I dont vote democrat. I just rarely do. Most of their policies and ideas go against my personal beliefs. (no condescending "please explain..."- thanks, this is about the appeal of obama.)
However, I watch Obama speak and he gets me fired up to support shit i dont even support. He is a fantastic salesman, and that ability to arouse emotion and passion would probably do a lot of the "uniting" you hear about, both with the legislature and leaders of other countries. He appears to be a leader in the truest sense of the word- my only concern would be what he would be leading us to.
I made a similar post on another thread. If you take any of those "who should you vote for" tests, I ALWAYS come out farthest away from Obama.
Yet he's the guy I personally like the most.
I'm still not going to vote for him, on account of I apparently disagree with him on everything. But I like him.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I made a similar post on another thread. If you take any of those "who should you vote for" tests, I ALWAYS come out farthest away from Obama.
Yet he's the guy I personally like the most.
I'm still not going to vote for him, on account of I apparently disagree with him on everything. But I like him.
i'm beginning to think A LOT of Americans (not necessarily you) make up their minds this way! They answer 5 to 10 questions (questions they don't really understand) on an internet quiz, and then vote accordingly. Scary shit.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
I dont vote democrat. I just rarely do. Most of their policies and ideas go against my personal beliefs. (no condescending "please explain..."- thanks, this is about the appeal of obama.)
However, I watch Obama speak and he gets me fired up to support shit i dont even support. He is a fantastic salesman, and that ability to arouse emotion and passion would probably do a lot of the "uniting" you hear about, both with the legislature and leaders of other countries. He appears to be a leader in the truest sense of the word- my only concern would be what he would be leading us to.
He does get you fired up! I'm not sure how that guy does it, but I like the feeling. You ask what he is leading us to? How do we know what any of these people are really going to lead us into? I feel like it certainly can't get any worse. No matter who gets elected.
Seriously though, I kind of feel like all candidates and the president come into things with great ideas and just a small fraction of them actually become reality. Like the revamping of social security. GWB was all "gung ho" and it just kind of frittered out with other things taking its place of importance. Like back-burnered, if you will.
Obama has a website, like all of them do, that outlines his position on various issues. If someone is really interested, you can always check it out.
i'm beginning to think A LOT of Americans (not necessarily you) make up their minds this way! They answer 5 to 10 questions (questions they don't really understand) on an internet quiz, and then vote accordingly. Scary shit.
well, no, I don't make up my mind that way. Those are for entertainment purposes only.
That said, when you look at it issue by issue, I don't think it's that far off. I disagree with Obama on basically everything.
I'm actually more concerned about people who would vote for a candidate simply because he gives cool speeches, which I think it what is happening with Obama right now. Oh, "he makes me feel good" or "he gets me fired up." Please. I'd much rather have people investigate the policies behind the oratory, and make a decision based on that.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
i'm beginning to think A LOT of Americans (not necessarily you) make up their minds this way! They answer 5 to 10 questions (questions they don't really understand) on an internet quiz, and then vote accordingly. Scary shit.
I think I remember reading something that says that these quizes are actually things set up by various candidates to help push you to chosing them? by that I mean, I think Huckabee has one that no matter what you say, it will still suggest him as your candidate of choice.
GWB was all "gung ho" and it just kind of frittered out with other things taking its place of importance. Like back-burnered, if you will.
It frittered out because nobody wanted it (with the exception, maybe, of me). He went on a multi-state tour trying to sell it. Nobody was buying. Old people don't want you messing with their social security. Greedy fucks.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
I think I remember reading something that says that these quizes are actually things set up by various candidates to help push you to chosing them? by that I mean, I think Huckabee has one that no matter what you say, it will still suggest him as your candidate of choice.
yeah, that wouldn't surprise me at all. It's easy to do.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
It frittered out because nobody wanted it (with the exception, maybe, of me). He went on a multi-state tour trying to sell it. Nobody was buying. Old people don't want you messing with their social security. Greedy fucks.
"Greedy fucks". (that made me giggle.) Still it frittered out. That's my point. All politicians have great ideas, its getting from A to Z that's the hard part.
Please This is the dumbest knock i've heard on Obama (and it isn't just you). Thats how a leader is supposed to speak. Have you listened to him. .
I have legitimate policy disagreements with Obama.
And i think that at LEAST half of his supporters are just judging a book by its cover. Which is a flaw in his supporters not him.
HIS problem is his policies, which while decent (or so it seems) are naive ... or just don't address anything of relative substance.
At least i can articulate my actualy policy disagreements, which is more than most of you ron paul haters who don't even understand what the fuck he is saying.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Since this thread is about Obama I am sure somebody can help me out. My father is under the belief that Barack is a Muslim. Can anybody link a reliable source that dispels this ridiculous rumor so I can get him to shut up about it?
Since this thread is about Obama I am sure somebody can help me out. My father is under the belief that Barack is a Muslim. Can anybody link a reliable source that dispels this ridiculous rumor so I can get him to shut up about it?
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Since this thread is about Obama I am sure somebody can help me out. My father is under the belief that Barack is a Muslim. Can anybody link a reliable source that dispels this ridiculous rumor so I can get him to shut up about it?
I have a knucklehead father when it comes to politics too man, I feel your pain
Our world is on edge....most of the worlds population hates us.......once we show them we're not bunch of war mongering humans...and think Obama will do this...they will once again embrace us, our products.....tourism....hell I'm thinking price of oil will go down....all stimulating our as well as the worlds economies.
Do realize I'm being verrrrry optimistic, but well see. (-:
Just one of the many benefits of an Obama presidency.
No offense, but I like how you phrase it....as if nobody has a clue to what he's running on....
If I went by what I read on this message board, that's what I would believe. In this entire thread, nobody has actually answered him. A few people mentioned that he inspires them. One person said that he would make them proud to be American again (and got some pats on the back). There were a few people that I thought were going to talk about his economic policies, but no, it was the charisma thing again. Some people mentioned that he might bring both parties together, again because of his charisma. I haven't seen a single post where anybody actually pointed out which of his policy stances they prefer over anybody elses.
I'm not saying that people don't have deeper reasons for prefering him (or even that there's anything wrong with voting for somebody because they're inspirational). I just find it interesting that, even in a thread where people are specifically asked, people still won't talk about the issues.
If I went by what I read on this message board, that's what I would believe. In this entire thread, nobody has actually answered him. A few people mentioned that he inspires them. One person said that he would make them proud to be American again (and got some pats on the back). There were a few people that I thought were going to talk about his economic policies, but no, it was the charisma thing again. Some people mentioned that he might bring both parties together, again because of his charisma. I haven't seen a single post where anybody actually pointed out which of his policy stances they prefer over anybody elses.
I'm not saying that people don't have deeper reasons for prefering him (or even that there's anything wrong with voting for somebody because they're inspirational). I just find it interesting that, even in a thread where people are specifically asked, people still won't talk about the issues.
THE WAR... he was right, I thought it was a bad idea too.
The Clintons are dirty.
Obama is my man... I dont understand why "he inspires me" is a bad reason to vote for the highest office in the country. Things get done when people are motivated, his speeches are moving, to both sides. Children are "inspired" by teachers... athletes "inspired" by greats before them, and so on. I dont want a president that "has a hell of a foreign policy". I want one that makes me feel like the country might make a turn for the better. Please inform me why this is not a "good enough" reason to vote for Obama, as you have implied.
THE WAR... he was right, I thought it was a bad idea too.
The Clintons are dirty.
Obama is my man... I dont understand why "he inspires me" is a bad reason to vote for the highest office in the country. Things get done when people are motivated, his speeches are moving, to both sides. Children are "inspired" by teachers... athletes "inspired" by greats before them, and so on. I dont want a president that "has a hell of a foreign policy". I want one that makes me feel like the country might make a turn for the better. Please inform me why this is not a "good enough" reason to vote for Obama, as you have implied.
If you read my post I actually said that there was nothing wrong with voting for someone because they're inspirational. All I was pointing out, was that even when directly asked, nobody has offered any real concrete matters of policy that they prefer over other candidates.
Just remember; once a candidate is in office and making policy decisions, being inspirational won't cut it.
Another thing, people on this board always throw out that the Clintons are "dirty," nobody ever says why though. Did I miss something big?
I have a knucklehead father when it comes to politics too man, I feel your pain
Lol, he supports Hilary because he feels it will be a return of the Bill Clinton years. I think Obama is a breath of fresh air and seems more genuine than Hilary, though it should be about the candidates stances on the issues rather than their personalities. I guess we never really leave our high school ways behind as the presidential race always boils down to a personality contest on both sides.
If you read my post I actually said that there was nothing wrong with voting for someone because they're inspirational. All I was pointing out, was that even when directly asked, nobody has offered any real concrete matters of policy that they prefer over other candidates.
Just remember; once a candidate is in office and making policy decisions, being inspirational won't cut it.
Another thing, people on this board always throw out that the Clintons are "dirty," nobody ever says why though. Did I miss something big?
From my understanding JFK was more inspiring than substance... Obama is qualified as anyone else running, to say otherwise is ignoring his record.
Ever hear of Peter Paul and Stan Lee? Look them up and see how the Clintons hustled a hustler and screwed the creator of Spiderman (:))... These two are so two faced I dont understand how people dont see it.
Lol, he supports Hilary because he feels it will be a return of the Bill Clinton years. I think Obama is a breath of fresh air and seems more genuine than Hilary, though it should be about the candidates stances on the issues rather than their personalities. I guess we never really leave our high school ways behind as the presidential race always boils down to a personality contest on both sides.
He's more than that, give him more credit and tell as many people who will listen they gotta go with Obama this time. No more Dynasties
Follow the above link to Obama's web page. There is a link to a 60 page PDF file here called "The Blueprint for Change". This outlines the man's policies and beliefs pretty well. Policy junkies may find it a bit light on details, but it is a good step in the right direction if you are looking for information.
Portland 98; Charlotte 00; Greensboro 00; Raleigh 03; Bristow 03; Asheville 04; Toronto 05; Sydney x 3 06; Newcastle 06; San Diego 09
Follow the above link to Obama's web page. There is a link to a 60 page PDF file here called "The Blueprint for Change". This outlines the man's policies and beliefs pretty well. Policy junkies may find it a bit light on details, but it is a good step in the right direction if you are looking for information.
I'm not argueing that he lacks policies, it just makes me nervous when large amounts of people support candidates because of things like charisma. I've had enough bad experiences with charismatic people who seem bursting with integrity in my life to know that people are not always who they appear to be.
Don't misunderstand me, I don't think that Obama is a bad candidate and I don't support Clinton. As I've said before, none of the candidates represent my beliefs, so I don't give them mine.
He's more than that, give him more credit and tell as many people who will listen they gotta go with Obama this time. No more Dynasties
I agree but unfortunately some of the older crowd still dismisses him for the sole reason he is black and would rather have Hilary instead. I think maybe he could win in another ten years but i hope I am wrong. I too am tired of dynasties.
If I went by what I read on this message board, that's what I would believe. In this entire thread, nobody has actually answered him. A few people mentioned that he inspires them. One person said that he would make them proud to be American again (and got some pats on the back). There were a few people that I thought were going to talk about his economic policies, but no, it was the charisma thing again. Some people mentioned that he might bring both parties together, again because of his charisma. I haven't seen a single post where anybody actually pointed out which of his policy stances they prefer over anybody elses.
I'm not saying that people don't have deeper reasons for prefering him (or even that there's anything wrong with voting for somebody because they're inspirational). I just find it interesting that, even in a thread where people are specifically asked, people still won't talk about the issues.
If anyone were to vote for Obama because of stuff they've read on a Pearl Jam message board then that is their own fault. People have been pointed time and time again to links stating his policies. It's like beating a dead horse anymore.
If you read my post I actually said that there was nothing wrong with voting for someone because they're inspirational.
But I think there is. Ask the Germans. They thought Hitler was pretty inspirational, too. Then halfway through his administration they're like, "He wants us to gas who now?"
Not that I am comparing Obama to Hitler ... my point is, people should vote for someone on an intellectual level, not an emotional one. It's easy for a good orator to tug at the heart strings and get you to believe what they want you to believe. It's how televangelists convince old people to mail them their retirement checks. What good is voting for someone who "inspires" you, if what he wants to accomplish is diametrically opposed to what you believe?
I'll take substance over style anytime. And if a person thinks Obama has substance, by all means vote for him. It's just funny, like you said, few people are really able to articulate the substance of Obama's message ... which automatically makes me a little wary of him.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
Since this thread is about Obama I am sure somebody can help me out. My father is under the belief that Barack is a Muslim. Can anybody link a reliable source that dispels this ridiculous rumor so I can get him to shut up about it?
So what if he is a Muslim. God, this administration and the war in Iraq and the war on terror has got everyone in the country thinking that all Muslims are evil! It's the radicals you have to worry about. Just like the radical Christians, which is what Bush is.
Personally I could care less about someone's religious beliefs. What happened to having Church seperate from state??
Alpine Valley 06-13-99 [EV-Solo]
Alpine Valley 10-8-00 (The Icebowl)
Chicago 05-16-06, 05-17-06
Lollapalooza 08-05-07
Chicago 08-22-08 [EV Solo]
Chicago 08-23-09, 08-24-09
Chicago 06-28-11, 06-29-11 [EV Solo]
PJ20 Alpine Valley 09-03-11, 09-04-11
Wrigley Field 07-19-13
Wrigley Field 08-20-16, 08-22-16
I made a similar post on another thread. If you take any of those "who should you vote for" tests, I ALWAYS come out farthest away from Obama.
Yet he's the guy I personally like the most.
I'm still not going to vote for him, on account of I apparently disagree with him on everything. But I like him.
for the least they could possibly do
i'm beginning to think A LOT of Americans (not necessarily you) make up their minds this way! They answer 5 to 10 questions (questions they don't really understand) on an internet quiz, and then vote accordingly. Scary shit.
He does get you fired up! I'm not sure how that guy does it, but I like the feeling. You ask what he is leading us to? How do we know what any of these people are really going to lead us into? I feel like it certainly can't get any worse.
Seriously though, I kind of feel like all candidates and the president come into things with great ideas and just a small fraction of them actually become reality. Like the revamping of social security. GWB was all "gung ho" and it just kind of frittered out with other things taking its place of importance. Like back-burnered, if you will.
Obama has a website, like all of them do, that outlines his position on various issues. If someone is really interested, you can always check it out.
well, no, I don't make up my mind that way. Those are for entertainment purposes only.
That said, when you look at it issue by issue, I don't think it's that far off. I disagree with Obama on basically everything.
I'm actually more concerned about people who would vote for a candidate simply because he gives cool speeches, which I think it what is happening with Obama right now. Oh, "he makes me feel good" or "he gets me fired up." Please. I'd much rather have people investigate the policies behind the oratory, and make a decision based on that.
for the least they could possibly do
I think I remember reading something that says that these quizes are actually things set up by various candidates to help push you to chosing them? by that I mean, I think Huckabee has one that no matter what you say, it will still suggest him as your candidate of choice.
It frittered out because nobody wanted it (with the exception, maybe, of me). He went on a multi-state tour trying to sell it. Nobody was buying. Old people don't want you messing with their social security. Greedy fucks.
for the least they could possibly do
yeah, that wouldn't surprise me at all. It's easy to do.
for the least they could possibly do
"Greedy fucks".
I'm off topic now. Sorry 'bout that.
And i think that at LEAST half of his supporters are just judging a book by its cover. Which is a flaw in his supporters not him.
HIS problem is his policies, which while decent (or so it seems) are naive ... or just don't address anything of relative substance.
At least i can articulate my actualy policy disagreements, which is more than most of you ron paul haters who don't even understand what the fuck he is saying.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I tend to agree with this.
Obama strikes me as a decent, well-intentioned human being who would probably be in over his head if elected. I'm just sayin' ...
for the least they could possibly do
Please be fucking quiet. Where do you get this stuff? Sean Hannity is not a reputable source for information.
No offense, but I like how you phrase it....as if nobody has a clue to what he's running on....
Nuclear fission
for the least they could possibly do
I have a knucklehead father when it comes to politics too man, I feel your pain
Just one of the many benefits of an Obama presidency.
I'm not saying that people don't have deeper reasons for prefering him (or even that there's anything wrong with voting for somebody because they're inspirational). I just find it interesting that, even in a thread where people are specifically asked, people still won't talk about the issues.
THE WAR... he was right, I thought it was a bad idea too.
The Clintons are dirty.
Obama is my man... I dont understand why "he inspires me" is a bad reason to vote for the highest office in the country. Things get done when people are motivated, his speeches are moving, to both sides. Children are "inspired" by teachers... athletes "inspired" by greats before them, and so on. I dont want a president that "has a hell of a foreign policy". I want one that makes me feel like the country might make a turn for the better. Please inform me why this is not a "good enough" reason to vote for Obama, as you have implied.
Just remember; once a candidate is in office and making policy decisions, being inspirational won't cut it.
Another thing, people on this board always throw out that the Clintons are "dirty," nobody ever says why though. Did I miss something big?
Lol, he supports Hilary because he feels it will be a return of the Bill Clinton years. I think Obama is a breath of fresh air and seems more genuine than Hilary, though it should be about the candidates stances on the issues rather than their personalities. I guess we never really leave our high school ways behind as the presidential race always boils down to a personality contest on both sides.
From my understanding JFK was more inspiring than substance... Obama is qualified as anyone else running, to say otherwise is ignoring his record.
Ever hear of Peter Paul and Stan Lee? Look them up and see how the Clintons hustled a hustler and screwed the creator of Spiderman (:))... These two are so two faced I dont understand how people dont see it.
More of the same shit here from Bill...
He's more than that, give him more credit and tell as many people who will listen they gotta go with Obama this time. No more Dynasties
Follow the above link to Obama's web page. There is a link to a 60 page PDF file here called "The Blueprint for Change". This outlines the man's policies and beliefs pretty well. Policy junkies may find it a bit light on details, but it is a good step in the right direction if you are looking for information.
Don't misunderstand me, I don't think that Obama is a bad candidate and I don't support Clinton. As I've said before, none of the candidates represent my beliefs, so I don't give them mine.
I agree but unfortunately some of the older crowd still dismisses him for the sole reason he is black and would rather have Hilary instead. I think maybe he could win in another ten years but i hope I am wrong. I too am tired of dynasties.
If anyone were to vote for Obama because of stuff they've read on a Pearl Jam message board then that is their own fault. People have been pointed time and time again to links stating his policies. It's like beating a dead horse anymore.
But I think there is. Ask the Germans. They thought Hitler was pretty inspirational, too. Then halfway through his administration they're like, "He wants us to gas who now?"
Not that I am comparing Obama to Hitler ... my point is, people should vote for someone on an intellectual level, not an emotional one. It's easy for a good orator to tug at the heart strings and get you to believe what they want you to believe. It's how televangelists convince old people to mail them their retirement checks. What good is voting for someone who "inspires" you, if what he wants to accomplish is diametrically opposed to what you believe?
I'll take substance over style anytime. And if a person thinks Obama has substance, by all means vote for him. It's just funny, like you said, few people are really able to articulate the substance of Obama's message ... which automatically makes me a little wary of him.
for the least they could possibly do
So what if he is a Muslim. God, this administration and the war in Iraq and the war on terror has got everyone in the country thinking that all Muslims are evil! It's the radicals you have to worry about. Just like the radical Christians, which is what Bush is.
Personally I could care less about someone's religious beliefs. What happened to having Church seperate from state??
Alpine Valley 10-8-00 (The Icebowl)
Chicago 05-16-06, 05-17-06
Lollapalooza 08-05-07
Chicago 08-22-08 [EV Solo]
Chicago 08-23-09, 08-24-09
Chicago 06-28-11, 06-29-11 [EV Solo]
PJ20 Alpine Valley 09-03-11, 09-04-11
Wrigley Field 07-19-13
Wrigley Field 08-20-16, 08-22-16