share your pre-employment drug testing experiences
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they just keep flying by!!!! where does the time go?
Seems that needlessly it's getting harder
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Me neither.....which is tough for me! or was tough for me....
i just made sure to stop smoking w/in a few days of the test, purchase a good bottle of detox, drink TONS of water all day long for those few days that you aren't smoking & then follow your detox like a charm. just make sure you spend the extra penny on the good shit...its more expensive for a reason...and if you want the job, its worth it.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
oh I never did drugs to begin with.
me neither..i just puffed on the old peace pipe....nothing that didn't grow from the earth
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
Not sure if that defense would hold up in court.
true....but thankfully ~ i dont have to go to court over it!
& just b/c its "illegal" doesn't necessarily mean its a big bad "drug"..its no worse than alcohol..thats for sure!
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
yea...that'll usually land ya in a bit of trouble...
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
ive heard that they can test/know that youve used some kinda detox chemical to fudge the results.
i guess im worried more about the hair testing. i know its more expensive but its more accurate and tests your use for a very long time.... and i dont know if its becoming more the norm (ive never had a drug test before)....i mean they obviously wouldnt spend the coin to do a hair test at some small company....but do larger companies that have all the money in the world use them??
i havent smoked since january so i know im clean now...and i wouldnt have to worry about drug tests until like august-sept....but i kinda wanted to live it up one last time for my pj shows....esp the cleveland-detroit weekend...and the philly im if i only smoke for 2 weekends in MAY....after being clean for like 4 months prior....and 2.5 month that enough??? i also know its stored in your fat cells...and i got a lot of im wondering how much that accounts for?
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You're not still smoking it are you?
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1. i dont think drug testing is really all THAT common out there.
2. unless you are getting a hair test, you should be fine after that long. any of the mainstream urine tests aren't going to pick up anything after that long.
My company doesn't drug test, but my previous employer did. I don't do drugs, so it was never an issue. I think if we drug tested now, we'd probably just lose one or two of our best employees!
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Apparantly, they cherry-picked who they tested...Account Executives and On-Air personalities weren't tested.
This caused quite a stir.
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i know its required for all the jobs i would be taking.
and yeah i think i would be ok too as long as it wasnt hair.
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uhhh no! but yea, i did up until i found out i was preggo.
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
if they did that at my restaurant we'd lose probably 75% of our employees
exactly!!! i think that as long as your work performance is up to their standards and youre not slacking or doing sketch shit....then there really shouldnt be a need for drug tests. i mean for me...ive managed to get as far as i have with the helps of pot to keep me sane at times. and soo many people smoke at least occassionally! youd be amazed! i could understand not wanting a coke addict or junkie or something working for you...but pot....come on. as long as youre not coming to work stoned it shouldnt be an issue. a lot of highly intelligent people smoke as a way to come give their brain a fuckin rest....some people probably dont understand that at all.....but if you know how much it can long as you have the ability to control yourself from not doing it ALL the time.
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i bet it caused a stir! thats bullshit!
one of my bro's friends used to live in NYC...and they have a fuckin delivery service...can you believe that shit?! and he was telling us about some conversations he had with his "runners" and how they deliver to a lot of top execs, doctors, lawyers....ya know...people in high places who have their shit together. so i think everyone would be surprised.
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Amen sista!!! Sorta like how some people come home & crack open an ice cold beer to relax & un-wind from their day..some people like to take a few tokes...IMO ~ as long as you aren't letting it control your life & you have your priorities straight then you'r good. i plan on smoking a big fattie after i've had my baby. As long as i'm not breast feeding of course....
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
That's kind of what I was saying. I don't smoke it and think that it's kind of a copout to say that you need it to relax, but I do know that it would probably be our best couple of employees that we'd lose and so I recognize that it's definitely not predictive of job performance.
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the irony being a drug test will probably ONLY catch pot smokers... cocaine users and heroin addicts will still pass the test becos those drugs don't stay in their system nearly as long as marijuana. they could take a week off before the test and be fine. but the stoner at the next cubicle is fucked unless he's got at least a month to prepare.
for real!!! alcohol is much worse than pot! people do some REALLY stupid things while drinking...a too many people come home and open up a beer or 5.....
and you will deserve that fattie after you have your baby! i mean youll have need to both celebrate and fuckin relax after having a baby! how much longer till youre due? i wish you the very best for you and your baby AND in getting the best of thebest....the stickiest of the stickiest bud for your first dubbie! heeheee
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yes but note....nobody NEEDS anything. and its not a copout to relax. some people just use it because it works...and if they didnt have the option...they would prolly just find other way to it drinking....getting subjected to the horrible world of anti-depressants....both are worse in my opinion. of course living a naturally healthy lifestyle where you could go out and walk along the ocean or hike in the mountains everyday would be a GREAT way to relax. but lets be realistic!
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I think there are plenty of ways to relax that don't involve drugs or drinking. You mentioned one of them right there - exercise.
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i know....and that is SOOO fucked up to me. its just one big crock of shit if you ask me!
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yep. and i applaud those people who find the time and energy to exercise both physically and mentally every day. its just another one of those its easier said than done things. and im not a lazy ass either....i do some mild exercise....lots of walking and pilate type shit....but to me...getting super sweaty doing some intense cardio which is really what needs to be done to reduce stress/tension/anxiety that much....thats just not my idea of a good time. you spend an hour working out...getting all sweaty....and then you need to take a shower and get cleaned up (more time)...then you are tired/sore....and you gotta do it again the next day. i dread exercise like that. its just NOT FUN....and ive already got my day filled with things that arent fun....get where im going with this? relaxing should be something that you enjoy and something that gets the job done.
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Like reading, stretching, hiking, a hobby, fishing, yoga, playing with your pets, etc., etc., etc., etc.
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i do all of the above except fishing.
i guess it just comes down to how much anxiety you actually have. when you really have chronic anxiety to high levels...those simple things dont even touch it. i envy those people who dont have to deal with some of the shit i would be really nice to be able to just play with my dog and have my anxiety go away....but oh ones perfect.
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those are all great ideas, but they just simply aren't for everyone. and neither is toking on a big fat what?
to each his own...whatever works for ya & makes you happy. who are you to judge?
Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm
~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.