
what DID NOT make your day....



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    South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    being in a rut
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    einatshauleinatshaul Posts: 2,219
    Someone I was looking forward to sharing an amazing experience with, while being totally surprised to watch him stab my in the back and throw away our friendship for good for nothing much.

    Don’t trust people easily. That’s all I’m saying.
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    SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    effin Death and his stoopid dead bodies on board. :mad:
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
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    Being fucking turned down by another service.

    Conversation between me and a sad-excuse-for-a-doctor:

    Me: *splurge about the last 8 months of depression and anxiety*

    Her: 'Well I'll write a letter but the waiting list for counselling is 4 months.' (shrug)

    Me: 'And what happens in the next four months is anyone's guess.'

    Her: 'Interestingly, you do seem very knowledgable about depression.' (said with a smirk of suspicion - i.e. 'You're a liar.')

    Me: 'Well I don't know about your other patients, but I like to read. Are your other patients illiterate? I've been feeling not myself and I've tried to found out why.'

    Her: (another patronising face of suspicion) 'Well you could ring these numbers. They might be able to help you out. Sorry I can't be more helpful.'

    Fuck em. Fuck these services. In my town, they're over-subscribed by state scroungers and toothless chavs and immigrants. So that when a good, upstanding citizen needs help, they're fucking turned away repeatedly. Fuck em all.
    'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'

    - the great Sir Leo Harrison
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    Sian-of-the-deadSian-of-the-dead Posts: 8,963
    People I work with, who've become great friends over the years, getting confirmation of redundancy :(
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
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    LindaLinda Posts: 1,656
    i just want my heart to be reset, just let the pain go away......please...
    i'm not happy yet.....
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    comebackwomancomebackwoman Posts: 7,271
    finding out someone I care about has been diagnosed with breast cancer :( at 25 years old
    There's a light when my baby's in my arms :)
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    urbanhippieurbanhippie Posts: 3,007
    Linda wrote:
    i just want my heart to be reset, just let the pain go away......please...
    I hope you're ok Linda :(

    What did not make my day...My ex :(
    A human being that was given to fly.

    Wembley 18/06/07

    If there was a reason, it was you.

    O2 Arena 18/09/09
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    roarroar Posts: 1,116
    trying so hard even though it never goes away.
    makes you wonder.
    could be worse.
    it's hard to remember that.
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    pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    Wanting to do something by myself but then having someone who can be slightly annoying at times invite herself...I can't really say no...
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    pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    The 101 degree heat...it is only May, and it is only going to get worse! :mad: I can't WAIT to move...I'm sitting here and my hair is all sweaty! Gross!
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    dunkmandunkman Posts: 19,646
    not getting the 1000th post on this thread :( :(
    oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
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    pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    dunkman wrote:
    not getting the 1000th post on this thread :( :(


    I didn't even notice to tell you the truth. Sorry! ;)
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    EvilMerlinEvilMerlin Posts: 1,865
    not paying attention and putting in so much tobasco into my soup that it felt like I inhaled sulfur into my lungs. Okay well not that bad, but a good amount of vinegar and pepper.
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    Jeremy1012Jeremy1012 Posts: 7,170
    The board going down was a bit of a bummer :p

    First post in AET in about 5 or 6 hours.
    "I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
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    SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    my brother.
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
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    jamie ukjamie uk Posts: 3,812
    the best team doesn't always win :(
    Still, good on you Pompey..I won't wish them luck, they had quite enough already :( :o
    I came, I saw, I concurred.....
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    something new reveals itself every day that brings me down.
    *getting a letter stating that my husbands drivers license was suspended due to unpaid speeding tickets.
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
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    urbanhippieurbanhippie Posts: 3,007
    something new reveals itself every day that brings me down.
    Things will get better, you might not believe me now, but it's true.

    A human being that was given to fly.

    Wembley 18/06/07

    If there was a reason, it was you.

    O2 Arena 18/09/09
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    KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    Not getting the job I applied for. I just dont want to teach anymore....please someone give me a job. I will even move to the US for that ;)
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
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    einatshauleinatshaul Posts: 2,219
    sorry about that... Maybe relocation is an option! It sure was a success for me! :)
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    KushikushunKushikushun Posts: 1,263
    einatshaul wrote:
    sorry about that... Maybe relocation is an option! It sure was a success for me! :)

    I thought you went here to complain some more about Stone ;);)

    Thanks for the succes wishes! We are really thinking of that. We have an interest in Vancouver, but havent got a clue what to do there job-wise.
    We'll figure it out.
    But I just really have to find a way out of this job soon. It is time to move on!
    Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
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    Obi OnceObi Once Posts: 918
    The mother of all hangovers..
    your light's reflected now
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    GraySaturdayGraySaturday Posts: 2,878
    it DID NOT, I repeat, DID NOT make my day that I went to drive my car and it was deader then DEAD...

    noooooooo!!!!!!!!! I have been noticing that my brake lights have been staying on after I leave the car, and I was like, WTF. so I looked it up and turns out 2003 Jettas have a recall on a faulty brake switch from last year, and I was annoyed because I never knew, and now its broken. So I made sure the lights were off so as not to drain the battery because I need my car for work, but it ate my battery anyways, and now my car is dead!

    Why?????? why must this happen to me on really busy days??? I can't do anything about it today being a sunday, but tomorrow I have to get my cats food at the vet because they are totally out, and I can't get it anywhere else because its prescription, I have to pick up my husband's birthday cake, I had to get some last minute things for his birthday that I left till tomorrow, I had to food shop, go to the gym, and get us to a really nice dinner, not to mention WORK...

    Ughhhhh now I am scrambling to get my car jumped/towed to the dealer, I have to pay for a new battery, hope to god they have that switch in stock, and that they can do it all in like 2 mins so I can get everything else done. I am so stressed, and that DID NOT MAKE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
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    SENROCKSENROCK Posts: 10,736
    yesterday ordering some food from WAHHHHHOOS and after waiting forEVER for it to be brought to the table, realizing that someone in our group HADD BEEN EATING MY FOOD CUZ THEY THOUGHT IT WAS COMPLIMENTARY!!!!!! :mad:
    ~~~~~~ALWAYS HAVE A GOOD TIME~~~~~~
    Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!

    "Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95

    It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
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    Sian-of-the-deadSian-of-the-dead Posts: 8,963
    Looking in the mirror and seeing my bruised mush... and the headache that goes with it :(
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
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    Looking in the mirror and seeing my bruised mush... and the headache that goes with it :(

    Yeah, really sorry to hear what happened. I hope the doctors goes well. :)
    'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'

    - the great Sir Leo Harrison
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    South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    Having to get a new bumper for my car :(
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    Sian-of-the-deadSian-of-the-dead Posts: 8,963
    Been to this many PJ shows: Reading 2006 London 2007 Manchester & London 2009 Dublin, Belfast, London, Nijmegen & Berlin 2010 Manchester 1 & Manchester 2 2012...

    ... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
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    comebackwomancomebackwoman Posts: 7,271
    waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...enough of the damn waiting!
    There's a light when my baby's in my arms :)
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