How do you save a relationship?

When the other person refuses to see there is a problem?
I know there are a lot of relationship threads on here, so I figure someone must have gone through something like this.
My hubby and I have been together for 10 years. Almost 1/3 of my life. But as time goes on, I realize that we really have nothing in common. Our goals, our dreams, our lifestyle. I do note that you don't have to be with your exact duplicate, but when it comes down to it, our futures just don't seem to be on the same path. And it makes me sad.
When I try and talk to him about anything, he just gets defensive. Or doesn't care. He doesn't see any problems. Life is "status quo". But I've grown, matured, "aged" if you will. And I still have hopes and dreams. And I see that he doesn't share them with me, is almost just along for the ride.
I've made a lot of sacrifices for him. And he doesn't see it. Past is past he says. There are too many things to list, and trust me, I'm willing to change. I have changed, that's probably part of the problem.
I've finally realized that I'm older, different than I was at 19. But it's almost like he's stuck. No goals, no ambition, never wants to grow up. And we don't align anymore. I'm not sure this is what I want anymore.
The biggest thing is, that I've totally alienated myself. We moved to where we live now about 6 years ago. And we never made any new friends, he never wanted to hang out with my friends or go anywhere with the people I met. So we ended up being alone. So I really don't have anyone. I feel alone.
If I left (what a mess that would be) I'd start 100% over. I'd probably move all by myself south. New job, new life, new place, alone. Which sounds liberating in theory, but I'm not sure I can handle it.
How do I fix this? Can it be fixed? Am I just coexsisting? Will I live the rest of my life wondering? How can I make him see that I'm unhappy with what our relationship has become? Do all relationships end up like this? Am I just in a rut?
You know the Dave Matthews Song "Grey Street"? That's me! The song brings me to tears because that's how I feel.
Oh there's an emptiness inside her
And she'll do anything to fill it in
And though it's red blood bleeding from her now
It's more like cold blue ice in her heart
She feels like kicking out all the windows
And setting fire to this life
She could change everything about her
Using colors bold and bright
But all the colors mix together - to grey
And it breaks her heart
It breaks her heart
I know there are a lot of relationship threads on here, so I figure someone must have gone through something like this.
My hubby and I have been together for 10 years. Almost 1/3 of my life. But as time goes on, I realize that we really have nothing in common. Our goals, our dreams, our lifestyle. I do note that you don't have to be with your exact duplicate, but when it comes down to it, our futures just don't seem to be on the same path. And it makes me sad.
When I try and talk to him about anything, he just gets defensive. Or doesn't care. He doesn't see any problems. Life is "status quo". But I've grown, matured, "aged" if you will. And I still have hopes and dreams. And I see that he doesn't share them with me, is almost just along for the ride.
I've made a lot of sacrifices for him. And he doesn't see it. Past is past he says. There are too many things to list, and trust me, I'm willing to change. I have changed, that's probably part of the problem.
I've finally realized that I'm older, different than I was at 19. But it's almost like he's stuck. No goals, no ambition, never wants to grow up. And we don't align anymore. I'm not sure this is what I want anymore.
The biggest thing is, that I've totally alienated myself. We moved to where we live now about 6 years ago. And we never made any new friends, he never wanted to hang out with my friends or go anywhere with the people I met. So we ended up being alone. So I really don't have anyone. I feel alone.
If I left (what a mess that would be) I'd start 100% over. I'd probably move all by myself south. New job, new life, new place, alone. Which sounds liberating in theory, but I'm not sure I can handle it.
How do I fix this? Can it be fixed? Am I just coexsisting? Will I live the rest of my life wondering? How can I make him see that I'm unhappy with what our relationship has become? Do all relationships end up like this? Am I just in a rut?
You know the Dave Matthews Song "Grey Street"? That's me! The song brings me to tears because that's how I feel.
Oh there's an emptiness inside her
And she'll do anything to fill it in
And though it's red blood bleeding from her now
It's more like cold blue ice in her heart
She feels like kicking out all the windows
And setting fire to this life
She could change everything about her
Using colors bold and bright
But all the colors mix together - to grey
And it breaks her heart
It breaks her heart
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. "
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
Post edited by Unknown User on
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
send him this in a letter form he needs to see that your very close to cutting ties, at least that could make you feel a bit better like you did something to maybe bring change ....my2c ...
you have no need for the second rule
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Good luck.
that was my first thought too- you shouldn't have to try to "save" a relationship. It's true that people are totally different at age 19 than they are 10 years later, that is a no brainer! those years are very formative.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
What about if you're both similarly bored?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
wow.. 2nd rule is never ever say 'word' in replying to a post
you're truly FCUK'd
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Sounds like that's the position your husband is taking.
What postion are you willing to take to "save the marriage"? How pig headed can you be?
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Yeah, it works better verbally. I think saying 'Word' in a well-spoken English accent is the ultimate in Morissettian irony.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
You missed the part where I was joking.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I'm amongst my peers LOL!
Well, good answers all around. Much appreciated. To whom said "how pig headed can I be?" that's a good point. I've made attempts to talk to him, to make him see that I'm not 100% happy in our relationship, that I think we need to make some changes. But he says it's all good, that maybe I need to "just start taking happy pills". Nice, huh? I'm not depressed. That's NOT it, and I've told him that the main reason I can't talk to him is due to responses like that. So it's not that I haven't made an effort. I'm not one much for counseling, but I figured maybe a 3rd party would help. Suggested to him, shot down. He doesn't see a problem. To which I say, my unhappiness isn't a problem to you? And again, "go on happy pills".
But on the other hand, isn't marriage for better or for worse? Shouldn't I TRY to make it work? Make an effort? Not just call it quits? Isn't that selfish?
Everything else is good! Work, top notch! Family, many blessings! But this facet of my life, which is MOST of my life is just giving me a beat down. And I'm starting to think he refuses to see it.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
Unless you have young children, it sounds like you should just go.
Honest, I've thought many times about leaving. What keeps me? That look on his face. The fact that we've been together for so long. That he knows me so well (I thought). That he was my best friend for so many years. The fact that he depends on me so much. That I'm scared that he'll go back to drinking (even though I KNOW that's not my fault. He's a big boy who makes his own decisions. But head and heart are 2 different things).
And honestly? The mess of a divorce. The splitting, the separation, the potential for him hating me. Having to deal with selling the house, watching all my hopes and dreams from so long ago go POOF! Up in smoke. The disappointment.
And, always wondering if I made the wrong decision. Either way, can I win?
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
You sound like my wife a year ago, but I never said anything as retarded as 'Go on happy pills.' That's lame.
I was prepared to try and make it work to the death, but when there's only one person with a will....
Anyway, do what you want with that information.. She reached her conclusion, I sincerely hope you reach yours.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
You will win if in the long run you are happier.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
If you have no children, I think you're wasting your life if you stay. Period.
You don't owe another adult ANYTHING. Especially if the person won't talk to you about problems in the relationship.
quote from your sig:
How to be happy and true is the quest we're taking on together" Pearl Jam's Thin Air - 1st dance at my wedding!
9.10.98 NYC / 8.23.00 JONES BEACH /4.30.03 UNIONDALE / 7.9.03 NYC /5.12.06 ALBANY/ 6.1.06 E.RUTHEFORD/ 6.3.06 E. RUTHEFORD/ CAMDEN 6.19.08/ NYC 6.24.08/ NYC 6.25.08/ HARTFORD 6.27.08/ CHICAGO 8.24.09/ PHILLY 10.31.09/ HARTFORD 5.15.10/ NEWARK 5.18.10/ NYC 5.20.10/ CHICAGO 7.19.13/ BROOKLYN 10.18.13/ BROOKLYN 10.19.13/ HARTFORD 10.25.13/ NYC 9.26.15/ 4.8.16 FT. LAUDERDALE/ 4.9.16 MIAMI / 5.1.16 NYC/ 5.2.16 NYC / 8.5.16 BOSTON / 8.7.16 BOSTON/ 8.20.18 CHICAGO/ 9.2.18 BOSTON/ 9.4.18 BOSTON/ 9.18.21 ASBURY PARK
Funny enough, I don't want kids - never have, never will. Not something that interests me. Great for some people, but not my proverbial cup of tea. Wrong vibe, sorry!
I'm trying to work on the quest, but it takes TWO! That's the hardest part.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
end it. then look for a new partner.
If you are staying for him because you dont want to hurt him, you are cheating yourself. I know this scenario all too well. You will grow to resent him if things dont change and be the way you want or hope them to be. You will stay for the sake of staying and you will in turn start to hate yourself for it as well.
If you TRULY love him and want it to work...Tell him(dont suggest, TELL HIM) that if he doesnt go to counseling and try to make things better between you, that you are going to leave him. He will either tell you to get your happy pills again, (in which case, he will have made your decision for you), or he will stand up and "Holy, shit, I guess she is serious!" and he will put forth the effort as well if he wants it to work too.
You are young, and it sounds like you are a strong person who could make a new start on her own no matter what the decision. Dont wait, act now. It is very easy to become complacent and just learn to deal. No way to live, trust me.
Good Luck to you.
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
Walk now, before you have kids and make it worse.
agreed. You've given him what you owe to him as your partner, best friend - you've communicated, compromised, considered his feelings. If your best friend won't listen to you when you're telling them how you feel, what you think and his only response is for you to take happy pills? He's no longer your best friend. There is nothing wrong with trying, as you have been. But if it's met with unresponsiveness and "there's nothing wrong with us", there's not much to save of the relationship.
Being alone is better than wishing you were.
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
i think i agree with this. i know it sucks for you right now, but maybe he's going through something too and is having trouble communicating it. maybe he notices how you feel and he thinks that if he just pretends everything is normal it will eventually be fine again. which obviously is not the case. i would definitely keep trying to get him to go to counseling with you, or maybe you should go by yourself and see what happens there. maybe you guys need a vacation together or something to change up the daily routine you seem to be stuck in. maybe i just believe too much in trying to make things work and sticking it out for the long haul, but that's sorta what getting married is all about. it's promising to do that. otherwise, why would you get married, rather than just co-habitate?
but what do i know at 22? that's my two cents, feel free to take it or leave it.
I took it with that grain of salt.