WOW are you wrong on all accounts. HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA Now sit down and put that seatbelt on before you hurt yourself.
I always wear my seatbelt. In 2 posts you've told me I'm ignorant and wrong without saying why. What will your next post be? "I done your mum for a 5er"?
A restaurant with a smoking section is like a swimming pool with a pissing section
So, what do as i do as a paramedic when i come across these irresponsible people who are laying mangled on the road because they didn't have a seat belt on, or have horrific head injuries because they were riding their motor cycles without a helmet?
Do i ignore them because the severity of their injuries are compounded because they chose not to wear one?
Do i take them to the Emergency Department so that the already overworked Doctor's and Emergency staff can try put them back together again?
Do i attend to them and leave other patients that may require attention?
I feel really strongly about this, because it's not always about 'what is right for you'. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to think about the effects your actions might have on others.
It's a disgusting sight. Seatbelts and helmets were designed to prevent serious injuries. Why wouldn't anyone want to do what they can to protect themselves? I don't get it.
i dont know either... before ralph nader... no one questioned what was in a hot dog
but regardless of the absurdities and the negligence... there is a lot more at risk when you give other individuals the right to decide for you whats best for you and what isnt.. each law that is created like this takes away from that thing that goes off in your head (your mind) that says..hmm.. should I wear this?? if this isnt happening... you will lose the ability to reason.. and i think over time... this can lead to serious miscommunications between
A. a person who thinks for themselves and is reasonable
B. a person whop can no longer reason and has forgotten how to handle their own thoughts.
I love cyber hoolies who hide behind daddy's computer posting insults without actually backing them up. Do you live in the UK? Because if you don't I'd say you're not really qualified to comment on what lengths the main political parties in my country will and won't go to to make money. Jog on mug.
The legal closing of alcohol selling establishments because of the time of day or day of the week. The restrictions of what stores can sell some sort of alcohol because it is a "sin" or something like that. Laws against drinking alcohol contaning beverages "in public" (Public Drunkeness is different if you're indangering the public that's one thing simply drinking a beverage on the side walk is another)
most morality based laws are utterly retarded too.
I think we go out of our way policing non violent or not disruptive behaviors in the US and it's just a waste of time.
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
The legal closing of alcohol selling establishments because of the time of day or day of the week. The restrictions of what stores can sell some sort of alcohol because it is a "sin" or something like that. Laws against drinking alcohol contaning beverages "in public" (Public Drunkeness is different if you're indangering the public that's one thing simply drinking a beverage on the side walk is another)
most morality based laws are utterly retarded too.
The sad part is , we still live in a society who doesnt care about wearing seatbelts .. i mean, why the fuck wouldnt you wear one? Its right there.. it takes about .10 seconds to put it on ...
Shame :(
And thank GOODNESS for seat belt laws (i admit they can be frustrating at times.. when you are just running out for a second) Honestly though, its in affect to simply save your life, how can you complain about that? Besides, the worst that usually happens if a cop sees you with no seatbelt is he will tell you to put it on.. unless you get a dickhead cop... you won't even get in trouble. Thank goodness for the seatbelt laws. It has saved alot of children's lives because their are douchebag parents who still do not buckle up their kids.. which imo.. should carry a bigger punishment...
The sad part is , we still live in a society who doesnt care about wearing seatbelts .. i mean, why the fuck wouldnt you wear one? Its right there.. it takes about .10 seconds to put it on ...
Shame :(
And thank GOODNESS for seat belt laws (i admit they can be frustrating at times.. when you are just running out for a second) Honestly though, its in affect to simply save your life, how can you complain about that? Besides, the worst that usually happens if a cop sees you with no seatbelt is he will tell you to put it on.. unless you get a dickhead cop... you won't even get in trouble. Thank goodness for the seatbelt laws. It has saved alot of children's lives because their are douchebag parents who still do not buckle up their kids.. which imo.. should carry a bigger punishment...
seat belt laws have saved peoples lives or seat belts have saved peoples lives???
seat belt laws have saved peoples lives or seat belts have saved peoples lives???
Both..... a kid doesnt know they are suppose to wear a seatbelt, and if it isnt inforced by parents, its not the child's fault... A parent who doesnt give a shit (which believe me, they are around) might think twice if it will cost a few hundy ..thus... seatbelt laws = saves lives
Both..... a kid doesnt know they are suppose to wear a seatbelt, and if it isnt inforced by parents, its not the child's fault... A parent who doesnt give a shit (which believe me, they are around) might think twice if it will cost a few hundy ..thus... seatbelt laws = saves lives
i dunnnnno... i still think it comes down to personal choice regardless if the law is in place or not.
i dunnnnno... i still think it comes down to personal choice regardless if the law is in place or not.
I mean... i guess it is YOUR body.. you can choose to take the chance of mangling it if you'd like...
I think we should focus on the bigger laws that are crazy. Maybe focus more on getting bud legal than seatbelt laws (dont anyone start with me ).. considering there is no large penalty for it (not wearing a seatbelt) I find it low on the list of things that should be changed in America. Tis all
I mean... i guess it is YOUR body.. you can choose to take the chance of mangling it if you'd like...
I think we should focus on the bigger laws that are crazy. Maybe focus more on getting bud legal than seatbelt laws (dont anyone start with me ).. considering there is no large penalty for it (not wearing a seatbelt) I find it low on the list of things that should be changed in America. Tis all
i can agree with that... not a huge concern... but a concern..
get over yourself. you never get mad for getting a ticket? its not like i really knocked the bitch out! (she was a bitch, btw.)
at my home state they can't pull you over for not wearing a seatbelt, but can give you a ticket for not wearing one if you get pulled over for something else. I'm just gonna show up at court and say i had it on and the bitch was blind and shouldnt be loooking in my car anyway. i'm sure that will work!
hmm... what if you're in a car with other people? They're all wearing their seatbelts and you're not... the car crashes and you get thrown all around the car with all 5 of you dying... the other 4 would have survived had you been wearing your seatbelt... that's pretty selfish if you ask me. Also parents need to put seatbelts on their kids. Or even if you're in a car on your own, crash into another, you fly through the windscreen and kill the driver of the other car who would have survived otherwise... get where I'm coming from?
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
hmm... what if you're in a car with other people? They're all wearing their seatbelts and you're not... the car crashes and you get thrown all around the car with all 5 of you dying... the other 4 would have survived had you been wearing your seatbelt... that's pretty selfish if you ask me. Also parents need to put seatbelts on their kids. Or even if you're in a car on your own, crash into another, you fly through the windscreen and kill the driver of the other car who would have survived otherwise... get where I'm coming from?
yes those accidents where your car does flips in the air for a long stretch and it flips youa round your car because your a midget
that happens all the time
the point of this is not that seatbelts save lives... they obviously do... but making it a law is ridiculous.. ITS PERSONAL CHOICE
yes those accidents where your car does flips in the air for a long stretch and it flips youa round your car because your a midget
that happens all the time
the point of this is not that seatbelts save lives... they obviously do... but making it a law is ridiculous.. ITS PERSONAL CHOICE
I guess you don't get the ad's over there that show what happens if one person isn't wearing a seatbelt :(
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
yes those accidents where your car does flips in the air for a long stretch and it flips youa round your car because your a midget
that happens all the time
the point of this is not that seatbelts save lives... they obviously do... but making it a law is ridiculous.. ITS PERSONAL CHOICE
It might be a personal choice but people don't live in their own individual bubble and not wearing your seatbelt can have an effect on other people. For example say you get in a car accident, and you are not wearing a seatbelt. Because of that you are thrown from the car and need to be taken to an ER. Because you weren't wearing a seatbelt, you are taking up the time of doctors nurses and support staff as well as hospital resources. That time and resources could be given to someone who needs medical care through no fault of their own.
It might be a personal choice but people don't live in their own individual bubble and not wearing your seatbelt can have an effect on other people. For example say you get in a car accident, and you are not wearing a seatbelt. Because of that you are thrown from the car and need to be taken to an ER. Because you weren't wearing a seatbelt, you are taking up the time of doctors nurses and support staff as well as hospital resources. That time and resources could be given to someone who needs medical care through no fault of their own.
Accidents are what they are.. accidents... no amount of spin is gonna work here.. AND YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT STILL.
everyone is aware of the goodness of safety belts.. this is not the issue here.. the issue is POLICE PULLING PEOPLE OVER AND FINING THEM FOR NOT WEARING ONE..
these ridiculous circumstances and arguments are...
this pains me... it really does.. are you fucking people serious!? anyone can think up instances where someone can be inconvenienced becasue another didnt do something..
to your logic kel... police should start fining bicyclists who ride without their helmets because they could fall and bump their head and take up a nurses or doctors time.. this is your argument...
to your logic kel... police should start fining bicyclists who ride without their helmets because they could fall and bump their head and take up a nurses or doctors time.. this is your argument...
Accidents are what they are.. accidents... no amount of spin is gonna work here.. AND YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT STILL.
everyone is aware of the goodness of safety belts.. this is not the issue here.. the issue is POLICE PULLING PEOPLE OVER AND FINING THEM FOR NOT WEARING ONE..
these ridiculous circumstances and arguments are...
this pains me... it really does.. are you fucking people serious!? anyone can think up instances where someone can be inconvenienced becasue another didnt do something..
its poor thinking.. i cant argue with this.
I would call people not getting the medical care they need in a timely manner because some dumbass didn't wear his seatbelt more than just an inconvenience. If a law can help prevent that I see no reason not to have it.
Just because wearing a seatbelt is a personal choice doesn't mean it doesn't have any affect on other people. I mean by your logic I should be able to drink a bottle of rye before going home. If something happens it is just an accident, and if I take up hospital reasources then no big deal I am only inconveniencing other people.
I would call people not getting the medical care they need in a timely manner because some dumbass didn't wear his seatbelt more than just an inconvenience. If a law can help prevent that I see no reason not to have it.
Just because wearing a seatbelt is a personal choice doesn't mean it doesn't have any affect on other people. I mean by your logic I should be able to drink a bottle of rye before going home. If something happens it is just an accident, and if I take up hospital reasources then no big deal I am only inconveniencing other people.
so you are on board witht he people who think safety belt laws prevent accidents from happening.
so you are on board witht he people who think safety belt laws prevent accidents from happening.
They might not prevent accidents from happening, but I am sure there are a ton of people out there who are dumb enough where unless there is a law saying wear your seatbelt, they wouldn't. And I wouldn't want a bunch of these people tying up doctors in the emergency room on a day where I, or someone I cared about needed medical attention because of an something they had no control over.
They might not prevent accidents from happening, but I am sure there are a ton of people out there who are dumb enough where unless there is a law saying wear your seatbelt, they wouldn't. And I wouldn't want a bunch of these people tying up doctors in the emergency room on a day where I, or someone I cared about needed medical attention because of an something they had no control over.
i just dont understand this thinking... would you be ok with a law being created that says people who dont wear a seat belt lose thei license?
i just dont understand this thinking... would you be ok with a law being created that says people who dont wear a seat belt lose thei license?
Is it really that hard to understand? Accident with a seatbelt, minor whiplash, same accident with a seatbelt major head injury. Major head injury requires more doctor time to fix. Limted number of doctors at any given time along with more patients than doctors. If a law get people to wear their seatbelts and not waste the doctor's time how is it a bad thing? If someone still chooses to wear their seatbelt they get a ticket.
It is like making guys on construction sites wear hard hats. It is true that if a concrete block falls on your head you will be the only one to die, but that doesn't mean you will be the only one affected by it.
Is it really that hard to understand? Accident with a seatbelt, minor whiplash, same accident with a seatbelt major head injury. Major head injury requires more doctor time to fix. Limted number of doctors at any given time along with more patients than doctors. If a law get people to wear their seatbelts and not waste the doctor's time how is it a bad thing? If someone still chooses to wear their seatbelt they get a ticket.
It is like making guys on construction sites wear hard hats. It is true that if a concrete block falls on your head you will be the only one to die, but that doesn't mean you will be the only one affected by it.
there is no evidence or proof anywhere that will tell you this ''Safety Belt Laws Increase Safety Belt Usage.''
however you will find a lot of .com sites and on your local news stations.. people with that brain damaged thinking... that people of course are buckling up ONLY BECAUSE IT IS THE LAW.
Is it really that hard to understand? Accident with a seatbelt, minor whiplash, same accident with a seatbelt major head injury. Major head injury requires more doctor time to fix. Limted number of doctors at any given time along with more patients than doctors. If a law get people to wear their seatbelts and not waste the doctor's time how is it a bad thing? If someone still chooses to wear their seatbelt they get a ticket.
It is like making guys on construction sites wear hard hats. It is true that if a concrete block falls on your head you will be the only one to die, but that doesn't mean you will be the only one affected by it.
What the fuck??? Your thesis here is that laws are completely valid when they are made in order to avoid "wasting someone's time". By that silly logic, why not just ban driving? Then we'd all have lots of extra free time.....
What the fuck??? Your thesis here is that laws are completely valid when they are made in order to avoid "wasting someone's time". By that silly logic, why not just ban driving? Then we'd all have lots of extra free time.....
What the fuck??? Your thesis here is that laws are completely valid when they are made in order to avoid "wasting someone's time". By that silly logic, why not just ban driving? Then we'd all have lots of extra free time.....
I would call taking up an emergency room doctor's time, that could be used to save the lives of other people, because you were too dumb to wear a seatbelt a bit more than just wasting someone's time. To me that is massively arrogant and selfish, and I don't see a reason not to have a law to help prevent it.
I always wear my seatbelt. In 2 posts you've told me I'm ignorant and wrong without saying why. What will your next post be? "I done your mum for a 5er"?
i dont know either... before ralph nader... no one questioned what was in a hot dog
but regardless of the absurdities and the negligence... there is a lot more at risk when you give other individuals the right to decide for you whats best for you and what isnt.. each law that is created like this takes away from that thing that goes off in your head (your mind) that says..hmm.. should I wear this?? if this isnt happening... you will lose the ability to reason.. and i think over time... this can lead to serious miscommunications between
A. a person who thinks for themselves and is reasonable
B. a person whop can no longer reason and has forgotten how to handle their own thoughts.
potentially dangerous
kinetically wrong
is the labour party corrupt?
The legal closing of alcohol selling establishments because of the time of day or day of the week. The restrictions of what stores can sell some sort of alcohol because it is a "sin" or something like that. Laws against drinking alcohol contaning beverages "in public" (Public Drunkeness is different if you're indangering the public that's one thing simply drinking a beverage on the side walk is another)
most morality based laws are utterly retarded too.
I think we go out of our way policing non violent or not disruptive behaviors in the US and it's just a waste of time.
I think this is ridiculous also. food joints stay open 24 hours.
Isn't that what Evolution is all about?
The sad part is , we still live in a society who doesnt care about wearing seatbelts .. i mean, why the fuck wouldnt you wear one? Its right there.. it takes about .10 seconds to put it on ...
Shame :(
And thank GOODNESS for seat belt laws (i admit they can be frustrating at times.. when you are just running out for a second) Honestly though, its in affect to simply save your life, how can you complain about that? Besides, the worst that usually happens if a cop sees you with no seatbelt is he will tell you to put it on.. unless you get a dickhead cop... you won't even get in trouble. Thank goodness for the seatbelt laws. It has saved alot of children's lives because their are douchebag parents who still do not buckle up their kids.. which imo.. should carry a bigger punishment...
seat belt laws have saved peoples lives or seat belts have saved peoples lives???
Both..... a kid doesnt know they are suppose to wear a seatbelt, and if it isnt inforced by parents, its not the child's fault... A parent who doesnt give a shit (which believe me, they are around) might think twice if it will cost a few hundy ..thus... seatbelt laws = saves lives
i dunnnnno... i still think it comes down to personal choice regardless if the law is in place or not.
I mean... i guess it is YOUR body.. you can choose to take the chance of mangling it if you'd like...
I think we should focus on the bigger laws that are crazy. Maybe focus more on getting bud legal than seatbelt laws (dont anyone start with me
i can agree with that... not a huge concern... but a concern..
im with you on the bud!
Yes. Has hypocrisy written all over it. Wants to price people out of eating to tackle obesity, yet eats at the tax payer's expense. I could go on.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
yes those accidents where your car does flips in the air for a long stretch and it flips youa round your car because your a midget
that happens all the time
the point of this is not that seatbelts save lives... they obviously do... but making it a law is ridiculous.. ITS PERSONAL CHOICE
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
It might be a personal choice but people don't live in their own individual bubble and not wearing your seatbelt can have an effect on other people. For example say you get in a car accident, and you are not wearing a seatbelt. Because of that you are thrown from the car and need to be taken to an ER. Because you weren't wearing a seatbelt, you are taking up the time of doctors nurses and support staff as well as hospital resources. That time and resources could be given to someone who needs medical care through no fault of their own.
Accidents are what they are.. accidents... no amount of spin is gonna work here.. AND YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT STILL.
everyone is aware of the goodness of safety belts.. this is not the issue here.. the issue is POLICE PULLING PEOPLE OVER AND FINING THEM FOR NOT WEARING ONE..
these ridiculous circumstances and arguments are...
this pains me... it really does.. are you fucking people serious!? anyone can think up instances where someone can be inconvenienced becasue another didnt do something..
its poor thinking.. i cant argue with this.
piss pooooooorrrrrrr
Most places I have ever lived have helmet laws.
I would call people not getting the medical care they need in a timely manner because some dumbass didn't wear his seatbelt more than just an inconvenience. If a law can help prevent that I see no reason not to have it.
Just because wearing a seatbelt is a personal choice doesn't mean it doesn't have any affect on other people. I mean by your logic I should be able to drink a bottle of rye before going home. If something happens it is just an accident, and if I take up hospital reasources then no big deal I am only inconveniencing other people.
so you are on board witht he people who think safety belt laws prevent accidents from happening.
They might not prevent accidents from happening, but I am sure there are a ton of people out there who are dumb enough where unless there is a law saying wear your seatbelt, they wouldn't. And I wouldn't want a bunch of these people tying up doctors in the emergency room on a day where I, or someone I cared about needed medical attention because of an something they had no control over.
i just dont understand this thinking... would you be ok with a law being created that says people who dont wear a seat belt lose thei license?
Is it really that hard to understand? Accident with a seatbelt, minor whiplash, same accident with a seatbelt major head injury. Major head injury requires more doctor time to fix. Limted number of doctors at any given time along with more patients than doctors. If a law get people to wear their seatbelts and not waste the doctor's time how is it a bad thing? If someone still chooses to wear their seatbelt they get a ticket.
It is like making guys on construction sites wear hard hats. It is true that if a concrete block falls on your head you will be the only one to die, but that doesn't mean you will be the only one affected by it.
there is no evidence or proof anywhere that will tell you this ''Safety Belt Laws Increase Safety Belt Usage.''
however you will find a lot of .com sites and on your local news stations.. people with that brain damaged thinking... that people of course are buckling up ONLY BECAUSE IT IS THE LAW.
ridiculous thinking
What the fuck??? Your thesis here is that laws are completely valid when they are made in order to avoid "wasting someone's time". By that silly logic, why not just ban driving? Then we'd all have lots of extra free time.....
i was waiting for this
I would call taking up an emergency room doctor's time, that could be used to save the lives of other people, because you were too dumb to wear a seatbelt a bit more than just wasting someone's time. To me that is massively arrogant and selfish, and I don't see a reason not to have a law to help prevent it.