Obama Hussein Barack



  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    This may be old news, but I've been away for a while.

    Your comments? Is Obama safe? Is a man with his background and whoever may have influenced him and was raised with him or in close company with him...is this man safe as our leader? What I mean is, After more than 200 years of presidents, our very next one after a large event involving Muslims (9-11) could be a man named Osama Hussein Barack. Maybe I'm a boneheaded middle-American, but it seems fishy to me.

    I'd have to pass on a vote for him just to be safe. I mean, for the most part, whoever is president, things are gonna go the way they are gonna go...why chance putting a man like this and those who will be his advisers in power? I'm not being racist here.

  • What I mean is, After more than 200 years of presidents, our very next one after a large event involving Muslims (9-11) could be a man named Osama Hussein Barack.

    Since when are ALL Muslim's terrorist? That is the sad part of your quote.
    2005: Montreal, Ottawa, Pittsburgh
    2006: Camden I & II, Continental II (NJ)
    2008: Camden I & II, DC, MSG I & II (NYC), & EV: NYC II
    2009: Spectrum last 2 nights
    2012: EV: Orlando I & II, Ft. Lauderdale I
    2013: Brooklyn I & II
    2016: Ft. Lauderdale & Miami
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Pj_Gurl wrote:
    What a ridiculous thing to say. Seriously. Do you feel better about yourself when you are putting other people down?

    don't worry, give her time, she'll get booted again...

    attention is an addicting thing...some need it more that others...
  • Thanks Emily. Yeah, this has been a hoot! I walked right into this one. I should have considered my words better. The post was more of a whim than anything. I was curious what people had to say first-hand (as opposed to News Reports and gossip). I admit I know very little about either candiate. I don't need to know anything about them. I'm not voting. I am not proud to be an American. I do not tie myself with any nation. I'm a hard-headed believer in the human race itself and I will not support politics when the main goal of politics is to raise one nation over another. It is blasphemy to put "one nation under God" on our money. That is a slap in God's face. The Bible says to be no part of the world. It's that simple. Human kind, love. God holds no special place in His heart for Americans. Read Jesus' words and you will know that. When the Devil tried to get Jesus to do an act of worship to him, what did the Devil have to offer? All the kingdoms of the earth! These nations do not belong to God and according to the Bible they are being used by the Devil to establish a kingdom set against God. 1 John 5:19 says the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one!

    Spiritually, I don't know what I believe right now. I don't even know if Satan is real. But I do know what the Bible says on the subject and if we are going to call out to the God of the Bible then we should at least know what He is. This is NOT one nation uder God.

    But anyway, (everyone prepare to quote this and slam me) --> I know relatively nothing about Obama. I have no reason to suspect any wrong in him. And I said this initially: I'm just playing the odds here.

    But with all the controversy surrounding the 9-11 events, I am suspicious. I saw it live, I remember the explosions succeeeding down the building as it was falling. I remember people on the streets describing the event. I understand physics and I've heard those involved put their foot in their mouths. I know an airplane did not bring those buildings down.

    And now, the very next President elect is Obama. I know he's received a lot of flack over his name and his Muslim ties/affiliations/beliefs..whatever...and however vague or in the past they may be. I'm sure a lot of racism has gone into that and it's a shame he has had to endure it. However, every corner of a potential President's life should be explorered, questioned and scrutinized with no mercy.

    No matter the explanation, I will never shake the thought in the back of my mind that it is amazingly cooincidental that a man of his description is close to being president so soon after such questionable world events.

    I'm sure it's nothing. I hope it is nothing. I hope we're not all back on this thread three years from now with our mouths dropped wide open. I know, I know, your mouths are already dropped open...lol.

    Despite all the resistance here, I know this is a valid concern. Like I said, just playing the odds. Nothing more. I suppose I have nothing else to say on the matter. Thanks...
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    Ooooo, Obama was born in Hawaii. Ever been to Hawaii? Those people don't even realize that they're in America. Except when they receive welfare checks from the USA's IRS.

    Dude, why are you cutting down Hawaii????? What a fabulous place with a lot fo great people...I wish I was born there...hell, I really wish I still lived there. ;)
    hippiemom = goodness
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    ...No matter the explanation, I will never shake the thought in the back of my mind that it is amazingly cooincidental that a man of his description is close to being president so soon after such questionable world events.,,,

    im trying to understand where youre coming from. please explain this.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • im trying to understand where youre coming from. please explain this.
    There are many things to mention in an argument against Obama, but I have only posted below items that I have been able to verify.

    What I mean by a man of his description is this:

    1. Lack of critical experience. Obama has no where near enough experience to be President of this country, especially in these times. He admitted so himself back when he said in 2004, “I am a believer in knowing what you’re doing when you apply for a job and I think that if I were to seriously consider running on a national ticket I would essentially have to start now and [I’m not comfortable doing that]”. Yet, he ran anyway. When the trouble starts flying (as it already is) in the Whitehouse, Obama will doubtful be able to act efficiently or in a timely manner to appropriately perform his duties. He has not been involved long enough to truly see how things work on that level. He does not know enough people to know who to use to get things done (at least things to the benefit of the nation).

    2. His paternal grandfather, who once fought for the British crown, converted from Christianity to Islam while in Zanzibar.

    3. His father was Islamic, but became Atheist by the time he moved to America (years after parting company with his son).

    4. After the divorce, his mother married Lolo Soetoro, who was also Muslim. The family claims a non-religious household when Obama was growing up. But kids ask questions and the parents answer according to what they have been taught. Further, he grew up in Islamic nations and no doubt made many Islamic friends. There is no doubt that as a young man, Obama was influenced by these beliefs. Of course, simply being or associating with Islamic people is not a bad thing in and of itself, but given the world climate and Islamic agendas, any thinking American should be at the least, hesitant. Even if he has completely dismissed the Islamic religion as non-truth, he will surely have sympathies for the teachings just as he has sympathies for his many Islamic family members. I understand there is a difference between a Muslim and an extremist Muslim, but ALL Muslims, by necessity of faith, believe that America is a heretic nation worthy of destruction due to sins against Allah. If they do not feel this way, they are not faithful to their religion as it teaches such.

    5. His step-father (who raised him), fought for the Indonesian Army (Muslims). Obama’s mother did not share the Muslim beliefs she was exposed to in Indonesia, but she was becoming increasingly interested in their culture for what it’s worth.

    6. The photograph Obama was passing around last year was one of him and his black “grandmother”. His campaign used this photo to prove “how black” Obama is. The person in the picture with him has ZERO BLOOD relations with Obama. His so-called grandmother in the photo, Sarah, was his grandfather’s third wife and is in no way related to Obama. This is called lying to the American people to get what you want. In any event, Barack is 6.25% “black” and is much more “Arab-American” than “African American”.

    7. Obama was 8 years old when Weathermen terrorist, William Ayers committed his bombings of the Pentagon and other government buildings so the attempt to mar Obama’s character based on his relationship with Ayers is unfounded. Or is it? After Ayers showed no remorse of his crimes and in fact said that he wished he would have bombed more, Obama accepted funds from and continued his relationship with Ayers. In the mid-1990s, Ayers hosted a meet-and-greet at his house to introduce Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois Senate. In 2001, Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's campaign. Ayers also served alongside Obama between December 1999 and December 2002 on the board of the not-for-profit Woods Fund of Chicago. That board met four times a year, and members would see each other at occasional dinners the group hosted. While Ayers is a free man, Obama has every right to associate with him. But doing so gives us a glimpse of his character.

    If I were leader of an extremist terrorist group set on bringing the US down, I would get as many of my people as possible established in the States early in life so as to adopt the “way” and have clean English and I would groom him as a politician in hopes of him getting as far into office as possible so as to bring it down from within. This sounds like paranoid talk, but it is a reality of the world and no doubt is taking place in this country. Is Obama one of these? I don’t know. But I cannot chance putting someone in office that so closely fits the description of this possibility. A Presidential candidate should be well scrutinized. If ever a candidate has items that pop up on the “suspicious” radar, it is Obama.

    Take it for what is it worth. Exercise your freedom to choose. Please just weigh everything and consider some of these points fairly and don’t just vote party. I know. Our choices aren’t that great. McCain is a worthless liar just like Obama. But I am not so inclined to think McCain would make as damaging changes as Obama is capable of. Decide for yourself. Hopefully you guys are done attacking me and we can talk civil. Of course, I’ve said my peace and that is all I want to do. Thanks for your attention and may the force be with you.
  • There are many things to mention in an argument against Obama, but I have only posted below items that I have been able to verify.

    What I mean by a man of his description is this:

    1. Lack of critical experience. Obama has no where near enough experience to be President of this country, especially in these times. He admitted so himself back when he said in 2004, “I am a believer in knowing what you’re doing when you apply for a job and I think that if I were to seriously consider running on a national ticket I would essentially have to start now and [I’m not comfortable doing that]”. Yet, he ran anyway. When the trouble starts flying (as it already is) in the Whitehouse, Obama will doubtful be able to act efficiently or in a timely manner to appropriately perform his duties. He has not been involved long enough to truly see how things work on that level. He does not know enough people to know who to use to get things done (at least things to the benefit of the nation).

    2. His paternal grandfather, who once fought for the British crown, converted from Christianity to Islam while in Zanzibar.

    3. His father was Islamic, but became Atheist by the time he moved to America (years after parting company with his son).

    4. After the divorce, his mother married Lolo Soetoro, who was also Muslim. The family claims a non-religious household when Obama was growing up. But kids ask questions and the parents answer according to what they have been taught. Further, he grew up in Islamic nations and no doubt made many Islamic friends. There is no doubt that as a young man, Obama was influenced by these beliefs. Of course, simply being or associating with Islamic people is not a bad thing in and of itself, but given the world climate and Islamic agendas, any thinking American should be at the least, hesitant. Even if he has completely dismissed the Islamic religion as non-truth, he will surely have sympathies for the teachings just as he has sympathies for his many Islamic family members. I understand there is a difference between a Muslim and an extremist Muslim, but ALL Muslims, by necessity of faith, believe that America is a heretic nation worthy of destruction due to sins against Allah. If they do not feel this way, they are not faithful to their religion as it teaches such.

    5. His step-father (who raised him), fought for the Indonesian Army (Muslims). Obama’s mother did not share the Muslim beliefs she was exposed to in Indonesia, but she was becoming increasingly interested in their culture for what it’s worth.

    6. The photograph Obama was passing around last year was one of him and his black “grandmother”. His campaign used this photo to prove “how black” Obama is. The person in the picture with him has ZERO BLOOD relations with Obama. His so-called grandmother in the photo, Sarah, was his grandfather’s third wife and is in no way related to Obama. This is called lying to the American people to get what you want. In any event, Barack is 6.25% “black” and is much more “Arab-American” than “African American”.

    7. Obama was 8 years old when Weathermen terrorist, William Ayers committed his bombings of the Pentagon and other government buildings so the attempt to mar Obama’s character based on his relationship with Ayers is unfounded. Or is it? After Ayers showed no remorse of his crimes and in fact said that he wished he would have bombed more, Obama accepted funds from and continued his relationship with Ayers. In the mid-1990s, Ayers hosted a meet-and-greet at his house to introduce Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois Senate. In 2001, Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's campaign. Ayers also served alongside Obama between December 1999 and December 2002 on the board of the not-for-profit Woods Fund of Chicago. That board met four times a year, and members would see each other at occasional dinners the group hosted. While Ayers is a free man, Obama has every right to associate with him. But doing so gives us a glimpse of his character.

    If I were leader of an extremist terrorist group set on bringing the US down, I would get as many of my people as possible established in the States early in life so as to adopt the “way” and have clean English and I would groom him as a politician in hopes of him getting as far into office as possible so as to bring it down from within. This sounds like paranoid talk, but it is a reality of the world and no doubt is taking place in this country. Is Obama one of these? I don’t know. But I cannot chance putting someone in office that so closely fits the description of this possibility. A Presidential candidate should be well scrutinized. If ever a candidate has items that pop up on the “suspicious” radar, it is Obama.

    Take it for what is it worth. Exercise your freedom to choose. Please just weigh everything and consider some of these points fairly and don’t just vote party. I know. Our choices aren’t that great. McCain is a worthless liar just like Obama. But I am not so inclined to think McCain would make as damaging changes as Obama is capable of. Decide for yourself. Hopefully you guys are done attacking me and we can talk civil. Of course, I’ve said my peace and that is all I want to do. Thanks for your attention and may the force be with you.

    So, if he were a Muslim (which he is NOT), why would it matter? Do you think he's going to hijack Air Force One and fly it into a building? Give me a break. You've been reading too many email forwards. Get your facts straight before posting drivel like this.
    No longer overwhelmed it seems so simple now.
  • GmoneyGmoney Posts: 1,618
    WickedJeremy, I can understand why you would be a little paranoid when you haven't researched the other side of Obama. Im not hating on you for any of your post. Having lived in Chicago I know a lot about Obama's efforts towards bettering this nation. What bothers me most about the debates sparked by your op is that we sadly think of the Muslim or Islamic religions as evil. Millions of people practice these religions. We were attacked by a handful, and fear Al-Qaeda, an extreme sector. Yet, now we associate these religions with terror and fear and because Obama may have been exposed to a bit of their beliefs we think he might be associated with terrorist? It's insane to me, and very sad. I have some dear, dear friends who are Islamic and they hate and fear Al-Qaeda as much as you and me.
    Further back and forth a wave will break on me, today...
  • 1. obama is not a muslim

    2. there were and are plenty of people who commit acts of terrorism who hide under the guise of christianity.

    so i guess we can't trust anyone anymore. :rolleyes:
  • So, if he were a Muslim (which he is NOT), why would it matter? Do you think he's going to hijack Air Force One and fly it into a building? Give me a break. You've been reading too many email forwards. Get your facts straight before posting drivel like this.
    Along those same lines, I am tired of people reading too many of these stupid email forwards.

    I read the title of the thread and realized it was another un-educated (on the subject at least) person trying to troll for responses.

    My question to the OP: why is it important to use his middle name...and then somehow tie it to what happened at 9-11?

    He didn't give himself that name, probably similar to yourself. So, what does his middle name have to do with who he is as a person? Should we start holding your name against? What if you had some sort of anglo name such as Smith or MacDougal or Johnson...should we question your motives because those names are somehow remotely tied to the IRA (Irish Republican Army) or some other terrorist network? Doesn't make much sense does it?

    I'd suggest that you do your research. There is a reason those types of stupid forwarded emails get started: to appeal to the masses that would rather blindly believe and stoke the hatred in people knowing that once the "connection" is made between Obama and Muslims (no matter how remote it may be), that he MUST be a terrorist and the reader will not bother to check the actual facts before forwarding it on to everyone in their inbox as being an absolute truth.

    Deep down, I truly feel sorry for the OP. That is the type of person that is dooming this country...those people that are unable to think for themselves and blindly follow poor leadership.
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    Are you saying a Muslim may think he’d have a better chance to attack because the president’s name is Hussein?

    If they can’t get in while a retard’s in the white house, they certainly ain’t getting in while a black man’s in charge.

    (hope you enjoyed what i thought Chris Rock would say) ;)
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • DixieNDixieN Posts: 351
    Oh, my gosh! Obama is a black guy with a name like many black guys have in Africa. I never realized he was BLACK. Be afraid, be very afraid!


    "....Obama might secretly be a Muslim! (You know what color Muslims are? Neither do I, but they might be black for all I know!) Scary!...."

    "Translation of all of the above: Oh my goodness, this guy might be African American or something. But we can't say that out loud, because it's the freaking twenty first century and we'd look like giant, bigoted jackasses."
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    DixieN wrote:

    "Translation of all of the above: Oh my goodness, this guy might be African American or something. But we can't say that out loud, because it's the freaking twenty first century and we'd look like giant, bigoted jackasses."

    we need to talk about it, and we need to talk about it NOW. (racism)
    this taboo shit is BS.


    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • digsterdigster Posts: 1,293
    Not much I can add to this crazy ass thread, but I must say I love people like this. You must know who I'm talking about, because there's an example of it in the first post of this thread."

    "Now, I don't know anything about Obama, but since he's a Muslim he's going to blow up the White House, and since he's a black man he's going to be angry all the time, and he's not smart enough to be President because he's black, and all his family is Muslim, which again means he's going to blow up the White House, plus he's BLACK..............but I'm not being racist or anything like that."
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,555
    ok let me just say i read every pg & post of this thread wich i can't belive is still going, poor WJ you come off like a totall ass and then comes along CW who comes off like a bigger douche this board in the last 24hrs has gone to pure wicked shittttttttttttttttttttttttt .........
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • maybe Obama is Bin laden in FX Hollywood makeup...

    he's going to unveil at his inauguration....man...are people going to lay fast food turds or what?
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    maybe Obama is Bin laden in FX Hollywood makeup...

    he's going to unveil at his inauguration....man...are people going to lay fast food turds or what?

    no shit! no wonder we cant find Bin Laden, that mother fucker has been on the campaign trail for 2 years !!!!

    i really feel ashamed of myself for having read all 8 pages of this bullshit fucking thread.

    and really have nothing to add that has not already been said by the "educated" people in this thread.

    its the people who actually educate themself that makes me still have that .01% of hope for our country.

    Obama 08
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    This election is causing ulcers to form in my tummy.


    (I got a chain email pointing out the many attacks Muslim have done. then it says this.....)

    'No, I really don't see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you? So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people... Absolutely No Profiling!

    They must conduct random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, secret agents who are members of the President's security detail, 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor winner and former Governor Joe Foss, but leave Muslim Males alone lest they be guilty of profiling.'

    'According to The Book of Revelations:

    The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, he will destroy everything.'

    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • Dirtie_FrankDirtie_Frank Posts: 1,348
    Hes a terrorist. The US should be scared that theres a possibility he may be president... http://www.eyeblast.tv/Public/Video.aspx?rsrcID=2036

    interesting video I know bullshit by the republicans. Just interesting
    96 Randall's Island II
    98 CAA
    00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
    05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
    06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
    08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
    09 Phillie III
    10 MSG II
    13 Wrigley Field
    16 Phillie II
  • LONGRDLONGRD Posts: 6,036
    What I mean is, After more than 200 years of presidents, our very next one after a large event involving Muslims (9-11) could be a man named Osama Hussein Barack.
    Since when are ALL Muslim's terrorist? That is the sad part of your quote.
    This is very sad indeed. The people of American still haven't learned to accept people of different background, culture, and nationality. Now even more with the religious believers of Islam. It's as if they're a lesser being or citizen.

    In college, I had a class called Rumi's Vision. It was about the life and views of Muḥammad Rumi, a 13th century Sufi(an old branch of Islam) philosopher. I didn't realized how much influence Christianity, Judaism, and even Buddhism had on Islam. They took a lot of their teachings from these older religions. From what I learned, it was a peaceful relgion...
    PJ- 04/29/2003.06/24,25,27,28,30/2008.10/27,28,30,31/2009
    EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,064
    This may be old news, but I've been away for a while.

    Your comments? Is Obama safe? Is a man with his background and whoever may have influenced him and was raised with him or in close company with him...is this man safe as our leader? What I mean is, After more than 200 years of presidents, our very next one after a large event involving Muslims (9-11) could be a man named Osama Hussein Barack. Maybe I'm a boneheaded middle-American, but it seems fishy to me.

    I'd have to pass on a vote for him just to be safe. I mean, for the most part, whoever is president, things are gonna go the way they are gonna go...why chance putting a man like this and those who will be his advisers in power? I'm not being racist here.

    Barack Hussein Obama = Saddam Hussein
    Jessica Simpson = OJ Simpson

    Does this mean that Jessica is guilty by association?
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
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