What a predicament for advanced-level white people.
With more & more minorities, advanced-level white people will get more of what they love (diversity, having black friends, new types of coffee, indie films about bad white people, being offended on behalf of other races/cultures), but at the same time wonder how this will affect their property values in places where advanced-level white people live, like Manhatten.
What a predicament for advanced-level white people.
With more & more minorities, advanced-level white people will get more of what they love (diversity, having black friends, new types of coffee, indie films about bad white people, being offended on behalf of other races/cultures), but at the same time wonder how this will affect their property values in places where advanced-level white people live, like Manhatten.
but what about Dokken? What will become of the Lynch Mob????
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
Hispanic is a culture ... Racially, Hispanics are technically "white", but I agree with know1 .... What the heck does that term even mean anymore? My own ancestry is German, French, and Cree, all mixed together. Obviously Samuel L. Jackson ain't white ... Other than that, who knows?
A man and a woman are sitting next to each other in an airplane. The two are talking about their respective professions, and the woman says that she is a sex therapist.
The man, strangely eager, asks the woman (who is attractive), "Which race has the largest member?"
The therapist answered, "Well, the Native American Indian has the largest, but the male Jew is able to last the longest. Excuse me, I didn't get your name? I'm sorry."
The man answers proudly, "My name is Tonto Goldstein."
Hispanic is a culture ... Racially, Hispanics are technically "white", but I agree with know1 .... What the heck does that term even mean anymore? My own ancestry is German, French, and Cree, all mixed together. Obviously Samuel L. Jackson ain't white ... Other than that, who knows?
Hispanics are usually mixed race between Mestizos and Whites.
"White," for the government's purposes, means anyone with complete ancestry from Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Egyptians are considered white, for instance. Hence, why they may not check "African-American" in their college applications. They ain't black, so they can't.
I think we all know what comes to mind when we think of "white." It's a well understand physical trait, much like brown eyes. We know what brown eyes look like.
We know what white skin looks like.
And we know what culture whites tend to produce.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
A man and a woman are sitting next to each other in an airplane. The two are talking about their respective professions, and the woman says that she is a sex therapist.
The man, strangely eager, asks the woman (who is attractive), "Which race has the largest member?"
The therapist answered, "Well, the Native American Indian has the largest, but the male Jew is able to last the longest. Excuse me, I didn't get your name? I'm sorry."
The man answers proudly, "My name is Tonto Goldstein."
Awesome. I'll never understand the affection for Natty Lite but I still like you more and more all the time. In the non-gayest manner possible, of course.
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Hispanics are usually mixed race between Mestizos and Whites.
True, but the same applies to Native North Americans as well. Very few if any are technically "pure". One could call all Hispanics "white" or "aborginal" or "mixed race", and at the end of the day who cares? Hispanic is a cultural term more than a racial one. There are "black" Hispanics as well.
This means the end of the United States, as we know it.
Nations are the people who create them, nothing more. No other people could have created the Islamic caliphates, the Mayan civilization, or the dynasties of China. Only those people at that time.
Likewise, no other people could have created the United States as we know it. Where they go, so goes the nation they built.
The nation generations before us knew is already long gone. The US is not a place of human trafficking any longer, along with many other things. Women can vote! I'm never sorry to see anything change. It's all part of the bigger plan...it's evolution, baby! And, in general, that's a very good thing. The nation of my childhood was the land of homophobic bigots. It's nice to see some things go bye-bye.
The nation generations before us knew is already long gone. The US is not a place of human trafficking any longer, along with many other things. Women can vote! I'm never sorry to see anything change. It's all part of the bigger plan...it's evolution, baby! And, in general, that's a very good thing. The nation of my childhood was the land of homophobic bigots. It's nice to see some things go bye-bye.
"It's all part of the bigger plan...it's evolution, baby!" And what plan is that? You people have no plan, it's haphazard. Leftists stick up their finger and feel which way the wind is blowing.
After people like me are done with this nation, the "changes" will move toward the far Right of the political spectrum. Change is a BS term anyway - Obama uses it but no one really knows what he means by it. So, if you like change, then you'll love what I would do.
I won't be sorry to see this country change, but the change I'm talking about you might call "regression." Because the change I would institute would consist of eliminating abortion, gay marriage, immigration, racial preferences, and wars for Israel.
So yes, that kind of change would be good. But I rather liked the land of "homophobic bigots." At least that land had some self-respect and knew itself. This nation is a pathetic morass of materialist, multiculturalist, godless scum.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
"It's all part of the bigger plan...it's evolution, baby!" And what plan is that? You people have no plan, it's haphazard. Leftists stick up their finger and feel which way the wind is blowing.
After people like me are done with this nation, the "changes" will move toward the far Right of the political spectrum. Change is a BS term anyway - Obama uses it but no one really knows what he means by it. So, if you like change, then you'll love what I would do.
I won't be sorry to see this country change, but the change I'm talking about you might call "regression." Because the change I would institute would consist of eliminating abortion, gay marriage, immigration, racial preferences, and wars for Israel.
So yes, that kind of change would be good. But I rather liked the land of "homophobic bigots." At least that land had some self-respect and knew itself. This nation is a pathetic morass of materialist, multiculturalist, godless scum.
South Americans built South American nations. It's obvious to the casual observer that those nations are very different from the USA.
To infuse the USA with vast numbers of people from those nations is to turn the USA into those nations, plain and simple.
What are you talking about? Basically you are saying that the United States, a country created by immigrants will be destroyed by immigrants?
SEA 9/20/92, SEA 12/7/93, SEA 12/31/94 (MS), SEA 11/5/00, SEA 11/6/00, SEA 12/8/02, SEA 12/9/02, BEN 10/22/03, GOR 9/1/05, SD 7/7/06, LA 7/10/06, LA 7/12/06, LA (EV) 4/12/08, LA (EV) 4/13/08, LA 7/12/08, LA 9/30/09, LA 10/7/09, SEA 12/6/13, SEA 8/8/18
So yes, that kind of change would be good. But I rather liked the land of "homophobic bigots." At least that land had some self-respect and knew itself. This nation is a pathetic morass of materialist, multiculturalist, godless scum.
You are a racist but at least you're honest about it.
I call 'em like I see 'em. I'm sure he'll have no problem admitting that he believes white people are superior and that the US should be a white nation. We've had this discussion before. How would you describe that atttitude? White supremacist comes to mind.
It probably has at least something to do with old colonial attitudes, but I am tired of the whole "colored" vs. "white/not colored" dichotomy. Its stupid. Why would Asians be lumped in with Hispanics in with Blacks in with .... You get the picture. "Oooo .... They're not white!!!". Get the fuck over it. Why couldn't this piece have been titled "Whites and Hispanics Will be the Two Largest Groups in America by 2040"?
It probably has at least something to do with old colonial attitudes, but I am tired of the whole "colored" vs. "white/not colored" dichotomy. Its stupid. Why would Asians be lumped in with Hispanics in with Blacks in with .... You get the picture. "Oooo .... They're not white!!!". Get the fuck over it. Why couldn't this piece have been titled "Whites and Hispanics Will be the Two Largest Groups in America by 2040"?
Because that sounds less catchy. I hope you're not a journalist
I call 'em like I see 'em. I'm sure he'll have no problem admitting that he believes white people are superior and that the US should be a white nation. We've had this discussion before. How would you describe that atttitude? White supremacist comes to mind.
See, you're the kind of person who probably titled this article!
Seriously, though ... Why don't you let him respond before you freak?
I'm largely Portuguese, so technically I'm largely hispanic.
But I also have Irish, British, German, French and (black) African genes/blood in me.
So mostly, I'm a human mutt:D
With more & more minorities, advanced-level white people will get more of what they love (diversity, having black friends, new types of coffee, indie films about bad white people, being offended on behalf of other races/cultures), but at the same time wonder how this will affect their property values in places where advanced-level white people live, like Manhatten.
but what about Dokken? What will become of the Lynch Mob????
Dokken will continue to rule, althrough in front of less & less people (which has been the trend for like the last 70 years anyway).
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
A man and a woman are sitting next to each other in an airplane. The two are talking about their respective professions, and the woman says that she is a sex therapist.
The man, strangely eager, asks the woman (who is attractive), "Which race has the largest member?"
The therapist answered, "Well, the Native American Indian has the largest, but the male Jew is able to last the longest. Excuse me, I didn't get your name? I'm sorry."
The man answers proudly, "My name is Tonto Goldstein."
Hispanics are usually mixed race between Mestizos and Whites.
"White," for the government's purposes, means anyone with complete ancestry from Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Egyptians are considered white, for instance. Hence, why they may not check "African-American" in their college applications. They ain't black, so they can't.
I think we all know what comes to mind when we think of "white." It's a well understand physical trait, much like brown eyes. We know what brown eyes look like.
We know what white skin looks like.
And we know what culture whites tend to produce.
-Enoch Powell
Awesome. I'll never understand the affection for Natty Lite but I still like you more and more all the time. In the non-gayest manner possible, of course.
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
What does that mean?
True, but the same applies to Native North Americans as well. Very few if any are technically "pure". One could call all Hispanics "white" or "aborginal" or "mixed race", and at the end of the day who cares? Hispanic is a cultural term more than a racial one. There are "black" Hispanics as well.
The nation generations before us knew is already long gone. The US is not a place of human trafficking any longer, along with many other things. Women can vote! I'm never sorry to see anything change. It's all part of the bigger plan...it's evolution, baby! And, in general, that's a very good thing. The nation of my childhood was the land of homophobic bigots. It's nice to see some things go bye-bye.
"It's all part of the bigger plan...it's evolution, baby!" And what plan is that? You people have no plan, it's haphazard. Leftists stick up their finger and feel which way the wind is blowing.
After people like me are done with this nation, the "changes" will move toward the far Right of the political spectrum. Change is a BS term anyway - Obama uses it but no one really knows what he means by it. So, if you like change, then you'll love what I would do.
I won't be sorry to see this country change, but the change I'm talking about you might call "regression." Because the change I would institute would consist of eliminating abortion, gay marriage, immigration, racial preferences, and wars for Israel.
So yes, that kind of change would be good. But I rather liked the land of "homophobic bigots." At least that land had some self-respect and knew itself. This nation is a pathetic morass of materialist, multiculturalist, godless scum.
-Enoch Powell
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
Tell me what can I do what can I say
What are you talking about? Basically you are saying that the United States, a country created by immigrants will be destroyed by immigrants?
The eternal question in politics is "who?" not "what?"
What kind of immigrants?
-Enoch Powell
Colored ones.
naděje umírá poslední
You are a racist but at least you're honest about it.
naděje umírá poslední
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
I call 'em like I see 'em. I'm sure he'll have no problem admitting that he believes white people are superior and that the US should be a white nation. We've had this discussion before. How would you describe that atttitude? White supremacist comes to mind.
naděje umírá poslední
Because that sounds less catchy. I hope you're not a journalist
naděje umírá poslední
See, you're the kind of person who probably titled this article!
Seriously, though ... Why don't you let him respond before you freak?