A Question for "Aliens" ie non-US people

The day the Commonwealth gives up its brotherhood with the USA, and Britain aligns itself fully with Europe and withdraws its political alliance, is the day America loses everything. Britains respect in the World is the only thing saving the US from Worldwide comdemnation right now. NO trade= No USA.
Imagine this scenario:
9/11 happened, Bush straps on his six shooter, Europe says "NO!", Britain says "we're with Europe", America goes in anyway and makes an even bigger mess without big brother covering its back. And with Britain bringing Europe up to full strength, the World turns its full attentions to America's ACTIONS rather than its WORDS.
When, and i suppose "if", this current mess is sorted out, and everyone around the World can breath easy again, is there going to be any support, or even sympathy, for the USA anymore?
I no longer buy American if i have any choice at all because i dont feel it has the wisdom, maturity or enough sense of community within the World to be seated at the head of the table.
Is this the final roll of the dice for America?
What do other non-US feel about this?
Imagine this scenario:
9/11 happened, Bush straps on his six shooter, Europe says "NO!", Britain says "we're with Europe", America goes in anyway and makes an even bigger mess without big brother covering its back. And with Britain bringing Europe up to full strength, the World turns its full attentions to America's ACTIONS rather than its WORDS.
When, and i suppose "if", this current mess is sorted out, and everyone around the World can breath easy again, is there going to be any support, or even sympathy, for the USA anymore?
I no longer buy American if i have any choice at all because i dont feel it has the wisdom, maturity or enough sense of community within the World to be seated at the head of the table.
Is this the final roll of the dice for America?
What do other non-US feel about this?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Europe and Britain ARE behind the US in almost anything. Make no mistake about that. That's on top political level anyway. Many things that are in the US' interests, are also in the interests of the EU and other european nations. The conflict here is way overblown.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
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If everyone in the US were to continue to support the Bush administration's policies in lock step, there might be some element of fascism to be seen longterm. But, given that Americans themselves are a fairly decent, if slow, system of checks and balances, I disagree heartily. Bush was given a sound butt kicking at the last election (even though he was not even officially part of it!), if you will recall. The next president, whoever they are, will not be keen to follow in Bush's ill-thought out footsteps. I doubt the next president will be inclined to perpetuate his or her own delusions of what the world is like and what is "good" the way Mr. Bush has allowed himself to be self-deluded. We are talking about a man who either will not or cannot read and chooses to isolate himself to the extent of being spoonfed "important" news and making decisions based on that limited input. If, in fact, he didn't have someone else do some of this in some fashion, as well. In every aspect, his leadership of this country has been "faith-based," if you will--and I am not necessarily talking religion here. To be perfectly clear, no matter who the next president of the US is, Democrat or Republican, they will be an antidote to much of what has ailed the current administration as well as the direction the adminstration has taken as a result.
Is this the final roll of the dice for America?
What do other non-US feel about this?[/quote]
LOL. Americans don'y buy American, there like the rest of us they buy chinese.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
There is nothing stopping future leaders from leading America down the same path by different justifications, or illusions.
except for the free will of the people.
Free-will is debatable and in my opinion nothing more than an illusion. So how can you say that with utmost certainty?
Yeah, the minute the English bail on us, we're fucked. Are you shitting me? We need you guys like we need another George W. You barely matter in the Global scope. You think Iran gives a fuck what the English position is? How about Kim Jong Il? The sun has truly set on the British Empire. You want to do us a favor? Quit letting questionable entities purchase you football teams to legitimize their businesses. Other than that, fuck off.
I left this out, 2 things: 1) How was that 'full strength' in 1943. Just say 'danka', it would have been your native tongue at this point if not for us. 2) If you quit buying American, we will quit buying English, which means we boycott...absolutely nothing. What the hell do you guys export outside of beer, chocolate and bad dentists?
since it's debatable, we are free to choose a side. but i am not getting in this discussion at all.
Why would you bring it up to refute my statement?
It's par with saying "because it's not part of God's plan"
I personally view President Tom in Iran as this generation's Hitler, and the spewer of nazism. Why do I think my point of view is more sane than yours? Let's go by what they actually say. You are claiming the U.S. to be the new nazi's, yet you (not necessarily you, but people who share your ideological leanings) dismiss what President Tom (Ahmadinejad) says. He says things, and people like me believe him. Other people don't. Yet, these other people distort what President Bush does, and equate him to nazi's.
Can you see how someone like me views most of the posters here as living in an alternative universe?
Take a step back, seriously.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I understand that you have a different perspective from us. where are you from? HOWEVER, to equate the US and even Bush to Nazi Germany and Hitler is waaaaaay overboard. People that try to draw that comparison just lose all credibilty.
Certainly the nationalism in Iran is very similar to that of the United States. The topic was pertaining to the US being the "leader of the world" which Iran is nowhere close to becoming. I made no reference to Iran in this thread.
The nationalism in Iran is similar to the US in and of the fact that they love and support their country. It is different in that it is perceived as something dangerous to our country/nationalism. That is the problem in a unilateral world, the guy at the top always percieves others' beliefs that are counter to his are dangerous.
How about what they actually SAY. what if Bush said the same things that President Tom did? What if Bush could be in power for as long as he wanted, as President Tom can?
That's the joke about you people, you live in a sick, twisted state where you form elaborate conspiracies for one entity, yet ignore what the other entity actually says and ignore the actions they take to seek those ends.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Well he can't be in power as long as he wants. As far as saying things like 'tom' (where the fuck did this nickname come from?), he labeled them 'evil', as in 'axis of evil.' In the political arena, you might as well say the man's mother is a whore--you can't be more direct than that.
As far as the 'you people' thing--first of all, many of us do listen to what the man says. And I understand that he feels his back is against the wall as a matter of our policies. But I also know this, you said "That's the joke about you people, you live in a sick, twisted state where you form elaborate conspiracies for one entity"--aren't you doing just that by saying 'you people' and grouping us into 'one entity'. Dumb fuck. Nothing worse than a hypocrite. And nothing sadder than a hypocrite that contridicts himself with his own words in the same paragraph. Jesus.
No, I think I'm pretty much spot on in lumping you people together.
I refer to President Tom as President Tom b/c it's much easier than typing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad every time. and seriously, i'm sure that Mahmoud is as popular, if not more so, than Tom is over here.
It's fascinating though that you give President Tom the benefit of the doubt. His back is against the wall. Fascinating. So, do you believe him when he says that he wants Israel wiped off the map? Seriously, Bush is a country bumpkin, and you label him as a nazi? He's not the one claiming that rivers, oceans and seas will run red with the blood of the infidels.
This is why I say you people live in a sick, twisted, self-loathing universe. it's because you do.
it is what it is.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
"No, I think I'm pretty much spot on in lumping you people together."
So going back to your previous post, you are sick and twisted by doing exactly what you derided us for.
"So, do you believe him when he says that he wants Israel wiped off the map? "
Yes. He said so. If he said it, I certainly believe it--why think otherwise?
"Seriously, Bush is a country bumpkin, and you label him as a nazi?" Country Bumpkin? Perhaps. But where did I say he is a Nazi? What the fuck are you basing this on? Hell, what the point of your whole argument? In your last post you contradicted your self, asked me a rhetorical question earnestly, and stated that I said something I never even came close to insinuating. You, my friend, are bullshit. Fucking weak.
I personally feel that the nationalism in the United States is leading it to some form of Nazism.
n. The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.
Sorry, I'm lumping you in with other people I read on here, not the larger point I'm getting at.
I disagree though, I am not bullshit and certainly haven't contradicted myself. I actually think my points have been pretty insightful. but that's just me.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
you need to stop feeling and to start thinking.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
This is the dumbest fucking statement I have ever heard. Seriously. The US may not be perfect, but to think that we are nearing a state that controls every aspect of their populations lives, making them wear insignias to deliniate their beliefs, and forcefully expand our borders--that is just stupid and uneducated. Oh yeah, I left out the part about erradicating 6 million people because of their personal beliefs. You stupid fuck.
It's the same thing.
Feeling, or what in this case would be described as intuition, is handled by fast-processing of information via the frontal insular cortex and some other region frontal ansulor cortex or some junk.
*Shakes head*
That's not what I said. "Some form" implies some aspects or variation of.
Let me further correct your brain-processing. "Leading to" is not synonymous with "nearing".
anterior cingulate cortex
That was the other one.
Fucking bullshit. You utilized the most dispicable regime in history to make your point. The degree to which you likened them is irrelevant. You over stated the situation to make a point, and you did it without regard to the true implications or takeaway might be. You need to think more.
I used that example because of the lesson learned by the German people concerning Nationalism.