Stickboy goes Into the Wild



  • pjtaperpjtaper Posts: 3,020
    If Eli lost 50lbs he would be nothing but a hat and a jersey! His name on here is stickboy for a reason...
  • fanch75fanch75 Posts: 3,734
    never say die

    Great often-forgotten gem by Black Sabbath!!!
    Do you remember Rock & Roll Radio?
  • BuruBuru Posts: 8,473
    pjtaper wrote:
    If Eli lost 50lbs he would be nothing but a hat and a jersey! His name on here is stickboy for a reason...

    yup, he is going to be rail thin by the end of that trip
    y la banda de Guille... cuando toca?
  • pjtaper wrote:
    If Eli lost 50lbs he would be nothing but a hat and a jersey! His name on here is stickboy for a reason...

    i just saw the first post and didn't read thru the rest, but wow!! eli's a great guy, i've had the pleasure of meeting him after the VFC reading show and saw him again at gorge last year....real sweetheart. i know he's been going thru some hard stuff so hopefully this journey leads him to happiness.

    i'm not on myspace so sadly i can't follow his trip, but if he sees be careful riding around!
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222
    fanch75 wrote:
    Maybe I'm reading that wrong, but that sounds awfully lonely. I guess if I felt that way, just running out alone wouldn't be that big of a deal, either. To me, friends & family are everything so of course the idea of me doing what Stick is doing is absurd.

    you've read everything correctly. to me my dad is everything cause he's always been there for me, and no matter how many little arguments and disagreements we've had, we still care for each other.

    as for others....well they are no good pieces of shit. if they're not pieces of shit now they will be later on. but hey it's not like i don't want someone to prove me wrong......

    as for Stickman, if he can be lonely and still comfortable with that, then i think he will be a great man indeed.
  • :) I was hoping you'd post here.

    Helen, You KNOW I'm going to be posting in a thread about doing something weird! :D

    Right up my alley.

    Poncier wrote:
    Hunger, potential harm, potential disease, potential death...nothing too bad.

    Actually I can find that right down the street from my house! :D

    I find that whenever I've travelled like that, I get a better respect for people. When you travel, you get the energy back that you put out. You walk into something with a smile, you'll get a smile back and some help.... or you might end up helping someone else. People are mostly good in this world. There are a few clinkers for sure, but I've had very few bad things happen with people or animals on any trip.

    Except for those damn mosquitoes in most of the world, and the sand flies in New Zealand. Otherwise,,,, good to go! :)

    Ride on, Stickboy!
    Be kind, man
    Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,438

    Actually I can find that right down the street from my house! :D

    It can easily be found, but I figure one is better off not seeking such things out. ;)

    As for Stickboy, leaving South FLA on a bike in Dec is one thing, if he ventures too far north, its gonna get mighty cold. This is a journey better suited for May or June departure.
    Best of luck to him.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    genie wrote:
    as for Stickman, if he can be lonely and still comfortable with that, then i think he will be a great man indeed.
    Being alone is not automatically lonely. There is a huge difference. I used to travel alone a lot but I was never lonely - not one minute. When you are on your own, you HAVE to open yourself to other people and therefore your journey is so much more interesting and fruitful. If you are travelling with others, you have a tendency to rely on each other's company and not seek external stimuli.

    I like being alone. One can be lonely, even surrounded by people.
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222
    redrock wrote:
    Being alone is not automatically lonely. There is a huge difference. I used to travel alone a lot but I was never lonely - not one minute. When you are on your own, you HAVE to open yourself to other people and therefore your journey is so much more interesting and fruitful. If you are travelling with others, you have a tendency to rely on each other's company and not seek external stimuli.

    I like being alone. One can be lonely, even surrounded by people.

    very well said. for me if i go on a trip i would want to meet a lot of different people, because otherwise trip would not be as fullfilling.
  • pjtaperpjtaper Posts: 3,020
    when Redeyes and I were in Hawaii, the first person I met was a very cool prostitute, her NON-sexual favors she did us helped to make the trip SO MUCH BETTER!
  • I say if Les Stroud from survivorman can only last about 7 days out there before something bad would happen, that this kid is going to ride his bike about 50 miles out one way and not have the energy to ride it back to his house.

    then he will hitchhike home and realize becoming homeless, jobless, and whatever else-less is a STEP BACK and not a step in finding yourself.
  • senninsennin Posts: 2,146
    I say if Les Stroud from survivorman can only last about 7 days out there before something bad would happen, that this kid is going to ride his bike about 50 miles out one way and not have the energy to ride it back to his house.

    then he will hitchhike home and realize becoming homeless, jobless, and whatever else-less is a STEP BACK and not a step in finding yourself.

    He's made it about 400 miles so far.
  • sennin wrote:
    He's made it about 400 miles so far.

    there goes my theory
  • pretty cool. Best of luck to him.

    Seriously, haven't any of you just dreamed of picking up and just GOING? Somewhere? Anywhere? Having the balls to just up and leave? He did it! Doesn't matter the reasons, the destination, the mode of transportation, but the fact that someone is going on a soul searching journey to learn about life (and in the wild no less) is pretty much a stand up character in my book.

    This isn't a novel concept - living off the fruits of nature. We're human beings, we're the products of evolution and can be crafty enough to survive with very little around. Hopefully he's done some research and will be knowledgeable to live off of the land.

    I don't think he's crazy or nuts or any thing of the sort. It's definately not my cup of tea. But I think he'll learn a lot about himself, his character, strength and hopefully come out safe, healthy and with a clear head. And finds whatever peace he's looking for!
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. "
    Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

    I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
  • WhizbangWhizbang Posts: 1,314
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    do u reallyu think he had this idea b4 the movie ? lets be serious here

    i couldnt care less what he does but i think its overkill

    and yes speedy i took my bike ...... to the park

    do you think it's overkill to take 6+ months off to walk the Appalacian Trail from Georgia to Maine because you want the time to yourself, to get away from it all, maybe to find yourself?? I know someone who did it...twice. That trail has been around longer than the book or movie....and plenty of people feel inspired to walk it each year.

    Whether he's inspired by the movie or feels he needs to do it makes no difference to me. I admire him for having the balls to do it.
    believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.

    I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    Whizbang wrote:
    do you think it's overkill to take 6+ months off to walk the Appalacian Trail from Georgia to Maine because you want the time to yourself, to get away from it all, maybe to find yourself?? I know someone who did it...twice. That trail has been around longer than the book or movie....and plenty of people feel inspired to walk it each year.

    Whether he's inspired by the movie or feels he needs to do it makes no difference to me. I admire him for having the balls to do it.

    My 18 year old son wants to do it someday, so he is getting a couple of books for Christmas to plan his trip. I'm hoping that hubby and I can join him for a few legs of it.


    *May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
    — Unknown
  • WhizbangWhizbang Posts: 1,314
    PJaddicted wrote:
    My 18 year old son wants to do it someday, so he is getting a couple of books for Christmas to plan his trip. I'm hoping that hubby and I can join him for a few legs of it.


    The kid I knew who walked it had planned it for several years. Organized bills and payments to be made while he was gone; had the whole thing mapped with approximate dates of where he'd be and a drop box at each stop where I could send him supplies. He said lots of homeowners who live along the trail left out fresh fruit and supplies (like TP!!) for the hikers...left for them on the honor system.

    That would be awesome for you to join him though!!!
    believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.

    I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    Whizbang wrote:
    The kid I knew who walked it had planned it for several years. Organized bills and payments to be made while he was gone; had the whole thing mapped with approximate dates of where he'd be and a drop box at each stop where I could send him supplies. He said lots of homeowners who live along the trail left out fresh fruit and supplies (like TP!!) for the hikers...left for them on the honor system.

    That would be awesome for you to join him though!!!

    Our neighbors son just did it too! His Dad joined him for a week, just about killed him :D, hubby and I are a little younger and in better shape, so hopefully we will do better. I hike everyday.....not long, but feel the need to get into my own wild. I "need" to be in is my drug of choice.

    My son is in college now, so maybe before he heads into the real world of work he will do it, I will support him any way I can....I wish that I was younger and could do it too.


    *May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
    — Unknown
  • Back in 6th grade I went INTO THE WILD, for a whole week, at science camp
    "If my thoughts, dreams, could be seen, they'd probably put my head, in a guillotine, but it's alright ma, it's life and life only."
  • pjtaper wrote:
    when Redeyes and I were in Hawaii, the first person I met was a very cool prostitute, her NON-sexual favors she did us helped to make the trip SO MUCH BETTER!

    I just have to laugh at the way you wrote that. hehe

    But your very right it made the trip ALOT better. :D
  • pjtaper wrote:
    If Eli lost 50lbs he would be nothing but a hat and a jersey! His name on here is stickboy for a reason...

    this made me laugh!

    it never ceases to amaze me how some here can be such assholes to others' lifestyle choices, so judgmental, etc...and for what? how in the wolrd it is 'overkill'...dumb....whatever negative connotation you want to apply be inspired by a movie, a book, a song....whatEVER to change your life, try a new direction, etc, etc. you'd think eli moved to tibet to become a monk. which btw - if that was his life choice, i'd still say good for him. he's taking a JOURNEY....for his own personal reasons...and i applaud him for it. i've never done his type of journey....but i've done a few in my life...mostly going abroad to study, etc....but we all need to make the choices right for us.

    so then, KUDOS to you eli! i hope this journey brings to you whatever you hope for...inspires you further in your life....and MUCH LOVE to you always! :)

    Whizbang wrote:
    do you think it's overkill to take 6+ months off to walk the Appalacian Trail from Georgia to Maine because you want the time to yourself, to get away from it all, maybe to find yourself?? I know someone who did it...twice. That trail has been around longer than the book or movie....and plenty of people feel inspired to walk it each year.

    Whether he's inspired by the movie or feels he needs to do it makes no difference to me. I admire him for having the balls to do it.

    EXACTLY! :)

    and I chose to take the road less travelled, and that has made all the difference.

    hell yes...far too many hold themselves back from their desires, fear, what have you...i applaud and am continually inspiredf by anyone who finds a path to take, whether for a few weeks or for a lifetime of change.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • NY PJ1 wrote:
    he is taking the movie too serious ,,its a ridiculous thing to do

    a lot of people bike distances like that. whether it's ridiculous or not depends on *how* he's doing it. if he's pulling a real chris mccandless, then yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. I'm sure this guy will be fine though. the eastern corridor isn't exactly "the wild."
  • SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    so i havnt read this ENTIRE thread exxxcept for page one and this last one. Sticky is my dawg and whatever he decides to do in life, he knows i got his back! whether some of you agree with what he's doing or dont matter. Just try not to talk down on what he's doing so much. i give him alot of credit like whiz said cuz some of us THINK of doing stuff but DONT. Anyway, props to him and he knows i love him! :D
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
  • JordyWordyJordyWordy Posts: 2,261
    what sticky is doing is one of my fundemental things i have to do in life (ie bike across europe or america) happy for him (dont know him, but to see someone who wants to do it & taking the initiative to is great)

    and to the people who are claiming that to live or sleep outdoors is to "have nothing" i ask if theyve ever lived outside of a circumstance in which they had not PAID for their luxuries but CREATED them.

    i know which i find more rewarding.

    you should live to feel alive
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    he is taking the movie too serious ,,its a ridiculous thing to do

    if he is doing it just because of the movie, i completely agree with you.

    a couple years ago i thought about doing something similar up in canada...this is before i heard of the McCandless story. i only heard about him before the movie came out.

    fact is, i got my shit together and then got married and realized i could have missed out on so much.

    i hope he has a great time.

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • SENROCK! wrote:
    so i havnt read this ENTIRE thread exxxcept for page one and this last one. Sticky is my dawg and whatever he decides to do in life, he knows i got his back! whether some of you agree with what he's doing or dont matter. Just try not to talk down on what he's doing so much. i give him alot of credit like whiz said cuz some of us THINK of doing stuff but DONT. Anyway, props to him and he knows i love him! :D
    yeah. what she said!

    this makes me think 'i know i was born and i know that i'll die...the inbetween is mine'.

    i also didn't read everything between the first post and when i posted until just now. yeah it's a bit like judgement city lol and whatever you might decide you'd do in his place, it's an individual thing, and if that's what he needs, then all you can do is give support.

    for me, i couldn't do it just cuz i wouldn't want to leave my family and friends behind, and i feel blessed that i don't have to go that route. but's short, people gotta do what's right for them!

    i am mine....mofos :D
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    Poncier wrote:
    Hunger, potential harm, potential disease, potential death...nothing too bad.

    Bring some money or work for food while on the road. You won't starve. You can die driving to work or get injured and you can get all kinds of diseases everywhere too.

    Anyway, I went on a one month hitch hiking trip with my brother in the US and Canada. It was one of the best expierences in my life! Saw beautiful places and met the most wonderful and kind people! They invited us into their homes, gave us food and money... I spent about $450 in that month, we stayed in NYC 3 days, and took one greyhound bus and a bus in Canada as well and a train from Beacon to NYC, those things together were probably $200. So you could do it a lot cheaper if you avoid big cities and don't take buses and trains.

    You'd be surprised how friendly people can be. And I have lot of friends who are doing stuff like this all over the world. Right now a girl I know is somewhere in South-America teaching a coffee farmer English and working a few hours a day in return she gets a place to sleep and food and money and she's learning Spanish as well. (that was 2 months ago anyway).

    naděje umírá poslední
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    PJaddicted wrote:
    My 18 year old son wants to do it someday, so he is getting a couple of books for Christmas to plan his trip. I'm hoping that hubby and I can join him for a few legs of it.


    Does that mean I have to wait until my daughter is 18? Damn... 5 more years.
  • redrock wrote:
    It's not lonely. He will meet lots of different people during his journey, from different walks of life. He'll have great conversations with them, maybe some of these may enlighten him. He will definitely learn from all of these people. He will also have time to reflect, to put things in perspective, etc.

    And... what an adventure.. you and your bike :) (and the odd gator or bear). In a way, I envy him...
    I agree... it's such a fucking HUGE world... but we generally seem quite content living in our own tiny little pocket. Why are people so afraid to go outside of the norm?
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • mammasan wrote:
    Well I would rather have a long happy life then a short reckless one, but that's just me. I also don't feel that you need to put yourself into such a precarious situation in order to live life to the fullest.
    It really doesn't seem all that precarious to me... I genuinely can't see the big deal.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
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