concepts or things that you'll never comprehend...



  • dunkman wrote:
    no matter how hard you try.

    1. Piss breaks at a concert.


    will never understand that.

    hey if you have to go, you have to go. I don't like to miss anything but if I'm drinking at the show, its bound to happen. At those shows with extreme heat you just sweat it out so that's nice. :)
    "I'll ride the wave where it takes me.."
  • I have this problem.. things that I can't see seem to make my mind do flips

    I also have a horrible time understanding the concept of death. As I've said in threads, I have actually had panic attacks because I have thrown myself into this never ending loop of thinking about life just stopping and yet life just going on without you..

    scares me.

    I've lost A LOT of sleep thinking about dying. I'll crawl into bed and since it's dark and nothing else has my attention, my mind can wander to the place I hate the most.
  • dunkman wrote:
    i just cant work it out.. i've read about 7 serious posts from you in the last few days. :confused:

    take it to the algebra forum ;)
    I am trying to pretend that i am a mature and conscientious adult person.

    it is hard work.

  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    hey if you have to go, you have to go. I don't like to miss anything but if I'm drinking at the show, its bound to happen. At those shows with extreme heat you just sweat it out so that's nice. :)

    but i drink at every show i got to as well.. i just know that the show starts at 9pm.. so i go at 845pm.. and anyone can hold in a pee for 2-3 hours whilst the band is on. well i can... hence my non-understanding of piss-breaks as an actual thing.

    like people actually say "oh thats my piss-break song"...
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    I am trying to pretend that i am a mature and conscientious adult person.

    it is hard work.


    yeah i noticed..

    it actually ties in with my thread topic..

    you being mature!! its something i'll never comprehend ;)
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
  • dunkman wrote:
    but i drink at every show i got to as well.. i just know that the show starts at 9pm.. so i go at 845pm.. and anyone can hold in a pee for 2-3 hours whilst the band is on. well i can... hence my non-understanding of piss-breaks as an actual thing.

    like people actually say "oh thats my piss-break song"...
    Crazy mary seems to be a popular piss break song.

    you have the bladder of a camel, toe (errr Tho) Dunk.

    as do I, my friend, as do I. ;)
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    dunkman wrote:
    but i drink at every show i got to as well.. i just know that the show starts at 9pm.. so i go at 845pm.. and anyone can hold in a pee for 2-3 hours whilst the band is on. well i can... hence my non-understanding of piss-breaks as an actual thing.

    like people actually say "oh thats my piss-break song"...

    and if you can't, don't fucking drink so much at the show.....i didn't pay for a ticket to have you keep walking in front of me to a) get a beer then 2) piss that beer out and repeat.....enjoy the show can drink anytime....
  • cutback wrote:
    and if you can't, don't fucking drink so much at the show.....i didn't pay for a ticket to have you keep walking in front of me to a) get a beer then 2) piss that beer out and repeat.....enjoy the show can drink anytime....

    What if someone has a disorder or something? I mean, a pissing disorder, not an alcoholic disorder.
  • What if someone has a disorder or something? I mean, a pissing disorder, not an alcoholic disorder.
    wear a sign.

    that way we will let you stand closer to the aisle.
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    What if someone has a disorder or something? I mean, a pissing disorder, not an alcoholic disorder.

    then that person probably shouldn't be drinking at the show.....but then i don't expect my fellow man to be respectful of others....and besides, don't they have medicine for pissing problems? :)
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Non-alcoholic beer

    De-caffeinated coffee


    The inabilty of people to walk 'down' escalators - I mean, they have to walk when they get to the bottom anyway, so why put it off?

    Food in cinemas - If you're hungry, go to a fucking restaurant!

    What 'normal' people do on Sundays. I mean, why isn't everyone in the pub? What are they doing? :confused:

    Why some people take a book or a newspaper into the toilet.

    Simply Red.

    Big dogs - why would anyone want a massive beast running about the house, pissing and shitting everywhere, chewing things up, and potentially savaging a young child. Fuck that! What's wrong with a fucking hamster?

    80 year olds having plastic surgery - You're on the way out. Stop pretending otherwise. You're not fooling anyone.
  • cutback wrote:
    then that person probably shouldn't be drinking at the show.....but then i don't expect my fellow man to be respectful of others....and besides, don't they have medicine for pissing problems? :)

    I dont know. I dont have to deal with it. I'm just sayin, some people probably need that piss break.
  • Byrnzie wrote:

    Big dogs - why would anyone want a massive beast running about the house, pissing and shitting everywhere, chewing things up, and potentially savaging a young child. Fuck that! What's wrong with a fucking hamster?

    I want a mastiff. Actually if i could, I'd get clifford the big red dog. I love huge dogs. Plus, the gas mileage rocks
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    I dont know. I dont have to deal with it. I'm just sayin, some people probably need that piss break.

    i'm not saying on occasion one might have to piss....but i watch these fools pour beer down their gullets and then piss and buy more beer.....and usually these people are in the middle of the row.....:rolleyes: :)
  • cutback wrote:
    i'm not saying on occasion one might have to piss....but i watch these fools pour beer down their gullets and then piss and buy more beer.....and usually these people are in the middle of the row.....:rolleyes: :)

    Oh yea, I agree with you there. Personally, why you want to get drunk at a show is beyond me. You could miss some great memories.
  • People that have to comment on how bad a bathroom smells while they are in there.

    Yes. We get it. It smells. It's a fuggin bathroom. NO mystery on what happens in there.

    People that stand in line in a cafe or anywhere for that matter only to get in front of the register and not know what they want.

    Are you serious? Get off the muthafuckin' phone, because I don't wanna hear about Grandma's plantar wart cream anyway, and pay attention. And don't get cute with the substitutions, either. You don't like tomato? Pick em off!!! Shit. The menu is in english, same language for you and I, let's step it up. Ordering at one of these places should be like a SEALs operation in Panama. Get in, get out.
    I'm so dangerous I smoke dynamite.

  • drtyfrnk29 wrote:

    Are you serious? Get off the muthafuckin' phone, because I don't wanna hear about Grandma's plantar wart cream anyway, and pay attention. And don't get cute with the substitutions, either. You don't like tomato? Pick em off!!! Shit. The menu is in english, same language for you and I, let's step it up. Ordering at one of these places should be like a SEALs operation in Panama. Get in, get out.

    I hear ya. Although it's our problem not theirs. The world does need to slow down a bit. Just not when I'm in the cue and apparently, not when you're in the cue either.
  • life in general.
  • Urban HikerUrban Hiker Posts: 1,312
    Byrnzie wrote:
    The inabilty of people to walk 'down' escalators - I mean, they have to walk when they get to the bottom anyway, so why put it off?

    Big dogs - why would anyone want a massive beast running about the house, pissing and shitting everywhere, chewing things up, and potentially savaging a young child. Fuck that! What's wrong with a fucking hamster?

    Escalators - For every building with escalators, there are stairs. Feel like walking, take the stairs. Note: this is coming from someone who lives in a city with A LOT of STEEP hills and walks almost everywhere. Sometimes, the escalator is a nice break from the hills. :p:D

    Big Dogs - I can't imagine having a small dog. Even though my two dogs are monsters who have knocked me on my ass, broken my right pinky, strained my back, inflicted a number of bruises and scratches, chipped my front tooth, ate my couch (I've shared this photo a million times, and trust me, that was just the beginning of the destruction.), and have at times been a general nuisance, I LOVE THEM.

    I have told my dogs many times that yes, I love them and will adore them their entire lives, but when they die I will not be replacing them. :o Dogs are a lot more work than cats. But, if I go back on my word I will for sure get more BIG DOGS.


    The Universe - my heart rate goes up about 30 beats/minute and I get butterflies in my belly when I TRY to understand all that is the universe. It's fascinating, yet frustratingly perplexing.
    -Something doesn't come from nothing, so how does it all even exist?
    -Infinite bounds, but growing. If it's already infinite, into what does it grow?
    -Etc. - it's just too much to think about. I love it. :cool:

    People who are young earth creationists - All I can say is WTF. :confused:
    Walking can be a real trip
    "We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
    Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
  • SpunkieSpunkie i come from downtown. Posts: 6,832
    How the hell do you get that BIG ship through the little bottle hole?
    I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef 
    Animals were hiding behind the Coral 
    Except for little Turtle
    I could swear he's trying to talk to me 
    Gurgle Gurgle
  • zenithzenith Posts: 3,191
    i dont get the piss break concept either - perhaps i have a really great bladder? but i have never taken one. (at a show)
    interestingly, when i go out, i can drink about 5 beers - then usually i have go, and after that then i go EVERY beer - in australia girls around where i live joke it's 'breaking the seal'

    i dont get people who insist on standing in front of you in the supermarket aisle, looking at a shelf, and clearly blocking your way, and just ignore your presence untill you finally say 'move please'

    i hate the way some people just aimlessly wander in the street or the mall but seem to deliberately block you obvious path

    and strangely, fake grass - its plastic - why would you cover your ground in plastic green stuff???? and if you are going to insist on that, why not pink plastic stuff, or brown, or yellow, or just match it to your house?????
    impatience is a gift ........
  • Julien wrote:
    I will never understand the fact that the universe is infinite...
    I can't get it. It's said "there's always something after". but then ? What's after the universe ? What's in is the universe...?
    When I satrt thinking about it, I can't stop.

    I don't want to spoil any of the mysteries of the universe for anyone... but understanding the size and fate of the universe is actually not as complicated as you might imagine.

    Size of the Universe:
    Our current understanding of the size of the universe is based primarily on Einstein's General Relativity. Quite simply, scientists think that the universe is finite, but without boundaries. The only way that this can occur is if spacetime (the three dimensions of space + the dimension of time combined) is curved by the gravity of the universe.

    Think of it this way- If you were walking around the equator of the earth, you would appear to be walking in a straight line but would eventually (after a long time) reach your starting point. You never reach a boundary. Space is the same, but with an extra two dimensions (1 space + 1 time) thrown in. Head off in one direction in a superfast rocket and, whilst it might take an impossibly long time, you would eventually arrive back at your spatial starting point, (although your temporal (time) starting point would now be in the past).

    Fate of the Universe:
    The universe is expanding- everything (with a few exceptions) is getting further away from everything else. A mutual separation of cosmic proportions. This scientific theory is as well supported by evidence as the theory of gravity. This is one of the major reasons why scientists hypothesise a 'big bang' type event.

    For a long time scientists were battling with the value of omega, which is the density of the universe. Above a critical point, (omega=1), the density of the universe would be high enough that gravity would cause the expansion of the universe to stop and reverse. The universe would collapse in on itself. That is why scientists are searching for 'dark matter', to try and calculate omega.

    A complicating factor was the discovery of Lambda, quite simply the energy or force that is causing the the universe's expansion to accelerate. The evidence for a universe that is exanding at an increasing rate is very strong, but not yet complete. So there are 3 options-

    Universe continually expands and everything gets so far apart (omega gets very low), that the entire universe becaomes essentially very cold and empty. Life would eventually not be possible.

    Omega is finely balanced and the universe's expansion will reduce but never stop. In this scenarion, which is considered the least likely, life is theoretically able to continue infinitely.

    Expansion is reversed, universe collapses in on itself to a tiny point before another 'big bang' occurs and the process continues.This is called a cyclic universe, or a recycled universe. It is probably the most pleasing to people... but of course that means nothing as far as its likelyhood.

    I hope that helps.
  • dunkman wrote:
    i also cant get my head around the evolution of man from ape... cos there are still apes out there... which means they didnt evolve with us or the evolved from even shitter monkeys.. i dunno.. but i truly believe in evolution.. but man evolved really really quickly whereas a crocodile is a crocodile and has been for thousands of years...

    lazy monkeys.

    A minor myth- Man did not evolve from modern primates. Man and modern primates share a common ancestor. The shared ancestors of modern primates and hominids are long extinct.

    The earliest hominids lived about 2 million yeas ago. This is a far shorter period of time then modern crocodiles (64 million years), but far longer then some other groups of organisms.

    That being said, there is something very fascinating about an organism that has only changed to a minor degree over 64 million years. I worked with crocodiles for 5 years and they simply ooze pre-historicness!
  • The Universe - my heart rate goes up about 30 beats/minute and I get butterflies in my belly when I TRY to understand all that is the universe. It's fascinating, yet frustratingly perplexing.
    -Something doesn't come from nothing, so how does it all even exist?
    -Infinite bounds, but growing. If it's already infinite, into what does it grow?
    -Etc. - it's just too much to think about. I love it. :cool:

    People who are young earth creationists - All I can say is WTF. :confused:

    I should really get back to work... but the first point you have raised about the universe is probably the area of science I am most fascinated with.

    A universe from nothing sounds impossible, but here are some ideas that might help you to understand the idea. I stress that this is just one theory- and there are still many problems to overcome. That being said, many of the principals are very well established and they are supported by very large amounts of evidence.

    1) Nothing is in this case a mathamatical term (as in 1 + -1 = 0). Imagine a perfect vacuum, in which it is impossible to find a single particle. One might think we could call this an empty space. Well actually no, we cannot. Vacuums have what is called a fluctuating quantum energy, which basically means that particles appear out of nowhere and equally quickly disappear again. These are virtual particles that only ever exist for the smallest of time frames, and are permitted by the laws of quantum mechanics provided that they disappear rapidly. In that way there is no net gain of energy to the universe- we are not really at this stage creating something out of nothing, just borrowing for a moment.

    2) So emptiness is but an illusion, even so called vacuums contain a vast world of virtual particles that exist regardless of what is or is not surrounding them. But because these particles are required to disappear it does not help us to create a universe out of nothing. At the heart of inflation theory is the idea that the universe formed from nothing and then underwent a period of great expansion. We need a device for this matter leave the virtual world and become real at a phenomenal rate. But before we can deal with the issue of how the mass of matter we see today was formed, we need somewhere for it to form.

    3) This is in some ways the bigger question. The basic structure of the universe is known as spacetime. In a rough description it is the three dimensions of space interwoven with the dimension of time. The expansion of the universe was the expansion of spacetime. But what created spacetime? Perhaps once again the byproducts of quantum mechanics can help us here. We have already seen how particles can literally appear out of nothing and then disappear again within spacetime. These happenings in the quantum world have been confirmed by repeated experiments. If matter can spontaneously appear out of nothing, would it be such a stretch for spacetime to do the same?

    4) Many physicists believe that at the smallest length, (planck length or 10-33 cm) space time breaks up and is no longer a uniform smooth substance. Instead it forms small bubbles, which as with matter could possibly spontaneously form creating virtual space time. So if this is the case we now have mechanism for the creation of a universe. However at this stage it might be a little crowded given it is currently smaller then a single atom. Now all we need to do is find a way of making our tiny bubble of space time stick around, and then make it start to grow.

    5) To do this we have to duck back to quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics particles have a wave of probability; the details of which we do not need to discuss here suffice to say that in the quantum world particles do strange things, everything is bound by chance and nothing is really impossible, just improbable. Once again I believe we can apply the same principle to our virtual bubbles in our pre-universe base. By the laws of chance one of these almost infinite numbers of bubbles is born into an ‘excited vacuum’ state. In this state the bubble would actually have a negative pressure which creates anti-gravity. The effects of this would cause the temporary bubble to suddenly expand at an alarming rate (doubling in size every 10 -35 seconds). This is our big bang!

    6) The negative pressure stage of our bubble is very unstable and would not last long, but given how rapidly the bubble is expanding it would not need to. When it ceased it would release massive amounts of energy, turning our virtual bubble into a real universe and in the process converting the virtual particles contained within our bubble into real particles as well. The cessation of the negative pressure would also mean an end to the antigravity. Therefore the expansion would slow down as normal gravity takes a hold, leading to the exact effects we find so apparent in the universe today. So in summary the universe was born out of a base world of fluctuations (replacing the standard human view of nothing), was seized by inflation which eventually released the energy to create the universe we have today.

    I guess in summary:

    The term nothing is actually a mathamatical one and not 'nothing' as we would normally consider it, ie- the absence of all.

    The universe possible began from a timeless quantum base.

    This implies that our universe is but one of many, (possibly an infinite number).

    These ideas are just a summary of what many of the world's leading physicists have hypothesised. A 'how it might be possible idea based on what we know now'.

    There is evidence supporting many key parts of these ideas, but there are still gaps in our knowledge.

    And finally... I really have to get back to work now.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    I should really get back to work... but the first point you have raised about the universe is probably the area of science I am most fascinated with.

    A universe from nothing sounds impossible, but here are some ideas that might help you to understand the idea. I stress that this is just one theory- and there are still many problems to overcome. That being said, many of the principals are very well established and they are supported by very large amounts of evidence.

    1) Nothing is in this case a mathamatical term (as in 1 + -1 = 0). Imagine a perfect vacuum, in which it is impossible to find a single particle. One might think we could call this an empty space. Well actually no, we cannot. Vacuums have what is called a fluctuating quantum energy, which basically means that particles appear out of nowhere and equally quickly disappear again. These are virtual particles that only ever exist for the smallest of time frames, and are permitted by the laws of quantum mechanics provided that they disappear rapidly. In that way there is no net gain of energy to the universe- we are not really at this stage creating something out of nothing, just borrowing for a moment.

    2) So emptiness is but an illusion, even so called vacuums contain a vast world of virtual particles that exist regardless of what is or is not surrounding them. But because these particles are required to disappear it does not help us to create a universe out of nothing. At the heart of inflation theory is the idea that the universe formed from nothing and then underwent a period of great expansion. We need a device for this matter leave the virtual world and become real at a phenomenal rate. But before we can deal with the issue of how the mass of matter we see today was formed, we need somewhere for it to form.

    3) This is in some ways the bigger question. The basic structure of the universe is known as spacetime. In a rough description it is the three dimensions of space interwoven with the dimension of time. The expansion of the universe was the expansion of spacetime. But what created spacetime? Perhaps once again the byproducts of quantum mechanics can help us here. We have already seen how particles can literally appear out of nothing and then disappear again within spacetime. These happenings in the quantum world have been confirmed by repeated experiments. If matter can spontaneously appear out of nothing, would it be such a stretch for spacetime to do the same?

    4) Many physicists believe that at the smallest length, (planck length or 10-33 cm) space time breaks up and is no longer a uniform smooth substance. Instead it forms small bubbles, which as with matter could possibly spontaneously form creating virtual space time. So if this is the case we now have mechanism for the creation of a universe. However at this stage it might be a little crowded given it is currently smaller then a single atom. Now all we need to do is find a way of making our tiny bubble of space time stick around, and then make it start to grow.

    5) To do this we have to duck back to quantum mechanics. In quantum mechanics particles have a wave of probability; the details of which we do not need to discuss here suffice to say that in the quantum world particles do strange things, everything is bound by chance and nothing is really impossible, just improbable. Once again I believe we can apply the same principle to our virtual bubbles in our pre-universe base. By the laws of chance one of these almost infinite numbers of bubbles is born into an ‘excited vacuum’ state. In this state the bubble would actually have a negative pressure which creates anti-gravity. The effects of this would cause the temporary bubble to suddenly expand at an alarming rate (doubling in size every 10 -35 seconds). This is our big bang!

    6) The negative pressure stage of our bubble is very unstable and would not last long, but given how rapidly the bubble is expanding it would not need to. When it ceased it would release massive amounts of energy, turning our virtual bubble into a real universe and in the process converting the virtual particles contained within our bubble into real particles as well. The cessation of the negative pressure would also mean an end to the antigravity. Therefore the expansion would slow down as normal gravity takes a hold, leading to the exact effects we find so apparent in the universe today. So in summary the universe was born out of a base world of fluctuations (replacing the standard human view of nothing), was seized by inflation which eventually released the energy to create the universe we have today.

    I guess in summary:

    The term nothing is actually a mathamatical one and not 'nothing' as we would normally consider it, ie- the absence of all.

    The universe possible began from a timeless quantum base.

    This implies that our universe is but one of many, (possibly an infinite number).

    These ideas are just a summary of what many of the world's leading physicists have hypothesised. A 'how it might be possible idea based on what we know now'.

    There is evidence supporting many key parts of these ideas, but there are still gaps in our knowledge.

    And finally... I really have to get back to work now.

    :D That's probably a good thing....that you have to get back to's gonna take me a couple of days to try to understand everything you've said anyway! And even then..... :confused:;):o
    Thanks though. Maybe we should have a thread where you explain this stuff to folk? Of course I'll be the dunce of the class but tis way cool that you've tried to explain it anway. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • Urban HikerUrban Hiker Posts: 1,312
    I guess in summary:

    The term nothing is actually a mathamatical one and not 'nothing' as we would normally consider it, ie- the absence of all.

    The universe possible began from a timeless quantum base.

    This implies that our universe is but one of many, (possibly an infinite number).

    These ideas are just a summary of what many of the world's leading physicists have hypothesised. A 'how it might be possible idea based on what we know now'.

    There is evidence supporting many key parts of these ideas, but there are still gaps in our knowledge.

    And finally... I really have to get back to work now.

    I'm with Jeanie, it's probably going to take me a couple of days (and repeated readings of your posts) to understand these concepts, but ClimberInOz - YOU FUCKING ROCK for taking the time to go type all of this out for us. It is absolutely fascinating. I won't need any beer to make my head spin tonight. ;):p:D

    HUGE thanks out to ya!
    Walking can be a real trip
    "We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
    Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
  • haffajappahaffajappa British Columbia Posts: 5,955
    dunkman wrote:
    i'm exactly the same there amigo!!!

    it kills my brain when i think of that... also i think too much of the inevitable dying of the sun.. ok i know it'll be in 337209387 kwazzillion years or so, but it will happen :eek:
    cillian murphy will sacrifice himself and save us all!
    live pearl jam is best pearl jam
  • Jeanie wrote:
    :D That's probably a good thing....that you have to get back to's gonna take me a couple of days to try to understand everything you've said anyway! And even then..... :confused:;):o
    Thanks though. Maybe we should have a thread where you explain this stuff to folk? Of course I'll be the dunce of the class but tis way cool that you've tried to explain it anway. :)

    Thanks Jeannie. As for the dunce thing... I've only been a teacher 1 and a bit years now, but I've quickly learnt that the students who proclaim their own lack of understanding are the ones who often end up with the deepest understanding of the ideas.

    Speaking of school- that's where I am headed now! Have a good day.

  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    I'm with Jeanie, it's probably going to take me a couple of days (and repeated readings of your posts) to understand these concepts, but ClimberInOz - YOU FUCKING ROCK for taking the time to go type all of this out for us. It is absolutely fascinating. I won't need any beer to make my head spin tonight. ; ): p: D

    HUGE thanks out to ya!

    :D It was very cool of climber, I agree. I love that people know this stuff.
    Just wish I could get my tiny mind around it. :o Good to know I'm not the only one whose head is spinning though. ;):)

    Maybe a thread called The Universe 101? Or The Universe for Beginners? :D

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Thanks Jeannie. As for the dunce thing... I've only been a teacher 1 and a bit years now, but I've quickly learnt that the students who proclaim their own lack of understanding are the ones who often end up with the deepest understanding of the ideas.

    Speaking of school- that's where I am headed now! Have a good day.


    haha! Well, you should talk to my brother, he will explain to you just how hard to comprehend I still find the concept that when you push the light switch, there is light! :D:o

    But it was very cool of you to explain it all. I will endeavour to understand it.

    Have a great day at school teach! :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
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