Anger is the default emotion ...........

.......... that humans go to whnever they are stressed or confronted in any way.
Anger is hard-wired. It does not need to be taught, or learnt, or conditioned in any way. It is the quickest emotion to arise, and the quickest to be transferred from one individual to another. It is trans-cultural and trans-species. MAke an angry face at a dog and it will display anger in return
Anger requires no thought, in fact it is the emotion of no thought. It is a primitve emotion, the one that protects against threat of all sorts.
It takes intelligence and thought and active effort to respond with a different emotion when you feel threatened.
So, here's the test.
If you disagree with me, how do you express that ????
Anger is hard-wired. It does not need to be taught, or learnt, or conditioned in any way. It is the quickest emotion to arise, and the quickest to be transferred from one individual to another. It is trans-cultural and trans-species. MAke an angry face at a dog and it will display anger in return
Anger requires no thought, in fact it is the emotion of no thought. It is a primitve emotion, the one that protects against threat of all sorts.
It takes intelligence and thought and active effort to respond with a different emotion when you feel threatened.
So, here's the test.
If you disagree with me, how do you express that ????
Music is not a competetion.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I totally agree that it takes intelligence and thought and active effort to respond with a different emotion when you feel threatened.
All too often people allow the default emotions to rule, not realizing there is a choice, and that each choice brings about a different outcome.
Anger has a valid place. It's an energy that tells us to stand up for ourselves. It does not say unleash that energy on others. We let it say that when we choose not to engage our intellect in making balanced choices.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
By accepting and feeling our emotions, and by running them through our verbal centres(by naming the emotion...for example "I am angry"), we actually integrate the emotion, and activate our wisdom and insight, giving us extra information about our situation. It's a glorious system, when used together.
When we see someone outletting in anger, they are not relieving themselves. What they are doing is showing that they are filled with discomfort and lack of resolution of the emotion. Resolution is shown with calmness. This concept is from Gabor Mate's book, "When the Body Says No".
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
So that's when you find out just how evolved you really are.
The further from an "animal" to "civiliaztion", the easier it is.
I don't entirely disagree. In fact, I was thinking about this same thing the other day. Yeah, anger is a base thing, nothing really to say about it for what it is. It's as natural as blood, and the high of love.
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except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Whatever works for you Angelica. I have one simple step "Don't get angry".
Well, I think people can mature to recognize simple anger, and navigate around it. Anger is anger, though, and being as it is an emotion, it is prone to evolution. All in all, I think anger is good, and natural.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
well said angelica!
insightful as always
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
as long as that anger is not acted out on. it sucks to be on the receiving end of anger, in which case anger isn't good at all even if it is "natural"
angels share laughter
Anger is a good motivater.
But, yeah, it sucked to be a target for the uncontrollable kind of anger. Out of nowhere. Especially being a kid.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Then again....some would say that anger and fear can be linked very closely.
Fear is more primal than anger. Anger is technically an emotion, while fear itself is physiologically based: fear is a reaction.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
And Jerry Springer sure has made a fortune from this emotion of no thought.
i agree with you. and this is the place to find anger; hate; and jealousy. look around the web at other forums and you'll see that this is the angriest and most hateful board on the web.
Have you tried youtube?
dont get angry? its that easy huh? pardon me but that is horseshit. there are a few people on this board who could attest to the fact that i am not a happy person. and where i am right now i dont even want to be happy. but i do own my anger. i am also made to feel somehow incompetant when it gets the better of me. if something pisses me off you will know about it and i will express that emotion to its fullest extent.
if i 'did not get angry' my head would explode. i know this. ive lived with myself for long enough to realise that supressing my anger is detrimental to my health. to me it does mean i am 'owning' my emotions. i am not gonna pretend that to be angry is abnormal. and i agree it is a base emotion. it is the quickest one to rise within me. sometimes it dissipates just as quickly. other times..well... it is best to steer clear of me for a bit. if by my externally expressing my rage and anger i am somehow less evolved as a human then so be it. i dont give a fuck really. you will always know when i am angry and i will never answer 'nothing' when someone asks me what is wrong. but be warned if you really dont want to know, dont ask, because i will tell you.
oh dont think im happy in my little anger not. i have tried to ignore it and i have tried to carry on and be 'happy'. but for me it takes a whole lot of my energy to put on some facade to the outside world. it tires me out. but i do suspect that there will come a time when i will be something akin to happy. but right now is not that time.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
how is life on Sesame Street?
angels share laughter
I agree with you 100%. Fight or flight is a basic aspect of human (or animal) psychology.
I suppose wether anger is the most frequent, or first emotion a person feels is a mater of their own makeup, and their perception of whats around them.
Interesting topic
and further
Anger can be power let fury have the hour, dont you know we can use it, to quote Joe Strummer
Anger to me, is a good emotion. Nothing came out of feeling happy, or oblivious to the worlds problems.
its only when people become pissed off enough to get off their duff and do something about it, that things get done.
Go through any social cause and movement, they were successful and made headway, because they had taken enough crap, and just got fed up.
This gets at a larger issue, is anger inherent in humans.
I dont know. Back before Columbus committed genoicide on the Natives, natives certainly had fights, war and violence, but it was never on the level it is right now.
What is making you angry?
life. existing. a sense of not belonging.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
What kind of things make people angry?
Somebody disagreeing with you? If that makes you angry it's mostly pride that doesn't want to be proven wrong.
Somebody saying something completely unjustified and rude? Being offended often comes off as being anger.
Somebody hurting somebody or something else (an animal), causes me a lot of anger. I don't think that anger is bad. I think it's good anger and I think it's needed to put an end to some things.
Anger is very natural, and it comes with ease, but not without a thought process.
I have seen proof with my own eyes that people who were not disciplined as children have very little self control.
As a parent, your 95 percent responsible for how your child ends up. You let them get what they want and you don't discipline, you get an adult that has no self-control.
I'm not saying I don't get angry, heck no, I get angry easily, but not when I don't get my own way or when somebody disagrees with me.
I get very angry when I see animals or children mistreated. I get ticked of when people try to manipulate others for their own selfish purposes. I get ticked of when people try to shove their beliefs down other people's throats.
I think you have to teach yourself how to control yourself and how to channel your anger into a soft reply, or heck, don't even say anything. When you yell at somebody, it only adds to THEIR anger and then it just escalates until you have two people screaming at each other.
The only thing I feel threatened by is God, and that doesn't make me feel angry.
When I get scared, it's never anger that arises. I get really quite, still and calm.
When I get offended by a person who...say...says something about me that's not true just to backbite, I'll get mad and make sure they are corrected, but not in a loud way.
If somebody I truly care about says something about (such as, "you're mean") me that hurts my feelings, and I know it's true, I feel bad, not angry, and try to change.
You are supposed to be somber about that
its not somber im feeling ryan.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Who or what are you angry with? You can't be angry with reality because it doesn't care. Like arguing with a brick wall.