Showdown with Iran

Did anyone else watch Frontline last night?
I had no idea that Iran had played such a large part in our victory over the Taliban in Afghanistan. Nor had I heard about the "deal" offered to the US by the previous Iranian government (the one before Ahmadinejad) that Bush chose to reject.
By my own admission, I am not as knowledgeable about US foreign policy as I should be but I was very disturbed by this show.
And, I'm still angry about the things I learned in last week's Frontline "Cheney's Law".
Sorry if this post reads childlike compared to some of the amazing expressions of opinions I read on AMT but I felt compelled to share.
I had no idea that Iran had played such a large part in our victory over the Taliban in Afghanistan. Nor had I heard about the "deal" offered to the US by the previous Iranian government (the one before Ahmadinejad) that Bush chose to reject.
By my own admission, I am not as knowledgeable about US foreign policy as I should be but I was very disturbed by this show.
And, I'm still angry about the things I learned in last week's Frontline "Cheney's Law".
Sorry if this post reads childlike compared to some of the amazing expressions of opinions I read on AMT but I felt compelled to share.
I wish a guy like Eddie, would like me.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Thanks for the mention. Here is the online version:
edit: Forgot to on the words "watch the full program online"...otherwise you just get the trailer..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This country has had it's eyes on iran since the 1950's. First we helped over-throw their democratically elected PM because of his relationship with the Soviets and helped place the Shah in power. All of this just to keep our access to oil and natural gas in Iran.
The US government will not be content until Iran is ruled by a US friendly puppet government that will cater to our needs while ignoring the needs of it's people.
I'm glad you posted this, cuz I was going to...:)
I, too, was shocked to hear about the help Iran gave in Afghanistan and the deal that was offered...
sadly, many will discount this information or never hear about it...
Bush is really looking like shit in that video btw.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Imagine if Bush had accepted the offer and how much cleaner the situation in Iraq would be. Instead, we've stoked the distance between us and Iran and it's getting ugly.
Here's a great article on the subject of potential military conflict with Iran, written recently by Seymour Hersh who's penned some extremely informative and newsbreaking articles.
And what the hell was Clinton thinking when she made that vote to dub the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist group? I absolutely do not condone Iran's actions in Iraq and think they should be dealt with when they pentrate Iraq's borders, but this just opens the door for Bush, Cheney et al to confront Iran militarily. Does anybody trust her???
It was withdrawn and never discussed because it was so flatly denied that it was essentially insulting.
here are the deetails
Iran wanted:
* An end to sanctions against Iran.
* A security guarantee (no US invasion of Iran).
* An end to the US calling for regime change in Iran.
Iran was willing to:
* End its nuclear weapons program.
* End support for terrorism.
* Stop calling for the destruction of Israel.
I'd say that merits discussion.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
they deny all that shit! if i'm not mistaken, you have taken up for them saying he didn't say he wanted israel destroyed.
how can you deal on something yr not doing?
by their own words they are full of shit!
big macmood came into power after the US ignored the deal offered...
Sounds like an offer that should have at least been explored. I don't know if Iran was being 100% sincere, probably not, but at least this would have opened the door to ending hostilities diplomatically.
I have always believed that our hostility towards Iran has nothing to do with terrorism or national security. It has everything to do with controling the oil and natural gas resources that Iran possesses. Iran has always had, except for when the Shah was in power, closer ties to Russia and China. With the world's oil supplies probably in decline, and China becoming a major power player, we need to have our hand controlling the oil spigot to make sure that we get enough to continue to fuel our economy and to keep our economic and military dominence intact.
oh, so they just started hating israel? they just started supporting terrorism?
I'm not even sure that article is accurate. There are seemingly few links remaining on the net about it. It could be a propaganda article or badly mis worded. either that or Iran is pandering to US mentality on the issue.
Maybe it's it's like dumbing it down so they both sides can associate and speak the same language.
If anyone can find a more detailed link. They seem to be all pulled from existence, or my search skills suck today.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
who cares if they "hate" Israel...they are big boys and girls, they can take care of themselves...
the bottom line is, the US has an opportunity to begin positive relations with Iran, whereas they were willing to end the quest for nuclear weapons...which in a roundabout way would have kept Israel safer in the long run...
seriously, do even read the posts or do you jump right to the talking points...?
It's zero to do with terrorism from what I can see as well.. Iran is rising as a power in the region, and the US won't have it. Iran will not bow to US power, so they will be forced to bow.
There are some people that are absolutely raging to have war happen in Iran...and yesterday.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
they are allies, we stand with them.
well, i guess it matters to iran if they hate isreal, if they were willing to stop hating them. (yeah, right.)
once again, they fucking lie.
i still don't see how you can argue the fact that they aren't going for the nukes one day and then turn around and say they were willing to give up the quest for them.
which is it?
these little shits lie, we give them money, they stick it in our ass...we look like the fools we are for dealing with them.
once again, iran is admitting they support terrorism, it's in one of the things they said they were willing to give up.
Well thank god this US Administration (and all others before them) are a beacon light of honesty and integrity.
Where would the world be without them.
did you take the time to view the Frontline piece...? I'm guessing no...
yr right, we suck
So do we the only difference is that we don't admit it and will probably never give it up.
The US has had many allies and many friends. You know, like Bin Laden..........Saddam and countless others.
good, hope we kill the hell outta whoever is against us. level it up.
that's right my friend, in 10 years when this nutcase in iran is gone...AFTER we dealt with him, you say "the U.S., what a bunch of stupids we are"
you ever thought we are finally calling a spade a spade?
Well, if you weren't the political equivalent of a manic depressive; you' d realize our politicians/leaders lie all the time, not just to us, but to everyone. They cheat and steal ......just as often as anyone else on this planet.
And for the record, the US of A has often encouraged...supported...and financed plenty of terrorist groups and activities; through out it's history and in the current times. In fact, our government and military have been terrorists, themselves; a hundred times over.
The United States Of America is not always on the right or moral side of a fight. The USA has been so very wrong and devious about a lot of things.
You mean a spade calling another spade......a spade.
They don't see it as terrorism. According to Iran, the US is the foreign occupying force that is sponsoring and conducting terrorism.
One side invades and attacks while the other side rallies and defends. Cause/effect. You call it terrorism because the western media has dressed it up for you as such. Over there it's called a hostile invasion, and rightly so.
How many years has this been going on now right next door to them (Iraq) with no end in sight?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I know specially all the innocent civilians who get caught in the middle. Fuck them all right because we are America and we can do no wrong.
Soapbox, house of cards, and glass,
So don't go tossin' your stones around.
War is not a spectator sport.
If you're so gung-ho on war and killing; then shut the fuck up, join the military and go fight. Put your blood where your mouth is.
same to you, get the fuck out of america...
it will never end, until one or the other is gone.
of course how they see it is all that matters