man, as the saying goes..when it rains it pours...whether good or bad. thankfully, finally, it's been ALL good!
tomorrow, off to london and then 2 bliss-filled weeks in europe filled with friends, travel and live pearl jam, 3x!
more importantly, personally, life has been on a major upswing at home....some issues *resolved*....lots of positives in the works, and 'celebrated' a week early, 15 years of marriage, a very desired and hard-won anniversary!
to just make everything that much better, as many know i left my teaching career 2 years ago, looking for new direction, blah, blah. well, today i got a follow-up call from an interview on june 1st...basically saying i have the job if i want it, a job offer will be awaiting my return from europe, a whole package waiting my approval/negoatiation!

seriously, just amazing! completely outside my field or experience, a real job for 'the man' in the corporate world, huge international client service/accountancy company, US HQ in NYC.
funny how it all works, it IS all 'who you know'...heard of the job, by chance, a friend of a friend...guy that my husband works with, his sister passed along my resume, gave my name a push, and then i got interviewed by 4 partners/directors....truly well-liked, impressed em even being totally outside my field. i KNOW i'd not have even been considered/interviewed if not for wow! i hope i like it, complete change for me...but yea, for once in my life..i am going for the fat paycheck, and i'll save my artistic creativity for my own time/work
....and i hope to enjoy embracing my organizational/anal'retentiveness for the job...hahaha.
so hell yea.....LIFE IS GOOD!!!
tomorrow, off to london and then 2 bliss-filled weeks in europe filled with friends, travel and live pearl jam, 3x!
more importantly, personally, life has been on a major upswing at home....some issues *resolved*....lots of positives in the works, and 'celebrated' a week early, 15 years of marriage, a very desired and hard-won anniversary!
to just make everything that much better, as many know i left my teaching career 2 years ago, looking for new direction, blah, blah. well, today i got a follow-up call from an interview on june 1st...basically saying i have the job if i want it, a job offer will be awaiting my return from europe, a whole package waiting my approval/negoatiation!

funny how it all works, it IS all 'who you know'...heard of the job, by chance, a friend of a friend...guy that my husband works with, his sister passed along my resume, gave my name a push, and then i got interviewed by 4 partners/directors....truly well-liked, impressed em even being totally outside my field. i KNOW i'd not have even been considered/interviewed if not for wow! i hope i like it, complete change for me...but yea, for once in my life..i am going for the fat paycheck, and i'll save my artistic creativity for my own time/work

so hell yea.....LIFE IS GOOD!!!
Stay with me...
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Post edited by Unknown User on
im having an up and up spurt as well. when life is good, its damn good.
enjoy every moment!!!
and say hi to eddie for me
So glad for you!! Congrats!! That is amazing news.. amazing. Good things come to those who wait. WOW I am so happy for you. After you get back I want to hear all ABOUT your trip and see some pics. You take care.
i am so truly happy!
in all honesty, this is by no means a 'dream job'....but yea, it is a dream opportunity, and given all i have gone through, worked my arse off career-wise in work that yes i loved, but yea...not much personally to show for it...and sucked up all my creativity. so yes, i do believe this position will appeal to other skills and interests, and save the rest of me...for me...oputside the job. it IS a fantastic company, brilliant compensation, posh NYC location...i think i'll like it.
i REALLY thought i'd be leaving w/o knowing, so it was AWESOME to get a cal today from recruitment, AND an e-mail from one of the partners. will be wonderful to come home to all this change/excitment....if all works out, i will more than likely start july 30th, so still plenty of time to give notice/professional counrtesy to my current employer...who i adore, but yea...the pay will never be up to par. so sure...time to move on!
happiness on all fronts! always more to work on personally, and lots of change/challenge on the horizon...but hell yes......
and in this moment, i am HAPPY!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
And, the news couldn't be better that home life is on the up swing.
be safe and have fun.
3 x ?
im very jealous,
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
congratulations on your new job....... ; )
You go Mama. Congrats! on all the great news!
I am happy for you.
Your trip sounds like a little slice of heaven. I hope you have a great and safe trip. I can't wait to hear all about it!
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
all i can say to all that is....freaking fantastic!! congratulations on the job, and on the happiness overall!
have a wonderful and safe journey in europe, what a great way to celebrate all the goodness than traveling in such beautiful places with lovely friends and PJ
Albany 2006 Camden 2006 E. Rutherford 2, 2006 Inglewood 2006,
Chicago 2007
Camden 2008 MSG 2008 MSG 2008 Hartford 2008.
Seattle 2009 Seattle 2009 Philadelphia 2009,Philadelphia 2009 Philadelphia 2009
Hartford 2010 MSG 2010 MSG 2010
Toronto 2011,Toronto 2011
Wrigley Field 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Brooklyn 2013 Philadelphia 2, 2013
Philadelphia 1, 2016 Philadelphia 2 2016 New York 2016 New York 2016 Fenway 1, 2016
Fenway 2, 2018
MSG 2022
St. Paul, 1, St. Paul 2 2023
MSG 2024, MSG 2024
Philadelphia 2024
"I play good, hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen in the game. Nothing you
can do. I don't go and say,
"I'm gonna beat this guy up."
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
That's awesome Dream!
Main Entry: congratulations
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: complimentation
Synonyms: best wishes, compliments, felicitations, good wishes, good work, greetings, hail, hear hear
Antonyms: censure, condemnation, criticism, rebuke
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
It always tickles me pink...
to hear about a friend
being tickled pink
Have a wonderful trip, scream 'HELLO' to the boys from me!!
What a nice thought ... coming home from a great vacation filled with beautiful sights, sounds and people... To refound love and new found employment!!
Lisa xoxo
she lets go
Great news!
It's about time the winds turned your way.
I shall raise a glass to your good fortune.
Have fun in Europe!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
And say Hi! to Ed and the guys for me.
Congratulations, You were certainly due for some good luck
there you are.
- brain of c
naděje umírá poslední
yea, it's a done deal....the job is most definitely mine! still have to get all the paperwork straightened out, etc...but yea, got my official offer on monday. so psyched, an even better offer than i initially anitcipated, unbelievable....fantastic compensation package all the way around! bout time!
i'll be starting july 30th, a full week of orientation...sounds like i even may go to georgia? for one day for somethin', haha, don't remember fully all the recruiter told me, but i'll find out soon enough. so i won't actually start training for my 'real' position until first full week in august, and then i'll see how it all goes. hope i like it!
today i give in my notice with my current employer. i hate doing that, but eh well...gotta be done. i am just glad i can give a full 2 weeks notice, was afraid i might not've been able to...and i can take a week inbetween to get my own shit together, wardrobe, etc......very cool. my manager hasn't been in since i've been back from europe until today. she's been great to me, but yea, i need to make way more! so wish me luck today! hahaha!
and yes, europe was fuckin' BRILLIANT, all of it! eventually when i get all my shite together, i'll upload/organize all my pics on the computer and will be sure to share! i have some fantastic pics of everything...and dusseldorf was right in front of mikey/ amazing pics!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
happy 4th.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
speedy! yoo too!
now that i am home from work, it will be......dinner out for mexican, yea!
and, give in my notice today, all good....told the family all my good news, yes! still have to get all the paperwork done, but yea, very exciting!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow