The bedrock of Liberalism! Trot out a Hitler reference and say that conservatives want to bring us back to the stoneages - then you can get whatever "progressive" change you want!
It's not that simple, friend. Americans are conservatives, by and large, and they respect the tenets of the constitution.
If anything, the nanny state that liberals support is more similar to the totalitarian actions of Hitler.
At least liberals acknowkedge problems, even if their solutions are either entirely inadequate or extremely thoughtless.
I "Trot out Hitler" because it's a good example of what lack of change does. At first he changed things, creating employment and roads and rebuilding Germany, he was a great leader.
Then he went to war and started persecuting everyone who was different (not relevant to my point) but during the war he didn't change tactics, he kept blitzkreiging until his forces were stretched too thin and he couldn't fight.
Republicans/Conservative ideology is similar in that they halfway acknowledge a situation, patch it up a little and continue ignoring the real issues. Look at climate change, they fix up New Orleans and little, but do nothing to prevent it from happening again.
In case you hadn't noticed, liberals don't exactly advocate corruption.
Besides, corruption in the government is to some extent a separate issue. The fact that your government is corrupt needs to be fixed one way or another. It doesn't make socialized health care a bad idea.
Ahh don't you see? The more money you give someone, the more corrupt they are capable of being. The difference is: you trust the government with your money. I don't. I think that the more funding the government has, the more powerful it is.
Liberals might not advocate corruption, but no one does. They advocate funding a corrupt government after many indications of corruption. Why? They just love to give second chances that's all!
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Look at climate change, they fix up New Orleans and little, but do nothing to prevent it from happening again.
This is where we disagree. You think it's the government's job to get those people out of New Orleans or to fix the levies. I think if the people want to live there, then they sure as hell better fix their own levies. Otherwise, they should move the hell out of there. There is no need for government to come in and "help." The people can fix the situation nicely on their own.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Ahh don't you see? The more money you give someone, the more corrupt they are capable of being. The difference is: you trust the government with your money. I don't. I think that the more funding the government has, the more powerful it is.
Liberals might not advocate corruption, but no one does. They advocate funding a corrupt government after many indications of corruption. Why? They just love to give second chances that's all!
No no... We advocate funding a government... The corruption comes as standard, but we don't necessarily need it.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
This is where we disagree. You think it's the government's job to get those people out of New Orleans or to fix the levies. I think if the people want to live there, then they sure as hell better fix their own levies. Otherwise, they should move the hell out of there. There is no need for government to come in and "help." The people can fix the situation nicely on their own.
The government has a duty to it's people. That's the whole point of democracy. We elect them to fix the problems on a national scale. They should try to allocate resources as best they can.
You come across very selfish, not wanting to help your fellow man. Where are your ethics? Where are your morals?
The government has a duty to it's people. That's the whole point of democracy. We elect them to fix the problems on a national scale. They should try to allocate resources as best they can.
You come across very selfish, not wanting to help your fellow man. Where are your ethics? Where are your morals?
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
Why do they have to fix our problems on a national scale? Why not on a state scale?
Will they more efficiently allocate resources if its national? False. They cannot. Any good corporation delineates responsibility in brackets to the lowest man on the todem pole.
I'm selfish of my rights, yes. I want to keep them for me.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Yo, Corporate whore, sometimes you have to stop being a good republican and start being a good person.
Firstly: The government should only allow public state-run schools its fair and balanced, no bias and certainly none of that creationism crap.
Secondly: No tax breaks for the really rich or any "religious" organization.
Thirdly: Cancel all world debt. Do away with any taxes that may exist on non-governmental organizations. Ban all non-fair trade goods.
Fourthly: Limit ability to purchase firearms
That's all I've got for now. But wait and see for more.
not to be picky but corporatewhores political views are not that of a Republican but that of a Libertarian. By advocating the protection of individual rights does not equate to that person being selfish or not having any concern for their fellow man.
I would love to see every man, woman, and child in this country with healthcare coverage, but I would fight tooth and nail to make sure that it was not in the hands of our government. I am more than willing to aid my less fortunate neighbors but it should be by choice and not forced upon me by taking it from my paycheck and managed by a corrupt inept over bloated bureacracy known as the US federal government.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
not to be picky but corporatewhores political views are not that of a Republican but that of a Libertarian. By advocating the protection of individual rights does not equate to that person being selfish or not having any concern for their fellow man.
I would love to see every man, woman, and child in this country with healthcare coverage, but I would fight tooth and nail to make sure that it was not in the hands of our government. I am more than willing to aid my less fortunate neighbors but it should be by choice and not forced upon me by taking it from my paycheck and managed by a corrupt inept over bloated bureacracy known as the US federal government.
When the government took the place of the community as the purveyor of aid, that was a sad day.
Ideally, people could help eachother directly. Gone are the days of going to a neighbor or getting a tab at the grocery store. People simply don't trust eachother anymore. We should be helping one another and we don't need a wasteful government to do it.
The government has created this environment where we are afraid to come out of our houses and ask our neighbors how they're doing. This impersonal society we have is based on the government treating everyone like a number.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
When the government took the place of the community as the purveyor of aid, that was a sad day.
Ideally, people could help eachother directly. Gone are the days of going to a neighbor or getting a tab at the grocery store. People simply don't trust eachother anymore. We should be helping one another and we don't need a wasteful government to do it.
The government has created this environment where we are afraid to come out of our houses and ask our neighbors how they're doing. This impersonal society we have is based on the government treating everyone like a number.
A lot of the social programs people depend on today can be easily provided on a community by community basis. Our society has become so dependent on the government that it is truly sickening. I understand that government is a necessary evil in our lives for such things as national defense, interstate commerce, and to forge one strong economy instead of 50 individual small to struggling economies, but beyond that point there is very little need for a federal government. All else can be accomplished on a state level and/or a community level.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
American liberals are indeed socialist. Universal healthcare is just the beginning for them.
Yeah. Ok. Never leave the us then, you'll be in for a real surprise.
They are well-versed in the teachings of Marx; namely, that one must first have capitalism before they can reach socialism.
haha. Did you even read marx before saying that? Last time I checked I understood a revolution was the first step in achieving socialism, not capitalism.
Yeah. Ok. Never leave the us then, you'll be in for a real surprise.
haha. Did you even read marx before saying that? Last time I checked I understood a revolution was the first step in achieving socialism, not capitalism.
Apparently you have not read Marx.
Marx believed capitalism was good because the only way to reach socialism was through capitalism. The masses must be oppressed under capitalism long enough until they decide to rise up.
Read Marx. You kann do it!
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
When the government took the place of the community as the purveyor of aid, that was a sad day.
Ideally, people could help eachother directly. Gone are the days of going to a neighbor or getting a tab at the grocery store. People simply don't trust eachother anymore. We should be helping one another and we don't need a wasteful government to do it.
The government has created this environment where we are afraid to come out of our houses and ask our neighbors how they're doing. This impersonal society we have is based on the government treating everyone like a number.
Do you blame everything on the government? What a cheap copout.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Marx believed capitalism was good because the only way to reach socialism was through capitalism. The masses must be oppressed under capitalism long enough until they decide to rise up.
Read Marx. You kann do it!
Marx capitalism is not what you are witnessing today. At the time most regimes practising "capitalism" were anti-democratic. So it wasn't really capitalism, more like an aristocratic form of a market, it didn't have much to do with liberals today.
And marx bores me, regardless of your great jokes.
Liberals do not respect the constitution because the interstate commerce clause and the general welfare clause DO NOT give congress the authority to make laws on every aspect of our lives. That is not how the framers intended the constitution to be read.
Sorry, Amigo...
As much as you hate Liberals/Democrats/Left Wingers... you can't palm off Bush on them. Be true to the truth... Bush is a Republican... a Neo-Conservative who tows the Project for the New American Century's line. He was voted in by Republicans and supported by the majority of Republicans.
I was one of the few Republicans who opposed Bush from the beginning.... not because I forsaw the war or his expansion of an intrusive government... but, because I was afraid that 2 of the Supreme Court seats would be up for appointments in the 2000-2004 term... 3 seats in the 2000-2008 period. I didn't want appointments attached to the Jerry Falwell/Pat Robertson ass-backwards to the imaginary world of 1950s television sitcoms agenda to influence the highest court in the land.
Since then, I have asked the question... what's Conservative about a gigantic, intrusive government that spends us into debt and wields our military resources like a retarded 8th grader with an M-16?
Bush is Republican and on the far RIGHT of the spectrum. We should never want to venture out to the extremes on either side.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Certainly! Learning from history is incredibly important.
What have american democrats learned from the Great Society programs? Not much. They passed them in the 70s and they never fixed the problem. Whoops!
Liberals don't bother to look at the past to make decisions about government. They use the trial-and-error approach. Oops! Great Society didn't work! Time to try more spending! Oops! It's not helping minorities enough! Time to tax the rich more! Oops! We need to abort more babies!...and on and on and on.
Yes, it would be nice if politicians used history as a guide, but the only politicians that do that are conservatives. Newt Ginrich, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul...these men frequently quote historical figures when they make arguments for change. Yes, they want change too, but the mark of a conservative is that he wants simple and rational change - not the kneejerk impulsive change of liberal nincompoops.
do you speak in anything other than ridiculous generalizations???
obviously 'conservatives' don't pay attention to history...look at our policy for the past several decades
it's funny you keep talking about liberals spending when conservatives are just as many BILLIONS do we spend on teh war on drugs (created by a republican)??
the republican credo is pretty much 'fix the problem w/ the cheapest, quickest fix!' or ust ignore it
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Ahh don't you see? The more money you give someone, the more corrupt they are capable of being. The difference is: you trust the government with your money. I don't. I think that the more funding the government has, the more powerful it is.
Liberals might not advocate corruption, but no one does. They advocate funding a corrupt government after many indications of corruption. Why? They just love to give second chances that's all! are honestly saying no conservative has ever increased government and spending?????
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
So you use your gun to switch off lightbulbs and open beer cans?
Maybe you use it to just tuck in your kids at night?
Oh, I know, you use it to bring back the dead! Just one shot and it's a ressurection!
Hey everybody! Corporate Whore has a ressurection gun!
Road trip to Ground Zero! But first stop my back yard where I buried my bunny rabbit!
See, I can be sarcastic too.
they should've cleaned up their own mess at ground zero, right corporate whore and mammasan???
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
At least liberals acknowkedge problems, even if their solutions are either entirely inadequate or extremely thoughtless.
I "Trot out Hitler" because it's a good example of what lack of change does. At first he changed things, creating employment and roads and rebuilding Germany, he was a great leader.
Then he went to war and started persecuting everyone who was different (not relevant to my point) but during the war he didn't change tactics, he kept blitzkreiging until his forces were stretched too thin and he couldn't fight.
Republicans/Conservative ideology is similar in that they halfway acknowledge a situation, patch it up a little and continue ignoring the real issues. Look at climate change, they fix up New Orleans and little, but do nothing to prevent it from happening again.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
Ahh don't you see? The more money you give someone, the more corrupt they are capable of being. The difference is: you trust the government with your money. I don't. I think that the more funding the government has, the more powerful it is.
Liberals might not advocate corruption, but no one does. They advocate funding a corrupt government after many indications of corruption. Why? They just love to give second chances that's all!
-Enoch Powell
This is where we disagree. You think it's the government's job to get those people out of New Orleans or to fix the levies. I think if the people want to live there, then they sure as hell better fix their own levies. Otherwise, they should move the hell out of there. There is no need for government to come in and "help." The people can fix the situation nicely on their own.
-Enoch Powell
No no... We advocate funding a government... The corruption comes as standard, but we don't necessarily need it.
The government has a duty to it's people. That's the whole point of democracy. We elect them to fix the problems on a national scale. They should try to allocate resources as best they can.
You come across very selfish, not wanting to help your fellow man. Where are your ethics? Where are your morals?
Methinks thou doth protest too much.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
Why do they have to fix our problems on a national scale? Why not on a state scale?
Will they more efficiently allocate resources if its national? False. They cannot. Any good corporation delineates responsibility in brackets to the lowest man on the todem pole.
I'm selfish of my rights, yes. I want to keep them for me.
-Enoch Powell
Firstly: The government should only allow public state-run schools its fair and balanced, no bias and certainly none of that creationism crap.
Secondly: No tax breaks for the really rich or any "religious" organization.
Thirdly: Cancel all world debt. Do away with any taxes that may exist on non-governmental organizations. Ban all non-fair trade goods.
Fourthly: Limit ability to purchase firearms
That's all I've got for now. But wait and see for more.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
not to be picky but corporatewhores political views are not that of a Republican but that of a Libertarian. By advocating the protection of individual rights does not equate to that person being selfish or not having any concern for their fellow man.
I would love to see every man, woman, and child in this country with healthcare coverage, but I would fight tooth and nail to make sure that it was not in the hands of our government. I am more than willing to aid my less fortunate neighbors but it should be by choice and not forced upon me by taking it from my paycheck and managed by a corrupt inept over bloated bureacracy known as the US federal government.
LOL! I'll be sure to wait for some more garbage!! While I wait, I'm going to clean and polish my handgun, thanks.
-Enoch Powell
Sure, go polish the gun that does not need to be fired.
I thought Christians were non violent?
Guess I was wrong.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
When the government took the place of the community as the purveyor of aid, that was a sad day.
Ideally, people could help eachother directly. Gone are the days of going to a neighbor or getting a tab at the grocery store. People simply don't trust eachother anymore. We should be helping one another and we don't need a wasteful government to do it.
The government has created this environment where we are afraid to come out of our houses and ask our neighbors how they're doing. This impersonal society we have is based on the government treating everyone like a number.
-Enoch Powell
Haha of course because every time a gun is fired then violence has occurred.
-Enoch Powell
Would you trust a "dangerous" atheist with a handgun?:p
So you use your gun to switch off lightbulbs and open beer cans?
Maybe you use it to just tuck in your kids at night?
Oh, I know, you use it to bring back the dead! Just one shot and it's a ressurection!
Hey everybody! Corporate Whore has a ressurection gun!
Road trip to Ground Zero! But first stop my back yard where I buried my bunny rabbit!
See, I can be sarcastic too.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
A lot of the social programs people depend on today can be easily provided on a community by community basis. Our society has become so dependent on the government that it is truly sickening. I understand that government is a necessary evil in our lives for such things as national defense, interstate commerce, and to forge one strong economy instead of 50 individual small to struggling economies, but beyond that point there is very little need for a federal government. All else can be accomplished on a state level and/or a community level.
Or maybe psychotic...
bunny rabbits and resurrection?
-Enoch Powell
Ahem... "God"?
Where does He come in?
-Enoch Powell
Just joking you up, guy!
I don't want to have to explain the joke (that always ruins things) so we'll just move past it.:D
And you believe in the all powerful being?
*in Canadian accent*
Yeah, okay, sure. I'm crazy, okay.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
haha. Did you even read marx before saying that? Last time I checked I understood a revolution was the first step in achieving socialism, not capitalism.
—Dorothy Parker
Apparently you have not read Marx.
Marx believed capitalism was good because the only way to reach socialism was through capitalism. The masses must be oppressed under capitalism long enough until they decide to rise up.
Read Marx. You kann do it!
-Enoch Powell
Do you blame everything on the government? What a cheap copout.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Marx capitalism is not what you are witnessing today. At the time most regimes practising "capitalism" were anti-democratic. So it wasn't really capitalism, more like an aristocratic form of a market, it didn't have much to do with liberals today.
And marx bores me, regardless of your great jokes.
And don't forget the people who like to grow the government as well.
-Enoch Powell
Sorry, Amigo...
As much as you hate Liberals/Democrats/Left Wingers... you can't palm off Bush on them. Be true to the truth... Bush is a Republican... a Neo-Conservative who tows the Project for the New American Century's line. He was voted in by Republicans and supported by the majority of Republicans.
I was one of the few Republicans who opposed Bush from the beginning.... not because I forsaw the war or his expansion of an intrusive government... but, because I was afraid that 2 of the Supreme Court seats would be up for appointments in the 2000-2004 term... 3 seats in the 2000-2008 period. I didn't want appointments attached to the Jerry Falwell/Pat Robertson ass-backwards to the imaginary world of 1950s television sitcoms agenda to influence the highest court in the land.
Since then, I have asked the question... what's Conservative about a gigantic, intrusive government that spends us into debt and wields our military resources like a retarded 8th grader with an M-16?
Bush is Republican and on the far RIGHT of the spectrum. We should never want to venture out to the extremes on either side.
Hail, Hail!!!
do you speak in anything other than ridiculous generalizations???
obviously 'conservatives' don't pay attention to history...look at our policy for the past several decades
it's funny you keep talking about liberals spending when conservatives are just as many BILLIONS do we spend on teh war on drugs (created by a republican)??
the republican credo is pretty much 'fix the problem w/ the cheapest, quickest fix!' or ust ignore it
oh, and
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way are honestly saying no conservative has ever increased government and spending?????
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
they should've cleaned up their own mess at ground zero, right corporate whore and mammasan???
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way