
Very random question...
was watching sex & the city with some female friends (ive been ill and all the guys were out so i was forced into it, there was no alternative honestly) and basically a big subject of the episode was about a mans foreskin.
is it the norm in the USA to be/have been circumsized?
the women in the program seemed disgusted that some guy wasnt circumsized? In europe its not really very common, apart from certain religions.
was watching sex & the city with some female friends (ive been ill and all the guys were out so i was forced into it, there was no alternative honestly) and basically a big subject of the episode was about a mans foreskin.
is it the norm in the USA to be/have been circumsized?
the women in the program seemed disgusted that some guy wasnt circumsized? In europe its not really very common, apart from certain religions.
Post edited by Unknown User on
yeah its the norm. for some reason we decided it was cool to cut our dicks.
-mason jennings
Wishlist Foundation-
me and my friends didnt really understand the program, but now i know its normal i do lol
Circumcision is erm..well, usually a urine infection in a pre-pubescent male results in the removal, or a jewish father.
I´m a hoodie, me don´t need to wash to it after the urinals!
The fuckin equipment seems ugly enough, ye´get me!
As I have explained before on here, I am a Nanny. I interact with both parents on a daily bases. Mom is from America, Dad is from England. Okay thats the background...
So my boss says to me the other day in conversation: "When the baby was born, they messed up the time for the circumcision, so they weren't able to do it until right before we left to go home with him. So he was all bloody in his diaper when we got home for a little while, and so I made my mother help me change his diaper because I was overwhelmed with seeing the blood. And my mother was cool with it all and never said one thing. But when (insert her husbands name here)'s mom came over from England a few days later to help me, she opened the diaper to change him and started yelling for me to come look at him. She has no idea what a circumcised pee part looked like. She was worried something was wrong. She just kept saying, we don't do that in the UK, we don't do that!"
So the moral of that story is, my boss pretty much told ME all about her husbands hoo haw since he is from the UK, and now I'm all weired out! I was like TOO MUCH INFO!!!!!!!
The ignorance and misinformation about foreskins in the US is an embarrassment.
And what permanent damage are you talking about? I really don't mind not having a bunch of extra skin crowding my cock.
exactly...i'm so glad i'm cut.
All I've ever heard though, was that it's healthier and cleaner to be circumcised.
I know nothing specific really though, it could just be a Republican plot to collect all foreskin and build super soldiers out of it..
--Circumcised since 1981
Here is an article on circumcision, the functions of the foreskin, etc.
ETA: If you understand how the foreskin functions, it doesn't "crowd" the penis. It accommodates the erection. Circumcision is effectively penile reduction surgery. Without the foreskin, erections become tighter, forcing the penis to be smaller than intended. With a "tight" circ, the penis will actually pull skin up from the scrotum to help accommodate erection, causing a hairy shaft. It's not pretty. Nor is it as comfortable for the partner.
I have NEVER heard of it being required.. its very much a choice for each family to make. I would say most people in the US do have it done to their sons, but it is not a requirement.
I must say honestly, I don't think I could be with someone who wasn't. I dated this guy once who told me he wasn't, and honestly it weirded me out so much I ended up ending it with him. I know it sounds really shallow, but its such a normal thing in the US that I have never known anyone but him that wasn't (that I know of!) Of course when you read the propaganda that is PRO circumcision about the germs, and crap that builds up and can get sorta caught in the skin and stuff, it honestly makes me gag. I know many many many men are super clean, and this doesn't really happen, but I think some weird horrible image got burned into my mind about the possibility of it getting all dirty and crusty, and yeah that pretty much ruined it for life for me.
It is not healthier. It is LESS healthy. How can creating a severe wound on a newborn's most delicate body part, then making the heal among urine and feces in a diaper, possibly be "healthy"?
Americans have been sold a bill of good re: circ. The hospital charges about $400 for the unneeded procedure, then turns around and sells the excised tissue and it is used to grow a medical product called "nuskin." It is also used in certain high-end facial creams. Profit, profit, profit. That's what circ is about.
And what are the consequences of leaving your healthy newborn intact? Nothing. It's fine. No special care is needed. No risk, no screaming.
Don't even get me started on botched circumcisions. Just google that if you want to know. It happens. Just last year, a Canadian baby died as a result. And why? Why? So he could "look just like his father?"
as a woman i care not one way or the other. it makes no difference when it comes to getting the job done. tis not like its a flaw in the manufacturing.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I think it can get dirty just like any other part of the body. With the foreskin they need to make sure they clean it. I guess if someone is not a clean person and doesn't shower everyday they wouldn't be smelling too good in that area.....
If you're talking about smegma, that is absolutely no different that what would appear in the folds of female genitalia in the absence of taking a shower. I sure wouldn't want my parent to have had my inner labia amputated in some crazy attempt to make me "cleaner" or "more desirable" to men. Yet we Americans apply this thinking to our newborn sons without batting an eye.
Well, putting the risk of infection and resulting scar tissue aside, it is a given.......... there are plenty of other risk factors. Taking too much skin, skin bridges forming during the healing process, painful erections after puberty, unusual bends in the penis caused by keloid scarring etc to name a few. One of the most common forms of permanent damage is the removal of the frenulum, which is kinda like the male g-spot. Most guys don't even realise they have lost their frenulum, cause they have no basis for comparison.
There is also the issue of loss of sensitivity to the glans. The foreskin's function is to protect the glans and keep is soft and supple with the production of oils from sebaceous glands. A circumcised glans tends to dry out, and the constant rubbing on underwear and the like cause it to loose sensitivity. Again, there is no basis for comparison, because the circumcised man has never known any different.
America is pretty much the only country in the world that performs routine circumcision on infants for non-religious reasons. It has been steadily declining in popularity everywhere else in the world, with only about 5-7% of boys being cut in other developed nations. I think it still sits at 60-70% of boys in the US.
From a personal point of view, I prefer an uncut dick. Maybe thats just coz it's what I am used to, but I just find them nicer to look at and play with.... lol...... I've had some experience with both, and find uncut men seem to feel more..... without getting too graphic....... they get harder and well, cum harder too.
in this day & age there is absolutely NO reason to circumcise a new born boy.
See These Bones
Yeah, I mean I don't think that guys who are uncircumcised are totally dirty and they are all crusty.. I just meant more like, thats what people are fed, and I get stuck with those weird things in my head.
I do wish there was more education BOTH ways for people before they did it, not just well, it looks like someone else in my family.. so there you go, chop.
No judgment against people who've been swept into the cultural prejudice and had this done to their kids. I know they love them and thought they were doing what was best.
And the "look like father" thing is hilarious, if you consider that what a kid will notice is the difference in size and hair.
Here is a true "look like father" story. My DH is circed. Our DS is not. When DS was two and being potty trained, he was running around in nothing but a t-shirt when DH's father dropped by. He looked at DS and said "He's not circumcised, is he?" When we confirmed, he smiled and said "Neither am I."
So there you go. DH never even knew his own dad's circ status. So much for the "importance" of looking like the father.
me either i am just saying that is the only way it would be smelly and crusty just like any other part of the body that wasn't washed daily.
you seem very passionate and well education on the subject. Thanks for sharing the info. I'm one of those on the fence as to what I would do if I actually had a baby boy. I think I would have to do A LOT of research before making any kind of choice like that. I don't think I am going to have children, but its never a bad thing to be aware of issues going on in society.
Get over yourself. Sorry your baby's daddy has a turtle dick.
Sadly, it's very hard for circed men to accept that it isn't optimum, that something was taken from them; the equivalent of 15 square inches of highly erotic tissue in the adult male.
I ain´t superclean but the foreskin protects surely? yeah yeah after a piss and all but y´know I shake it........I´ll end it here!!!
Hahaha...such an original response. I'm surprised you didn't use wheaties or cheerios instead of cornflakes. This has to be synergy's default response when you people can't think of a clever retort. Ha.