n Vergehen im strafrechtlichen Sinne ist bei dem Zwischenfall offenbar nicht begangen worden. Der HSV hat sofort nach Bekanntwerden die zuständigen Behörden informiert. Nach ersten Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft liegt kein Straftatbestand vor. Offiziell wurden die jungen Fußballer wegen "Verstoßes gegen die Hausordnung" - kein Mädchenbesuch, kein Besuch nach 22 Uhr - vor die Tür gesetzt.
Trotzdem: In den vergangenen Jahren war es immer wieder zu Disziplinlosigkeiten im HSV-Internat gekommen. So wurde der spätere Profi Eren Sen im Alter von 18 Jahren wegen einer unerlaubten Spritztour mit dem Auto eines Kollegen des Internats verwiesen. Auch in anderen Internaten von Bundesligaklubs gab es Probleme. Im vergangenen Jahr mussten sich die Verantwortlichen bei Hertha BSC mit dem Verdacht auf sexuelle Übergriffe an einer 14-Jährigen beschäftigen. Die Vorwürfe wurden später fallen gelassen.
HSV-Sportchef Dietmar Beiersdorfer verteidigte das Konzept der Jugendinternate: "Wir müssen uns für unsere Arbeit nicht verstecken." Auch Internatsleiter Hildebrandt wehrte sich gegen eine pauschale Verurteilung: "Bei uns wohnen normale Jugendliche, wie woanders auch. Über die Jahre gesehen, haben wir bestimmt nicht mehr Auffälligkeiten als in anderen Häusern." Was die 15 jungen Fußballer angeht, die im Moment im Internat wohnen, überlegt sich Hildebrandt trotzdem Konsequenzen: "Natürlich hinterfragen wir uns. Vermitteln wir den Jungs ausreichend, was es heißt, HSVer zu sein? Wie sieht es aus mit dem Thema Sexualität? Wir tabuisieren nichts - wollen die Fußballer aber auch ganz bewusst zur Eigenverantwortung erziehen."
Insgesamt investiert der HSV jährlich drei Millionen Euro in seine gesamte Nachwuchsabteilung. Dazu gehören neben dem Internat auch die Jugendmannschaften und das Team HSV II in der Regionalliga. Den direkten Durchmarsch vom Internat ins Profiteam hat noch keiner geschafft. "Aber im Profikader stehen zurzeit zwölf Akteure, die aus unserem Nachwuchsbereich kommen", sagte Hildebrandt. Dazu gehören Sascha Kirschstein und René Klingbeil, die viele Einsätze im Regionalligateam hatten. Und auch Alexander Laas und Sydney Sam, die aus der eigenen Jugend kommen. In Zukunft sollen diese Spieler für große Schlagzeilen sorgen - größere jedenfalls, als sie der Vorfall aus dem März verursacht.
well read now a really shocking news Boulahrouz is moving from Hsv to Chelsea
how can he come on Chelsea ...is he ...i can´t belive that !!!this is so uncool
and by the way doll is i think as a person the better coach!!!
well read now a really shocking news Boulahrouz is moving from Hsv to Chelsea
how can he come on Chelsea ...is he ...i can´t belive that !!!this is so uncool
and by the way doll is i think as a person the better coach!!!
Stupid choice of him, but for his bank it's a great movement
Stupid choice of him, but for his bank it's a great movement
yes it´s so stupid from him ...but for the bank i can understand but if this is the best choice for hid career i doubt that...and by the way he said before he wants to build up in hamburg ...what a lie ...i am still under shock why do they let him go
i can´t understand
and for our matches i see dark a bit...
yes it´s so stupid from him ...but for the bank i can understand but if this is the best choice for hid career i doubt that...and by the way he said before he wants to build up in hamburg ...what a lie ...i am still under shock why do they let him go
i can´t understand
and for our matches i see dark a bit...
I read only that HSV and Chelsea agreed, but Bouhlarouz didn't sign anything till now.
I read only that HSV and Chelsea agreed, but Bouhlarouz didn't sign anything till now.
but on the hsv forums everybody seems him to sign it
and it seems he wants it and he is not in the team in cottbus
so doll allready plan withouth him...
and we buy maybe a new player so ...
but on the hsv forums everybody seems him to sign it
and it seems he wants it and he is not in the team in cottbus
so doll allready plan withouth him...
and we buy maybe a new player so ...
I think he's going to sign, but I doubt if he's gonna play alot of minutes.
that´s what fans from chelsea just droped about He is one scary looking man. Now we have a real hardman, no nonsense player in defense. What's with the Dutch players we purchase, though? They all look at least 10 years older than they actually are."
it´s official he doesn´t belong to us anymore:
Hamburg - Khalid Boulahrouz steht kurz vor einem Wechsel zum englischen Meister Chelsea London. "Wir sind uns mit dem FC Chelsea weitestgehend einig", bestätigte Sportchef Dietmar Beiersdorfer. Der niederländische Nationalspieler wird am Wochenende nach London fliegen, um sich dem Medizincheck zu unterziehen und weitere Vertragsdetails zu klären. "Wir werden zeitnah einen Nachfolger präsentieren", so Beiersdorfer. Beim Bundesligaspiel des HSV am Samstag (19.08.06) in Cottbus zählt der Verteidiger bereits nicht mehr zum Kader der Rothosen.
Inter of Porto Alegre just won the Libertadores Cup.
Great match btw. Specially after the last Sao Paulo goal, it got extremely exciting
On another note:
My team (Boca Juniors) plays against Independiente tomorrow for the Argentine league. Hope we win! hehe. And sometime...in September I believe, we'll play the Recopa against Sao Paulo. If we win, we'll become the team that won the most international titles in the World yay!
Inter of Porto Alegre just won the Libertadores Cup.
Great match btw. Specially after the last Sao Paulo goal, it got extremely exciting
On another note:
My team (Boca Juniors) plays against Independiente tomorrow for the Argentine league. Hope we win! hehe. And sometime...in September I believe, we'll play the Recopa against Sao Paulo. If we win, we'll become the team that won the most international titles in the World yay!
hey, do you know a player called 'emiliano dudar'? i need information about him.
'Go easy, step lightly, stay free!'
You have been banned for the following reason:
inappropriate post.
'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute
"Emiliano Dudar, ex central defense of Vélez and Independiente, will travel today to Río de Janeiro along with his representantive Adrián Castellano so he can become part of Vasco da Gama."
I'm sure you knew the Vasco da Gama part, does the Velez and Independiente part help?
AND this I found on what seems to be a Brazilian forum about football, I think it's actually a Vasco da Gama forum:
My team (Boca Juniors) plays against Independiente tomorrow for the Argentine league. Hope we win! hehe. And sometime...in September I believe, we'll play the Recopa against Sao Paulo. If we win, we'll become the team that won the most international titles in the World yay!
Of course, I hope that too...we have them like SONS...hahhahhahahahaha
At least they doesn't have anymore the KUN Agüero ...(menos mal, uffff)
Buenos Aires 25 - 11 - 2005
Buenos Aires 26 - 11 - 2005
Of course, I hope that too...we have them like SONS...hahhahhahahahaha
At least they doesn't have anymore the KUN Agüero ...(menos mal, uffff)
haha! yeah good thing he doesn't play for them anymore. Either way, I'm kinda pissed off because these last 2 games have been on a Saturday, which means that I can't see them :( Fox Sports only broadcasts the main Sunday game, the rest are on TyC sports....a channel I don't have. I suppose I could listen to the radio through the web or something like that though
haha! yeah good thing he doesn't play for them anymore. Either way, I'm kinda pissed off because these last 2 games have been on a Saturday, which means that I can't see them :( Fox Sports only broadcasts the main Sunday game, the rest are on TyC sports....a channel I don't have. I suppose I could listen to the radio through the web or something like that though
Search Radio Mitre...they've always transmitted Boca's match online.
I don't have cable so I can't see them either...but You know how is it...when Boca makes a goal, you always know because your neibourghs
"Somos la mitad + 1....somos el pueblo de carnaval..."
Buenos Aires 25 - 11 - 2005
Buenos Aires 26 - 11 - 2005
Search Radio Mitre...they've always transmitted Boca's match online.
I don't have cable so I can't see them either...but You know how is it...when Boca makes a goal, you always know because your neibourghs
"Somos la mitad + 1....somos el pueblo de carnaval..."
haha I know! that's what I was thinking of when I said radio through the web I remember when I was in Argentina, they used to have a program called "El Show de Boca" Do they still have it?
haha I know! that's what I was thinking of when I said radio through the web I remember when I was in Argentina, they used to have a program called "El Show de Boca" Do they still have it?
Y dale Bo!
Yes, it's a classic, like Choripan . But it's not with Ale Fantino (he was very funny on radio, but know he's on tv)...but it works
Buenos Aires 25 - 11 - 2005
Buenos Aires 26 - 11 - 2005
"Emiliano Dudar, ex central defense of Vélez and Independiente, will travel today to Río de Janeiro along with his representantive Adrián Castellano so he can become part of Vasco da Gama."
I'm sure you knew the Vasco da Gama part, does the Velez and Independiente part help?
AND this I found on what seems to be a Brazilian forum about football, I think it's actually a Vasco da Gama forum:
i actually post on that forum. and that's why i am asking for info, to show the people there.
but anyway, thanks.
OH! :eek:
lol...:o I did my best...couldn't find much info on the dude. Maybe if I search more specifically his name + one of the clubs he was in, to only get stuff about each particular phase in his career....idk
i think the therm that Boula leaves was allready in the head of him .That was the injury before the ossasuna match started...
and maybe hsv gets Gallas? can be bec. he is a deffender and boula too ...Gallas wants to leave and we need somebody...on sunday we will see maybe
woohoo! the Premier League is back!!!
and we got Kuyt :D:D
ah i cannot wait for this season to kick off!!
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
woohoo! the Premier League is back!!!
and we got Kuyt :D:D
ah i cannot wait for this season to kick off!!
And what do you figure that the line up will most likely be?
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Inter of Porto Alegre just won the Libertadores Cup.
Great match btw. Specially after the last Sao Paulo goal, it got extremely exciting
On another note:
My team (Boca Juniors) plays against Independiente tomorrow for the Argentine league. Hope we win! hehe. And sometime...in September I believe, we'll play the Recopa against Sao Paulo. If we win, we'll become the team that won the most international titles in the World yay!
Good luck with that. You guys should see if you can interest IKEA for shirt sponsoring.:D It would look good considering the colors and the history.
« One man's glory is another man's hell.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
lol...:o I did my best...couldn't find much info on the dude. Maybe if I search more specifically his name + one of the clubs he was in, to only get stuff about each particular phase in his career....idk
that's ok. i apreciate the atention.
'Go easy, step lightly, stay free!'
You have been banned for the following reason:
inappropriate post.
'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute
Trotzdem: In den vergangenen Jahren war es immer wieder zu Disziplinlosigkeiten im HSV-Internat gekommen. So wurde der spätere Profi Eren Sen im Alter von 18 Jahren wegen einer unerlaubten Spritztour mit dem Auto eines Kollegen des Internats verwiesen. Auch in anderen Internaten von Bundesligaklubs gab es Probleme. Im vergangenen Jahr mussten sich die Verantwortlichen bei Hertha BSC mit dem Verdacht auf sexuelle Übergriffe an einer 14-Jährigen beschäftigen. Die Vorwürfe wurden später fallen gelassen.
HSV-Sportchef Dietmar Beiersdorfer verteidigte das Konzept der Jugendinternate: "Wir müssen uns für unsere Arbeit nicht verstecken." Auch Internatsleiter Hildebrandt wehrte sich gegen eine pauschale Verurteilung: "Bei uns wohnen normale Jugendliche, wie woanders auch. Über die Jahre gesehen, haben wir bestimmt nicht mehr Auffälligkeiten als in anderen Häusern." Was die 15 jungen Fußballer angeht, die im Moment im Internat wohnen, überlegt sich Hildebrandt trotzdem Konsequenzen: "Natürlich hinterfragen wir uns. Vermitteln wir den Jungs ausreichend, was es heißt, HSVer zu sein? Wie sieht es aus mit dem Thema Sexualität? Wir tabuisieren nichts - wollen die Fußballer aber auch ganz bewusst zur Eigenverantwortung erziehen."
Insgesamt investiert der HSV jährlich drei Millionen Euro in seine gesamte Nachwuchsabteilung. Dazu gehören neben dem Internat auch die Jugendmannschaften und das Team HSV II in der Regionalliga. Den direkten Durchmarsch vom Internat ins Profiteam hat noch keiner geschafft. "Aber im Profikader stehen zurzeit zwölf Akteure, die aus unserem Nachwuchsbereich kommen", sagte Hildebrandt. Dazu gehören Sascha Kirschstein und René Klingbeil, die viele Einsätze im Regionalligateam hatten. Und auch Alexander Laas und Sydney Sam, die aus der eigenen Jugend kommen. In Zukunft sollen diese Spieler für große Schlagzeilen sorgen - größere jedenfalls, als sie der Vorfall aus dem März verursacht.
Artikel erschienen am Fr, 18. August 2006
it seems so know but sexual abused is shocking enough!!!
Kirschstein - Mahdavikia, Reinhardt, Demel, Klingbeil - de Jong - Jarolim, Trochowski - van der Vaart - Guerrero, Sanogo
well read now a really shocking news Boulahrouz is moving from Hsv to Chelsea
how can he come on Chelsea ...is he ...i can´t belive that !!!this is so uncool
and by the way doll is i think as a person the better coach!!!
Stupid choice of him, but for his bank it's a great movement
yes it´s so stupid from him ...but for the bank i can understand but if this is the best choice for hid career i doubt that...and by the way he said before he wants to build up in hamburg ...what a lie ...i am still under shock why do they let him go
i can´t understand
and for our matches i see dark a bit...
I read only that HSV and Chelsea agreed, but Bouhlarouz didn't sign anything till now.
but on the hsv forums everybody seems him to sign it
and it seems he wants it and he is not in the team in cottbus
so doll allready plan withouth him...
and we buy maybe a new player so ...
I think he's going to sign, but I doubt if he's gonna play alot of minutes.
i doubt that too but anyways he won´t be allowed to play cl if i understand that right..
Hamburg - Khalid Boulahrouz steht kurz vor einem Wechsel zum englischen Meister Chelsea London. "Wir sind uns mit dem FC Chelsea weitestgehend einig", bestätigte Sportchef Dietmar Beiersdorfer. Der niederländische Nationalspieler wird am Wochenende nach London fliegen, um sich dem Medizincheck zu unterziehen und weitere Vertragsdetails zu klären. "Wir werden zeitnah einen Nachfolger präsentieren", so Beiersdorfer. Beim Bundesligaspiel des HSV am Samstag (19.08.06) in Cottbus zählt der Verteidiger bereits nicht mehr zum Kader der Rothosen.
Great match btw. Specially after the last Sao Paulo goal, it got extremely exciting
On another note:
My team (Boca Juniors) plays against Independiente tomorrow for the Argentine league. Hope we win!
♪ Juli ♪
hey, do you know a player called 'emiliano dudar'? i need information about him.
You have been banned for the following reason:
inappropriate post.
'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute
Nope. Never heard of him before.
I just did some research, but couldn't find much recent info about him. Most of it was stuff from 2002 and 2003.
Here's something up to date:
"Emiliano Dudar, ex central defense of Vélez and Independiente, will travel today to Río de Janeiro along with his representantive Adrián Castellano so he can become part of Vasco da Gama."
I'm sure you knew the Vasco da Gama part, does the Velez and Independiente part help?
AND this I found on what seems to be a Brazilian forum about football, I think it's actually a Vasco da Gama forum:
link: http://www.netvasco.com.br/forum/viewthread.php?tid=10369
"Saiba mais sobre Emiliano Dudar, zagueiro que fará testes no Vasco
Nome: Emiliano Ariel Dudar (Dudar)
Posição: Zagueiro central
Idade: 24 anos
Local de nascimento: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Altura: 1,92cm
Peso: 90kg
Clubes anteriores:
Velez Sarsfield, Banfield e Independiente, todos da Argentina, e Libertad, do Paraguai."
Hope that helps!
♪ Juli ♪
Of course, I hope that too...we have them like SONS...hahhahhahahahaha
At least they doesn't have anymore the KUN Agüero
Buenos Aires 26 - 11 - 2005
********Proud 2 b Jammer!*******
These are the only things I could understand in german....:D yeaaah I'm improving myself. hahhahaa
Buenos Aires 26 - 11 - 2005
********Proud 2 b Jammer!*******
haha! yeah
♪ Juli ♪
Search Radio Mitre...they've always transmitted Boca's match online.
I don't have cable so I can't see them either...but You know how is it...when Boca makes a goal, you always know because your neibourghs
"Somos la mitad + 1....somos el pueblo de carnaval..."
Buenos Aires 26 - 11 - 2005
********Proud 2 b Jammer!*******
Y dale Bo!
♪ Juli ♪
Yes, it's a classic, like Choripan
Buenos Aires 26 - 11 - 2005
********Proud 2 b Jammer!*******
i actually post on that forum. and that's why i am asking for info, to show the people there.
but anyway, thanks.
You have been banned for the following reason:
inappropriate post.
'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute
OH! :eek:
lol...:o I did my best...couldn't find much info on the dude. Maybe if I search more specifically his name + one of the clubs he was in, to only get stuff about each particular phase in his career....idk
♪ Juli ♪
that´s not funny i was so angry last night that i didn´t mention much what i wrote about that stuff...
and maybe hsv gets Gallas? can be bec. he is a deffender and boula too ...Gallas wants to leave and we need somebody...on sunday we will see maybe
and we got Kuyt
ah i cannot wait for this season to kick off!!
Walk on with hope in your heart
And what do you figure that the line up will most likely be?
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
Good luck with that. You guys should see if you can interest IKEA for shirt sponsoring.:D It would look good considering the colors and the history.
You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
that's ok. i apreciate the atention.
You have been banned for the following reason:
inappropriate post.
'Too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.' - Dwight Schrute