Listing Crazy Laws made by Ridiculous people.

-Any Seatbelt law ANYWHERE. To actually people in our society driving around in cars and ticketing others for not wearing the seatbelt that came with their car is fascism. FAS - SHISM 
-Littering. (people who litter make me mad) taking someones money isn't going to make them a better person.. look around.. the law is in place... and there is still litter.. just clean up your area if you want it to be clean. These signs everywhere are ridiculous and if you look close enough you will notice litter is usually heavier in the immediate area.
-No Soliciting or Loitering. very similar to the ''dont feed the alligator'' signs... the reasons these people are present is a mere handful of reasons. Money, previous success, nothing else better to do. If you want someone off your property make them extremely uncomfortable... they know they arent welcome already. (cops can be used for good here only to keep the person away with a trespassing warrant) NO FINES ARE NECESSARY.
you all can add on if ya want...
but the reason im doing this is hopefully people can understand the more laws in this society... the more your individual rights slip away.. EVEN IF YOU THINK, HEY, THATS SO BAD.
you arent looking at the big picture... you are enabling these people and giving them absolute power... slowly but surely

-Littering. (people who litter make me mad) taking someones money isn't going to make them a better person.. look around.. the law is in place... and there is still litter.. just clean up your area if you want it to be clean. These signs everywhere are ridiculous and if you look close enough you will notice litter is usually heavier in the immediate area.
-No Soliciting or Loitering. very similar to the ''dont feed the alligator'' signs... the reasons these people are present is a mere handful of reasons. Money, previous success, nothing else better to do. If you want someone off your property make them extremely uncomfortable... they know they arent welcome already. (cops can be used for good here only to keep the person away with a trespassing warrant) NO FINES ARE NECESSARY.
you all can add on if ya want...
but the reason im doing this is hopefully people can understand the more laws in this society... the more your individual rights slip away.. EVEN IF YOU THINK, HEY, THATS SO BAD.
you arent looking at the big picture... you are enabling these people and giving them absolute power... slowly but surely
Post edited by Unknown User on
this tells me a lot about you, and these aren't police state laws, these are laws that were voted on and implemented by government representatives that were voted into office by the people. There is a way to change them.
really though, for those that can't handle these laws to the point that these laws effect their lives in a big way, they need to check themselves, and whether they give a shit about anyone but themselves in my opinion.
seatbelt law - really, wearing a seatbelt is facist?
- Fascism
a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Littering laws - I have no problem with someone that can't throw away something properly getting fined, night in jail, whatever. If this is ruining someones life, you have bigger problems than worrying about changing this law.
soliciting and loitering - if a person can't respect someone else's private property and it get's to the point of jailing or fining them, so be it. if someone actually shows some respect others and there stuff, this isn't an issue. again, if this is adversely effecting someone's life, getting the law changed is the least of their problems.
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and i'm not just saying that because i just got a ticket for not wearing mine. fucking pig cop. i wanted to punch her in the face.
so the law that says committing suicide is unconstitutional? it's protecting you.
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Plus it is not like any police department anywhere in the world is making littering arrests a number one priority. It is not like they are taking detectives off of homicide cases to find out who threw their Mcdonalds bag out their car window. But if a cop does see someone doing that they should have the power to do something about it.
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yeah actually. i dont need protecting from myself by the gov't.
but on a different note. is that even illegal? I've heard its the only crime thats illegal to attempt, but not commit. is there a punishment for it?
not sure, I was posing it as much as stating it? I understand the point of not needed the government to protect us from ourselves, but at the same time this philosophy is in place in so many ways.
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you wanted to punch a woman cop in the face because you were breaking the law???? Your take on the constitutionality of the law doesn't mean it's not the law and won't be enforced.
When making a law pertaining to things we do out and about, the first thing to consider is "is this behavior harmful or dangerous to others?" My not wearing a seatbelt or helmt is dangerous to me and nobody else. And, by the way, I think not wearing them is stupid and I always do. But what do I care if you don't? (OK, I want you to, but it's not for me to demand).
Driving is the most dangerous thing most of us do every day. So while I am probably in the minority, I do feel that talking on the cell should be illegal while driving--for the same reason that speeding, drunk driving, etc. are. People take driving far too cavalierly and when they drive in ways that can put me in danger (another reason I wear a seatbelt), that's way different then them putting themselves in danger.
Motorcycle helmets
There is no reason for me, and therefore my governments, to concern themselves with behaivors in these areas. It can be a difficult line to draw, but in these cases, it's pretty obvious.
In Canada, I think these saftey laws make perfect sense, as the entire country shares the healthcare burden, so if someone is hurt because they didn't wear a seatbelt, then yes, it does affect everyone.
I agree, but why weren't you wearing it?
Cops have to enforce the laws, even the laws that they don't like. I don't know, but I suspect if a traffic cop goes an entire year (or whatever) without giving a seatbelt ticket, she's putting her livelyhood on the line because eventually her superiors will realize that she is choosing not to enforce a law she does not like.
The problem is not with this particular "pig" but with the silly legislators that made the law.
For example, it is illegal to educate dogs in Connecticut. Or in Michigan--a wife's hair legally belongs to her husband. Or Arkansas, where it is illegal to mispronounce "Arkansas."
Obviously almost none are enforced, but they're pretty funny.
get over yourself. you never get mad for getting a ticket? its not like i really knocked the bitch out! (she was a bitch, btw.)
at my home state they can't pull you over for not wearing a seatbelt, but can give you a ticket for not wearing one if you get pulled over for something else. I'm just gonna show up at court and say i had it on and the bitch was blind and shouldnt be loooking in my car anyway. i'm sure that will work!
please, for the love of god, let us know exactly how it went after you say these things.
and in your state, do they have seatbelt checks ever? i've gone through a couple of them, they just set up on a road and anyone they see not wearing a seatbelt, they pull over to the side and issue a ticket.
luckily for me, my father was a stickler about wearing seatbelts way before the law was enacted, so i'm used to wearing one and never drive without being buckled up.
i need a newer car. one that dings an alarm until you put your belt on. i always forget.
If you are riding a motorbike without a helmet and you get into an accident and die, or if you are riding in a car and you fly out the windshield, some poor bastard who works for the city has to clean up the mess made when you go splat all over the pavement. If there are simple ways to prevent that from happening seems reasonable enough to me to make them laws.
Granted most of us are smart enough and considerate enough to wait until we eventually do get to a bin, but if you're happy with putting up with other people's rubbish just so the council can make a few bob from fining people after failing to provide bins, then well, your stupidity...
i realize you didn't knock her out; you prob wouldn't be typing this thread if you had.
i'm gonna start protesting.
Do i ignore them because the severity of their injuries are compounded because they chose not to wear one?
Do i take them to the Emergency Department so that the already overworked Doctor's and Emergency staff can try put them back together again?
Do i attend to them and leave other patients that may require attention?
I feel really strongly about this, because it's not always about 'what is right for you'. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to think about the effects your actions might have on others.
It's a disgusting sight. Seatbelts and helmets were designed to prevent serious injuries. Why wouldn't anyone want to do what they can to protect themselves? I don't get it.
I love cyber hoolies who hide behind daddy's computer posting insults without actually backing them up. Do you live in the UK? Because if you don't I'd say you're not really qualified to comment on what lengths the main political parties in my country will and won't go to to make money. Jog on mug.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That's a good point. I think they should have a special unit just for littering!
But imo none of the laws that were listed by the author are crazy.