No matter how confused, self-doubting or ambivalent we are about what's happening in our interactions with other people, we can never entirely silence the inner voice that always tells us the truth. We may not like the sound of the truth, and we often let it murmur just outside our consciousness, not stopping long enough to listen. But when we pay attention to it, it leads us toward wisdom, health, and clarity. That voice is the guardian of our integrity.
"Life does not have meaning through mere existence or acquisition or fun. The meaning of life is inherent in the connections we make to others through honor and obligation."
-Laura Schlessinger Ph.D
"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand."
-Woodrow Wilson
"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for; but, rather something to be achieved."
War does not determine who is right - only who is left. ~ Bertrand Russell
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
10/06/91 Hollywood, CA; 05/13/92 Hollywood, CA; 09/02/93 Hollywood, CA; 11/05/93 Indio, CA; 11/07/95 San Diego, CA; 03/29/98 (Dead Man Walking - The Concert) Los Angeles, CA; 07/13/98 Inglewood, CA; 10/24/00 Los Angeles, CA; 10/28/00 Devore, CA;07/09/06 Los Angeles, CA; 07/10/06 Los Angeles, CA; 09/30/09 Universal City, CA; 10/01/09 Universal City, CA
'If a thing doesn't hurt, then what is its value?'- Graham Masterton
"Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
Life is a train of moods like a string of beads; and as we pass through them they prove to be many colored lenses, which paint the world their own hue, and each shows us only what lies in its own focus.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another. Jonathan Swift
Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; fight for it; die for it; anything but live for it. Charles Caleb Colton
All outward forms of religion are almost useless, and are the causes of endless strife... Believe there is great power silently working all things good, behave yourself, and never mind the rest. Beatrix Potter
Life is just a collection of memories...but memories, my friends, are like starlight because memories go on forever.
~ C.W.McCall
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.
~ John. W. Gardner
Life is painting a picture, not creating a sum.
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.
~ James Patterson
Unrest of spirit is a mark of life; one problem after another presents itself and in the solving of them we can find our greatest pleasure.
~ Karl Menninger
Life is to explore, to discover, to delight and to be delighted.
~ Nicole Schapiro
The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn't.
~ Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Life is made up of desires that seem big and vital one minute and little and absurd the next. I guess we get what's best for us in the end.
~ Alice Caldwell Rice
Of course life is bizarre: the more bizarre it gets, the more interesting it is. The only way to approach it is to make yourself some popcorn and enjoy the show.
~ Anonymous
Life is full of infinite absurdities, which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true.
~ Luigi Pirandello
Life is just one damned thing after another.
~ Elbert Hubbard
Life is a journey, from birth to death. If you awake to the possibilities of your journey, it will lead you from isolation to connection; from ignorance to knowledge; from pretense to authenticity; and from fear to love.
~ Susan Page
A garden is a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself.
~ May Sarton
Life is tough, but I am tougher.
~ Andy Rooney
Life is easier than you think; all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensible, and bear the intolerable.
~ Kathleen Norris
Life is rough for everyone . . . Life isn't always fair. Whatever it is that hits the fan, it's never evenly distributed - some always tend to get more of it than others.
~ Ann Landers
Life is a game played on us while we are playing other games.
~ Evan Esar
"Can the flame of the heart expire amid the flames of the funeral pile?"- Graham Masterton
"Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.
~ John Lennon
You only live once - but if you work it right, once is enough.
~ Joe E. Lewis
When life fits our expectations, we think of it as an opportunity. When it does not, we think the world failed us, not our expectations. But that is a mistake, for life will be whatever it wants to be, and not necessarily what we want.
~ Arnold Beisser
Life is my college. May i graduate well, and earn some honors!
~ Louisa May Alcott
The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing about your life, is that there is no core curriculum. The entire place is an elective....So if there's any real advice I can give you it's this. College is something you complete. Life is something you experience.
~ Jon Stewart
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
~ George Bernard Shaw
~ Danny Kaye
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
~ Virginia Satir
One should sympathize with the joy, the beauty, the color of life - the less said about it's sores the better.
~ Oscar Wilde
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
~Mahatma Gandhi
The more laws and order are made prominent,
The more thieves and robbers there will be.
~ Daniel J. Boorstein
What's life? I really don't know and that's OK. I can live with that. After all I don't know how my computer works and I still use that.
~ Rick Segel
Life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning.
~ Virginia Woolf
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
One Life; a little gleam of Time between two Eternities.
~ Thomas Carlyle
The meaning of life lies in the oneness of all creation, which combines supreme diversity with supreme interdependence.
~ Yehudi Menuhin
Life is a spell so exquisite that everything conspires to break it.
~ Emily Dickenson
Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through.
~ Anais Nin
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
-Laura Schlessinger Ph.D
"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand."
-Woodrow Wilson
"Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for; but, rather something to be achieved."
-William Jennings Bryan
There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Jonathan Swift
Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; fight for it; die for it; anything but live for it.
Charles Caleb Colton
All outward forms of religion are almost useless, and are the causes of endless strife... Believe there is great power silently working all things good, behave yourself, and never mind the rest.
Beatrix Potter
shoetheshoeless: i know! he said ouch when i hit him, and i just laughed at his pain.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
~ A. Powell Davies
Life is about authenticity, recognizing and honoring one's song, getting in tune with that song and singing it well.
~ Marge Schneider
The meaning of life is quite simple. Sit back, kick the cruise control into action and enjoy the trip.
~ Terry Tracy
In three words I can sum up everything I learned about life: it goes on.
~ Robert Frost
In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back of the book.
~ Charles Schulz
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
~ Julia Child
Live as if you were going to die tomorrow . . . . Learn as if you were to live forever.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
All life is an experiment.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.
~ Charlie Chaplin
Life is too short for men to take seriously.
~ Geroge Bernanrd Shaw
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
~Robert Frost
A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.
~Robert Frost
- Garth Algar
~ C.W.McCall
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.
~ John. W. Gardner
Life is painting a picture, not creating a sum.
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.
~ James Patterson
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
That perches in the soul-
And sings the tune without the words-
and never stops at all-
~Emily Dickinson
~ Karl Menninger
Life is to explore, to discover, to delight and to be delighted.
~ Nicole Schapiro
The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn't.
~ Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
~ Albert Camus
Life is made up of desires that seem big and vital one minute and little and absurd the next. I guess we get what's best for us in the end.
~ Alice Caldwell Rice
Of course life is bizarre: the more bizarre it gets, the more interesting it is. The only way to approach it is to make yourself some popcorn and enjoy the show.
~ Anonymous
Life is full of infinite absurdities, which, strangely enough, do not even need to appear plausible, since they are true.
~ Luigi Pirandello
Life is just one damned thing after another.
~ Elbert Hubbard
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
there you are.
- brain of c
Your mother was a hamster
And your father smelt of elderberry...
FETCHE la Vache!!!
~ Susan Page
A garden is a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself.
~ May Sarton
Life is tough, but I am tougher.
~ Andy Rooney
Life is easier than you think; all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensible, and bear the intolerable.
~ Kathleen Norris
Life is rough for everyone . . . Life isn't always fair. Whatever it is that hits the fan, it's never evenly distributed - some always tend to get more of it than others.
~ Ann Landers
Life is a game played on us while we are playing other games.
~ Evan Esar
Life is a sum of all your choices.
~ Albert Camus
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
~ Kakuzo Okakaoura
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
~ John Lennon
You only live once - but if you work it right, once is enough.
~ Joe E. Lewis
When life fits our expectations, we think of it as an opportunity. When it does not, we think the world failed us, not our expectations. But that is a mistake, for life will be whatever it wants to be, and not necessarily what we want.
~ Arnold Beisser
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
- Vincent van Gogh
~ Louisa May Alcott
The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing about your life, is that there is no core curriculum. The entire place is an elective....So if there's any real advice I can give you it's this. College is something you complete. Life is something you experience.
~ Jon Stewart
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
~ George Bernard Shaw
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
"I don't know if life is greater than death, but love is more than either"