You've completed that first part. I have nothing else to elaborate or ask of with the moisture.
The scent, however...Wouldn't that be of the same type with the moisture level? With some groups a scent would be produced, with others a funk. It all depends on our sample size. I do however prefer the scent, in most cases, that the moisturized area produces, to the funk, that a hardened area may produce, depending on how much you're lifting and how far back you're travelling.
Isn't that a bit inevitable at some point once we get going?
no, it was NOT...Merlin that was all you, son.
and I told you - don't ice it yet...but NOOOOOO "Mr. Fancy pants Merlin knows it all, doesn't he??"
Were getting deep here.
Hey hey hey! Sometimes you get caught up in the moment and you just think you can pull off anything!
I think I've got it mastered for the next time though.