I'm not sure there will be a next Rome or U.S. The lifespan of empires has shortened over time it seems. The U.S. is struggling to hold on even now, and it's economic empire didn't completely take shape until 20 or so years ago. The British empire lasted much longer, and the Roman empire longer than that (I think?).
I'm not sure there will be a next Rome or U.S. The lifespan of empires has shortened over time it seems. The U.S. is struggling to hold on even now, and it's economic empire didn't completely take shape until 20 or so years ago. The British empire lasted much longer, and the Roman empire longer than that (I think?).
Hi there!
two days ago I was with a friend of mine, sitting in a bar, talking about everything and than came America on the topic list.
He's finished the history college...
From our constatation there is NO GREATER empire than U.S.A.!
And really when you take all the qualities that USA has (there's no country that could harm you -USA-) and it's true.
That's not fact you should be proud of, but I know it from here, from Europe, that every country keep their mouth shut when it comes to talk against USA.
My country is small one next to Italy, it is Republic of CROATIA (I wonder if you know where is it situated on the world map?!).
We here have large amount of fresh, clean water springs (we still can drink water from the pipes in our home or at our squares (from fountains).
And we are all in kind of fear of you Americans, ---- now you're fighting others for oil but for 5 or 10 yrs you'll come to us and fight us for the water we have!
Do you get what I'm trying to say here?!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - Mahatma Gandhi
Hi there!
two days ago I was with a friend of mine, sitting in a bar, talking about everything and than came America on the topic list.
He's finished the history college...
From our constatation there is NO GREATER empire than U.S.A.!
And really when you take all the qualities that USA has (there's no country that could harm you -USA-) and it's true.
That's not fact you should be proud of, but I know it from here, from Europe, that every country keep their mouth shut when it comes to talk against USA.
My country is small one next to Italy, it is Republic of CROATIA (I wonder if you know where is it situated on the world map?!).
We here have large amount of fresh, clean water springs (we still can drink water from the pipes in our home or at our squares (from fountains).
And we are all in kind of fear of you Americans, ---- now you're fighting others for oil but for 5 or 10 yrs you'll come to us and fight us for the water we have!
Do you get what I'm trying to say here?!
If I were you, I'd be scared of the U.S. too. I agree with most of what you're saying. There is no single country that could do significant damage to the U.S. right now.
Hi there!
two days ago I was with a friend of mine, sitting in a bar, talking about everything and than came America on the topic list.
He's finished the history college...
From our constatation there is NO GREATER empire than U.S.A.!
And really when you take all the qualities that USA has (there's no country that could harm you -USA-) and it's true.
That's not fact you should be proud of, but I know it from here, from Europe, that every country keep their mouth shut when it comes to talk against USA.
My country is small one next to Italy, it is Republic of CROATIA (I wonder if you know where is it situated on the world map?!).
We here have large amount of fresh, clean water springs (we still can drink water from the pipes in our home or at our squares (from fountains).
And we are all in kind of fear of you Americans, ---- now you're fighting others for oil but for 5 or 10 yrs you'll come to us and fight us for the water we have!
Do you get what I'm trying to say here?!
I thought it was the Americans that were known around here to live in irrational fear.
Hi there!
two days ago I was with a friend of mine, sitting in a bar, talking about everything and than came America on the topic list.
He's finished the history college...
From our constatation there is NO GREATER empire than U.S.A.!
And really when you take all the qualities that USA has (there's no country that could harm you -USA-) and it's true.
That's not fact you should be proud of, but I know it from here, from Europe, that every country keep their mouth shut when it comes to talk against USA.
My country is small one next to Italy, it is Republic of CROATIA (I wonder if you know where is it situated on the world map?!).
We here have large amount of fresh, clean water springs (we still can drink water from the pipes in our home or at our squares (from fountains).
And we are all in kind of fear of you Americans, ---- now you're fighting others for oil but for 5 or 10 yrs you'll come to us and fight us for the water we have!
If I were you, I'd be scared of the U.S. too. I agree with most of what you're saying. There is no single country that could do significant damage to the U.S. right now.
Yes there is, and it is called, America. We are imploding people!
If I were you, I'd be scared of the U.S. too. I agree with most of what you're saying. There is no single country that could do significant damage to the U.S. right now.
I agree with humanlight. And believe me there are a whole lot of countries who could do significant damage to the US. Unless you seem the think the terrorist attacks on 9/11 didn't cause significant damage, and that was just a group of people, not a country.
As long as there is oil and that oil can only be bought and sold with US dollars, the US empire will never fall. Hence our presence in Iraq. People thin k we are there to steal the oil, we are not. We are there to make sure that all that oil can not be sold or bought in any other form of currency than the good old green back.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
But, I see the United States becoming more like Great Britain then Rome.
Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
a better question is: why do people always act like the u.s. will be the worlds only superpower FOREVER. Why do people act like we will dominate the world FOREVER? Why do people act like what happened to Rome, or Britain or any other empire, wont happen to us? All empires have fallen, and its only a matter of time before ours does as well.
Thats why I think being antiracist is not only morally important but also practical. When it all goes down, and the American empire collapses, just like every other empire in history did, who the hell do you think will be in power? Look at the skin color of the MAJORITY of the world's populations? They aint rich white racist jerks. No the majority of the population worldwide is poor and a person of color. So whenever I see a racist on tv, and they say "oh those blacks are so stupid" or "blacks are criminals", I wonder, why they think that the american empire wont collapse, and the worlds populations will decend on them. As a professor of mine suggested, "those racists have alot of faith that whites will ALWAYS be in control of the world". What happens when they are not?
Rome was the last, then the final will either be the US, or it will be Europe. Jury's out on that one. China is going to be a close second but they won't be 'the only superpower'.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
I hate racist, but this is not topic to put them in.
The problem is in people's heads, in your American heads, but major role in that case have your school system. The problem is you have been learned in schools as there is no other continent on the planet. As there's no other country than U.S.A..
With no offence, I'm wondering how many of you there in USA know to put the finger on the place on world map to point WHERE is IRAQ?!?
Few days ago I was wasching on TV and average american doesn't even know how to spell EUROPE, or what is the France capitol city?!?!?
Once again, no hard feelings, but I think you just know about yourselves, and no other.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - Mahatma Gandhi
If I were you, I'd be scared of the U.S. too. I agree with most of what you're saying. There is no single country that could do significant damage to the U.S. right now.
You'd be very shocked and disappointed if you knew how inaccurate your assumption is.
Next up to bat is the sleeping red giant. That's right, folks. China.
They have the people to do it. they have the technology, and most important of all, they have the discipline that lazy America lacks.
China's industrial work force is bigger than the entire US population and they work for absolutely nothing so I find it difficult to see how they can't be an economic super power in the next 10-20 years.
China's industrial work force is bigger than the entire US population and they work for absolutely nothing so I find it difficult to see how they can't be an economic super power in the next 10-20 years.
And more importantly they have the wisdom and true spirituality that comes from having a history, something the US is completely lacking.
Funny how u dont hear Chinese Arrogance everywhere u turn?
I say death to the USA, just because i hate arrogant bullies.
a better question is: why do people always act like the u.s. will be the worlds only superpower FOREVER. Why do people act like we will dominate the world FOREVER? Why do people act like what happened to Rome, or Britain or any other empire, wont happen to us? All empires have fallen, and its only a matter of time before ours does as well.
Thats why I think being antiracist is not only morally important but also practical. When it all goes down, and the American empire collapses, just like every other empire in history did, who the hell do you think will be in power? Look at the skin color of the MAJORITY of the world's populations? They aint rich white racist jerks. No the majority of the population worldwide is poor and a person of color. So whenever I see a racist on tv, and they say "oh those blacks are so stupid" or "blacks are criminals", I wonder, why they think that the american empire wont collapse, and the worlds populations will decend on them. As a professor of mine suggested, "those racists have alot of faith that whites will ALWAYS be in control of the world". What happens when they are not?
I think we are confused a little bit. There will never be empires like the Roman Empire or the British Empire again. The world is too small now and the world community would not let another country invade other countries to build an empire.
However, superpowers will come and go. I personally think America as a superpower is here to stay. Too much money not to be a superpower. However, we will not be the only superpower for much longer.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
.....There will never be empires like the Roman Empire or the British Empire again. The world is too small now and the world community would not let another country invade other countries to build an empire.
The thing IS that it is happening right now with United States of America!!
They ARE "holding" rest of the world in their hands, (it might be blackmailing others, or giving charity to others, or military help (they helped us (Croats) to beat Serbs in the war in 90's!)...
there are various ways to be the first and someone to listen to! Nowadays it IS USA!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - Mahatma Gandhi
I hate racist, but this is not topic to put them in.
The problem is in people's heads, in your American heads, but major role in that case have your school system. The problem is you have been learned in schools as there is no other continent on the planet. As there's no other country than U.S.A..
With no offence, I'm wondering how many of you there in USA know to put the finger on the place on world map to point WHERE is IRAQ?!?
Few days ago I was wasching on TV and average american doesn't even know how to spell EUROPE, or what is the France capitol city?!?!?
Once again, no hard feelings, but I think you just know about yourselves, and no other.
ok, now THAT is a bit of an exaggeration. the average american doesn't know how to spell europe? come on now, you can't honestly believe that. i know that the average american is under-educated and yes, there are definitely problems with our school systems, but there are problems with all school systems everywhere. i was never taught in school that america is the only important nation, or that we are virtually invincible or anything like that. actually, i think that school these days goes out of the way to dispel such falsehoods. and your accusations, while i understand they were in no way meant to be insulting, still are. it's so easy for people to point at america and say, "look how stupid they are!" how about trying to help the problem if it's so important to you rather than just pointing at the big scary american monster. i love this country, in spite of all the wrong we have done and are doing and will do, and as much as you may hate to admit it, america has done a lot of good in the world as well.
thank you for your comments, and i know you did not mean to be offensive with them. and i am not trying to offend you either. i am just very sick of everyone lambasting america and using these vague generalizations. i know what E-U-R-O-P-E spells, i know where iraq is, and i know that the capital of france is paris. it's ok to dislike or to distrust a country, even when it's the one you live in and love (god knows i do), but find a better argument than what you have presented here, please.
Their are dumb, ignorant, and arrogent people EVERYWHERE. To say that they are mostly in the United States is dumb, ignorant, and arrogent.
Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Hi there!
two days ago I was with a friend of mine, sitting in a bar, talking about everything and than came America on the topic list.
He's finished the history college...
From our constatation there is NO GREATER empire than U.S.A.!
And really when you take all the qualities that USA has (there's no country that could harm you -USA-) and it's true.
That's not fact you should be proud of, but I know it from here, from Europe, that every country keep their mouth shut when it comes to talk against USA.
My country is small one next to Italy, it is Republic of CROATIA (I wonder if you know where is it situated on the world map?!).
We here have large amount of fresh, clean water springs (we still can drink water from the pipes in our home or at our squares (from fountains).
And we are all in kind of fear of you Americans, ---- now you're fighting others for oil but for 5 or 10 yrs you'll come to us and fight us for the water we have!
Do you get what I'm trying to say here?!
If I were you, I'd be scared of the U.S. too. I agree with most of what you're saying. There is no single country that could do significant damage to the U.S. right now.
I thought it was the Americans that were known around here to live in irrational fear.
You have Mirko "Cro-Cop" filipovich...we fear you
Byrnzie are you hinting that these peaceful, craft loving "Muck" people are a threat to the US's existance?
Cause if so, I'll make some phone calls and we'll get that island carpet bombed back into stone age.
Do it, just don't fuck with the sheep. Their cousins in the U.S will come after ya!
I use Caesar dressing on my salad. He looks alot like Paul Newman for some reason.
naděje umírá poslední
Yes there is, and it is called, America. We are imploding people!
I agree with humanlight. And believe me there are a whole lot of countries who could do significant damage to the US. Unless you seem the think the terrorist attacks on 9/11 didn't cause significant damage, and that was just a group of people, not a country.
naděje umírá poslední
Paul Newman...the crocodile dundee guy?
But, I see the United States becoming more like Great Britain then Rome.
Thats why I think being antiracist is not only morally important but also practical. When it all goes down, and the American empire collapses, just like every other empire in history did, who the hell do you think will be in power? Look at the skin color of the MAJORITY of the world's populations? They aint rich white racist jerks. No the majority of the population worldwide is poor and a person of color. So whenever I see a racist on tv, and they say "oh those blacks are so stupid" or "blacks are criminals", I wonder, why they think that the american empire wont collapse, and the worlds populations will decend on them. As a professor of mine suggested, "those racists have alot of faith that whites will ALWAYS be in control of the world". What happens when they are not?
The problem is in people's heads, in your American heads, but major role in that case have your school system. The problem is you have been learned in schools as there is no other continent on the planet. As there's no other country than U.S.A..
With no offence, I'm wondering how many of you there in USA know to put the finger on the place on world map to point WHERE is IRAQ?!?
Few days ago I was wasching on TV and average american doesn't even know how to spell EUROPE, or what is the France capitol city?!?!?
Once again, no hard feelings, but I think you just know about yourselves, and no other.
You'd be very shocked and disappointed if you knew how inaccurate your assumption is.
Next up to bat is the sleeping red giant. That's right, folks. China.
They have the people to do it. they have the technology, and most important of all, they have the discipline that lazy America lacks.
old music: http://www.myspace.com/slowloader
And more importantly they have the wisdom and true spirituality that comes from having a history, something the US is completely lacking.
Funny how u dont hear Chinese Arrogance everywhere u turn?
I say death to the USA, just because i hate arrogant bullies.
I think we are confused a little bit. There will never be empires like the Roman Empire or the British Empire again. The world is too small now and the world community would not let another country invade other countries to build an empire.
However, superpowers will come and go. I personally think America as a superpower is here to stay. Too much money not to be a superpower. However, we will not be the only superpower for much longer.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
The thing IS that it is happening right now with United States of America!!
They ARE "holding" rest of the world in their hands, (it might be blackmailing others, or giving charity to others, or military help (they helped us (Croats) to beat Serbs in the war in 90's!)...
there are various ways to be the first and someone to listen to! Nowadays it IS USA!
ok, now THAT is a bit of an exaggeration. the average american doesn't know how to spell europe? come on now, you can't honestly believe that. i know that the average american is under-educated and yes, there are definitely problems with our school systems, but there are problems with all school systems everywhere. i was never taught in school that america is the only important nation, or that we are virtually invincible or anything like that. actually, i think that school these days goes out of the way to dispel such falsehoods. and your accusations, while i understand they were in no way meant to be insulting, still are. it's so easy for people to point at america and say, "look how stupid they are!" how about trying to help the problem if it's so important to you rather than just pointing at the big scary american monster. i love this country, in spite of all the wrong we have done and are doing and will do, and as much as you may hate to admit it, america has done a lot of good in the world as well.
thank you for your comments, and i know you did not mean to be offensive with them. and i am not trying to offend you either. i am just very sick of everyone lambasting america and using these vague generalizations. i know what E-U-R-O-P-E spells, i know where iraq is, and i know that the capital of france is paris. it's ok to dislike or to distrust a country, even when it's the one you live in and love (god knows i do), but find a better argument than what you have presented here, please.
But wherever else they are in power they're not voted in. Kind of important i think.