Gym Etiquette

Just wanted to point out a few pet peeves of mine about the gym. Feel free to add any of yours.
1. Guys Who Grunt: I'm sure you're looking forward to that case of hemorroids and six additional forehead veins that you will soon be the proud owners of considering the amount of straining you're doing, but it's a bit much if I can hear it over my IPOD.
2. Gym Music. To avoid going deaf prematurely I generally keep my IPOD turned down to a medium volume level. This also allows me to hear if the gym actually plays a decent song now and again (they don't). So imagine my suprise the other night when I heard something that sounded a bit off. I hit pause on my player to hear the sweet and tasteful sound of 2 Live Crews "Pop That P*ssy". Nice guys, nice.
3. Guys who hover around two to three machines leaving articles around each one marking their territory like they were Hansel and Gretel promising to return at some point to use these machines, just not anytime in the next 45 minutes. To you I say, don't shoot looks at me when I throw your shit out of the way and try to stare me down you cromagnon looking piece of trash. I'm sure you'd love to take a swing at me if only you could unbend your arm and extend it out far enough to punch. Unfortunately for you the only time your arm extends out is when you're receiving your 'scrip for your magic growing pills.
So that's it for now. I'm sure I'll think of more throughout the day. So, what bothers everyone else about the gym?
1. Guys Who Grunt: I'm sure you're looking forward to that case of hemorroids and six additional forehead veins that you will soon be the proud owners of considering the amount of straining you're doing, but it's a bit much if I can hear it over my IPOD.
2. Gym Music. To avoid going deaf prematurely I generally keep my IPOD turned down to a medium volume level. This also allows me to hear if the gym actually plays a decent song now and again (they don't). So imagine my suprise the other night when I heard something that sounded a bit off. I hit pause on my player to hear the sweet and tasteful sound of 2 Live Crews "Pop That P*ssy". Nice guys, nice.
3. Guys who hover around two to three machines leaving articles around each one marking their territory like they were Hansel and Gretel promising to return at some point to use these machines, just not anytime in the next 45 minutes. To you I say, don't shoot looks at me when I throw your shit out of the way and try to stare me down you cromagnon looking piece of trash. I'm sure you'd love to take a swing at me if only you could unbend your arm and extend it out far enough to punch. Unfortunately for you the only time your arm extends out is when you're receiving your 'scrip for your magic growing pills.
So that's it for now. I'm sure I'll think of more throughout the day. So, what bothers everyone else about the gym?
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Post edited by Unknown User on
GREAT! So are you the reason the locker room at my gym smells like a guy who sleeps on a subway?
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
awesome # 3. i can't stand that shit either. you covered the basics.
i hate the old, wrinkly men that wear ridiculously short shorts. i don't want to see your balls everytime you sit down on a machine... hide those bad boys in a pair of sweat pants please.
ive never stepped foot inside a gym
hence my big muscles
The gym I went to was so shit. Most of the equipment was broken, which was a good excuse to stop going.
1. the dumb bitches that work out while talking loud as hell on their cell phone.
2. the guys who actually get dressed up to work out. Ie: designer work out clothes (you know, $150 pair of sweat pants, $80 wife beater), spikey gelled hair and jewlery all over themselves.
rot in hell.
Toronto 2011 night 2
Hamilton 2011
London 2013
Good examples. The gym I work out at has both men and women yapping on their phones. Folks, if you can manage a conversation while doing your cardio along with laughing and snorting, then you are obviously not working out hard enough. The people in the designer duds make me laugh as well. Never understood the idea of picking someone up at the gym. I guess if they see and smell you after a workout and are still willing to talk to you, you have a great chance once you're cleaned up.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Yeah me too... I keep thinking of joining a gym but every time I walk into one, the machisimo in the room is so thick you can cut it with a knife and I can't be arsed..
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Stop pissing in the showers right at the end of your shower so it sits there for the next guy.. Damn, it's downright nasty.
Shower before getting in to the sauna, who wants to share your body oils and funk?
Stop string at your self in the mirror for 10 minutes in between sets while you sit there hogging up a machine like a slug waiting for the "inspiration" to miraculously kick in
There is such a thing as working in. You don't own the machine until you're done getting around to all your sets out. You just might get to meet someone and enjoy it.
Stop pretending you have tennis balls under your armpits when you walk around.
If your filling a water bottle and someone is behind you just going for a sip in between sets don't fill up the whole bottle like a inconsiderate boob.
Keep it quiet and focused....go to a starbucks and cuddle and if you need to bond longer than a few minutes for loud boisterous discussions. Some People gots some work to get done and are rather serious about it
But honestly though stop pissing in the shower, and clean your sweaty a$$ up before occupying up a small hot airspace (sauna) with other people.
That is all....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
omg, I want to punch them in the face
fucking shut up
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
You have that guy too? he never brings a towel.....ahahaha
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
All the equipment is old, there are huge mean looking dudes lifting instead of sitting around reading the newspaper or whatever (like at the more upscale one before). The first time I went in and it was like that scene in Rocky when he goes into that old gym with Apollo Creed. No lie, I saw about six bench presses! Plus there are three real squat racks instead of that pulley thing in RC.
There was this dude yesterday that looked like Divo from the movie "Friday," he was benching 350 (doing sets!!!). He was bouncing it off his chest like a basketball, too. He was a monster, I don't think he smiled or said a word to anyone the whole time he was in there. He was business!!!! Plus the fat chick with a mullet doing military presses. Awesome.
And you'd love this - they have two punching bags in there - one huge "body" one and the other is the wind-up kind that you see boxers training with. There was this HUGE dude just beating the h*ll out of the punching bag. Not a dude sitting & reading a newspaper in sight! Yeah!
A real gym!
1. Dropping/slamming the weights. If you can't set it down carefully, it's too heavy for you.
2. Not putting the weights back on the right pegs. Every time I start to use a piece of equipment, the weights are invariably all mixed and matched. Is it that hard to put all the 10s on one peg, all the 25s on another, etc.?? Apparently, nobody but me finds this annoying, but I usually spend 2 minutes re-organizing all of the weights before I start to lift at each piece of equipment.
3. Sitting on a machine for 2-5 minutes between sets just staring off into space. If you're going to sit there that long, you might as well let someone else work in.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I change at work or at home before I leave. If I need to use the bathroom, I use the restroom out by the front desk and not the locker room.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Peeing and nose blowing in the shower????? And you use them???
I would rather be all gross on the way home then be subjected to that filth.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
go get yourself some gloves and start hitting the heavy bag 2-3 times a week....
its fucking addicting....
and its a kick ass workout......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Now that you mention it, that doesn't happen at my gym. Where I used to work out in California people were constantly asking to work in. It was quite a good motivator to push yourself more than just on your own. Here in NYC the machines are everyones own personal real estate.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Exactly! I only live a block from my gym so there's no way in hell I'm showering in that germ infested boy in a snot bubble palace!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
I'll like it a whole lot better in 3 weeks when all the resolutionists stop coming!!!
Grosses me out just thinking about it.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Not everyone does it, and they clean the place constantly throughout the day. It's a really clean, posh place, there's just some rich pigs that have some pretty sick habits, and I notice it because I'm there all the time.
There was that one booger on the shower curtain in one of the stalls that hung on for a while
Flip flops are key.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I agree with all three of those. As for #1, there was a guy in my last gym who would scream. literally scream. You'd be there concentrating on a lift and he'd just scare the shit out of you from all the way across the gym. As for #2, my new gym has a big problem with this. today in the locker room I got to hear a song about there being too many ladies...or something like that.
I'll also add some others
1) perfume/cologne in the gym. no no no no no. there is nothing worse than breathing heavily of the treadmill and sucking in the nasty perfuming you're sweating off.
2) People who do not re-rack weights. I think this is my biggest pet peeve. when I was in grad school this was the biggest problem at the university gym. I am a 5'3" female, I cannot remove your 45 lb plates from the tipity top of the squat rack without risking serious injury, nor do I want to spend 10 minutes of my work out putting back your weights. I complained about this non stop at that university gym. I would yell at these frat boys and they'd just stare at me and walk away
I wasn't insinuating you worked out at a gross gym.
I don't have any gym issues I guess. I keep to myself or see a couple gfs that work there once in a while. I mind my own biz.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away