To Those who would Vote for Hillary CLinton...

Why? Im looking for examples and things she said she will do when elected..
im completely confused by her supporters... why, if she has no ideas on the table is she getting all these votes...?
im completely confused by her supporters... why, if she has no ideas on the table is she getting all these votes...?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Me neither. I think I've seen more Bush supporters, actually. And I'm dead serious.
for the least they could possibly do
she says she stands for education, health care
so what does that mean....shes going to make education and health care better... anyone can stand for these issues...its doing work that gets it done..
and if she does support these things.. SHES A SENATOR... what the fuck has she been doing with that job...and this country wants to promote her?
As I mentioned on a another thread, I don't know a single person who will admit to wanting to vote for Hillary. I know plenty of Obamaniacs ... but nobody for Clinton.
What's the draw?
for the least they could possibly do
My best guess is that people remember how good the times were under President Bill, and after 8 years of W they want to return to that.
I really do not see her appeal at all.
but the reasons are personal
Conservatives hate her because they think she's super liberal. Liberal hate her because they view her as pro war. Some people hate her because of the "Clinton Machine" factor. Others recognize that she probably gets more money from insurance companies than anyone else in either party. And let's face it, some have hated her ever since she was a first lady that was not June Cleaver.
So who are these people voting for her in the primaries anyway?
you're joking. right?
for the least they could possibly do
Her first term would be such a disaster, I don't think she'd be re-elected.
for the least they could possibly do
I have personal reasons for supporting her.
Back on topic:
I literally don't know anyone who is supporting Hillary
Do you support HER or her policies?
You realize this is a private message board. Nobody knows who you are, right?
for the least they could possibly do
GOOD question
She'd probably do Monica Lewinsky's boyfriend in the Oval Office. How's that for comeuppance?
for the least they could possibly do
I can respect that
That's probably a little more accurate
Thats not entirely true-some people here do know me, but thats not really the point.
my reasons are personal and thats all there is too it.
now you can all say you do know someone who supports her
see. A little girl on girl action would be good for the country!
It only does good if the two chicks are hot. Any day Scarlett Johannson and Jessica Biel want to play doctor in the White House, I hope President Obama would allow that.
thats cool, you certainly are not obligated to explain to anyone why you support who you do. Understand people will be left to speculate, as i admittedly am right now, that your "personal reasons" are breasts and a vagina. Hopefully i'm wrong. You could be packing 12 inches for all i know.
Which is funny because people seem to be forgetting that by the end of his second term, clinton had been impeached, we had sleaze, lies, scandals, perjury, and evidence tampering which all helped Bush get elected in the first place! Sounds like EXACTLY what i want to go back to.
Would that be so bad if I supported her solely because she is female?
Its not the reason, but I dont see a problem with that
speculate away, but she is not my lover and Im only packing 9.
Yes it would be just as bad as voting for someone that is male because you are male, or black because you are black, or white because you are white...and so on.
A woman that votes for Hillary because she is a woman is making it ok for any man that will not vote for her simply because she is a woman.
One is a corporate candidate who would use his influence to oppress the poor and give tax cuts to the rich.
The other is a corporate candidate who would use her influence to take everyone's guns and force everyone to have mandatory abortions.
for the least they could possibly do