 people side by side so nobody can pass......

    get to the right side.
    Usually, I bust up the pack and make sure to bump at least one person out of their way all the while muttering something like "Slow fuckers" just loudly enough for them to hear. Most times I hear a voice faintly calling me an asshole in the background.

    What can I say? I am a asshole.
  • tooferztooferz Posts: 135
    Jeanie wrote:
    This whole thread has really struck a nerve!!
    it's not the one slow walker/weaving person who annoys the hell outta me. its the groups of people who straggle out in a line across the entire walkway n just stroll. i think that's what the majority of people who posted meant. nothing against disabled people etc. just the groups who clump together n then snail walk.

    and to add onto rearviewmirrors list of annoyances: women with strollers who just stop n leave the stroller sideways in traffic.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Byrnzie wrote:
    What annoys me is people who stop in front of Ticket barriers/turnstiles at train stations whilst dithering and fumbling for their tickets. Also people who stand still on escalators when they're moving DOWN?
    It's bad enough people creating bottlenecks at the bottom of escalators when they all rush to stand still on them. But when they're going down? I mean, how much effort is required to walk down a flight of stairs? Lazy fuckers!

    Or maybe not lazy Byrnzie, maybe just struggling to maintain balance on a downhill slope? Just a suggestion.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    mookie9999 wrote:
    I can't speak for anyone else who has posted, but I feel that you are misunderstanding me. I don't feel that I am an insensitive prat at all. I'm quite sensitive to people who have difficulties walking. I am not referring to these people. I am talking about people all throughout NYC (and I would assume most major cities that are overcrowded) that walk slow, in groups, and do not care if you or anyone else has someplace to be, and theywalk and obstuct as needed. As I stated earlier, it's not the senior citizens nor the tourists, but rather these young punks that do what I described above. I'm sorry if you have taken these comments personally. They were not directed at you, unless you are able to walk without pain and still decide to take up the whole sidewalk, which it doesn't sound like you are. Even people who walk the street that are drunk are easy to get by. It's just this specific group that know you want to get by and still do whatever they can to stay in the way. You have a right to walk anyway you choose, as I have the right to pass you.

    mookie your original thread was:
    mookie9999 wrote:

    To The Slow Walkers of the World...

    I've got two words for you:


    Look into it!

    That is all.

    How as a slow walker would I not take this personally? How would I not take it as a derogatory comment to all people with walking difficulties who are not visibly disabled? How would anybody else with difficulty walking take what you've said any other way? You've made yourself very clear as far as I can see. Walk in a straight line at a reasonable speed on a particular side of the street unless you fulfil one of the visual criteria mentioned such as being old, or visibly disabled, drunk or a 10 year old child. This will give you a "get out of jail card" courtesy of mookie and friends. And only then is it ok to be slow. So make sure you look the part people otherwise there could be problems. The fast walking Nazi's might feel the need to make a sweeping generalization about you and just for the sake of releasing a bit of pathetic pent up agression, bump into you and knock you down. Nice work fast walkers! Or they could complain bitterly about you hanging out on to the wrong side of the escalator. And push you down those too or mutter about you being lazy.
    If I am having a good day and walking well, without my stick and feeling confident, you probably wouldn't be able to tell from looking at me that I had any problems. But on a bad day if in your haste you rushed past, cutting in close to my personal space or worse yet, like others on the post have indicated, bumped into me there's a really good chance I would fall over. Hence me always needing to take a stick whenever I venture out it public. People if you want to walk fast that's great! If there is someone in your way, it's really simple, just say "excuse me please". No need then to push, bump, jostle, huff, puff or sigh or post ridiculous discrimanatory threads. We should all try to be just a little bit more considerate of each other regardless of what we look like and we should all stop making sweeping generalizations about other people. The world would be a better place for it!

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Jeanie wrote:
    YUP! There it is all 4 pages of it! The reason I rarely leave the house anymore! Great folks! Obviously not being too old, or too young or visibly disabled gives me no excuse. So me and my slow, careful walking are gonna stay home. Wouldn't want to have to waste precious energy on pushy folk in a hurry anyway.:(
    I guess I'll stop assuming that people really are goodwilled and next time someone darts past me throwing off my balance maybe I should just keel off and hit them with the stick!
    I know this thread is not directed at you. It is about, or at least how I took it, people who for no apparent reason just stop and take up the entire sidewalk, or just pay no attention to what is going on around them. Everyone, or at least most people, are caring of people who have troubles (old, disabled,etc.) . It's just idiots like myself (only occasionally) who forget what they are doing and "mess" it up for others. People can be inconsiderate and often times they are; especially while on vacation. :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • jamjamjamjam Posts: 491
    I haven't really read this thread
    but from what i did see
    people have the right to walk
    any way they choose
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    wolfbear wrote:
    I know this thread is not directed at you. It is about, or at least how I took it, people who for no apparent reason just stop and take up the entire sidewalk, or just pay no attention to what is going on around them. Everyone, or at least most people, are caring of people who have troubles (old, disabled,etc.) . It's just idiots like myself (only occasionally) who forget what they are doing and "mess" it up for others. People can be inconsiderate and often times they are; especially while on vacation. :)

    Yeah, I know wolfbear. We all do it on a bad day. I guess I was just really disappointed with the ferocity with which people where justifying their own inadequacies and I suppose I expected better from some of the jammers.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Jeanie wrote:
    Yeah, I know wolfbear. We all do it on a bad day. I guess I was just really disappointed with the ferocity with which people where justifying their own inadequacies and I suppose I expected better from some of the jammers.
    Yep, part of the good and bad of boards. And, people in general. :) Note my quote " I'd rather be with an animal ",
    kinda says it all. Having said that though, there are some really great people on this board and in the world. :)
    Happy New Year!
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    wolfbear wrote:
    Yep, part of the good and bad of boards. And, people in general. :) Note my quote " I'd rather be with an animal ",
    kinda says it all. Having said that though, there are some really great people on this board and in the world. :)
    Happy New Year!

    Yep I agree that there is good and bad, just wanted to make very clear another point of view here. I'm sure mookie and friends just get frustrated out and about some days but then so do the rest of us for different reasons. And yep there are some fantastic folk on the board and the planet. And the critters are pretty cool too!;) You have a great 2007. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • tooferztooferz Posts: 135
    Jeanie wrote:
    How as a slow walker would I not take this personally? How would I not take it as a derogatory comment to all people with walking difficulties who are not visibly disabled? How would anybody else with difficulty walking take what you've said any other way? You've made yourself very clear as far as I can see.

    i am one of those disabled people who aren't visibly disabled and i also had a stepmom with polio who walked very slowly and with a lurching gait on crutches. i am totally aware of how hard walking in a crowd can be. if i, as a disabled slow walker, am stuck behind slow means they are damn near crawling AND spread out so i cant pass. theres no need for all 4-5 to be spread out...either walk in a straight line or only 2 abreast. i'd say the same thing if 4-5 disabled or old people spread out n went slow. it's common courtesy to not be a lane hog. slow traffic should stay to the right.

    i didn't take any of the comments here personally nor derogatory. nor did i take it as they meant one or two people walking. as i took it, most were talking about those rude ones in a group who throw a wrench in the works. you have to admit that on a bad day, getting stuck behind a gaggle of teens idling their way thru the mall taking up the entire aisle, it's hard to walk out of your way to get around them.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Jeanie wrote:
    Or maybe not lazy Byrnzie, maybe just struggling to maintain balance on a downhill slope? Just a suggestion.

    A downhill slope? I'm talking escalators here! And these goddamn bozo's stand still! :rolleyes:

    I'm not talking about elderly people, or those who have trouble walking, but able bodied, young and healthy, lazy sons-a-bitches! :rolleyes:
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    Jeanie wrote:
    The fast walking Nazi's might feel the need to make a sweeping generalization about you and just for the sake of releasing a bit of pathetic pent up agression, bump into you and knock you down. Nice work fast walkers!
    Hence me always needing to take a stick whenever I venture out it public. People if you want to walk fast that's great! If there is someone in your way, it's really simple, just say "excuse me please". No need then to push, bump, jostle, huff, puff or sigh or post ridiculous discrimanatory threads. !

    I feel that up to this point I have been quite fair with my comments. My original post was to vent about a situation that I went on to describe later. If you had read the entire thread as you claim you would have realized that.
    It appears as though you are quite the troubled individual. Referring to me as a "Nazi" and starting "discrimanatory posts" is fucked up. I don't know what your deal is but it goes far deeper than anything that can be resolved on some stupid website. I have not bumped, pushed or muttered any unmentionables directed at people who are walking slow. If they are in a group, OBVIOUSLY able bodied and are drifting all over the street, you're damn right I'm going to pass and say excuse me. Other than that I have no issues. As far as escalators are concerned, as great as it would be for people who want to ride it to stay to the right and others go to the left, I realize that that is not always a possibility and it's not going to happen. Finally, as to my "pathetic pent up aggression" I'm not the one yielding a stick at the ready to swat at people, nor lashing out at people on a message board who have stated time and again that they were not referring to you. I'm sorry you've taken my comments the wrong way and that I offended you, but you've went off the deep end with your comments and for that, there is no excuse.
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    tooferz wrote:
    i am one of those disabled people who aren't visibly disabled and i also had a stepmom with polio who walked very slowly and with a lurching gait on crutches. i am totally aware of how hard walking in a crowd can be. if i, as a disabled slow walker, am stuck behind slow means they are damn near crawling AND spread out so i cant pass. theres no need for all 4-5 to be spread out...either walk in a straight line or only 2 abreast. i'd say the same thing if 4-5 disabled or old people spread out n went slow. it's common courtesy to not be a lane hog. slow traffic should stay to the right.

    i didn't take any of the comments here personally nor derogatory. nor did i take it as they meant one or two people walking. as i took it, most were talking about those rude ones in a group who throw a wrench in the works. you have to admit that on a bad day, getting stuck behind a gaggle of teens idling their way thru the mall taking up the entire aisle, it's hard to walk out of your way to get around them.

    Thank You for understanding.
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • qwerty1qwerty1 Posts: 142
    jamjam wrote:
    I haven't really read this thread
    but from what i did see
    people have the right to walk
    any way they choose

    Yes they do. But when that walking infringes of the rights of other walkers, then thats wrong!!!

    Walk in a straight line, dont zig zag, dont walk 6 abreast on the sidewalk, stand to the right on escelators, and dont stop and have a conversation in the middle of the sidewalk!

    Is this too much to ask?
    This sidewalk is for regular walking, not for fancy walking!
  • The ChampThe Champ Posts: 4,063
    Jeanie wrote:
    mookie your original thread was:

    How as a slow walker would I not take this personally? How would I not take it as a derogatory comment to all people with walking difficulties who are not visibly disabled? How would anybody else with difficulty walking take what you've said any other way? You've made yourself very clear as far as I can see. Walk in a straight line at a reasonable speed on a particular side of the street unless you fulfil one of the visual criteria mentioned such as being old, or visibly disabled, drunk or a 10 year old child. This will give you a "get out of jail card" courtesy of mookie and friends. And only then is it ok to be slow. So make sure you look the part people otherwise there could be problems. The fast walking Nazi's might feel the need to make a sweeping generalization about you and just for the sake of releasing a bit of pathetic pent up agression, bump into you and knock you down. Nice work fast walkers! Or they could complain bitterly about you hanging out on to the wrong side of the escalator. And push you down those too or mutter about you being lazy.
    If I am having a good day and walking well, without my stick and feeling confident, you probably wouldn't be able to tell from looking at me that I had any problems. But on a bad day if in your haste you rushed past, cutting in close to my personal space or worse yet, like others on the post have indicated, bumped into me there's a really good chance I would fall over. Hence me always needing to take a stick whenever I venture out it public. People if you want to walk fast that's great! If there is someone in your way, it's really simple, just say "excuse me please". No need then to push, bump, jostle, huff, puff or sigh or post ridiculous discrimanatory threads. We should all try to be just a little bit more considerate of each other regardless of what we look like and we should all stop making sweeping generalizations about other people. The world would be a better place for it!

    You're right about one thing, "We should all try to be just a little bit more considerate of each other." I think this is what the thread starter had in mind as well. Common courtesy, stay to the right, don't be an asshole and block others...

    And if you are one of these assholes, I have every right to push, bump, jostle, huff, and puff all that I want...
    'I want to hurry home to you
    put on a slow, dumb show for you
    and crack you up
    so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
    god I'm very, very frightening
    and I'll overdo it'
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    mookie9999 wrote:
    I feel that up to this point I have been quite fair with my comments. My original post was to vent about a situation that I went on to describe later. If you had read the entire thread as you claim you would have realized that.
    It appears as though you are quite the troubled individual. Referring to me as a "Nazi" and starting "discrimanatory posts" is fucked up. I don't know what your deal is but it goes far deeper than anything that can be resolved on some stupid website. I have not bumped, pushed or muttered any unmentionables directed at people who are walking slow. If they are in a group, OBVIOUSLY able bodied and are drifting all over the street, you're damn right I'm going to pass and say excuse me. Other than that I have no issues. As far as escalators are concerned, as great as it would be for people who want to ride it to stay to the right and others go to the left, I realize that that is not always a possibility and it's not going to happen. Finally, as to my "pathetic pent up aggression" I'm not the one yielding a stick at the ready to swat at people, nor lashing out at people on a message board who have stated time and again that they were not referring to you. I'm sorry you've taken my comments the wrong way and that I offended you, but you've went off the deep end with your comments and for that, there is no excuse.

    Mookie settle down would you? I'm not trying to get into a fight with you or make you cross. AND I certainly think this whole thing is escalating beyond what it warrants. I think I mentioned that the "thread" made me mad because I felt some of the wording of the thread and some of the responses where a bit harsh and didn't seem to be taking into consideration that some people walk slow and may not visably have a reason for that. My point that I originally was trying to make was it would be nice if people that wish to walk fast could be aware of that. And also that people ALL people could be more considerate of each other. AND MOST OFF ALL that EVERYBODY should be able to walk anyway they like and WE SHOULD ALL JUST BE RESPECTFUL OF EACH OTHER. Most of what I posted in the thread before this one was somewhat tongue in cheek and not specifically directed at you anyway. So if you're getting from me that this is a personal attack it's not ok? Now I'm gonna ignore the mean things that you've said and hope you'll do the same with anything that I said that you felt was mean. So what's it gonna be gloves off or fists down? ;) I'd much rather be friends. :D Your choice.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    Jeanie wrote:
    Most of what I posted in the thread before this one was somewhat tongue in cheek So what's it gonna be gloves off or fists down? ;) I'd much rather be friends. :D Your choice.

    That's the problem with this "internets" thing. You can't always tell sarcasm from actual disgust. Although I haven't put on the old gloves in awhile, I am perfectly fine with keeping them in the closet. Friends it is! :D
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    mookie9999 wrote:
    That's the problem with this "internets" thing. You can't always tell sarcasm from actual disgust. Although I haven't put on the old gloves in awhile, I am perfectly fine with keeping them in the closet. Friends it is! :D

    Phew!!! ***Wipes brow, sighs and visibly relaxes*** Well that's a huge relief!:D I had visions of you coming back for round 2! ;) I really didn't mean to offend you. I was just trying to point out another point of view. Anyhoo glad to know I'll live to "fight" another day!;) Pleased to meet you btw!:D

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • CJMST3KCJMST3K Posts: 9,722

    Ever play with one of those wind-up race cars? They stay straight when moving fast, but once it goes slower it starts to turn, influenced more by the floor below it.

    So... slow walkers are influenced by whats around them.
    ADD 5,200 to the post count you see, thank you. :)
    *NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
    *MSG 9/10/98 (backstage) *MSG 9/11/98 (backstage)
    *Jones Beach 8/23/00 *Jones Beach 8/24/00 *Jones Beach 8/25/00
    *Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
    *Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
    *VA Beach 6/17/08 *DC 6/22/08 *MSG 6/24/08 (backstage) *MSG 6/25/08
    *EV DC 8/17/08 *EV Baltimore 6/15/09 *Philly 10/31/09
    *Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
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