Lost: Season 4 (no spoilers)



  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    Poncier wrote:
    My guess is that he had to move the island again like Benry did in this episode and was forced to leave. Remember Jack said that he told him "lots of bad stuff has happened".
    good call. i can't see any other reason locke would ever leave the island. of course, we have no idea what all of these bad things that have happened are.
    i'm still in awe of last night's episode. this morning on GMA they are going to show alternate endings that were filmed for last night's episode.
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,399
    So a few other things:

    Sun teaming up with Widmore, and Jack when talking to Benry about getting the Oceanic 6pack back together said something like "Sun, she blames me"...then stopped. So when Sun told her father in the previous episode 2 people were responsible for Jin's death, and he was one of them, was Jack the other?

    When Faraday loaded up the second boatload to head back to the freighter, I said out loud..."all red shirts", so we are to assume he and the background filler characters are "lost" at sea and presumed dead with the island moving and the freighter going "boom"?

    If Jin did jump off the freighter, he would never have gotten far enough away to survive, the blast would still have killed him, or he'd have been sucked under when the ship sank (just ask Leonard Dicaprio), and if he somehow survived all that...then what? He's in the middle of the ocean as he can't swim to the island since Benry moved it.

    When the F are we gonna see Jacob?

    Did anybody catch the website of the company in the fake commercial towards the end of the show...I have it on tape and will get it at home tonight, obviously another site with some Lost clues/info.

    How the hell do we wait like 8-9 months for the story to continue?
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,399
    nfanel wrote:
    this morning on GMA they are going to show alternate endings that were filmed for last night's episode.
    Yeah, sucks for us worker bees, but I'm sure they'll be online later on youtube or ABC.com.
    Wonder if the alternates would have had anyone else dying (Desmond maybe).
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • maccimacci Posts: 1,057
    I like what happened with Desmond. It was wonderful. I wonder if he is done on the show.........
    My lips are shaking.......
  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    macci wrote:
    I like what happened with Desmond. It was wonderful. I wonder if he is done on the show.........
    that was great. i don't think he's done, just because widemore has such a big role in the show...and now ben is out for revenge on his daughter.
  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    Poncier wrote:
    So a few other things:

    Sun teaming up with Widmore, and Jack when talking to Benry about getting the Oceanic 6pack back together said something like "Sun, she blames me"...then stopped. So when Sun told her father in the previous episode 2 people were responsible for Jin's death, and he was one of them, was Jack the other?

    When Faraday loaded up the second boatload to head back to the freighter, I said out loud..."all red shirts", so we are to assume he and the background filler characters are "lost" at sea and presumed dead with the island moving and the freighter going "boom"?

    If Jin did jump off the freighter, he would never have gotten far enough away to survive, the blast would still have killed him, or he'd have been sucked under when the ship sank (just ask Leonard Dicaprio), and if he somehow survived all that...then what? He's in the middle of the ocean as he can't swim to the island since Benry moved it.

    When the F are we gonna see Jacob?

    Did anybody catch the website of the company in the fake commercial towards the end of the show...I have it on tape and will get it at home tonight, obviously another site with some Lost clues/info.

    How the hell do we wait like 8-9 months for the story to continue?
    "boom"....that was funny with jin last night.

    i wondered, too, if jack is the other one sun blames. he was the one that yelled at her that jin was gone and they couldn't go back. not that that killed him but she might have some resentment.

    leonardo....haha...funny. :D

    i didn't catch the website but am working from home and will try to go back and look at it...
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,399
    nfanel wrote:
    "boom"....that was funny with jin last night.
    I laughed quite a bit last night, "boom" was very funny (really wish they hadn't killed Jin off, one of my favorite characters), and cracked up when Benry said "time travelling bunnies"...the delivery was hilarious.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • maccimacci Posts: 1,057
    nfanel wrote:
    that was great. i don't think he's done, just because widemore has such a big role in the show...and now ben is out for revenge on his daughter.

    I did forget about that last part!! Also, I watched last week's episode with the scroll at the bottom & it said that Alex was Ben's adopted daughter. Did they ever explain that before?

    So muhc goes on with the show, sometimes I forget details, lol.
    My lips are shaking.......
  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    macci wrote:
    I did forget about that last part!! Also, I watched last week's episode with the scroll at the bottom & it said that Alex was Ben's adopted daughter. Did they ever explain that before?
    well ben stole alex from rosseau, the french woman, so she wasn't his daughter by birth.

    and i enjoyed the "time travelling bunnies" line, too.
    "is he talking about what i think he is?"
    "if you mean time travelling bunnies.... then yes"


    forgot to mention...that was a pretty badass fight between sayid and the creepy army guy...both using their military moves, flipping around....
  • IndifferenceIndifference Posts: 2,739
    Poncier wrote:

    Did anybody catch the website of the company in the fake commercial towards the end of the show...I have it on tape and will get it at home tonight, obviously another site with some Lost clues/info.



    SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
    Mexico=1, Colombia=1 

  • maccimacci Posts: 1,057

    WTF!?? Dharma is recruiting people! Lol.......thanks for posting that.
    My lips are shaking.......
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 17,399
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • IndifferenceIndifference Posts: 2,739
    Poncier wrote:

    No problem - think its the dates for Comic Con in SD - where there is usually some type of Lost stuff going on............

    SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
    Mexico=1, Colombia=1 

  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    I thought for sure this thread would be at the top! LOL!!!
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,518
    Great episode.
    Quite a bit to process.

    But the whole penny desmond thing was terrific.

    Sun is going to widmore so she can get $$$ to buy the controlling share in her fathers company no?
  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    Get_Right wrote:
    Great episode.
    Quite a bit to process.

    But the whole penny desmond thing was terrific.

    Sun is going to widmore so she can get $$$ to buy the controlling share in her fathers company no?

    No Sun already has the controlling share of her father's company. I think she's going to Widmore to get Ben for killing Jin. I bet the Locke visited Sun and told her that it was Ben who allowed the freighter to explode.
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    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    I know I am behind on this thread. I always go to bed after the show then come here when I get to work and get the computer up and running.

    It was an awesome show! I was literally on the edge of my seat (couch) when it showed Locke in the casket. I wondered the whole show who Jeremy Bentham was, but would not have placed a bet that it was Locke. John Locke was a philosopher type, as was Jeremy Bentham. I am wondering if the "real" Locke and Bentham had opposite beliefs/theories. Was one faith and one science? If so, does Locke going by a different name mean that he had changed ideals?

    I hope it is o.k. to say who was in the casket since the show is over in all time zones. Tell me if I am wrong.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • maccimacci Posts: 1,057
    chromiam wrote:
    No Sun already has the controlling share of her father's company. I think she's going to Widmore to get Ben for killing Jin. I bet the Locke visited Sun and told her that it was Ben who allowed the freighter to explode.

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing - Ben didn't even show remorse for blowing the boat up.
    My lips are shaking.......
  • nfanelnfanel Posts: 2,558
    one more thought....did anyone else find it super cheesy when locke was standing on top of the mountain over the others? reminded me of the lion king. :p:D

    the penny/des scene made me cry but i still thought the constant episode was more moving with them. their reunion was almost anti-climactic to that...i didn't feel it as much.
  • robbyblaylockrobbyblaylock Posts: 428
    Anyone else have a strange feeling Jin and Michael survived?.. We all know the island wouldn't let Michael die.. and their supposed deaths were watched from quite a distance away. Jin could have jumped or been thrown off the ship.. and it's clear Sun will be doing what she can to find the island again, even dealing with Charles Whitmore now..

    jin may have lived. however, the island wouldnt allow michael to die untill he did his job. christian appearing to him and telling him he is done i think may signify that he was finally free and allowed to die, which now that we know hes not in the coffin, he did. i think sun pairing with widmore will be a big problem for jack, ben and desmond.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    chromiam wrote:
    No Sun already has the controlling share of her father's company. I think she's going to Widmore to get Ben for killing Jin. I bet the Locke visited Sun and told her that it was Ben who allowed the freighter to explode.
    How does she know Ben killed Jin? Knobody knew that dude had that thing strapped to his arm, let alone who killed him waay beneath the earth. I'm thinking there's a chance Jin survived, and she needs to get back and find him.

    Jin's "death" was too fishy.. Jin knew the boat was going to explode. We last see him at the edge of the boat. They don't show anything else but the boat blowing up from a distance. Sun remained is disbelief after the explosion..

    I'm almost positive he'll make a dramatic comeback. There'll be a big episode where he is united with her and his son.

    There's no reason to kill Jin off. There's too much story left for him.
  • raystreyraystrey Posts: 171
    How does she know Ben killed Jin? Knobody knew that dude had that thing strapped to his arm, let alone who killed him waay beneath the earth. I'm thinking there's a chance Jin survived, and she needs to get back and find him.

    Jin's "death" was to fishy.. Jin knew the boat was going to explode. We last see him at the edge of the boat. They don't show anything else but the boat blowing up from a distance. Sun remained is disbelief after the explosion. I'm almost positive he'll make a dramatic comeback.

    That is what I was thinking. His death was not clear enough as to leave no doubt.

    So I think that is the angle they will use to get Sun back. Knowing after 3 years that er husband mught be alive.

    I can't belive the flashforwards are 3 years ahead. Guess that is the only way they could explain walt.
  • chromiamchromiam Posts: 4,114
    How does she know Ben killed Jin? Knobody knew that dude had that thing strapped to his arm, let alone who killed him waay beneath the earth. I'm thinking there's a chance Jin survived, and she needs to get back and find him.

    Jin's "death" was to fishy.. I'm almost positive he'll make a dramatic comeback.

    I believe that Locke came back from the island and visited Jack, Hurley, Sun, etc and told them what has happened since they left. In doing so he told Sun that Ben had caused the freighter to explode.

    Jin may have survived but I'm not saying its going to be some implausible, crazy way. My thought is that the freighter was close enough to the island and some of those on it may have been moved along with the island. I also believe that will happen with Faraday and his "red shirts" in the raft. They boat along in the water and then end up back on the island much like those who tried to leave the island by boat without knowing the bearing they had to sail.
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    Social awareness does not equal political activism!

    5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
  • rriversrrivers Posts: 3,698

    Thanks, AmentsChick. When I was watching it last night, I couldn't remember who I thought was in the casket. During that great final scene, I actually was thinking it was Sawyer just because a.) I didn't believe Locke would leave the island and b.) when Jack said something like "he warned me", it just seemed too obviously Locke.

    I will gladly take credit for guessing it was Locke months ago!
    "We're fixed good, lamp-wise."
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    Apparently, they can't get back to the island without Locke.. Maybe the island will bring Locke back to life. What good is he dead?

    Far fetched, what why would writers kill him off, but need him again?
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    Best.. episode.. yet!!!

    Damn, totally shocked, but brought so much together..

    What the hell did Sawyer wisper in Kate's ear before he jumped!?

    I think he told her about Clementine and to make sure she's ok...something along those lines.
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    Claire is not dead. She's missing.. She's the reason Jack is so eager to go back. He finds out she is his sister at his dads funeral.

    I disagree. I think she is dead. That's why she was with Christian...and appeared to Kate with Aaron in the flashforward.
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    .and appeared to Kate with Aaron in the flashforward.
    But Kate was dreaming.. and maybe she really was in that room along with Christian's spirit.. There's no explanation for her death. If they would have killed her off they should have done it back when the house exploded..

    She miraculously survives a house explosion, but soon after they kill her off by her just simply disappearing in the night? Makes no sense. She'll be back.

    It makes for better storytelling to re-unite her with Jack, Jack's big reason for going back.

    Her just disappearing and dieing is bad story telling. Like I said, if they were going to kill her off it should have been in the house explosion. Her surviving that to just die by disappearing makes no sense.
  • AmentsChickAmentsChick Posts: 6,969
    But Kate was dreaming.. and maybe she really was in that room along with Christian's spirit.. There's no explanation for her death. If they would have killed her off they should have done it back when the house exploded..

    She miraculously survives a house explosion, but soon after they kill her off by her just simply disappearing in the night? Makes no sense. She'll be back.

    It makes for better storytelling to re-unite her with Jack, Jack's big reason for going back.

    Her just disappearing and dieing is bad story telling. Like I said, if they were going to kill her off it should have been in the house explosion. Her surviving that to just die by disappearing makes no sense.

    I didn't say she won't be back...
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

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