obviously you don't know where your income taxes go!! The Federal reserve!! into private bankers hands!!
not to fix roads and build schools.
Convince me that the Federal Reserve is as terrible as you Ron Paul supporters claim for it to be? It is not the one sided coin you think it is, but then again I'll be the first to admit that it is not perfect. So, convince me it is and should be the #1 issue in a campaign where we now have 4,000+ soldiers dead from an illegal war.
funny shit! and i bet your a greasy face pedafile who frequents this web site in between sound proofing your basement and attending NAMBLA meetings you ignorant mindless drone.
the proper usage of mine would be you're... as in you are
you are
you are
you are
unfortunately, you. are not.
you are droning. which i suppose is a start. you crazy fox, you.
Well, that's your opinion (yet again), and I will respectfully disagree on both counts.
you are free to believe as you choose.
we will all pay for your mistake.
Really? Let's support the candidate who doesn't think we should have taxes? Nope. That's when we would really pay.
people used to disagree that the world was round.
people were put to death for saying the earth was round.
guess what? the earth is round.
It's about damn time you post a fact in this thread.
obviously you don't know where your income taxes go!! The Federal reserve!! into private bankers hands!!
not to fix roads and build schools.
I'm not even being sarcastic.
i love them!!
i bet we can agree on that.
i gotta go.be back tonight,maybe.
take care it's been fun.
Convince me that the Federal Reserve is as terrible as you Ron Paul supporters claim for it to be? It is not the one sided coin you think it is, but then again I'll be the first to admit that it is not perfect. So, convince me it is and should be the #1 issue in a campaign where we now have 4,000+ soldiers dead from an illegal war.
you are
you are
you are
unfortunately, you. are not.
you are droning. which i suppose is a start. you crazy fox, you.