should charlie manson get parole?

-manson is crazy - he DIDNT KILL nobody, he told his freinds to do it
and they listened
-he ran a gang/cult ... - he has a nazi svastika tatooted on his forhead...
-he is old now... - he stole cars - he wrote hippi music and did drugs
so...after looking at these things it seems that he got a
realy bad deal...jail for life...people that realy do kill somebody get off in 15 years...
-manson is crazy - he DIDNT KILL nobody, he told his freinds to do it
and they listened
-he ran a gang/cult ... - he has a nazi svastika tatooted on his forhead...
-he is old now... - he stole cars - he wrote hippi music and did drugs
so...after looking at these things it seems that he got a
realy bad deal...jail for life...people that realy do kill somebody get off in 15 years...
Post edited by Unknown User on
He still has a following.
He does not think he did anything wrong.
He is still insane and has anti-social ideologies.
Hitler never killed anyone either. He just orchestrated it.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
true...but...hitler killed a lot of people with his own hands...
but if charlies freinds killed some guy that wouldnt be from hollywood
he would be walking the streets today...
We haven't learned a damn thing from Manson.
Manson did not create himself, we did.
We need to figure out what we did wrong, then maybe we can handle Manson.
not entirely true... in the LaBianca murders, Manson was there, he may not have actually stabbed anyone, but he directed the murders, so it wasn't like his friends just happened to go out and kill people.
If he wasn't caught, he wouldn't have stopped... it would have just gotten worse and worse and his need to elevate himself and draw attention to himself, the murders would have gotten higher and higher profile.
He had a lifelong history of manipulation, violence, and controlling crimes like prostituting women.
He was and continues to be a danger to society and should stay in prison.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
What is "Manson"? How could "Manson" have created "Manson"? It's not possible. We [Society] need to accept responsibility.
3 things shape a character. Genetics, Environment and the Agent (Manson). The agent is like a feedback loop. The agent reflects the influence of environment and genetics, and consequently affects the environment. The agent cannot be the source of the agent. A flower does not grow by it's self, neither does a weed. Within the flower or the weed, there is no cognition, yet it's presence affects it's environment, which in-turn affects it. Just because we have cognition, does not mean that our fate is any different.
Animals have cognition, yet when pets act violently, we attribute it - justifiably - to poor ownership or genetics. It's just not possible for any thing to be the cause of it's self.
Apparently you have overlooked the power of the "agent" or of "agency" ("a means of exerting power or influence").
An agent is one who ACTS. Acting is not a passive role. It's an ACTive role.
I didn't in any way say one acts alone. I say that when one acts, they act.
The flower or weed do not grow alone, but they do grow. And to grow is and ACTive role.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
So two twin brothers with the same DNA, that grew up in the same family, were treated the same, went to the same school, etc., should act the same?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
they dont even have to be twins. One can be a white town america business man with an ivy league degree, the other can be a witty down on his luck black fella, and if you force them to switch places, the white guy will become a drunken bum, and the black guy will become a successful businessman.
i saw it in a movie, it must be true.
so now this place in addition to all the crazy theories about everything else, has resorted to questioning the life sentence of a man who was guilty of being behind multiple murders, without any real question?
like somebody else said, Manson DID kill at least one person. and to me, he's more guilty than the others because they were brainwashed and high. he did things that show he knew exactly what he was doing, like picking which cult members should go do the killing because they were the ones who were strong enough to stomach it. and also like somebody pointed out, there are still people crazy enough to follow him. so no, he shouldn't be let out, that's crazy to even suggest.
It's not a question of playing an active role.
It's a question of what motivates the agent to act, and what grants the agent the basic function that it serves. 'I' cannot commit murder in my present mental state, so why should Manson be able to?
It's an issue of what 'I' is and how it is determined. Once you figure that out, you'll understand what my point is.
Here are some facts to consider:
Intellectually impoverished environments cause a decline in child IQ by approx. 3 points every year. A child raised in an intellectually impoverished environment will generally be below average intelligence and may even be rated mentally retarded by age 18. Meanwhile, their DQ (developmental quotient) at infancy may have been quite high. Intelligence, like all human traits, needs stimulation and encouragement.
Emotionally impoverished environments have similar effects and traumatic experiences can result in impairment of emotional ability.
Stereotypes affect human performance.
Most property crimes are the direct result of class inequality.
Without an operational frontal brain region, especially the orbital-frontal lobe, a human has difficulty inhibiting primitive desires. The frontal brain region can be damaged by physical force, chemical consumption, lack of oxygenation to the brain, strokes, tumors, intercerebral hemorrhaging and may not develop properly in environments lacking proper stimulation.
It is an undeniable fact, that childhood environment plays a major role on the neural development of the child. Yes, the child is an agent in their environment, however, the effects of genetics and environment have begun shaping the "agent" prior to the agents awareness or contribution to it's environment. The "agent" has already been determined by antecedent variables.
Now let's take a look at Manson's childhood:
But as I said, Manson should not be released. He has the stability he needs in prison, we can't offer that to him, it's the only place he has ever had it. He said as much himself when he requested to be kept in prison prior to the conception of the family.
"I said I can't handle the maniacs outside, let me back in."
"I understand jail so I understand myself so I can deal with that."
"My father is the jailhouse. My father is your system... I am only what you made me. I am only a reflection of you."
The environment and the child's place in it, is different for every child. It doesn't matter if they are monozygous twins or not. They can't possibly experience the exact same things every second of their lives for their entire lives. They experience different things.
I think it's rather comic that on one hand you say "Society is not responsible for Manson's actions" but on the other you say "Manson is responsible for The Family's actions".
why, did society get him high on mind altering drugs so that he would do society's bidding? because that's what HE did to his followers.
The pressures of growing up in the enviroment that he did, under the factors that he lived with created him. Had it not been for the society that created him, he wouldnt have been dr... im just kidding, i dont believe any of that nonsense. the dude was a killer and a nut.
It did worse.
But, I think your view is far too myopic at this point to see all the variables. You want to blame Manson.
Why is a nut, a nut? Because it's a nut.
Did you learn that at church?
That is an exaggeration... Have you ever been around infants that were twins or other multiples? When they have lived in the same house, the same room, had same sleep schedules, same contact with the same people, they can develop drastically different personalities at an extremely early age.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
When the ACTor ACTively ACTS, the ACTor is accountable for said ACTions.
If you are interested in the psychological or sociological aspects, great--it's just removed from accountability, which is why those aspects while relevent, are not the job of the legal profession. The legal profession deals in facts, such as what is self-evident like what was ACTed out and by whom.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Did i learn what at church?
Yes, it's been studied very well. Sharing a room doesn't equate to every second of their lives. They will have different experiences from the whom to death.
Manson knew who to go after....truants and runaways
Manson knew how to control them.....drugs and a strict "commune" type lifestyle
Manson knew what he start a race war before the blacks took over
Manson thought he knew how to get this race war killing wealthy white people
Manson knew exactly where to send his followers to and knew which of his followers had the guts to go through with it
now, you can say that society failing a person may cause him to steal. or even mistreat his children or wife, or whatever. but I'd like to hear you link what exactly you think society did to Manson with some of the fucked up stuff he did.
he was sentenced to die. he got out of that because of a temporary stay on the death penalty. so now he's got life instead of death, and people are talking about releasing him on parole. THAT is the sickest joke. that somebody would suggest that a once death penalty should be commuted to community supervision.
I'm not talking about law or Manson's accountability. I'm talking about our accountability as individual contributors to society, which in-turn results in personalities and disturbances like Manson.
As I said, Manson should remain in prison because we are too infantile to deal with him, we continue to create Mansons.
Some of us don't believe in capital punishment and some of us look beyond the individual for causality.
I think you are attributing more intellect to Manson than he actually has. Much of what he knew was a result of chance. He was placed in environments where he bore whitness to dynamics of society others would never learn. Even within my small community as a child (24,000) I knew of dynamics that my siblings and my parents were completely ignorant of. It wasn't because of my superior IQ, it was because of my circumstances.
I havent been to church in 12 years for anything other than weddings and funerals. No Andie McDowell either.
Right, well saying that Manson is the cause of himself is contradicting the law of conservation of energy.
My point here is only to be very clear about the role of the "agent". For my own healing, it was only once I realized, on every level, in every interaction in my life, I agreed with and internalized the external and ugly forces that caused my downfall. I participated in my own interaction with my environment every step of the way. It was self AND other together. Each choice I made in every interaction made all the difference in the outcome. And my healing, and the change in my inner torment, and the shift from lack of power to personal empowerment, came from creating new agreements with reality. I no longer accepted and perpetuated situations that caused me pain. Charles Manson is not ready to make new agreements with reality and therefore is a dangerous criminal because he is ACTively capable of ACTing out the same patterns, as he is carrying the same mindset that ACTed dangerously and with deplorable self-entitlement in the past. I understand he's not being validated for what he has endured. And won't for a long time.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!