The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany



  • you tell me what the middle east is about then

    What exactly about the Middle East? There are so many problems there that it is absurd to think it is all easily explained by some vast Jewish conspiracy. If anything, the biggest factor is that they're sitting on a ton of valuable oil that by all rights should give them the wealth to play with the big dogs, but nobody in the west will respect them because they don't understand them. It's about economics and Western social norms butting heads against a different culture. This has happened all throughout history.
  • suffice to say you have picked a side already and do not subscribe to cause and effect.

    What do you suppose it is then?

    let me know...

    What do I suppose what is?

    How's this for cause and effect: Hitler says he hates Jews and they are enacting a global conspiracy against Aryans, so the Jews decide to boycott Germany when he gets elect.

    That one work?
  • RainDogRainDog Posts: 1,824
    hardboiled wrote:
    This has happened all throughout history.
    But, Jews, you see..... Jews have been around for most of human history. Coincidence? I think not!
  • FiveB247xFiveB247x Posts: 2,330
    The fact that the Roland actually questioned that validity is a such a tell-tale sign it is beyond description and designation. And very good description below.
    hardboiled wrote:
    What exactly about the Middle East? There are so many problems there that it is absurd to think it is all easily explained by some vast Jewish conspiracy. If anything, the biggest factor is that they're sitting on a ton of valuable oil that by all rights should give them the wealth to play with the big dogs, but nobody in the west will respect them because they don't understand them. It's about economics and Western social norms butting heads against a different culture. This has happened all throughout history.
    CONservative governMENt

    Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
  • hardboiled wrote:
    What do I suppose what is?

    How's this for cause and effect: Hitler says he hates Jews and they are enacting a global conspiracy against Aryans, so the Jews decide to boycott Germany when he gets elect.

    That one work?

    He certailny did not get along with the Jews to put it mildly. Was he born that way?

    Didn't like the food? There seems to be a very much recurring trend in the military conflict arena in this regard.

    makes you wonder don't it. I wonder what is causing it?
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • It may help people understand what makes people hate another race so much...maybe not...

    Maybe all some see is hate over discovery.

    I think everything is cause and effect. People don't just wake up hating other people. there';s a reason, and if I bring up anything outside of the "textbooks" I'm a hater....

    yeah..nice foundation for learning...

    smells like fascism...
    you think the nazis had legitimate reason want to exterminate the jews? anti-semitism goes back centuries (read Brothers Grimm), they didnt invent it.

    but you're right all opinions are equal and calling someone a hater for hating makes one incapable of learning (supreme logic!). one shouldnt exercise any judgement of an articles validity, we should just except it because its not in line with the popular opinion (and on da interweb!), and thus its factually correct.
    He certailny did not get along with the Jews to put it mildly. Was he born that way?

    Didn't like the food? There seems to be a very much recurring trend in the military conflict arena in this regard.

    makes you wonder don't it. I wonder what is causing it?

    Why not just tell us what is causing it?

    Tell us how you really feel.
  • JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    Why not just tell us what is causing it?

    Tell us how you really feel.

    I'm asking you. It should be easy to tell me apparently.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    Ah, Roland vs. Jews.............Jews vs. Roland .......

    One of nature's fiercist rivalries.

    Right up there with Lion vs. Hyena.

    Just to note.....

    It is a fairly well know fact that the Jews did have an economic and social conspiracy against non-jewish germans. Which Hitler used as part of his platform. But of course we all know Hitler had quite the agenda.

    Can't ever accuse Hitler of being unmotivated.
  • MrSmith wrote:
    you think the nazis had legitimate reason want to exterminate the jews? anti-semitism goes back centuries (read Brothers Grimm), they didnt invent it.

    but you're right all opinions are equal and calling someone a hater for hating makes one incapable of learning (supreme logic!). one shouldnt exercise any judgement of an articles validity, we should just except it because its not the popular opinion (and on da interweb!), and thus its factually correct.

    Had a valid reason to exterminate the I never said that. It does make me wonder what the hell is really going with all this though.

    It keeps repeating, and something is not right.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)

  • smells like fascism...
    what the fuck does that even mean! we are fascist for calling out stupidity? did anyone try to stop you from posting this? were you oppressed? you seemed to think because people that disagree with you they are fascist. what world do you live in?

    smells like paranoid schizophrenia.... or maybe delusions of grandeur mixed with a persecution complex.
  • MrSmith wrote:
    what the fuck does that even mean! we are fascist for calling out stupidity. did anyone try to stop you from posting this? were you oppressed? you seemed to think because people that disagree with you are fascist. what world do you live in?

    smells like paranoid schizophrenia.... or maybe delusions of grandeur

    Follow what's going on at the top....trickle down, useful idiots, all that crazy "conspiracy" stuff...

    Which reminds me I have to send my Jewish buddy drifting some more anti-semetic hate mail...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • I don't take "the history books" at face value

    Roland, I'm not saying this as an attack on you, but merely an observation...

    Not taking history books at face value may be an admirable trait when you seek out legitimate, well informed counterpoints and then make an informed decision about which you believe is more credible - HOWEVER - what I've noticed time and again in your posts is that you're doing the opposite. It appears that you're simply disregarding history books (different than not taking them at face value) and you're accepting ANY AND ALL alternative sources of info at face value. There's a lot more to using alternative sources of info than simply buying into them because it's different than what the "sheep" are being "fed." If you're not careful, you can just become a sheep in the "alt" flock.
    <a href="">Shawn Smith</a> / <a href="">Brad</a&gt; / <a href="">All Hail the Crown</a> / <a href="">Satchel</a&gt;

    (Shawn Smith's official website, but not Thee Shawn Smith)
  • He certailny did not get along with the Jews to put it mildly. Was he born that way?

    Didn't like the food? There seems to be a very much recurring trend in the military conflict arena in this regard.

    makes you wonder don't it. I wonder what is causing it?

    I don't know how Hitler was born. But I saw a lot of black people committing crimes on the news growing up. Am I justified in blaming niggers for the world's problems? If I ran for office and got elected on a platform that said we should ship them all back to Africa and they boycotted my business, would you say that they started it? Or is it only Jews that we're allowed to do this to?

    What is causing what? Good lord man, I don't even know what I'm being asked to explain. What is this "it" to which you keep referring? Clearly you've got something on your mind and just don't have the cojones to say it out loud.
  • He certailny did not get along with the Jews to put it mildly. Was he born that way?

    Didn't like the food? There seems to be a very much recurring trend in the military conflict arena in this regard.

    makes you wonder don't it. I wonder what is causing it?
    are racists born that way? are any haters born that way? of course not. people are taught, usually through a combination of ignorance and fear taught by their ignorant and fearful parents. Why is anti-semitism any different? oh they are prejudiced against jews not because of ignorance and fear but because of legitimate reason? i highly doubt that.

    I don't see why you are so confused as to why one group (nazi Germany) could have an illegitimate fear of another (jews). it happens all the time all over the world, and is actually quite common in ignorant, easily led individuals. this concept of irrational hatred seems completely alien to you. why is it so hard to believe that germans couldn't blame an ethnic monority for its problems?

    you probably just think Drifitng is "one of the good 'uns". he's not like the other jews.
  • hardboiled wrote:
    I don't know how Hitler was born. But I saw a lot of black people committing crimes on the news growing up. Am I justified in blaming niggers for the world's problems? If I ran for office and got elected on a platform that said we should ship them all back to Africa and they boycotted my business, would you say that they started it? Or is it only Jews that we're allowed to do this to?

    What is causing what? Good lord man, I don't even know what I'm being asked to explain. What is this "it" to which you keep referring? Clearly you've got something on your mind and just don't have the cojones to say it out loud.

    That's where you assume and you assume wrong. there was a civil war remember?

    I don't hate any nationality, but I do recognise there are factions (extremes) within every nationality that have somewhat of a prime directive.

    hate to say it but money has been referred to as the root of all evil....regardless. *cough* military industrial complex....

    All I'm draw your own lines in the sand, and concoct your own conclusions on what is going on in the world.

    In any event...Ima call up all my Jewish friends now, and call them anti-semitic names for kicks :rolleyes:
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • MrSmith wrote:
    I don't see why you are so confused as to why one group (nazi Germany) could have an illegitimate fear of another (jews). it happens all the time all over the world, and is actually quite common in ignorant, easily led individuals. this concept of irrational hatred seems completely alien to you. why is it so hard to believe that germans couldn't blame an ethnic monority for its problems?

    Especially given that he spouts off so often about how Americans generally have an irrational hatred of Muslims in the Middle East that has led us to war.
  • MrSmith wrote:
    are racists born that way? are any haters born that way? of course not. people are taught, usually through a combination of ignorance and fear taught by their ignorant and fearful parents. Why is anti-semitism any different? oh they are prejudiced against jews not because of ignorance and fear but because of legitimate reason? i highly doubt that.

    I don't see why you are so confused as to why one group (nazi Germany) could have an illegitimate fear of another (jews). it happens all the time all over the world, and is actually quite common in ignorant, easily led individuals. this concept of irrational hatred seems completely alien to you. why is it so hard to believe that germans couldn't blame an ethnic monority for its problems?

    you probably just think Drifitng is "one of the good 'uns". he's not like the other jews.

    Hey people that love money over other people's very lives....have a problem. Just like an alcoholic would have a problem as well in that scenario.

    one of the good ones? Actually no there are good people and bad people in general.


    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    Certainly an argument can be made that Jews, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that Christians, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that Muslims, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that whites, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that blacks, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that brown-skinned people, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that Latinos, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that Asians, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that the British, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that the French, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that Middle Easterners, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.

    Certainly an argument can be made that Human Beings, historically speaking, have a pattern of creating a lot of problems or getting themselves involved in a lot of problems.
  • hardboiled wrote:
    Especially given that he spouts off so often about how Americans generally have an irrational hatred of Muslims in the Middle East that has led us to war.

    well you do...

    your media has already drilled it into you...

    that's why so many people are ok with it...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • That's where you assume and you assume wrong. there was a civil war remember?

    I don't hate any nationality, but I do recognise there are factions (extremes) within every nationality that have somewhat of a prime directive.

    hate to say it but money has been referred to as the root of all evil....regardless. *cough* military industrial complex....

    All I'm draw your own lines in the sand, and concoct your own conclusions on what is going on in the world.

    In any event...Ima call up all my Jewish friends now, and call them anti-semitic names for kicks :rolleyes:

    Does this make sense in your head?

    What has the Civil War got to do with anything? You were implying that Hitler was justified in hating Jews, I'm asking if I would be equally justified in hating blacks based on how I grew up.

    Money may be the root of all evil, that is exactly what I said a few posts back... the Middle East is about economics. I still fail to see what that has to do with the Jewish people. Unless you believe in that "Jews control the world's money" nonsense. Your article implies that the Jews got what they deserved. Personally, I think an economic boycott of a country that elects a leader who wants to kill you is a pretty reasonable action. Could you tell me why you feel it is not? What should they have done? Sent them aid?
  • well you do...

    your media has already drilled it into you...

    that's why so many people are ok with it...

    Then why is it far-fetched that Hitler's media instilled an irrational hatred of Jews into the German people, and maybe the Jews AREN'T an evil force in the world and were, instead, Hitler's scapegoat, just as Islam is our scapegoat now?
  • FiveB247xFiveB247x Posts: 2,330
    Roland, why is it that if people disagree with you, you automatically try and paint them as a the 100% opposite end of the arguement? Isn't anyone allowed to have a varying opinion from you without them being a polar opposite? There are varying degrees and grey areas in beliefs, yet you like to paint everyone and thing black and white. This thread is a perfect example of that because you post some absurd article which underminds historical fact and when people say that, you pass of their opinion because it fits to the mold you see - black and white, compared to listening to what people's opinions are on the matter. It underminds any opinion you state because you come off as so biased and one-sided.
    CONservative governMENt

    Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
  • Hey people that love money over other people's very lives....have a problem. Just like an alcoholic would have a problem as well in that scenario.
    waht people are you refering to? to be honest i have no idea what you are talking about.
    one of the good ones? Actually no there are good people and bad people in general.


    the problem is you dont even recognize your own ignorant, fear based delusions. Racists aren't monsters born with their hatreds either, and most probably dont even think of themselves as racists. most are otherwise decent people who are ignorant and desperate to blame someone for their (or the world's) misfortune. thats you in a nutshell.

    many here seem to believe that you are just some lovable fool that posts wacky conspiracy links and likes being agaisnt the man. but i think there is more to it with you.
  • hardboiled wrote:
    Does this make sense in your head?

    What has the Civil War got to do with anything? You were implying that Hitler was justified in hating Jews, I'm asking if I would be equally justified in hating blacks based on how I grew up.

    Money may be the root of all evil, that is exactly what I said a few posts back... the Middle East is about economics. I still fail to see what that has to do with the Jewish people. Unless you believe in that "Jews control the world's money" nonsense. Your article implies that the Jews got what they deserved. Personally, I think an economic boycott of a country that elects a leader who wants to kill you is a pretty reasonable action. Could you tell me why you feel it is not? What should they have done? Sent them aid?

    Blacks have been slaves for's practically (sadly) in their DNA. but anyhow...another thread I'm sure...

    anyhow ...full stop.

    When did I say Hitler was justified in hating jews other that you just implying it to suit your own agenda?

    The article points out something the history books failed to include this it seems. That's all.

    (in light of current events) I like to see all the cards on the table before I go fish....that's all. Spoon feed me nothing.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • MrSmith wrote:
    waht people are you refering to? to be honest i have no idea what you are talking about.

    (insert racial denomination here....or "elites" it's applicable.)
    MrSmith wrote:
    the problem is you dont even recognize your own ignorant, fear based delusions. Racists aren't monsters born with their hatreds either, and most probably dont even think of themselves as racists. most are otherwise decent people who are ignorant and desperate to blame someone for their (or the world's) misfortune. thats you in a nutshell.

    You don't think financially motivated people seek more power and make all kinds of concessions on what is acceptable? ok..... good luck with that. It's a pretty warped world in this regard. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. There's really no disputing the existence of it existence. (although some still try to apparently..)
    MrSmith wrote:
    many here seem to believe that you are just some lovable fool that posts wacky conspiracy links and likes being agaisnt the man. but i think there is more to it with you.

    then you follow a crowd of fools...(sorry to say) that do the same process with you (also follow the crowd).
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • maybe people are forgetting that a faction of elites are really our (everyone''s) puppet masters suspiciously doing whatever they want now for a good 60+ years.... is there anyone that still doesn't see it?

    I could give a rats ass what denomination these people are.....honestly. I see a problem in todays world I point at it. I happen to think people that murder other people for money and personal gain are assholes like every other face value of the interpretation.

    but you's easier to toss a blanket over someone and call them a racist...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)

  • then you follow a crowd of fools...(sorry to say) that do the same process with you (also follow the crowd).

    you seem to judge the value of something based solely on the number of people who believe it valuable (the more people who believe its valuable= the less valuable it is). its the only basis you judge an opinion on. nothing else. I've never read a post from you that proved you think otherwise. and its not that you think that way as a rule of thumb, or that you are prone to take the road less travelled, but rather that you think its an undeniable truth or divine law. if the 'official story' is this, then the truth is the opposite.

    you accuse me of being a mindless sheep force fed since birth to believe certain things. you may be right and i may be wrong about some things, but i'm confident that i'm more capable of independent thought than you.
    Not taking history books at face value may be an admirable trait when you seek out legitimate, well informed counterpoints and then make an informed decision about which you believe is more credible - HOWEVER - what I've noticed time and again in your posts is that you're doing the opposite. It appears that you're simply disregarding history books (different than not taking them at face value) and you're accepting ANY AND ALL alternative sources of info at face value. There's a lot more to using alternative sources of info than simply buying into them because it's different than what the "sheep" are being "fed." If you're not careful, you can just become a sheep in the "alt" flock.

    you should read that quote a few times to let it sink in. you are a sheep with a different shepherd.
    Has anyone ever seen Fred Armisen's character "Nicholas Fehn" on SNL's Weekend Update?
  • MrSmith wrote:
    you seem to judge the value of something based solely on the number of people who believe it valuable (the less people who believe its valuable= the less valuable it is). its the only basis you judge an opinion on. nothing else. I've never read a post from you that proved you think otherwise. and its not that you think that way as a rule of thumb, or that you are prone to take the road less travelled, but rather that you think its an undeniable truth or divine law. if the 'official story' is this, then the truth is the opposite.

    you accuse me of being a mindless sheep force fed since birth to believe certain things. you may be right and i may be wrong about some things, but i'm confident that i'm more capable of independent thought than you.

    regardless....your life is being controlled by a group of bastards that like killing people for money.....(and not Jewish extremists only, but sadly yes they are a huge part of the equation)

    and its my fault for pointing it out;re welcome.

    thanks a lot...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
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