hmm, well, this all depends on how we define death and birth.
The individual cells that make up our pattern in nature are constantly dying and being born. We are a collection of these cells, with few exceptions our cells constantly recycle. It's the pattern that changes and dies.
I think it's false to say that at any point we 'begin' dying.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
my nearly 8 year old said that she is gonna die on her birthday. she was non specific about which actual birthday. which is good cause her 8th is in 15 days.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
How can you be 40 and still use net dialogue like that... "teh".
"teh" is an ancient and noble, as well as mystical martial art, founded in 1964 by a group of monks had two left thumbs.
I am the secret heir, descended directly from the line of the head monk, "Teh", who name meant "something, we are not sure what" !!
When I eventually reveal myself to teh world, all near spellings of this mystical word will revert to the true form, confirming me as the worst typist in teh world, an influence so prevasive, no-one in my realm of influence will be able to type any other form of this word.
Or I'm just a cunt !!
Yoo just gonna have to wait adn see !!! Tee hee !!
"teh" is an ancient and noble, as well as mystical martial art, founded in 1964 by a group of monks had two left thumbs.
I am the secret heir, descended directly from the line of the head monk, "Teh", who name meant "something, we are not sure what" !!
When I eventually reveal myself to teh world, all near spellings of this mystical word will revert to the true form, confirming me as the worst typist in teh world, an influence so prevasive, no-one in my realm of influence will be able to type any other form of this word.
Or I'm just a cunt !!
Yoo just gonna have to wait adn see !!! Tee hee !!
my nearly 8 year old said that she is gonna die on her birthday. she was non specific about which actual birthday. which is good cause her 8th is in 15 days.
oh no you just dont understand zoe. she's a wicked cool little girl. named her pink bunny kurt cobain. thinks the lemonheads covering proud scum's 'rabbit' is the best. she thinks its about rabbits and carrots. and im not going to correct her on that atm.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
oh no you just dont understand zoe. she's a wicked cool little girl. named her pink bunny kurt cobain. thinks the lemonheads covering proud scum's 'rabbit' is the best. she thinks its about rabbits and carrots. and im not going to correct her on that atm.
that makes it even more creepier.
Emo 8 year olds? what is this world coming to?
--and to answer the original question...
every day spent 'alive' is one day closer to 'death'. Live each day as if it were your last because you never know...
Tell her she is not dying... more like she has merely been set upon the road that leads her towards death. And that growth is as much a part of life as death is. The road teaches you... you learn and you grow.
and death is the passage at the end of this life. Where it leads, no one knows for sure. Does it lead to another level of conscienousness or lead you into a void? No one knows. Which tells you... enjoy life by living. This is the only known guatantee... right now... right here. No one is guaranteed a tomorrow.
The way you have written that is just perfect. Perfect. That's exactly how it is.
Your user name to me is synonomous with the person who spells The as Teh on a regular basis and also as someone who makes great posts in the gear thread which i very much enjoy thankyou. I just think if you are gonna call someone out on their spelling and their mistakes you should keep your own backyard clean ya know....
oh no you just dont understand zoe. she's a wicked cool little girl. named her pink bunny kurt cobain. thinks the lemonheads covering proud scum's 'rabbit' is the best. she thinks its about rabbits and carrots. and im not going to correct her on that atm.
Could someone please tell me what an emo is anyway?
Coz if your little stunner is one cate, then I wanna be one too!
I didn't mean that as an attack. I had no idea calling someone emo was such an insult.
It was the 'mom' in me kicking in....if my kid walked around talking about dying on their birthday, I would be concerned! I also wouldn't want them harping about a guy that committed suicide.
(on a side note...I read somewhere that people usually die around their birthday and within a 20 mile radius of their home.)
The way you have written that is just perfect. Perfect. That's exactly how it is.
Your user name to me is synonomous with the person who spells The as Teh on a regular basis and also as someone who makes great posts in the gear thread which i very much enjoy thankyou. I just think if you are gonna call someone out on their spelling and their mistakes you should keep your own backyard clean ya know....
Well, that's true, but there is a differe4nce between a typo, which I am eternally gulity of, Though I do an amazing amount of correction that is not evident by teh number of mistakes I post, and a grammatical error, whichis what I was referring to.
I was being pedantic, I know.
talking about death at 8 years old? Naming pets after a guy that killed himself? I'm assuming she knows that he's dead?
Maybe I have the definition wrong?
maybe you have?
someone who could be classified as 'emo' listens to 'emo' music. it doesn't mean they are morbid or they want to kill themselves or even that they wear guyliner and are constantly staring at their chuck taylors. this is why kids today feel so alienated. people generalise and categorise them as one big homogenous lump. when they are individuals with OMG!! minds of their own.
do you even have kids? and if you do, do you know what they listen to? what they read and what they watch?
zoe named her bunny kurt because she hears nirvanas music in our house. and yes she knows he's dead and she knows how he died. oh and its not a pet its a stuffed PINK bunny that she got for easter when she was 3.
and she isnt 'talking about death' at 8 years old. she said it only after i had mentioned i was going to live until i was 100.
and please tell me when exactly is it appropriate for a child to start talking about death? we're not talking about suicidal ideation here. i dont shield everyday things away from my children. i answer their questions age appropriately. i dont shush them or change the subject.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
From what I understand it's short for "emotionless".
Kind of like, life is the same every day, so what's the big fucking deal, leave me alone, I want to die.
I didn't know that, I figured it was more "emotional". Your definition makes more sense.
MInd you, all teh kids I see at teh malls, are dressed up to party and having a ball. It's a bit weird seeing teenage boys who are probbaly straight wearing fishnet sleeves and make-up and shit.
I didn't mean that as an attack. I had no idea calling someone emo was such an insult.
It was the 'mom' in me kicking in....if my kid walked around talking about dying on their birthday, I would be concerned! I also wouldn't want them harping about a guy that committed suicide.
(on a side note...I read somewhere that people usually die around their birthday and within a 20 mile radius of their home.)
the context in which you used it was insulting.
and no she doesnt go around all day harping on about a guy who committed suicide. she was 3 when she named the bunny. and she doesnt go around saying she's gonna die onher birthday. if i had reason to be concerned believe i would be. but i know my daughter. and her behaviour does not concern me in the least. she's nearly 8 for fucks sake and says a lot of stuff that could be considered 'weird' for a child her age. bur for her it is not. for any of my children it is not. probably not for any other child either.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
maybe you have?
someone who could be classified as 'emo' listens to 'emo' music. it doesn't mean they are morbid or they want to kill themselves or even that they wear guyliner and are constantly staring at their chuck taylors. this is why kids today feel so alienated. people generalise and categorise them as one big homogenous lump. when they are individuals with OMG!! minds of their own.
do you even have kids? and if you do, do you know what they listen to? what they read and what they watch?
zoe named her bunny kurt because she hears nirvanas music in our house. and yes she knows he's dead and she knows how he died. oh and its not a pet its a stuffed PINK bunny that she got for easter when she was 3.
and she isnt 'talking about death' at 8 years old. she said it only after i had mentioned i was going to live until i was 100.
and please tell me when exactly is it appropriate for a child to start talking about death? we're not talking about suicidal ideation here. i dont shield everyday things away from my children. i answer their questions age appropriately. i dont shush them or change the subject.
You popped in with a comment about your 8 year old talking about dying and a rabbit named Kurt Cobain in a thread about life and death...what else am I supposed to think?
when you mention all of the above, it puts it all in a new light. Your kid probably isn't emo, ok? I don't shush my kids or do anything you allude kids don't live in a bubble. They are probably as wonderful as yours.
and no she doesnt go around all day harping on about a guy who committed suicide. she was 3 when she named the bunny. and she doesnt go around saying she's gonna die onher birthday. if i had reason to be concerned believe i would be. but i know my daughter. and her behaviour does not concern me in the least. she's nearly 8 for fucks sake and says a lot of stuff that could be considered 'weird' for a child her age. bur for her it is not. for any of my children it is not. probably not for any other child either.
Well, that's true, but there is a differe4nce between a typo, which I am eternally gulity of, Though I do an amazing amount of correction that is not evident by teh number of mistakes I post, and a grammatical error, whichis what I was referring to.
I was being pedantic, I know.
Typos can be just as annoying as grammatical errors is all i'm saying. Please, please tell me you did not do any corrections before you posted that!
Good grief Lucylespian that is atrocious! You should be banished.....Off to the gear section with you now!
Typos can be just as annoying as grammatical errors is all i'm saying. Please, please tell me you did not do any corrections before you posted that!
Good grief Lucylespian that is atrocious! You should be banished.....Off to the gear section with you now!
Ah yes, PJgurl, I did do a few corrections on that.
I would be more than happy to ben banned from typing forever, but here I am day after day, stucjk in a wee room with a button box in frnot of me.
I post a lot on teh moving Train too, you know, not as much here cos the threads move too fast and too often I don;t get an answer.
Peace , gurl (wink , wink) !!
Hey all, it's POETS day (piss off fearly, tomorrow's satdy), so I'm off for teh weekend, us Ozzies always get the early mark over the godless septics.
CAtch ya all Monday !!!
Peace to all small furry critters adn PJ pitters !!
I didn't mean that as an attack. I had no idea calling someone emo was such an insult.
It was the 'mom' in me kicking in....if my kid walked around talking about dying on their birthday, I would be concerned! I also wouldn't want them harping about a guy that committed suicide.
(on a side note...I read somewhere that people usually die around their birthday and within a 20 mile radius of their home.)
Well I have no idea if being an emo is an insult or not. Just that if she is one then I wanna be one too, because she's a great kid.
Perhaps the context has been lost here or misinterpreted but I don't see her making one comment about wanting the symmetry of dying on the day she was born as her walking around talking about it and I don't see her naming a stuffed toy Kurt Cobain as her harping on about a guy that committed suicide. She is engaged in the world around her and clearly she is smart and a deep thinker who has considered death. No big deal. It's a part of life. And infinitely better that she can grasp death as a concept if she has asked about it, than be wrapped in cottonwool. I realize that some things are considered age appropriate, but some things should also be considered individually appropriate and if kids talk about death or ask about death then they need to be given the truth in simple terms. In my opinion. Anyway, it's neither here nor there, she's a great kid, that was my point and I'd have no trouble with being more like her.
I don't care so much if I die on or near my birthday, I just wish famous people I admire would stop dropping off so close to my birthday! It must be just awful for people who have family members die on their birthdays. Dying on my own birthday, not so bad, dying on a family members birthday, well I really hope I don't. Oh and I sure as hell hope no family member dies on mine!! :eek: That would be hideous for the folk that it's happened to I imagine.
The individual cells that make up our pattern in nature are constantly dying and being born. We are a collection of these cells, with few exceptions our cells constantly recycle. It's the pattern that changes and dies.
I think it's false to say that at any point we 'begin' dying.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
"teh" is an ancient and noble, as well as mystical martial art, founded in 1964 by a group of monks had two left thumbs.
I am the secret heir, descended directly from the line of the head monk, "Teh", who name meant "something, we are not sure what" !!
When I eventually reveal myself to teh world, all near spellings of this mystical word will revert to the true form, confirming me as the worst typist in teh world, an influence so prevasive, no-one in my realm of influence will be able to type any other form of this word.
Or I'm just a cunt !!
Yoo just gonna have to wait adn see !!! Tee hee !!
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
wow. that's actually pretty fucking creepy
oh no you just dont understand zoe. she's a wicked cool little girl. named her pink bunny kurt cobain.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Ah, jsut, the ancient art of barely getting things, not to be confuse with teh double beaked Egyptian god of almost !!
Which remionds me, nay ever hear about teh dyslexic, insomniac, agnostic ???
Lay awake all night wondering if there really is a dog !!
a jsut dog would never allow such a thing as all taht.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
that makes it even more creepier.
Emo 8 year olds? what is this world coming to?
--and to answer the original question...
every day spent 'alive' is one day closer to 'death'. Live each day as if it were your last because you never know...
I'm laffing quite a lot at that, but I can't think of a good comeback !!
I've been doing that all my life since I can remember, 16 at least, but despite all predictions, I'm still alive, I think !!
excuse me? how the hell is my 8 year old emo? which part gives you cause to classify her that way?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
talking about death at 8 years old? Naming pets after a guy that killed himself? I'm assuming she knows that he's dead?
Maybe I have the definition wrong?
Coz if your little stunner is one cate, then I wanna be one too!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
The way you have written that is just perfect. Perfect. That's exactly how it is.
Your user name to me is synonomous with the person who spells The as Teh on a regular basis and also as someone who makes great posts in the gear thread which i very much enjoy thankyou. I just think if you are gonna call someone out on their spelling and their mistakes you should keep your own backyard clean ya know....
FinsburyParkCarrots has a soulmate.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I didn't mean that as an attack. I had no idea calling someone emo was such an insult.
It was the 'mom' in me kicking in....if my kid walked around talking about dying on their birthday, I would be concerned! I also wouldn't want them harping about a guy that committed suicide.
(on a side note...I read somewhere that people usually die around their birthday and within a 20 mile radius of their home.)
Well, that's true, but there is a differe4nce between a typo, which I am eternally gulity of, Though I do an amazing amount of correction that is not evident by teh number of mistakes I post, and a grammatical error, whichis what I was referring to.
I was being pedantic, I know.
maybe you have?
someone who could be classified as 'emo' listens to 'emo' music. it doesn't mean they are morbid or they want to kill themselves or even that they wear guyliner and are constantly staring at their chuck taylors. this is why kids today feel so alienated. people generalise and categorise them as one big homogenous lump. when they are individuals with OMG!! minds of their own.
do you even have kids? and if you do, do you know what they listen to? what they read and what they watch?
zoe named her bunny kurt because she hears nirvanas music in our house. and yes she knows he's dead and she knows how he died. oh and its not a pet its a stuffed PINK bunny that she got for easter when she was 3.
and she isnt 'talking about death' at 8 years old. she said it only after i had mentioned i was going to live until i was 100.
and please tell me when exactly is it appropriate for a child to start talking about death? we're not talking about suicidal ideation here. i dont shield everyday things away from my children. i answer their questions age appropriately. i dont shush them or change the subject.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
From what I understand it's short for "emotionless".
Kind of like, life is the same every day, so what's the big fucking deal, leave me alone, I want to die.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I didn't know that, I figured it was more "emotional". Your definition makes more sense.
MInd you, all teh kids I see at teh malls, are dressed up to party and having a ball. It's a bit weird seeing teenage boys who are probbaly straight wearing fishnet sleeves and make-up and shit.
the context in which you used it was insulting.
and no she doesnt go around all day harping on about a guy who committed suicide. she was 3 when she named the bunny. and she doesnt go around saying she's gonna die onher birthday. if i had reason to be concerned believe i would be. but i know my daughter. and her behaviour does not concern me in the least. she's nearly 8 for fucks sake and says a lot of stuff that could be considered 'weird' for a child her age. bur for her it is not. for any of my children it is not. probably not for any other child either.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You popped in with a comment about your 8 year old talking about dying and a rabbit named Kurt Cobain in a thread about life and death...what else am I supposed to think?
when you mention all of the above, it puts it all in a new light. Your kid probably isn't emo, ok? I don't shush my kids or do anything you allude kids don't live in a bubble. They are probably as wonderful as yours.
Typos can be just as annoying as grammatical errors is all i'm saying. Please, please tell me you did not do any corrections before you posted that!
Good grief Lucylespian that is atrocious! You should be banished.....Off to the gear section with you now!
I would be more than happy to ben banned from typing forever, but here I am day after day, stucjk in a wee room with a button box in frnot of me.
I post a lot on teh moving Train too, you know, not as much here cos the threads move too fast and too often I don;t get an answer.
Peace , gurl (wink , wink) !!
Hey all, it's POETS day (piss off fearly, tomorrow's satdy), so I'm off for teh weekend, us Ozzies always get the early mark over the godless septics.
CAtch ya all Monday !!!
Peace to all small furry critters adn PJ pitters !!
Well I have no idea if being an emo is an insult or not. Just that if she is one then I wanna be one too, because she's a great kid.
Perhaps the context has been lost here or misinterpreted but I don't see her making one comment about wanting the symmetry of dying on the day she was born as her walking around talking about it and I don't see her naming a stuffed toy Kurt Cobain as her harping on about a guy that committed suicide. She is engaged in the world around her and clearly she is smart and a deep thinker who has considered death. No big deal. It's a part of life. And infinitely better that she can grasp death as a concept if she has asked about it, than be wrapped in cottonwool. I realize that some things are considered age appropriate, but some things should also be considered individually appropriate and if kids talk about death or ask about death then they need to be given the truth in simple terms. In my opinion. Anyway, it's neither here nor there, she's a great kid, that was my point and I'd have no trouble with being more like her.
I don't care so much if I die on or near my birthday, I just wish famous people I admire would stop dropping off so close to my birthday! It must be just awful for people who have family members die on their birthdays. Dying on my own birthday, not so bad, dying on a family members birthday, well I really hope I don't. Oh and I sure as hell hope no family member dies on mine!! :eek: That would be hideous for the folk that it's happened to I imagine.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift