i won't have to she is a total adventurer this will be easy, i've allways wanted to do that but with people from here it will be a blast ....i'm down ..
i dont know why u would want to blow us up, but ok
I was just seeing what kind of reaction that would get. Honestly, as fascinated as I am with those creatures, I'm just gonna respect their place and mine. I think of it like this. If I get home, and there's a Great White sitting on my couch, reading my mail, I'm gonna be upset. I just stay off the Great White's couch.
I was just seeing what kind of reaction that would get. Honestly, as fascinated as I am with those creatures, I'm just gonna respect their place and mine. I think of it like this. If I get home, and there's a Great White sitting on my couch, reading my mail, I'm gonna be upset. I just stay off the Great White's couch.
this is why i dont consider incidents "attacks"
and read my sig. its the truth
once they're gone our air supply is gone and we is dead
I love this sort of stuff, but it has been years since I have been diving. I have all of the equipment, but it is going on 20 years old now. I haven't had my regulator services, but I think I have kept my tank certification (or whatever it is) up to date.
HOWEVER, I could never do a long boat trip. I would be throwing up the entire time, or so drugged to keep from throwing up that it wouldn't be fun. I was on a dive trip off of the coast of Cozumel many years ago and got sick on the short boat trip there. I went down and got sicker and got even sicker as I was coming up. Then I threw up as I reached the surface. I threw up in the Caribbean - lucky there wasn't any sharks around. They probably would have liked it as well as chum!
I can see me barfing in the shark cage (and in my regulator since I would be under water). I guess the puke would be coming out the regulator and the sharks would be waiting patiently for their little snackie???
Hah - this really gross - sorry.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I love this sort of stuff, but it has been years since I have been diving. I have all of the equipment, but it is going on 20 years old now. I haven't had my regulator services, but I think I have kept my tank certification (or whatever it is) up to date.
HOWEVER, I could never do a long boat trip. I would be throwing up the entire time, or so drugged to keep from throwing up that it wouldn't be fun. I was on a dive trip off of the coast of Cozumel many years ago and got sick on the short boat trip there. I went down and got sicker and got even sicker as I was coming up. Then I threw up as I reached the surface. I threw up in the Caribbean - lucky there wasn't any sharks around. They probably would have liked it as well as chum!
I can see me barfing in the shark cage (and in my regulator since I would be under water). I guess the puke would be coming out the regulator and the sharks would be waiting patiently for their little snackie???
Hah - this really gross - sorry.
wooo lol that could be a problem lol
another good thing with this trip is that u dont have to be certified because the air is left on board,,u do use a regulator but the air is on board
plus ur only 10 ft down
that cozumel is a great place to dive,,sorry u threw up the whole time
another good thing with this trip is that u dont have to be certified because the air is left on board,,u do use a regulator but the air is on board plus ur only 10 ft down
I wondered about the certification. They get a lot more business if no certification required. I wonder how many people panic once they get in the cage and underwater. I'm sure some people are nervous about being underwater and using the regulator for the first time, plus a little claustrophobia being in the cage, and then with great whites swimming all around...... ha...... I wonder what happens if people panic. Is there a panic button?
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I wondered about the certification. They get a lot more business if no certification required. I wonder how many people panic once they get in the cage and underwater. I'm sure some people are nervous about being underwater and using the regulator for the first time, plus a little claustrophobia being in the cage, and then with great whites swimming all around...... ha...... I wonder what happens if people panic. Is there a panic button?
Yep, the bottom of the cage slides open so you can just sink out
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I wondered about the certification. They get a lot more business if no certification required. I wonder how many people panic once they get in the cage and underwater. I'm sure some people are nervous about being underwater and using the regulator for the first time, plus a little claustrophobia being in the cage, and then with great whites swimming all around...... ha...... I wonder what happens if people panic. Is there a panic button?
they almost had to pull me out on my first dive
talk about panic lol it took me 3 x to become comfy
i told them im not coming out i just drove 22 hours lol
needless to say by the 2nd day i was pulling the regulator out of my mouth underwater and goofing around because i had become so comfy w/ it
talk about panic lol it took me 3 x to become comfy
i told them im not coming out i just drove 22 hours lol
needless to say by the 2nd day i was pulling the regulator out of my mouth underwater and goofing around because i had become so comfy w/ it
yep, well my first (and only) dive was terrifying. Well I don't have a PADI cert so it was goggles only and they tell ya when the shark's coming and ya take a deep breath and go under. But it was GETTING into the cage (having to jump from the boat into the cage that's not much wider than the average person having seen all the sharks swimming around beforehand :eek: ) that scared the shit out of me... by the time I got out I was like complete jelly, cos every time the cage banged against the boat I'd think it was a shark coming
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
yep, well my first (and only) dive was terrifying. Well I don't have a PADI cert so it was goggles only and they tell ya when the shark's coming and ya take a deep breath and go under. But it was GETTING into the cage (having to jump from the boat into the cage that's not much wider than the average person having seen all the sharks swimming around beforehand :eek: ) that scared the shit out of me... by the time I got out I was like complete jelly, cos every time the cage banged against the boat I'd think it was a shark coming
yea see the trip u did is way way different
the cage is alot smaller ,, u have to hold ur breath
ive seen the cages that u went down in ,, totally different
no, mine was even smaller... no way you'd fit two people in there... even midgets
I have a picture at home... must scan it in tomorrow if I remember
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
no the link is for the cages i went into ,,which are much bigger than what u dove in
these cages hold 4 people comfy
Ah I get ya now... can ya still go in on yer own though or do you have to go with others? I'd hate if I was in with 4 people and 1 of them freaked out :eek: god knows what could happen
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Ah I get ya now... can ya still go in on yer own though or do you have to go with others? I'd hate if I was in with 4 people and 1 of them freaked out :eek: god knows what could happen
well we were there 4 days
so we made 5-6 dives per day = 20-24 dives
anyway the first 2 days everybody was ready for every dive
as the trip went on people started skipping a dive here and there
wheter they were fishing or sunning
point being the last 2 days me and my bro made quite a few dives by ourselves
but if people wanted to go then they maxed out at 4 per cage
i did make an early dive on my 2nd day b4 anybody else was up
i was up early fishing and i caught a big tuna and the mate was like
u wanna eat it or use it ? im like huh ?
so he was like get ur suit on and we'll tie this bad boy up and throw him overboard for breakfast lol that was awesome alone watching a big tuna get torn up
im going to guadalupe in three weeks.. only for a night though and then hitching a boat to another island.... no interest in shark diving though!... didnt even realize they were so popular there.
im going to guadalupe in three weeks.. only for a night though and then hitching a boat to another island.... no interest in shark diving though!... didnt even realize they were so popular there.
obviously ur staying on a boat , because only the mexican navy
and a few fisherman are allowed on the island
well this is peak season so expect quite a few shark boats
I'd like to dive with sharks at some point in my life, but it's not tops on my to do list. I'd rather skydive and try some other adventurous things first.
Anyhoo, saw this on live science and wanted to share.
#4 - Great White Shark
Blood in the water can excite these sharks into a feeding frenzy, where they'll use all 3,000 of their teeth to bite anything that moves.
I'd like to dive with sharks at some point in my life, but it's not tops on my to do list. I'd rather skydive and try some other adventurous things first.
Anyhoo, saw this on live science and wanted to share.
#4 - Great White Shark
Blood in the water can excite these sharks into a feeding frenzy, where they'll use all 3,000 of their teeth to bite anything that moves.
i would like to skydive but im afraid of a heart-attack
and that live-science has no idea what they're talking about
22 hours? gross. is it a big boat? you get seasick??
22 hours there and 22 back
if u dont love these creatures this isnt for you
yes its a big boat i dont know exact size but big enough to hold 25 people or so plus all the equipments
2 showers 4 bathrooms 6 or 7 rooms to sleep in
(which by the way is very small )
normally i dont get seasick but we do have to cross the pacific ocean so i suggest taking meds just in case
also if ur prone to seasickness this trip isnt for you lol
i dont know why u would want to blow us up, but ok
i won't have to she is a total adventurer this will be easy, i've allways wanted to do that but with people from here it will be a blast ....i'm down ..
this is why i dont consider incidents "attacks"
and read my sig. its the truth
once they're gone our air supply is gone and we is dead
HOWEVER, I could never do a long boat trip. I would be throwing up the entire time, or so drugged to keep from throwing up that it wouldn't be fun. I was on a dive trip off of the coast of Cozumel many years ago and got sick on the short boat trip there. I went down and got sicker and got even sicker as I was coming up. Then I threw up as I reached the surface. I threw up in the Caribbean - lucky there wasn't any sharks around. They probably would have liked it as well as chum!
I can see me barfing in the shark cage (and in my regulator since I would be under water). I guess the puke would be coming out the regulator and the sharks would be waiting patiently for their little snackie???
Hah - this really gross - sorry.
wooo lol that could be a problem lol
another good thing with this trip is that u dont have to be certified because the air is left on board,,u do use a regulator but the air is on board
plus ur only 10 ft down
that cozumel is a great place to dive,,sorry u threw up the whole time
I wondered about the certification. They get a lot more business if no certification required. I wonder how many people panic once they get in the cage and underwater. I'm sure some people are nervous about being underwater and using the regulator for the first time, plus a little claustrophobia being in the cage, and then with great whites swimming all around...... ha...... I wonder what happens if people panic. Is there a panic button?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Into the welcoming arms..... I mean mouth.... of JAWS.
they almost had to pull me out on my first dive
talk about panic lol it took me 3 x to become comfy
i told them im not coming out i just drove 22 hours lol
needless to say by the 2nd day i was pulling the regulator out of my mouth underwater and goofing around because i had become so comfy w/ it
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
yea see the trip u did is way way different
the cage is alot smaller ,, u have to hold ur breath
ive seen the cages that u went down in ,, totally different
My hubby would LOVE this trip and my son too (both marine bio nuts/nerds!!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
come one come all
kids are allowed ,i think 12-13 or older
I have a picture at home... must scan it in tomorrow if I remember
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
no the link is for the cages i went into ,,which are much bigger than what u dove in
these cages hold 4 people comfy
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
well we were there 4 days
so we made 5-6 dives per day = 20-24 dives
anyway the first 2 days everybody was ready for every dive
as the trip went on people started skipping a dive here and there
wheter they were fishing or sunning
point being the last 2 days me and my bro made quite a few dives by ourselves
but if people wanted to go then they maxed out at 4 per cage
i did make an early dive on my 2nd day b4 anybody else was up
i was up early fishing and i caught a big tuna and the mate was like
u wanna eat it or use it ? im like huh ?
so he was like get ur suit on and we'll tie this bad boy up and throw him overboard for breakfast lol that was awesome alone watching a big tuna get torn up
obviously ur staying on a boat , because only the mexican navy
and a few fisherman are allowed on the island
well this is peak season so expect quite a few shark boats
and p.s. dont go jumping in the water
nah, i just fly into guadalupe and then take a boat to dominica the next day where im staying for a month...... not actually staying on the boat.
i hope the boat is big.. i dont like sharks!
Anyhoo, saw this on live science and wanted to share.
#4 - Great White Shark
Blood in the water can excite these sharks into a feeding frenzy, where they'll use all 3,000 of their teeth to bite anything that moves.
i would like to skydive but im afraid of a heart-attack
and that live-science has no idea what they're talking about
im not sure if we're talking about the same island?
maybe not because san diego is on the other side of america.... i just dont know any other guadalupes so i assumed...
once u said land on the island,,i was like wait a second lol
i drove 22 hours on a boat and ive could of flown?>? lol
yea the shark island is mostly mexican navy and no airports or anything
but ur island is nice also lol
anyway enjoy and feel free to jump in the water
22 hours? gross. is it a big boat? you get seasick??
22 hours there and 22 back
if u dont love these creatures this isnt for you
yes its a big boat i dont know exact size but big enough to hold 25 people or so plus all the equipments
2 showers 4 bathrooms 6 or 7 rooms to sleep in
(which by the way is very small )
normally i dont get seasick but we do have to cross the pacific ocean so i suggest taking meds just in case
also if ur prone to seasickness this trip isnt for you lol