I'm not a fan of sex and the city- I never had hbo so I barely saw it in its original runs. I've since seen a lot of episodes. There was something about the ending of the show that really bothered me and I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I read several articles from singles advocates about why the ending sucked. The show started off being about strong, independent women with a lot of their own convictions. but over the course of the series, they began to loose this. by the end, they all did what couplist/family-centric society wants single women to eventually do- give up something about themselves to be in a monogomous relationship and have a family. charlotte gave up her religion, miranda gave up manhattan and her big time career, samantha gave up her free love lifestyle-they all changed to be what society wanted them to be. carrie was the worst. she just gave in and ended up with someone who had caused her nothing but grieve for years. the show started off sending the message of "it's cool to be a single woman with disposable income in new york city and friends can be your family" to sending the message of "but as a society we believe that women should, ultimately, get married, and to do so, probably has to make a sacrifice." Like EVERY OTHER tv series, movie, etc, the climax was marriages, long term relationships, etc. The message that all these women really had was each was totally lost. Once again, romantic relationships won out over other types of relationships.
friends ended the same way. the show started off about being an "urban tribe" of singles serving as each others families. but it ended with them all getting married, except for joey, who was thus out of a family and had to move away.
I'm not a fan of sex and the city- I never had hbo so I barely saw it in its original runs. I've since seen a lot of episodes. There was something about the ending of the show that really bothered me and I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I read several articles from singles advocates about why the ending sucked. The show started off being about strong, independent women with a lot of their own convictions. but over the course of the series, they began to loose this. by the end, they all did what couplist/family-centric society wants single women to eventually do- give up something about themselves to be in a monogomous relationship and have a family. charlotte gave up her religion, miranda gave up manhattan and her big time career, samantha gave up her free love lifestyle-they all changed to be what society wanted them to be. carrie was the worst. she just gave in and ended up with someone who had caused her nothing but grieve for years. the show started off sending the message of "it's cool to be a single woman with disposable income in new york city and friends can be your family" to sending the message of "but as a society we believe that women should, ultimately, get married, and to do so, probably has to make a sacrifice." Like EVERY OTHER tv series, movie, etc, the climax was marriages, long term relationships, etc. The message that all these women really had was each was totally lost. Once again, romantic relationships won out over other types of relationships.
friends ended the same way. the show started off about being an "urban tribe" of singles serving as each others families. but it ended with them all getting married, except for joey, who was thus out of a family and had to move away.
I think they shot a few different endings to the series...I was surprised it ended with Carrie ending up with Mr. Big...that's why I wouldn't be surprised if they don't get married in the movie. I was surprised that Miranda didn't get an abortion when she got pregnant. I thought if any show would risk by going that route it would be SATC...but nah. It wasn't the ending I would have chosen...but I do love this show! Some if it is just so funny cause it's true And the clothes...yah....i'm not ashamed to admit sometimes I watch just to see the clothes!
I'm not a fan of sex and the city- I never had hbo so I barely saw it in its original runs. I've since seen a lot of episodes. There was something about the ending of the show that really bothered me and I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I read several articles from singles advocates about why the ending sucked. The show started off being about strong, independent women with a lot of their own convictions. but over the course of the series, they began to loose this. by the end, they all did what couplist/family-centric society wants single women to eventually do- give up something about themselves to be in a monogomous relationship and have a family. charlotte gave up her religion, miranda gave up manhattan and her big time career, samantha gave up her free love lifestyle-they all changed to be what society wanted them to be. carrie was the worst. she just gave in and ended up with someone who had caused her nothing but grieve for years. the show started off sending the message of "it's cool to be a single woman with disposable income in new york city and friends can be your family" to sending the message of "but as a society we believe that women should, ultimately, get married, and to do so, probably has to make a sacrifice." Like EVERY OTHER tv series, movie, etc, the climax was marriages, long term relationships, etc. The message that all these women really had was each was totally lost. Once again, romantic relationships won out over other types of relationships.
friends ended the same way. the show started off about being an "urban tribe" of singles serving as each others families. but it ended with them all getting married, except for joey, who was thus out of a family and had to move away.
ummmmmmm....it's called COICE. life. compromises. EVERYone makes them in one way or another. single or coupled. since all ended up coupled, except smantha, it stands to reason. charlotte CHOSE to become jewish. miranda didn't want to give up living in manhattan but realized it ws best for her family and was HAPPY in brooklyn, and no, she NEVEr gave up her high-powered career. smantha gave up NOTHING. she was still living the single life on her terms. carrie, obviously did suffer a lot of grief, but ultimately i think BIG is the one who did the changing, not her....and she took him back b/c wow, yea, they realized they LOVED each other.
and this is the ONLY post i will make in response to this.
it was a FUN show. many people enjoyed it. others didn't. c'est la vie.
real life....most people end up coupled, with families, etc...so it stands to reason that 'characters' would eventually do the same. personally, i thought it cool that smantha stayed samantha and was HAPPY...and the others got what they wanted.....b/c they (the other3) ALL WANTED relationships and such....just saying to ENJOY EVERY stage of life. being single isn't about waiting, live your life to the fullest...and if you want a relationship eventually, that's cool too. it is not all or nothing.
and, that's it for me.
any/all other posts i shall make on this thread will be about the FLUFF and joy of this movie.
carry on.....
btw - i NEVEr had, and still don't have HBO or any pay for TV, and i've seen EVERY episode rented the first couple seasons, fell in love, then successively bought/own every season now on DVD. it was/is a FUN show.
Okay, ladies (and gentlemen). No spoilers for those who haven't seen the film yet!
I saw it last night and I'm seeing it again tomorrow night!
drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
I can't wait to see it tomorrow!!!!!!!
My gfs and I are going to see it and then have a party after with cosmos, of course and awesome food.
And then with another set of gf's next week.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
am I the only female who has NEVER seen Sex and the City? I have not seen a single episode :eek:
My roommate hasn't. So, no. lol
drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
It really is an awesome show.
Had a couple clunker episodes, but all around awesome.
Strong, intelligent and beautiful lead characters going through the grind of living in NYC and finding love. And keeping it.
Along with great careers, awesome shoes and lots of lovers.
Nothing compares these days.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I think Mr. Big (Chris Noth) got plastic surgery for the movie. Do you know how old he is? Born is 1954. He was looking old on law and order and he looks younger in the new movie's trailers. I like him on law and order.
I wasn't a fan of the show. Sorry I only watched a few episodes and did not care for it. Probably because I hated Charlotte when she was on Melrose place as a psycho. Kim Catrell is an old slut, sorry she is 49 years old acting like she is 25. Ooops, Imdb.com says she is over 50.
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
It really is an awesome show.
Had a couple clunker episodes, but all around awesome.
Strong, intelligent and beautiful lead characters going through the grind of living in NYC and finding love. And keeping it.
Along with great careers, awesome shoes and lots of lovers.
Nothing compares these days.
yeah definitely I prefer the uncut episodes though, not the sanitized TBS ones.
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
I think Mr. Big (Chris Noth) got plastic surgery for the movie. Do you know how old he is? Born is 1954. He was looking old on law and order and he looks younger in the new movie's trailers. I like him on law and order.
I wasn't a fan of the show. Sorry I only watched a few episodes and did not care for it. Probably because I hated Charlotte when she was on Melrose place as a psycho. Kim Catrell is an old slut, sorry she is 49 years old acting like she is 25. Ooops, Imdb.com says she is over 50.
Kim Catrell and her character are 2 entirely different people. Have you ever seen an interview with her? She is modest, down to earth and kind.
She plays a character and she does it well.
I don't really remember Charlotte from Melrose. Her character was sort of annoying on SATC but in a total upper Manhattan way.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Police Academy
Big Trouble in Little China
Actually, why hasn't someone given this woman an award?
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
She should have married him.
She was silly.
I don't understand the whole Big thing. Oh sorry, John is his name.
He wanted her when he couldn't have her.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Police Academy
Big Trouble in Little China
Actually, why hasn't someone given this woman an award?
What does that have to do with the price of eggs in China?
She is awesome in this role.
And don't tell me you weren't checking her out in those movies because I was.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I don't get the Mr. Big thing. He seems more like her dad than significant other.
Quick Sidebar: PBW is obsessed with this show...thus, I'm in tune with the characters, plots, etc. Just to clarify.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Nothing...just trying to get a rise out of you for shits and giggles.
She portrays a character and does it well.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Nothing...just trying to get a rise out of you for shits and giggles.
She portrays a character and does it well.
Well, tread easy PBM.
Is PBW going with her gfs or are you taking her?
I love Kim's character. Shit, she got cancer, don't forget, and beat the shit out of it. And landed a hottie.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
She should have married him.
She was silly.
I don't understand the whole Big thing. Oh sorry, John is his name.
He wanted her when he couldn't have her.
yeah..I dunno..he was likable but I could see her more with Aiden. But I guess it wasn't meant to be.
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
Kim Catrell and her character are 2 entirely different people. Have you ever seen an interview with her? She is modest, down to earth and kind.
She plays a character and she does it well.
I don't really remember Charlotte from Melrose. Her character was sort of annoying on SATC but in a total upper Manhattan way.
she was Billy's girlfriend named brook and was written off Melrose place after a year b/c she was not liked by fans.
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
I offered to take her...mother-in-law was set to babysit tonight, but then backed out.
So, I told her to call up her girlfriends for a night out and I'd stay home and watch PissBottleBoy.
I'll catch it on DVD...several times...continuously.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Well, tread easy PBM.
Is PBW going with her gfs or are you taking her?
I love Kim's character. Shit, she got cancer, don't forget, and beat the shit out of it. And landed a hottie.
did she have cancer in the last episode? I know she does in the movie :(
9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
here in toronto - the shows are sold out for many theatres thru to sunday ... the question i have is that it seems that women are buying advance tickets knowing they are going to see it more then once ...
is that because:
a) they feel like they won't get it all on one watch?
b) they miss the show so much?
c) they are going with different groups of women?
d) other
friends ended the same way. the show started off about being an "urban tribe" of singles serving as each others families. but it ended with them all getting married, except for joey, who was thus out of a family and had to move away.
ummmmmmm....it's called COICE. life. compromises. EVERYone makes them in one way or another. single or coupled. since all ended up coupled, except smantha, it stands to reason. charlotte CHOSE to become jewish. miranda didn't want to give up living in manhattan but realized it ws best for her family and was HAPPY in brooklyn, and no, she NEVEr gave up her high-powered career. smantha gave up NOTHING. she was still living the single life on her terms. carrie, obviously did suffer a lot of grief, but ultimately i think BIG is the one who did the changing, not her....and she took him back b/c wow, yea, they realized they LOVED each other.
and this is the ONLY post i will make in response to this.
it was a FUN show. many people enjoyed it. others didn't. c'est la vie.
real life....most people end up coupled, with families, etc...so it stands to reason that 'characters' would eventually do the same. personally, i thought it cool that smantha stayed samantha and was HAPPY...and the others got what they wanted.....b/c they (the other3) ALL WANTED relationships and such....just saying to ENJOY EVERY stage of life. being single isn't about waiting, live your life to the fullest...and if you want a relationship eventually, that's cool too. it is not all or nothing.
and, that's it for me.
any/all other posts i shall make on this thread will be about the FLUFF and joy of this movie.
carry on.....
btw - i NEVEr had, and still don't have HBO or any pay for TV, and i've seen EVERY episode rented the first couple seasons, fell in love, then successively bought/own every season now on DVD. it was/is a FUN show.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I saw it last night and I'm seeing it again tomorrow night!
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
My gfs and I are going to see it and then have a party after with cosmos, of course and awesome food.
And then with another set of gf's next week.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I was gonna go with a Friend this wknd she is going away
When she gets home we will have a girls night out
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
I used to go out with a guy that always wanted to watch it with me.
It kind of creeped me out.
I am so excited.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
My roommate hasn't. So, no. lol
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
It really is an awesome show.
Had a couple clunker episodes, but all around awesome.
Strong, intelligent and beautiful lead characters going through the grind of living in NYC and finding love. And keeping it.
Along with great careers, awesome shoes and lots of lovers.
Nothing compares these days.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I wasn't a fan of the show. Sorry I only watched a few episodes and did not care for it. Probably because I hated Charlotte when she was on Melrose place as a psycho. Kim Catrell is an old slut, sorry she is 49 years old acting like she is 25. Ooops, Imdb.com says she is over 50.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
yeah definitely
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
She plays a character and she does it well.
I don't really remember Charlotte from Melrose. Her character was sort of annoying on SATC but in a total upper Manhattan way.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
ha....yeah, I liked him.
Her resume isn't too diverse:
Police Academy
Big Trouble in Little China
Actually, why hasn't someone given this woman an award?
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
She was silly.
I don't understand the whole Big thing. Oh sorry, John is his name.
He wanted her when he couldn't have her.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
She is awesome in this role.
And don't tell me you weren't checking her out in those movies because I was.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I don't get the Mr. Big thing. He seems more like her dad than significant other.
Quick Sidebar: PBW is obsessed with this show...thus, I'm in tune with the characters, plots, etc. Just to clarify.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Nothing...just trying to get a rise out of you for shits and giggles.
She portrays a character and does it well.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Is PBW going with her gfs or are you taking her?
I love Kim's character. Shit, she got cancer, don't forget, and beat the shit out of it. And landed a hottie.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
yeah..I dunno..he was likable but I could see her more with Aiden. But I guess it wasn't meant to be.
she was Billy's girlfriend named brook and was written off Melrose place after a year b/c she was not liked by fans.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
I offered to take her...mother-in-law was set to babysit tonight, but then backed out.
So, I told her to call up her girlfriends for a night out and I'd stay home and watch PissBottleBoy.
I'll catch it on DVD...several times...continuously.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
did she have cancer in the last episode? I know she does in the movie :(
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
I hope there are lots of booty shots.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I heard some rumors.....fuck....
Her character has been living with cancer for at least one season.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
is that because:
a) they feel like they won't get it all on one watch?
b) they miss the show so much?
c) they are going with different groups of women?
d) other
please and thanks ... it's research purposes! ...