Will the Canadian Public understand



  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,382
    Who ever is up, NDP, Liberal, PC etc.. it's the same. Don't get me wrong .. they will do some good to the nation .. and they will do alot bad to the nation. What ever you choose .. there will be problems.
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    demetrios wrote:
    Who ever is up, NDP, Liberal, PC etc.. it's the same. Don't get me wrong .. they will do some good to the nation .. and they will do alot bad to the nation. What ever you choose .. there will be problems.

    i agree with you but is it wrong that i want a leader (whoever it is) to stop bullshitting me. you raised my taxes last year and now that you want an election you lower it this year and say "see we know you pay to much taxes, that is why we are doing you a favor by lowering them"
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    we're fucked here ... one right wing party and 3 or 4 centre-left parties ... the country is centre-left but we'll be splittinig votes for years to come and i don't see how harper can lose ... especially with alberta voting compeletely one way ...
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    polaris wrote:
    we're fucked here ... one right wing party and 3 or 4 centre-left parties ... the country is centre-left but we'll be splittinig votes for years to come and i don't see how harper can lose ... especially with alberta voting compeletely one way ...

    see i believe that harper will not win an election. he screw the east, he screwed Ontraio. i am sad to say this but we need Dion to start fighting dirty. we need him to show people that this guy does not care about there issues.

    look at this poll.


    also look at this story.


    how strange would it be if Ontraio lost 10 seats and the west picked them up. i wonder what the benefit would be for Mr. Harper
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    Thecure wrote:
    see i believe that harper will not win an election. he screw the east, he screwed Ontraio. i am sad to say this but we need Dion to start fighting dirty. we need him to show people that this guy does not care about there issues.

    look at this poll.


    also look at this story.


    how strange would it be if Ontraio lost 10 seats and the west picked them up. i wonder what the benefit would be for Mr. Harper

    that's the rub with this gov't ... they don't give a fuck about the other 65% of the population that didn't vote for them ... why do you think municipalities are getting the screw job while federal surpluses continue to sky rocket? ... because none of the 3 big cities voted for them ...

    anyways - it'll be hard to beat cons - if they continue to get votes from quebec ... as much as i'm intrigued by dion's policies - he doesn't have the support of his party nor the courage to stand up ...

    his bailing on the throne speech and mini-budget were done for political saviour not for the benefit of the people ...
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    polaris wrote:
    that's the rub with this gov't ... they don't give a fuck about the other 65% of the population that didn't vote for them ... why do you think municipalities are getting the screw job while federal surpluses continue to sky rocket? ... because none of the 3 big cities voted for them ...

    anyways - it'll be hard to beat cons - if they continue to get votes from quebec ... as much as i'm intrigued by dion's policies - he doesn't have the support of his party nor the courage to stand up ...

    his bailing on the throne speech and mini-budget were done for political saviour not for the benefit of the people ...

    i am still wondering why the liberals voted for Dion and now are not supporting him.
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    Thecure wrote:
    i am still wondering why the liberals voted for Dion and now are not supporting him.

    well ... the problem is not all of them did ... the old-timers that run the party pegged ignatief and they are playing a silly game now ... they are still bitter that newcomer kennedy pulled a fast one and took dion from last to first ...

    its really more where the liberal party has got to go ... it's ties to lobbyists from the old guard (chretien/martin) need to be severed ...
  • YoyoyoYoyoyo Posts: 310
    Dion is a lame duck.
    No need to be void, or save up on life

    You got to spend it all
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    Mestophar wrote:
    Dion is a lame duck.

    i don't know about that. even with all the things like a Fake tax relief has not sent Harper's number up.
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • YoyoyoYoyoyo Posts: 310
    Thecure wrote:
    i don't know about that. even with all the things like a Fake tax relief has not sent Harper's number up.

    It doesn't matter. As soon as Dion opens his mouth in a debate the voters will turn against him. He's french and has no charisma.
    No need to be void, or save up on life

    You got to spend it all
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    Mestophar wrote:
    It doesn't matter. As soon as Dion opens his mouth in a debate the voters will turn against him. He's french and has no charisma.

    oh i am sorry. i didn't know that Mr. Harper was a ball of charima either.
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    Bring back Chretian!!!!!
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    Thecure wrote:

    yeah ... well ... what else can be said? ... it is quite obvious this gov't has no interest in serving the people ... it was feared before for very good reasons and now it's come to fruition ...

    it really goes to show what conservatives are really like these days
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    climate change is one of the big agenda items in the commonwealth meeting in Uganda and not only is Canada not a relevant party in the discussions - most countries are worried about Canada hindering progress ...

    how sad ... disgraceful ...
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    at least the BS about them actually doing something about climate change is over now and we can see them for who they really are ... two-faced ...


    Prime Minister Stephen Harper is facing heavy political pressure to agree to binding targets for greenhouse gas emissions as Commonwealth summit delegates in Uganda attempt to form a strong, united front in the fight against climate change.

    Other than Australia, whose leader is not at the summit, Canada is the only member of the 53-nation grouping that has not fallen in line with the wording in a climate change resolution calling for binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

    The three-day conference is trying to reach a consensus before December's United Nations meeting in Bali, Indonesia, where more than 190 nations will discuss the future of the Kyoto protocol.

    "One of the biggest challenges we all face [is] climate change," Malta's Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said Friday in a speech in the Ugandan capital, Kampala. "The challenge of climate change not only requires a united front, but an unprecedented level of co-operation and firm action."

    But the small island nation's drive for environmental unity faces challenges from Canada's Conservative government, which does not support binding reductions.

    Harper lone opponent of binding targets
    In Kampala, Harper stands alone in opposition to the binding targets, as his Australian counterpart, John Howard, is not attending the meetings. Instead, Howard is at home preparing for his country's federal election.

    Other than the small island nations such as Malta, which fear rising sea levels could bring mass flooding, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has also stated his commitment to reducing greenhouse gases.

    Diplomats have reportedly suggested Brown will attempt to persuade Harper to sign on to the agreement.

    Unless the other leaders are able to win over Canada with the idea of binding targets, the nations will likely emerge from meetings with a slightly watered-down statement.

    Before the climate change talks topped the agenda on Friday, the Commonwealth's suspension of Pakistan overshadowed the summit.

    On Thursday, a committee of foreign ministers, including Canada's Junior Foreign Minister Helena Guergis, agreed to suspend Pakistan over President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's failure to lift a state of emergency and restore civilian rule.

    The Commonwealth leaders agreed on Friday to endorse the suspension decision, made by a nine-nation Ministerial Action Grou
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    I knew the guy was bogus.

    Who hangs out with Mulroney and Stockwell Day?

    Who shakes their kids hand when walking them to school?

    I asked a lot of people after the election who they voted for and why. Everyone who said they voted for Harper said they didn't know why. That's great campaigning, it was all the "Accountability" card, that's why people voted for him, no other reason.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    Ahnimus wrote:
    I knew the guy was bogus.

    Who hangs out with Mulroney and Stockwell Day?

    Who shakes their kids hand when walking them to school?

    I asked a lot of people after the election who they voted for and why. Everyone who said they voted for Harper said they didn't know why. That's great campaigning, it was all the "Accountability" card, that's why people voted for him, no other reason.

    yup ... at least we can't be called fear mongers anymore!
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    Other than Australia, whose leader is not at the summit, Canada is the only member of the 53-nation grouping that has not fallen in line with the wording in a climate change resolution calling for binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.
    Why aren't these 51 supposedly caring countries looking at the greenhouse gases they consume? If these 51 countries capped their consumption it wouldn't matter whatChina was doing. But I forgot, in the politics and trade agreements that masquarade as climate concern it's all about looking to others to make changes. The cause of climate change is a very legitimate concern, the crap these countries propose is a joke.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    Ahnimus wrote:
    I knew the guy was bogus.

    Who hangs out with Mulroney and Stockwell Day?

    Who shakes their kids hand when walking them to school?

    I asked a lot of people after the election who they voted for and why. Everyone who said they voted for Harper said they didn't know why. That's great campaigning, it was all the "Accountability" card, that's why people voted for him, no other reason.

    Who else was there to vote for? The Liberals are just Conservatives who play the "middle" card. If Liberals were truly in the center of the political spectrum in Canada they should and would win every election. The NDP would run this country into the ground with their good intentions. Imagine if Canadians were actually mandated to meet the unrealistic Kyoto goals? This country would be in ruins.
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Songburst wrote:
    Who else was there to vote for? The Liberals are just Conservatives who play the "middle" card. If Liberals were truly in the center of the political spectrum in Canada they should and would win every election. The NDP would run this country into the ground with their good intentions. Imagine if Canadians were actually mandated to meet the unrealistic Kyoto goals? This country would be in ruins.

    What about Connie Fogal of CAP?
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    Ahnimus wrote:
    What about Connie Fogal of CAP?

    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    surferdude wrote:
    Why aren't these 51 supposedly caring countries looking at the greenhouse gases they consume? If these 51 countries capped their consumption it wouldn't matter whatChina was doing. But I forgot, in the politics and trade agreements that masquarade as climate concern it's all about looking to others to make changes. The cause of climate change is a very legitimate concern, the crap these countries propose is a joke.

    uhh ... they are ... these 51 countries ... soon to be 52 were set to impose limits ... but i suppose if you take the attitude that you will wait for every other country in the world to act first then you got the right leader ...

    the other thing you fail to recognize is our sabotaging of efforts by countries that want to act! ...

    sooo ... if you're one to look at burma and condemn china for sabotaging real change there - you should look at this the same way ...
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    Songburst wrote:
    Who else was there to vote for? The Liberals are just Conservatives who play the "middle" card. If Liberals were truly in the center of the political spectrum in Canada they should and would win every election. The NDP would run this country into the ground with their good intentions. Imagine if Canadians were actually mandated to meet the unrealistic Kyoto goals? This country would be in ruins.

    so ... what proof do you have that the ndp would run this country to the ground? ... although i don't agree with everything he does ... layton's record at various levels of gov't is pretty solid ...

    having said that - i could argue the conservatives are running this country to the ground right now ... record surpluses could be achieved by anyone if they don't fund programs adequately ... those things come back to haunt you in the end ...
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    polaris wrote:
    so ... what proof do you have that the ndp would run this country to the ground? ... although i don't agree with everything he does ... layton's record at various levels of gov't is pretty solid ...

    having said that - i could argue the conservatives are running this country to the ground right now ... record surpluses could be achieved by anyone if they don't fund programs adequately ... those things come back to haunt you in the end ...

    the ndp will never win because many people in ontario see what the ndp did here.

    the record surplusses is based alot on the price of oil.
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    Thecure wrote:
    the ndp will never win because many people in ontario see what the ndp did here.

    the record surplusses is based alot on the price of oil.

    well ... we've discussed this many times over here ... although i didn't agree with everything rae did ... he inherited a $5 billion defecit from the liberals and walked into a recession that spread across north america ... can't blame the ndp for that ...
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    "today for first time in many years, Canada's voice is being heard" Mr. harper 2007. what is he talking about.

    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    polaris wrote:
    so ... what proof do you have that the ndp would run this country to the ground? ... although i don't agree with everything he does ... layton's record at various levels of gov't is pretty solid ...

    having said that - i could argue the conservatives are running this country to the ground right now ... record surpluses could be achieved by anyone if they don't fund programs adequately ... those things come back to haunt you in the end ...

    Layton seems ok and I would vote (and have voted) for the NDP over the Liberals (who I hold nothing but contempt for). I don't agree with everything that Harper says or does, but I think that he has been pretty good so far. I don't think that he has done anything that he didn't say that he was going to do when he campaigned. I just don't think that a socialist government in Canada is a good thing at all.

    The best government for Canada would be a Conservative minority with the NDP as the official opposition. The Conservatives could continue to try to cut the fat out of the system and lower taxes to draw investment into the country (ie more jobs for more Canadians) and the NDP could make sure that important social programs like health care get the funding that it needs. Simple, right? :)
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • YoyoyoYoyoyo Posts: 310
    The less change the government can make, the less laws they can pass the better. Strike down old laws, don't bother making new ones.
    No need to be void, or save up on life

    You got to spend it all
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