Guitar Hero 3 - Discussion & Questions?



  • what is the difference between two and three

    This is the first Guitar Hero game I have owned so Im not sure. However, its probably just the tracklist, graphics, and some small odds and ends like the Boss Battles etc. I have the PS3 so the guitar is wireless and the graphics look nice on my high def 60" tv.
    baby boomers selling you rumors of their history, forcing youth away from the truth of what's real today.
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    All I know is that I made a 97% on Medium playing "Talk dirty to me"!! WOOHOO............:)

    Just about ready to tackle hard, eh?

    I got 100% on Even Flow, Slowride, My Name is Jonas, Bulls on Parade and Cliffs of Dover on medium. I've been playing hard for a week or so and haven't gotten close. I think my best was 91% on Even Flow.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • JBiiJBii Lake Spivey Posts: 354
    Hi Guys and Gals, I am 54 and am intrigued about Guitar Hero, I have no video game consoles at this time so I need some advice from the community. What is the best thing to buy in order to get the most pearl jam action?
    I saw a you tube on Guitar Hero World Tour and that sounds amazing with all the things and features you can do. I thought this was nothing more than Air Guitar but I think I was way off base.
    That what you fear the most could meet you halfway
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