Whites Fading Fast As Majority In US



  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    Collin wrote:
    Because that sounds less catchy. I hope you're not a journalist :D

    I am not a journalism, because nonsense sensationalism like "fading fast" ain't my cup of tea.
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    See, you're the kind of person who probably titled this article!

    Seriously, though ... Why don't you let him respond before you freak?

    I'm not freaking. It's entirely possible to call someone a racist or a white supremacist without freaking, you know.

    And like I said... I've been in quite a few discussion with him about race, his views are not exactly a secret.

    And this is a message board. You type something, the other person comes online reads it and responds. If he disagrees he'll have plenty of time and space to say so.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • in_hiding79in_hiding79 Posts: 4,315
    It probably has at least something to do with old colonial attitudes, but I am tired of the whole "colored" vs. "white/not colored" dichotomy. Its stupid. Why would Asians be lumped in with Hispanics in with Blacks in with .... You get the picture. "Oooo .... They're not white!!!". Get the fuck over it. Why couldn't this piece have been titled "Whites and Hispanics Will be the Two Largest Groups in America by 2040"?

    because it won't....
    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,"
    "What a stupid lamb."
    "What a sick, masochistic lion."
  • DixieNDixieN Posts: 351

    "It's all part of the bigger plan...it's evolution, baby!" And what plan is that? You people have no plan, it's haphazard. Leftists stick up their finger and feel which way the wind is blowing.

    After people like me are done with this nation, the "changes" will move toward the far Right of the political spectrum. Change is a BS term anyway - Obama uses it but no one really knows what he means by it. So, if you like change, then you'll love what I would do.

    I won't be sorry to see this country change, but the change I'm talking about you might call "regression." Because the change I would institute would consist of eliminating abortion, gay marriage, immigration, racial preferences, and wars for Israel.

    So yes, that kind of change would be good. But I rather liked the land of "homophobic bigots." At least that land had some self-respect and knew itself. This nation is a pathetic morass of materialist, multiculturalist, godless scum.

    You people? I would never have guessed that would come from your little typing fingers. The kind of change you want is what is actually called regression. That means going backward, you know. It's backward to be a bigot, etc. What you advocate is not change, it's a perpetuation of a world that existed a long time ago and now exists only as an interpretation of the past in some people's minds. You don't want change; it scares you (or it doesn't, but you like trolling). I know it's hard to change, but like it or not the future is here. You can be part of it or you can be part of the past. It's hard to believe that people unlike ourselves have self-respect or know themselves, but they do. The nation is progressing. People are better today than they were yesterday, and I believe they'll better tomorrow than they are today, overall. It's in our collective trajectory, in our collective courage and our collective adaptability. The good in humans overcomes the ignorance, the greed, and the misguided comfort of the past. We're not going back no matter how scared some people get.

    And if you're trolling, you can pat yourself on the back. I'd call it an adequate job. You got a response. That's C work. Hey, C Average, if you want to keep it relevant to the forum.
  • Collin wrote:
    You are a racist but at least you're honest about it.

    It's not nice to call people names. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. :D

    Black folks were brought here against their will, and they became a part of this nation because of that. There's no changing that. They've been here longer than the Irish, Italians, Jews, etc.

    But, 50 years ago, this country was 90/10 white/black. And now we're inviting millions from third world countries that have never been assimilated into this nation before.

    All I'm asking is: why? The burden of proof is on those who want this change. Does that kind of diversity really help matters? Studies prove that it does not.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • Collin wrote:
    I call 'em like I see 'em. I'm sure he'll have no problem admitting that he believes white people are superior and that the US should be a white nation. We've had this discussion before. How would you describe that atttitude? White supremacist comes to mind.

    Again, calling people names does nothing to further whatever it is that you believe.

    It doesn't matter what we believe - what matters is what is happening to this country today. It is not something to be celebrated, unless you're anti-white of course. Then you should be jumping for joy at the 1.88 per couple white birthrate, as well as the ample non-white immigration into this country.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • DixieN wrote:
    People are better today than they were yesterday, and I believe they'll better tomorrow than they are today, overall. It's in our collective trajectory, in our collective courage and our collective adaptability.

    This is a dangerous belief system. It has caused numerous atrocities by Hitler and Stalin.

    The idea that we are getting better and better causes us to believe that every generation was superior to the last. What evidence is there that is the case, though? How is this civilization better than Aristotle's?
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    It's not nice to call people names. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. :D

    Again, calling people names does nothing to further whatever it is that you believe.

    "This nation is a pathetic morass of materialist, multiculturalist, godless scum."
    Black folks were brought here against their will, and they became a part of this nation because of that. There's no changing that. They've been here longer than the Irish, Italians, Jews, etc.

    But, 50 years ago, this country was 90/10 white/black. And now we're inviting millions from third world countries that have never been assimilated into this nation before.

    All I'm asking is: why? The burden of proof is on those who want this change. Does that kind of diversity really help matters? Studies prove that it does not.

    Why not? What do you mean 'does it help matters'? What studies are you referring to?

    Do you have any proof that things would be better without them? No.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    Again, calling people names does nothing to further whatever it is that you believe.

    It doesn't matter what we believe - what matters is what is happening to this country today. It is not something to be celebrated, unless you're anti-white of course. Then you should be jumping for joy at the 1.88 per couple white birthrate, as well as the ample non-white immigration into this country.

    Or you couldn't care less about race and not celebrate either way. You could not give a damn if your neighbour is black, brown or white. You could see people instead of races.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Collin wrote:
    Or you couldn't care less about race and not celebrate either way. You could not give a damn if your neighbour is black, brown or white. You could see people instead of races.

    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    know1 wrote:
    I welcome it. Really, I believe it's already happened anyway. Exactly how is someone classified as white anyway? Is there a test?


    go to the facebook application...it tells you if you're white or not...so yes, there IS a test ;)
    make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
  • Collin wrote:
    Or you couldn't care less about race and not celebrate either way. You could not give a damn if your neighbour is black, brown or white. You could see people instead of races.

    The problem is, they don't see it that way. Black and brown folks do see race, hence, why they create organizations based on racial categories such as La Raza, the NAACP, and even Asian civil rights organizations.

    So, this issue is similar to free trade: sure, it'd be great if everyone played the game. But most of the time, everyone doesn't. So, there's no point in playing that free trade game.

    Similarly, there's no point in playing that "race doesn't exist" game. Race is very real for the average black or brown person - white people are the only ones who seem to have it in their heads that race isn't real.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • Collin wrote:
    Why not? What do you mean 'does it help matters'? What studies are you referring to?

    Do you have any proof that things would be better without them? No.

    Specifically, I'm referring to Robert Putnam's diversity study: E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century (2007)

    And I also have proof that homogeneous societies are happier:

    Michael Hagerty's collection of happiness studies:

    "for the most part, the top-rated countries are small and homogeneous. People there have a similar world view and a similar religion, so that it’s easier for them to communicate and to understand each other’s motives. They don’t have race problems, they don’t have crime problems, and they have political freedom.”
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    O.k. My trial starts in 10 days so anyone and everyone is invited to this event of course it is the same day that in Denver that OBAMA sets sail on a trip and inherits the problems created by the GREED of the Golden Machine..
    See you on the rebound my friends tell everyone to get into stealth mode.
    No one can see us if we are invisible? YEP THE FOOLS ON THE HILL they don't have a clue... Or maybe they do the ripples in the water? Bobby K. would be proud.. I wish he was here to see it all.. and MLK too ONE good MAN or one good woman thats all it takes To STAND... and divided we fall? ZZ top said it well.... Well dressed man.. and HEY joe where ya going with that gun in your hand Jimmy is my hero and sooo is Micky Mouse.. FRED HOPE is a great artist in California many I believe he has some fine art for sale?? maybe a few oil wells too??Who knows .. keeep on keeping on this train to PEACE>> FOR ALL IN THE WORLD LEAN ON ME>> WHEN YOUR NOT STRONG AND I WILL TAKE YOUR HAND.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,109
    chopitdown wrote:

    go to the facebook application...it tells you if you're white or not...so yes, there IS a test ;)

    Going to facebook only proves you are a douchebag, not white or not.
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,109
    Look at what is happening in England. The Muslims are quickly taking over. They are not assimilating. They are not crossing into England to follow English law. They want to live under their Islamic law, AND force everyone else to as well. It is just a matter of time. You all see how much Muslim countries are such tolerant nations, right? Or do you just blindly hate anything American?

    The US will succeed if immigrants coming into America assimilate. They don't have to throw their culture away, but they should assimilate to the American way of life. I know you folks hate America here, but you can go live in Russia, China, the Middle East, France (nuclear power central) or wherever it is you all worship if you don't like it.

    It is sad watching neighborhoolds turn to crap.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    Look at what is happening in England. The Muslims are quickly taking over. They are not assimilating. They are not crossing into England to follow English law. They want to live under their Islamic law, AND force everyone else to as well. It is just a matter of time. You all see how much Muslim countries are such tolerant nations, right? Or do you just blindly hate anything American?

    The US will succeed if immigrants coming into America assimilate. They don't have to throw their culture away, but they should assimilate to the American way of life. I know you folks hate America here, but you can go live in Russia, China, the Middle East, France (nuclear power central) or wherever it is you all worship if you don't like it.

    It is sad watching neighborhoolds turn to crap.

    Yes because all these immigrants are just destroying ever neighborhood in the US. Your post just shows how utterly uneducated you really are.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • OutOfBreathOutOfBreath Posts: 1,804
    The problem is, they don't see it that way. Black and brown folks do see race, hence, why they create organizations based on racial categories such as La Raza, the NAACP, and even Asian civil rights organizations.
    Like there aren't "white" people thinking like that?

    To mention just one...


    "Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
  • Like there aren't "white" people thinking like that?

    To mention just one...


    I assume you are joking, as the KKK is a completely marginalized organization that is almost universally despised by the vast majority of white people.

    At the same time, the NAACP and La Raza are well-respected organizations that command the attention and appeals of presidential candidates. Blacks and hispanics universally love those two organizations.

    There is no comparison. Whitey is a clown who may not form political organizations based on his race, while non-whites have every right to do so. Really shows you who's got the power in America and who is on the way out, just as the title of this thread indicates.
    All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
    -Enoch Powell
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,109
    mammasan wrote:
    Yes because all these immigrants are just destroying ever neighborhood in the US. Your post just shows how utterly uneducated you really are.

    Sure, there are reasons for neighborhoods going under, which a big one is economic conditions. Last time I checked though, poor people could still keep their pride and not turn to crime. It is people who make neighborhoods go under. I didn't realize that walking through Gary, IN would be dangerous because the steel mills left. All this time I thought it was because of the people and their guns, but it was all because a steel mill left.

    It is not the economy patrolling the streets ensuring that everyone knows what territory is theirs. I believe that would be gang members (people). The economy does not take drugs and turn to crime. People do.

    Sorry, letting more immigrants in from countries where gangs are prevalent and laws are not, does not help. Sure, the majority of immigrants are law abiding citizens (accept for their path here), but they need to assimilate and not form New Ecuador or something.

    You don't need to be an elite here with your "Uneducated" comments. You can keep trying to hide from the fact that people make decisions, and not the government for them.
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    Going to facebook only proves you are a douchebag, not white or not.

    i would think that your response is more indicative of being a douchebag than going to facebook...but that's just me.
    make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    It's not nice to call people names. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. :D

    Black folks were brought here against their will, and they became a part of this nation because of that. There's no changing that. They've been here longer than the Irish, Italians, Jews, etc.

    But, 50 years ago, this country was 90/10 white/black. And now we're inviting millions from third world countries that have never been assimilated into this nation before.

    All I'm asking is: why? The burden of proof is on those who want this change. Does that kind of diversity really help matters? Studies prove that it does not.
    When slavery ended, there were many immigrants who were brought here for cheap labors.

    The reason why there are so many "colored" immigrants over here in the last 50 years is because most of these immigrants are refugees of war. They don't have a place to call home anymore. And being that the United States were involved these wars, many of the refugees are sponsored here by American families and Christian groups.

    And believe me, there are plenty of Christian missionary workers in those third world country to teach them a thing or two about the U.S. of A. ;)

    I don't know about illegal immigration control but the best way to keep legal immigration down is to not get involve in anymore WARS. :o
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,109
    chopitdown wrote:
    i would think that your response is more indicative of being a douchebag than going to facebook...but that's just me.

    Ha. Sorry, I just don't like this Facebook/Youtube generation. It is getting a little ridiculous.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    Sure, there are reasons for neighborhoods going under, which a big one is economic conditions. Last time I checked though, poor people could still keep their pride and not turn to crime. It is people who make neighborhoods go under. I didn't realize that walking through Gary, IN would be dangerous because the steel mills left. All this time I thought it was because of the people and their guns, but it was all because a steel mill left.

    It is not the economy patrolling the streets ensuring that everyone knows what territory is theirs. I believe that would be gang members (people). The economy does not take drugs and turn to crime. People do.

    Sorry, letting more immigrants in from countries where gangs are prevalent and laws are not, does not help. Sure, the majority of immigrants are law abiding citizens (accept for their path here), but they need to assimilate and not form New Ecuador or something.

    You don't need to be an elite here with your "Uneducated" comments. You can keep trying to hide from the fact that people make decisions, and not the government for them.

    I never mentioned, or even alluded to, the fact that people should be responsible for their actions. You stated that immigration is the reason why neighborhoods decay when in fact it is economics. I have noticed in my area that immigrants have taken run down decaying neighborhoods and re-juvinated them. In NYC alone there have been many neighborhoods that where run down and in comes a large Asian, Hispanic or Indian population and returns life back to the neighborhood. Newark, NJ is another example. Newark was a run down lost city. A few decades ago a large Portugese and Brazilian population moves into the Ironbound district and now it is one of the liveliest and profitable neighborhoods in Newark. It is because of these immigrant communities that businesses have returned to the area. Without all the hard work that they put in to clean up and improve the neighborhood we would never had the New Jersey Performing Arts Center or the new Prudential Center.
    So my "uneducated" comment was not made because I have some elitist attitude but because I know better than to generalize and state that immigrants some how make this country worse. Yes there are criminals amongst us but just like any other walk of life.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    LongRd. wrote:
    When slavery ended, there were many immigrants who were brought here for cheap labors.

    The reason why there are so many "colored" immigrants over here in the last 50 years is because most of these immigrants are refugees of war. They don't have a place to call home anymore. And being that the United States were involved these wars, many of the refugees are sponsored here by American families and Christian groups.

    And believe me, there are plenty of Christian missionary workers in those third world country to teach them a thing or two about the U.S. of A. ;)

    I don't know about illegal immigration control but the best way to keep legal immigration down is to not get involve in anymore WARS. :o

    Yep, because without an unjust war I wouldn't have even been born :D
  • OutOfBreathOutOfBreath Posts: 1,804
    I assume you are joking, as the KKK is a completely marginalized organization that is almost universally despised by the vast majority of white people.

    At the same time, the NAACP and La Raza are well-respected organizations that command the attention and appeals of presidential candidates. Blacks and hispanics universally love those two organizations.

    There is no comparison. Whitey is a clown who may not form political organizations based on his race, while non-whites have every right to do so. Really shows you who's got the power in America and who is on the way out, just as the title of this thread indicates.
    My point was merely to show that organization is not a trait exclusive of the immigrants, and that "whites" have had far worse in xenophobic outbursts.

    And NAACP is no comparison to KKK that's true, but not just because one's illegal and the other's not. You dont have much of a white "WAACP", for the same reason you dont have labour unions for kings... there is a difference between an organization working for ending an injustice, thus promoting the current/previous receivers of injustice, over paranoid "they're coming to get us, so we better get them first" which seems to be the "white" preference.

    The NAACP may arguably have worked itself out of a job, but it is still not that many decades since it was a necessity, and many people still live that were alive back then and remembers that.

    In any case, this is largely on the side of your argument that seems to center on that it's not you but "they" that are the racists. On the grounds that there are organizations and groups you (highly arguable) deem as racist that are associated to some of "their" people. If that's the argument, then my KKK countering is just as valid as there are doubtless whites that run that one, and since whites run that one, all whites are racist, right? That's the level of your argument here. And for appearances it's just a straw argument anyway. You seem to be concerned with the whiteness of american society as an indicator to how good it is.

    And as some have pointed out before, it isn't like latinos are that much different historically or culturally. Latinos are descendants of southern european countries mixed with indians, whereas "white americans" are northern european countries mixed with indians. In this light, the essentialist idea of people and their fundamental genetic social ways is meaningless as everything goes back to the same lands in europe anyway. You are 80% "white" anyway in the foreseeable future.


    "Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    I really want to create a "Stuff Non-White People Like" webpage.

    It would be a blast.
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    NMyTree wrote:
    I really want to create a "Stuff Non-White People Like" webpage.

    It would be a blast.

    I'll help out with that ...
  • rebornFixerrebornFixer Posts: 4,901
    because it won't....

    Um, yes it will.
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    Yep, because without an unjust war I wouldn't have even been born :D
    SOS, I think someone like yourself is a great example of what we can expect in 50 years or so. They're so many biracial and multiracial people right now and this group of people are just growing. The definition of white, black, Hispanic, Asian, etc will be harder to categorized by then.

    Tiger Woods is mostly known for being the first successful black golfer yet he looks more Southeast Asian than black because of his Thai mother.

    Alicia Keys(half-white) known as a popular black musician yet I'm even darker than she is. :eek:

    I'd like to see what percentage of mix-race population make up the 2010 consensus in the U.S.
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
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