miss south carolina is dumb...



  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    cory wrote:
    She would have been better served to say "You know, I don't really know. Does anybody wanna see my titties?"

    Can you say "CROWN" bitch;)

    that's funny becos as i clicked the link and tried to wipe the drool off my chin, i was wondering how long i have to wait until she's back on the page in one of the linked photos. my guess was 2 years at the outside. i wonder if she's got an email list so i can get updated when she makes the switch?
  • corycory Posts: 736
    that's funny becos as i clicked the link and tried to wipe the drool off my chin, i was wondering how long i have to wait until she's back on the page in one of the linked photos. my guess was 2 years at the outside. i wonder if she's got an email list so i can get updated when she makes the switch?

    I anxiously await that day.

    True Story.

    Revive the heart of the heartless...

    Why would you start was has no end?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    cory wrote:
    I anxiously await that day.

    True Story.


    maybe we can band together to track these chicks so when they start their porn careers we can support them?
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,692
    cory wrote:
    She would have been better served to say "You know, I don't really know. Does anybody wanna see my titties?"

    Can you say "CROWN" bitch;)

    I laughed out loud reading this response. classic
  • that's funny becos as i clicked the link and tried to wipe the drool off my chin, i was wondering how long i have to wait until she's back on the page in one of the linked photos. my guess was 2 years at the outside. i wonder if she's got an email list so i can get updated when she makes the switch?
    i knew it was GUILT that summoned your response at the train. Youre still young, but I cant wait to see you at 50. :eek: .........(we know why you want to be a laywer now ;) ).....

    I love it how guys cant get hot chicks their age....so they want to "control" younger ones....ha ha disturbing.

    also being nervous doesnt= being stoopid yo!
  • cory wrote:
    I anxiously await that day.

    True Story.


    cant wait for you daughter either. ;) i am sure she'll turn out nice.
  • cant wait for you daughter either. ;) i am sure she'll turn out nice.
    I just hope the guy is younger than you though. :cool:

    edit: sorry but the guys here crack me up. :D

    edit again: just talking how i would with my guy friends. :D
    I am sure everyone can appreciate the sense of humour. ;)
    Since we're all being so "candid" here.

    Anyways, i thinks shes a sweetie.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    i knew it was GUILT that summoned your response at the train. Youre still young, but I cant wait to see you at 50. :eek: .........(we know why you want to be a laywer now ;) ).....

    I love it how guys cant get hot chicks their age....so they want to "control" younger ones....ha ha disturbing.

    also being nervous doesnt= being stoopid yo!

    yeah well, as i advised someone else, you've got to date in your league. super hot girls my age won't touch me cos they can get super hot guys my age. so if i want super hot, i've got to go younger... college girls who are impressed by a guy who has more on his resume than the keg stand record at the last party ;)

    and yeah, ill be fun at 50. you'll read about the lawsuit in the news. and for god's sakes don't let your daughters intern at my firm :)
  • AllieAllie Posts: 2,908
    Jay Leno just showed the clip on his show

    I really feel bad for this girl. She's going to have to move out of SC, no?
    "...like a word misplaced, nothing said, what a waste.."
    "Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
    Free Speedy
    and Metsy!
  • EarthgirlEarthgirl Posts: 695
    cory wrote:
    She would have been better served to say "You know, I don't really know. Does anybody wanna see my titties?"

    Can you say "CROWN" bitch;)

  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Allie02 wrote:
    Jay Leno just showed the clip on his show

    I really feel bad for this girl. She's going to have to move out of SC, no?

    Despite my initial joking at her expense...I feel sorry for her too!

    Hopefully, she will be able to let the jokes roll off her back. People will forget about it soon enough, anyway.
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    That hurts to watch!
    I feel for her. I bet she was really nervous, the pressure was on and I know that feeling when there is a whole crowd looking at you waiting for a response to a random question. It looks like she had some potential responses in her head, and got confused when her heart started beating and the blood pressure went up.

    I say give her a break and try public speaking! Not everyone can do it comfortably. :)

    It IS on youtube, too, for those of you who don't aren't watching pornsites. ;)

    Hahahahaha that's fucking hilarious. The irony of THIS girl wanting to inflict her education on the rest of the world is too much for me to take right now. For those of you with no speakers like me, there's a subtitled one :)
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095
    Despite my initial joking at her expense...I feel sorry for her too!

    Hopefully, she will be able to let the jokes roll off her back. People will forget about it soon enough, anyway.
    She could carve herself a nice little career out of this fame though if she had the right advisers.

    Can someone tell me what the bloody question was? :D
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • HinnyHinny Posts: 1,610
    For those of you with no speakers like me, there's a subtitled one :)
    God bless youtube people who understand the pain of us speaker-less losers :)
    Binary solo..000000100000111100001110
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    I love it how guys cant get hot chicks their age....so they want to "control" younger ones....ha ha disturbing.

    Yeah - because that's the ONLY reason that guys are attracted to women that are younger than they. Sometimes, it has to do with the fact that the younger woman might be a lot more desirable - in many ways that do not just include looks. Sorry to break it to you.

    (and I feel sorry for Ms. SC, she just got nervous and the Media is crucifying her for it.)
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • Flannel ShirtFlannel Shirt Posts: 1,021
    That was awesome. There is really not much more to say than that.
    All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    know1 wrote:
    (and I feel sorry for Ms. SC, she just got nervous and the Media is crucifying her for it.)

    Dude, Ms. SC won't be reading this, (or probably anything without pictures for quite some time), so the ass kissing of this nitwit can come to an end.
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    know1 wrote:
    Yeah - because that's the ONLY reason that guys are attracted to women that are younger than they. Sometimes, it has to do with the fact that the younger woman might be a lot more desirable - in many ways that do not just include looks. Sorry to break it to you.

    (and I feel sorry for Ms. SC, she just got nervous and the Media is crucifying her for it.)

    all true. i feel for anyone held up to public ridicule and humiliation. esp if they don't deserve it or especially if they're at the age where they're supposed to be making mistakes.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    mookie9999 wrote:
    Dude, Ms. SC won't be reading this, (or probably anything without pictures for quite some time), so the ass kissing of this nitwit can come to an end.

    but she will see jay leno and david letterman.
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    but she will see jay leno and david letterman.

    She seems more of a Carson Daly viewer. And if that douchebag has the balls to make fun of her for being an idiot, than he would be this years winner of a walking irony.
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    mookie9999 wrote:
    She seems more of a Carson Daly viewer. And if that douchebag has the balls to make fun of her for being an idiot, than he would be this years winner of a walking irony.

    he already did. this has become national news. where did we all see this? youtube. the whole world is watching. i don't think her not seeing the bbs makes his point any less valid... that a lot of people are taking a pretty sick pleasure in ridiculing a 17 year old girl for fchoking before a national audience.
  • corycory Posts: 736
    Can't we all just let this young woman's fledgling pRon star career begin so me and soulsinging can retire before our 40's? Thanks.
    Revive the heart of the heartless...

    Why would you start was has no end?
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    cory wrote:
    Can't we all just let this young woman's fledgling pRon star career begin so me and soulsinging can retire before our 40's? Thanks.

    dude, i didnt think this through! ill schedule myself for entertainment law this semester. you can be the wheeling and dealing agent, ill make sure the deals are legit. she can be the crown jewel of our budding stable of actresses!
  • corycory Posts: 736
    dude, i didnt think this through! ill schedule myself for entertainment law this semester. you can be the wheeling and dealing agent, ill make sure the deals are legit. she can be the crown jewel of our budding stable of actresses!

    With the momentum she already has as far as fame, we won't be able to print enough dvd's to satisfy the globe.

    Revive the heart of the heartless...

    Why would you start was has no end?
  • Flannel ShirtFlannel Shirt Posts: 1,021
    SHE probably watches it on youtube daily for heavens sake. She probably thinks it the best answer she ever gave.

    her in training...

    "here is what you say about iraq. here is what you say about south africa. here is what you say about global warming. here is what you say about asia."

    on stage, she gets the question and her brain froze....she took a bit of each of her answers, iraq, south africa, asia, maps, pagent, smart, um, yeah, what,............begin answer.

    Blame the parents.

    All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
  • her getting nervous does suck, but i doubt this is the first pageant she has been in. i doubt she didnt know she could be asked any question. it sucks that she got nervous and didnt know but it isnt quite the same thing as being on the street, being asked the same question and going "duh buh ahh" when a camera light hits you. maybe it was must the power of slater. his gravity affected her brain.

    besides we all know the answer to any question is "i love world peace and puppies"
    and show more cleavage. ()()
    mean people suck!
    but nice people sw****w

  • duffyduffy Posts: 74

    i not only love that her answer was dumb and painful, but you can almost hear mario lopez think WTF!

    LOL ... i have to admit - i've been giggling about this for a few days now.
  • Hitch-HikerHitch-Hiker Posts: 2,873
    AC Slater!!!
    I'll Ride The Wave Where It Takes Me
  • suns rivalsuns rival Posts: 15,926
    dumb (jeff daniels), dumber (jim carrey) & dumberest (miss south carolina).
    scratching my butt...
    kinakamot ang aking puwit...
    me rascando pompis...
    krap mijn reet...
    boku no ketsuoana o kizu...
    bahrosh teezy...
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