No Grateful Dead comparisons!

I think we all need, as PJ fans, attempt to lose or disassociate w/ the Grateful Dead comparisons that have been written & talked about over the past 5-6 years.
First off, the Grateful Dead are dead, have been since Jerry Garcia died in 1995. Second, we are not nor am I by any means burnt out druggie hippies trying to revive the 1960's & 70's on a daily basis. Third, the music is huge parallels apart from each other. The Grateful Dead were just a dope/LSD laced jam band that happened to form in a city(San Francisco) that accepted that sort of birth at the time. We however, are not druggies (I hope) & have more intelligence & intrigue than most fans of rock bands. Pearl Jam's soul & identity gives way to the freedom of punk rock & the all out integrity of 70's arena rock. Ok, so the Dead & PJ had a lot of music out in a short length of time at their peak & the Ten Club members/die hards know the songs like their short n' curlys, so what? Pearl Jam's still alive, always have been & we know they're not going anywhere anytime soon.
So what makes us survive? The band's topics such as politics, evolution & faith? you decide...not some critic who sees us & the band as new age jam thank you at all...
First off, the Grateful Dead are dead, have been since Jerry Garcia died in 1995. Second, we are not nor am I by any means burnt out druggie hippies trying to revive the 1960's & 70's on a daily basis. Third, the music is huge parallels apart from each other. The Grateful Dead were just a dope/LSD laced jam band that happened to form in a city(San Francisco) that accepted that sort of birth at the time. We however, are not druggies (I hope) & have more intelligence & intrigue than most fans of rock bands. Pearl Jam's soul & identity gives way to the freedom of punk rock & the all out integrity of 70's arena rock. Ok, so the Dead & PJ had a lot of music out in a short length of time at their peak & the Ten Club members/die hards know the songs like their short n' curlys, so what? Pearl Jam's still alive, always have been & we know they're not going anywhere anytime soon.
So what makes us survive? The band's topics such as politics, evolution & faith? you decide...not some critic who sees us & the band as new age jam thank you at all...
U.S. / Canada
Buffalo 1996 Barrie Ontario 1998
Saratoga Springs 2000 Toronto Ontario 2000
Albany 2003 Toronto Ontario 2003
Buffalo 2003 Toronto Ontario 2005
Toledo 2004 London Ontario 2005
Seattle 2009 Vancouver B.C. 2011
Seattle 2013
Post edited by Unknown User on
stop preaching. not your stong suit.
Wow... Let me start by saying you are an idiot. I am a huge Grateful Dead fan and do not fit any of the stereotypes you speak of. It was a completely different generation of people who followed the Dead... that doesn't make them morons; just different than you... As for not going anywhere anytime soon I believe any of us would be thrilled if PJ lasted close to as long as the Dead did. Like others said people only compare the 2 because of their cult followings and their extensive live catalogues. Now please stop acting like a dick and assuming other PJ fans are as stuck up as you are because from my experience most are not.
I'm still young but did catch 5 shows in the summers of 1994 and 1995 with Jerry. I caught the last wave but beacame a deadhead/fan of the dead's music for life. I consider myself to be a deadhead before a PJ fan. Saw my last dead show one night and the next night saw my first PJ show. So I will always have the connection.
It's the ''anything can happen feeling'' at either bands concerts that are the same. Every show the Dead played was different then the last, so is the same at PJ shows.
How I would loved to have seen Jerry and Ed singing a dead tune together.
I'll toast Bob to that thought!
Drop drop dropping it down...oh so gently...
Well here it comes...I touch the plane...
Turn me up...won't turn you away...
since you have already been knocked off your high horse and were deservedly beaten for your idiotic comments, i won't kick you while you're down.
"and onward goes this thing of ours."
First - the Dead are not dead. Just because Jerry Garcia died does not mean the band does not live on. To say this goes against all he lived for. And aside from the that, the remaining members still tour. Their music has lived on and will continue to live on in the hearts of Deadheads for years to come!
Second - Do not ever group "us" all together when speaking such idiocies. Even though I am a hippie at heart, I'm not a "burnt out druggie," but there might be some Pearl Jam fans that are. And I'm sure, there are many Dead fans who aren't. But even if somebody is, that does not automatically make you any better of a person. As for trying to revive the 60s and 70s, I can only hope for that. In my opinion, it was a better time, at least musically, with the exception of Pearl Jam, obviously.
Third - Please show me the article that compares the music of the two bands. I don't think anybody on the face of the planet has ever compared their music.
Lastly, I will comment on this:
I guarantee that there are broken hearted Dead fans all over that will contest to how easy it is for your favorite band to suddenly "end." If not for the sudden passing of Garcia, they would most likely still be touring as the Dead and their fans would still be ever so dedicated. I think we can all agree how heart broken we would be if something sudden changed the current dynamic of Pearl Jam, but I'd like to think that their music would live on regardless, as the Dead's has.
Personally, being associated with true deadheads, is a huge compliment. Their passion is unparalleled, but I think Pearl Jam fans come really close.
Me too!
im a big GD fan... i see no problem with the comparisons... an avid fan is an avid fan... doesnt matter who youre supporting... as long as no green bay packer comparisons get started...
I love your post but whats with the Packer comparisons? LOL
Favre is the Eddie of the Packers and the Packers are the Pearl Jam of the NFL!
I think that was my favourite post i have ever had.
When Bear fans are out in full force I can't stand it around here. But there team crashed and burned and they are already talking Cubs baseball. So in a few months Brewer fans will have to deal with that again. Lets just keep sports out of this thread. Your down there I'm up here. LOL
I'm cool with yea. Always enjoy your comments.
It should be considered an honor for PJ and their fans to be so compared to the Grateful Dead.
Man there is an entire culture that trips to the Teletubbies. But you can't say that acid trips are what the Teletubbies are about, don't say it about the Dead.....just sayin
The comparison is the relationship between the band and it's ultra-passionate fans. Oh...and the similarities between Boom and Jerry Garcia.