Smoking banned in private houses in San Franscisco
Agree or disagree that government should be able to control this action in our own homes?
Agree or disagree that government should be able to control this action in our own homes?
Post edited by Unknown User on
ha ha, it is completely impossible to police. It's government making laws for the sake of government.
That is ridiculous. Why the hell do we constantly let our government intrude into our homes. I hope that this legislation does not pass.
I don't think the gov't should regulate smoking inside someones house. I could ses where they could have a case in apts or townhomes, since the smoke can get into other units etc and effect other people's belongings or quality of life, but to outlaw it in your own home is a litte over the top and once again the gov't doing something that really doesn't matter to make itself look productive.
Exactly. I mean is this for real. Have we completely handed over the governing of our daily lives and affairs over to the government.
I'm ok with smoking being banned in public places, and if landlords don't want to rent to smokers, but banning it in the house that you own is a joke.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i agree, i should have made it a bit more clear.
why not? they already do... no marijuana, no spanking, no sodomy. government intrusion into the home is nothing new.
Unfortunately you are correct, it is nothing new. But that doesn't mean we should sit back and allow it. Hippimom and Mammasan have it exactly right.
What I meant by legal activity is that smoking tobacco is not illegal. It is a legal activity that should be allowed in the privacy of your own home.
yet weren't you just agreeing that spanking should be outlawed in the other thread?
ill admit, im kinda curious where they think smoking would or could be done if this law passes? i dont see why they dont just up and ban the stuff at this point. sounds to me, though, like this is a case of 1) a politician trying to score some brownie points with a measure that he knows will never pass or be enforced or 2) a bunch of temperance crusaders who managed to get enough signatures to get their nonsense ideas on the ballot even if it doesn't stand a chance of passing.
Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast.” Woody Allen
Where? I was stating spanking is wrongheaded. I don't believe you will find me calling for legislation.
that's reassuring.
The people who like banning smoking like the tax revenue too much to make selling the product illegal. This, to them, would be increased revenue generated by tickets handed out for this heinous crime.
as far as legislation; it's unconstitutional. unless the federal government bans tobacco completely; there's too many "privacy" precidents in place.
Everyone here I hope knows that San Francisco is extremely liberal. Everyone in the local governments are extremely liberal.
This could be one of the largest crimes against liberty this country has ever seen and I guarantee no one on this forum will make a big deal out of it.
The arguement will be that "they're just looking out for our health," instead of it being an invasion of privacy. Yet, when the same people talk about wiretaps, it's about little Bushy sitting at his desk listening and giggling at millions of random American's conversations, instead of diverting and suppressing terrorist activity.
Anyone with real logic, speak up.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
I posted an article awhile ago that told the story of a dude getting fired about smoking tobacco in his own home and didnt support that. So I'm definitely not going to support this.
Onelongsong seems to think it's a marvelous idea, but the only problem being that the stupid little Constitution gets in the way. You know, that silly "privacy" baggage it carries with it.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
That's an easy one. Why would the government ban something that they're able to tax the hell out of you for? Taxing the hell out of people with an addiction doesn't sound very compassionate to me... But after all, they're looking out for your health right?
Any normal person should easily understand that the government's stance on tobacco is absurd.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
What ever happend to protecting culture? This country was built on the back of the tobacco leaf.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08