Please tell me why Israel does not want peace? Please explain what advantage a shooting war or continued military operations against the Palestinians gains them?
It's pretty well recognized that Isreal wants to negotiate a two-state solution, yet they have no counter part to negotiate with. The Palestinian authority is in shambles after a bloody civil war last year between Hamas and Fatah.
Hamas has now taken control of Gaza, and what have they done since? They have their own autonomous region that shares a border with Eygpt and a pristine coastline on the Medeteranean. Gaza has plenty of resources and should have no trouble obtaining hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars from oil rich Arab neighbors who would like to see the Palestinians thrive.
Where are the signs of civil society in Gaza? There have been no Isrealis soldiers there, sans the recent invasion, in two years!
Actually, it is Hamas, not Israel who benefits from tension and conflict. If the people of Gaza put their effort and resources towards building a civil society and leaving Isreal alone - then not many people would be interested in firing rockets into Isreal (as this would be counteractive to their objectives)
Who wants to build infasctructure and bring order, while inviting the Isrealis to drop bombs on it????? It just doesn't make sense.
If the people of Gaza were to prosper, they would turn away from the objectibves of Hamas (constant war with Israel).
Hamas is a group that was established as a result of Israeli policy. If it wasnt' for Israeli gunships and tanks and soliders and their numerous cross-border attacks, groups like Hamas wouldn't exist. The Palestinian people could then focus on their society and infrastructure. Israel has created this, remember it didnt' exist pre 1946.
Hamas is a group that was established as a result of Israeli policy. If it wasnt' for Israeli gunships and tanks and soliders and their numerous cross-border attacks, groups like Hamas wouldn't exist. The Palestinian people could then focus on their society and infrastructure. Israel has created this, remember it didnt' exist pre 1946.
Even if Israel is the ONLY cause of the problem (highly debatable), they still cannot solve the problem solo. Palestinians must take an active hand as well. The possibility that a situation has one proximal cause does not mean that the problem can be solved only by focusing on said cause ... There are likely maintaining factors that need to be addressed as well (e.g., groups like Hamas whose ideology has become insufferable).
Even if Israel is the ONLY cause of the problem (highly debatable), they still cannot solve the problem solo. Palestinians must take an active hand as well. The possibility that a situation has one proximal cause does not mean that the problem can be solved only by focusing on said cause ... There are likely maintaining factors that need to be addressed as well (e.g., groups like Hamas whose ideology has become insufferable).
Just as Israel's 'extremely aggressive, inhumane and very disproportionate use of force to solve their problems' ideology has become insufferable.
How would you advise the Palestinians to solve the problems they face in Israel's unending aggression towards them?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Just as Israel's 'extremely aggressive, inhumane and very disproportionate use of force to solve their problems' ideology has become insufferable.
How would you advise the Palestinians to solve the problems they face in Israel's unending aggression towards them?
Well, I'd avoid speaking of them as if they were broken-down invalids who have absolutely no abilities of self-determination. These are people, not just wreaks that are there for the Israeli's sick amusement. Given a people some credit, some encouragement to make changes, and they'll probably be able to do so ... And the changes themselves? Renounce terrorism and use violence only in ways that the international community can accept (i.e., self-defense). Pursuing the goal of nation-building without using Islamic fundamentalism to provide the justification. Focus on those things that a people must focus on to improve their own economic and social livelihoods. Absolutely, the Israelis must abide by the same principles, they must do their part, they must show restraint in the face of provocation .... Both sides will have to make sacrifices and make changes. Some Palestinians are already working in these directions. Unfortunately, they are a split society, geographically and socioculturally. It is probably asking a bit much of the moderate Palestinian factions to deal with Hamas without any sort of aid. And the Israelis probably cannot legitimately provide this aid. Where is the rest of the Arab world? The truth is, they all hate Isreal (like some people on this board), but they also view the Palestinians as a cause that is not worth their effort. They are content to sit there and let fundamentalism fester in their own lands, hurl meaningless UN resolutions at Israel, and basically just pay the problem lip service. The countries of the Middle East say they want a hand in fixing problems in the region, but in truth its going to be the Americans who broker a deal for a Palestinian state.
Well, I'd avoid speaking of them as if they were broken-down invalids who have absolutely no abilities of self-determination. These are people, not just wreaks that are there for the Israeli's sick amusement. Given a people some credit, some encouragement to make changes, and they'll probably be able to do so ... And the changes themselves? Renounce terrorism and use violence only in ways that the international community can accept (i.e., self-defense). Pursuing the goal of nation-building without using Islamic fundamentalism to provide the justification. Focus on those things that a people must focus on to improve their own economic and social livelihoods. Absolutely, the Israelis must abide by the same principles, they must do their part, they must show restraint in the face of provocation .... Both sides will have to make sacrifices and make changes. Some Palestinians are already working in these directions. Unfortunately, they are a split society, geographically and socioculturally. It is probably asking a bit much of the moderate Palestinian factions to deal with Hamas without any sort of aid. And the Israelis probably cannot legitimately provide this aid. Where is the rest of the Arab world? The truth is, they all hate Isreal (like some people on this board), but they also view the Palestinians as a cause that is not worth their effort. They are content to sit there and let fundamentalism fester in their own lands, hurl meaningless UN resolutions at Israel, and basically just pay the problem lip service. The countries of the Middle East say they want a hand in fixing problems in the region, but in truth its going to be the Americans who broker a deal for a Palestinian state.
Thank you for the refreshingly reasonable reply on this. It's so much better than the 'they deserve everything they get' type replies that can only manage to view this issue in such a one-sided manner.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
For the sake of your question we'll pretend I'm a Palestinian. If I haven't been brainwashed by my family and friends, I might realize that Israel has treated and still treats me with disrespect.
Would you consider that Israel has 'treated you with disrespect' if an Israeli sniper shoots your ten year old sister in the head? Would you consider that Israel has 'treated you with disrespect' if an Israeli bulldozer flattens your house and your land is stolen? Would you consider that Israel has 'treated you with disrespect' if they fire a missile into a crowded street outside your house and kill 30 people including your intire family?
I would rather lose my house than instigate a shooting conflict with a superior military. I would not want a 12 year old girls blood on my hand.
So, what you're saying is that if any Palestinian resists the Israeli violence and the occupation and a 12 year old Palestinian girl is murdered by an Israeli sniper, then it's the Palestinians who have that girls blood on their hands?
Excuse me for thinking it is complete bullshit for Hamas to fire rockets into Israel, WHICH THEY KNOW WILL DRAW A FORCEFUL RESPONSE, and then claim the victim card when Israel rolls in with a superior military and lays waste.
A bit like the Jewish partisan groups who resisted the Nazi occupation of Europe during world war 2. Those idiots should have known that resisting the Nazis would draw a forceful response - therefore the Jews have the blood on their hands of all of the Jews who were slaughtered during world war 2, right? And they even had the audacity to play the victim card aswell!!
Israel acts like a big bully. So why do you want to antogonize the bully and instagate violence? This is just pissin in the wind on the part of the Palestinians.
This is assuming that it's the Palestinians who are instigating the violence.
However, the facts are somewhat different: Notwithstanding the ongoing, daily incursions into Gaza, and the hundreds of Palestinians being killed every month - Israel is engaged in a brutal, illegal occupation, and is continuing to build more and more illegal settlements on Palestinian land, in the face of international opposition - excluding their U.S sponsor. This itself constitutes instigating violence. Israel is engaged in 24 hour violence against the Palestinians. What little resistance Hamas, or anybody else, is able to put up, pales in comparison.
But then I'm talking to someone who believes that Israel is the victim, and that the Palestinians are responsible for the crimes being committed against themselves, so what's the point?
Thank you for the refreshingly reasonable reply on this. It's so much better than the 'they deserve everything they get' type replies that can only manage to view this issue in such a one-sided manner.
I think the larger point people might not think about as often is the position Israel is put in politically when Hamas commits acts of terrorism against the Jewish state.
If the Israeli's are persecuting, stealing land, supressing Palestinians, etc. then by all means they should resist. But their resistance should take the form of civil disobediane, not terrorism. They should make sure that their house is in order and their dealings are handled properly before pointing the finger at Israel.
So when Hamas encourages Palestinians to fire rockets at Israeli towns, by the way the have fired over 4,000 in two years - it limits Israel's response.
They cannot negotiate with a regular bunch of terrorists. Hamas has to be on some level a legitimate partner for diplomacy to work, and so far that is not happening.
Israel have Gaza to the Palestinians two years ago, and the world watched with baited breath to see what they would do with it. In that time we have witnessed a Palestinian civil war, the election of Hamas and continued agression against Isreal.
This makes it hard to believe that Hamas really wants to settle this thing.
I think the larger point people might not think about as often is the position Israel is put in politically when Hamas commits acts of terrorism against the Jewish state.
And what you obviously don't think about is the fact that Israel commits acts of terrorism against the Palestinians on a daily basis. But then you clearly base your understanding of the situation on nothing but the mainstream U.S media, so it's not surprising.
Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians two years ago, and the world watched with baited breath to see what they would do with it. In that time we have witnessed a Palestinian civil war, the election of Hamas and continued agression against Isreal.
Israel gave back a portion of the land they stole and then reoccupied it again less than two months later, whilst continuing to build settlements in other areas of the West bank, and whilst continuing to carry out extra judicial killings, random incursions, missile attacks and the bulldozing of Palestinian homes.
And just in case you were wondering, the election of Hamas came before the U.S engineered civil war between Hamas and Fatah.
It's pretty well recognized that Isreal wants to negotiate a two-state solution, yet they have no counter part to negotiate with. The Palestinian authority is in shambles after a bloody civil war last year between Hamas and Fatah.
Pretty well recognized by whom? Obviously not by the Palestinians. Israel must have an image problem. Recognizing Israel's main objective is difficult. If the strategic objective is to trade something for peace and security, then that something must be conserved so there is enough to make a bargin. But Israel does exactly the opposite, continuing to swallow land. The Palestinian moderates can be expected to interpret the imposing fact of growing settlements as an indication of Israel's objective; more land, or peace.
Hamas has now taken control of Gaza, and what have they done since? They have their own autonomous region that shares a border with Eygpt and a pristine coastline on the Medeteranean. Gaza has plenty of resources and should have no trouble obtaining hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars from oil rich Arab neighbors who would like to see the Palestinians thrive.
Where are the signs of civil society in Gaza? There have been no Isrealis soldiers there, sans the recent invasion, in two years!
Israel retained absolute authority of Gaza airspace and coastline. Israel obstructs humanitarian aid into Gaza and commerce out of Gaza. Israel fires shells into Gaza.
Actually, it is Hamas, not Israel who benefits from tension and conflict. If the people of Gaza put their effort and resources towards building a civil society and leaving Isreal alone - then not many people would be interested in firing rockets into Isreal (as this would be counteractive to their objectives)
Who wants to build infasctructure and bring order, while inviting the Isrealis to drop bombs on it????? It just doesn't make sense.
If the people of Gaza were to prosper, they would turn away from the objectibves of Hamas (constant war with Israel).
Israel benefits by stealing land while peace is stalled. Hamas benefits politically as you have noted. For Israel to succeed in reaching peace, it should help maintain a basis for Palestinian moderation, not undercut it.
I think the larger point people might not think about as often is the position Israel is put in politically when Hamas commits acts of terrorism against the Jewish state.
I think the even more gargantuan point you might not think about as often is the position Palestine is put in politically when Israel commits acts of thievery, apartheid and violence against the Palestinians. And I could contend this point is larger than the point you mentioned because the political situation in Palestine is largely more unstable than the political situation in Israel.
If the Israeli's are persecuting, stealing land, supressing Palestinians, etc. then by all means they should resist. But their resistance should take the form of civil disobediane, not terrorism. They should make sure that their house is in order and their dealings are handled properly before pointing the finger at Israel.
Perhaps, but it is our house NCfan that is paying for Israel to persecute, steal land, and supress Palestinians, etc. If the goal of my tax dollars is to support Israeli expansion then I would encourage resistance in the form of terrorism. That will allow Israel to justify thievery, violence, and apartheid by claiming they are limited to such a response...
So when Hamas encourages Palestinians to fire rockets at Israeli towns, by the way the have fired over 4,000 in two years - it limits Israel's response.
They cannot negotiate with a regular bunch of terrorists. Hamas has to be on some level a legitimate partner for diplomacy to work, and so far that is not happening.
Israel was unable to negotiate peace with the secular PLO. It may be because they never made an offer designed to be acceptable. You may disagree and we can discuss this further if you wish. But failure to deliver peace by Israel and the PLO led to the rise of the more extreme Hamas.
Israel have Gaza to the Palestinians two years ago, and the world watched with baited breath to see what they would do with it. In that time we have witnessed a Palestinian civil war, the election of Hamas and continued agression against Isreal.
Watched with baited breath? Don't tell me you are surprised at the outcome.
The big guy screwing the little guy....who actually supports that?
Run around stealing land and killing, controlling lives inhumanely, and depriving viciously because they can but ultimaltely know they shouldn't...but don't care.
Steal more land...steal more's never stops.
They'd (and those that support this) would be better off serving humanity as lawn fertilizer...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Hamas has now taken control of Gaza, and what have they done since? They have their own autonomous region that shares a border with Eygpt and a pristine coastline on the Medeteranean. Gaza has plenty of resources and should have no trouble obtaining hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars from oil rich Arab neighbors who would like to see the Palestinians thrive.
Yep, things are just rosy in Gaza. It's like a regular holiday destination. In fact, why don't you book a holiday there NCfan??
'Israel prevents the import of a list of specific essential humanitarian goods requested by aid agencies, including some fuel supplies, spare parts, cement, technical assistance and cotton for hygiene items.
Travel in and out of Gaza is all but impossible and supplies of food and water, as well as sewage treatment and basic healthcare can no longer be taken for granted.
Food prices are rising and wheat flour, baby milk and cooking oil are increasingly scarce.
A joint Israeli-Palestinian agreement in November 2005 has not succeeded in allowing cross-border access and movement to bolster the Gazan economy.
On average 12 export trucks a day passed through Karni goods crossing during 2006 - a fraction of the intended number.
Supplies to Gaza, intended to be 250 trucks a day, are limited to 45 trucks a day.'
Hamas is a group that was established as a result of Israeli policy. If it wasnt' for Israeli gunships and tanks and soliders and their numerous cross-border attacks, groups like Hamas wouldn't exist. The Palestinian people could then focus on their society and infrastructure. Israel has created this, remember it didnt' exist pre 1946.
Even if Israel is the ONLY cause of the problem (highly debatable), they still cannot solve the problem solo. Palestinians must take an active hand as well. The possibility that a situation has one proximal cause does not mean that the problem can be solved only by focusing on said cause ... There are likely maintaining factors that need to be addressed as well (e.g., groups like Hamas whose ideology has become insufferable).
Just as Israel's 'extremely aggressive, inhumane and very disproportionate use of force to solve their problems' ideology has become insufferable.
How would you advise the Palestinians to solve the problems they face in Israel's unending aggression towards them?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Well, I'd avoid speaking of them as if they were broken-down invalids who have absolutely no abilities of self-determination. These are people, not just wreaks that are there for the Israeli's sick amusement. Given a people some credit, some encouragement to make changes, and they'll probably be able to do so ... And the changes themselves? Renounce terrorism and use violence only in ways that the international community can accept (i.e., self-defense). Pursuing the goal of nation-building without using Islamic fundamentalism to provide the justification. Focus on those things that a people must focus on to improve their own economic and social livelihoods. Absolutely, the Israelis must abide by the same principles, they must do their part, they must show restraint in the face of provocation .... Both sides will have to make sacrifices and make changes. Some Palestinians are already working in these directions. Unfortunately, they are a split society, geographically and socioculturally. It is probably asking a bit much of the moderate Palestinian factions to deal with Hamas without any sort of aid. And the Israelis probably cannot legitimately provide this aid. Where is the rest of the Arab world? The truth is, they all hate Isreal (like some people on this board), but they also view the Palestinians as a cause that is not worth their effort. They are content to sit there and let fundamentalism fester in their own lands, hurl meaningless UN resolutions at Israel, and basically just pay the problem lip service. The countries of the Middle East say they want a hand in fixing problems in the region, but in truth its going to be the Americans who broker a deal for a Palestinian state.
Thank you for the refreshingly reasonable reply on this. It's so much better than the 'they deserve everything they get' type replies that can only manage to view this issue in such a one-sided manner.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Would you consider that Israel has 'treated you with disrespect' if an Israeli sniper shoots your ten year old sister in the head? Would you consider that Israel has 'treated you with disrespect' if an Israeli bulldozer flattens your house and your land is stolen? Would you consider that Israel has 'treated you with disrespect' if they fire a missile into a crowded street outside your house and kill 30 people including your intire family?
So, what you're saying is that if any Palestinian resists the Israeli violence and the occupation and a 12 year old Palestinian girl is murdered by an Israeli sniper, then it's the Palestinians who have that girls blood on their hands?
A bit like the Jewish partisan groups who resisted the Nazi occupation of Europe during world war 2. Those idiots should have known that resisting the Nazis would draw a forceful response - therefore the Jews have the blood on their hands of all of the Jews who were slaughtered during world war 2, right? And they even had the audacity to play the victim card aswell!!
This is assuming that it's the Palestinians who are instigating the violence.
However, the facts are somewhat different: Notwithstanding the ongoing, daily incursions into Gaza, and the hundreds of Palestinians being killed every month - Israel is engaged in a brutal, illegal occupation, and is continuing to build more and more illegal settlements on Palestinian land, in the face of international opposition - excluding their U.S sponsor. This itself constitutes instigating violence. Israel is engaged in 24 hour violence against the Palestinians. What little resistance Hamas, or anybody else, is able to put up, pales in comparison.
But then I'm talking to someone who believes that Israel is the victim, and that the Palestinians are responsible for the crimes being committed against themselves, so what's the point?
I think the larger point people might not think about as often is the position Israel is put in politically when Hamas commits acts of terrorism against the Jewish state.
If the Israeli's are persecuting, stealing land, supressing Palestinians, etc. then by all means they should resist. But their resistance should take the form of civil disobediane, not terrorism. They should make sure that their house is in order and their dealings are handled properly before pointing the finger at Israel.
So when Hamas encourages Palestinians to fire rockets at Israeli towns, by the way the have fired over 4,000 in two years - it limits Israel's response.
They cannot negotiate with a regular bunch of terrorists. Hamas has to be on some level a legitimate partner for diplomacy to work, and so far that is not happening.
Israel have Gaza to the Palestinians two years ago, and the world watched with baited breath to see what they would do with it. In that time we have witnessed a Palestinian civil war, the election of Hamas and continued agression against Isreal.
This makes it hard to believe that Hamas really wants to settle this thing.
And what you obviously don't think about is the fact that Israel commits acts of terrorism against the Palestinians on a daily basis. But then you clearly base your understanding of the situation on nothing but the mainstream U.S media, so it's not surprising.
Israel gave back a portion of the land they stole and then reoccupied it again less than two months later, whilst continuing to build settlements in other areas of the West bank, and whilst continuing to carry out extra judicial killings, random incursions, missile attacks and the bulldozing of Palestinian homes.
And just in case you were wondering, the election of Hamas came before the U.S engineered civil war between Hamas and Fatah.
Who doesn't want peace?
While peace is stalled Israel is stealing land.
Pretty well recognized by whom? Obviously not by the Palestinians. Israel must have an image problem. Recognizing Israel's main objective is difficult. If the strategic objective is to trade something for peace and security, then that something must be conserved so there is enough to make a bargin. But Israel does exactly the opposite, continuing to swallow land. The Palestinian moderates can be expected to interpret the imposing fact of growing settlements as an indication of Israel's objective; more land, or peace.
Israel retained absolute authority of Gaza airspace and coastline. Israel obstructs humanitarian aid into Gaza and commerce out of Gaza. Israel fires shells into Gaza.
Israel benefits by stealing land while peace is stalled. Hamas benefits politically as you have noted. For Israel to succeed in reaching peace, it should help maintain a basis for Palestinian moderation, not undercut it.
I think the even more gargantuan point you might not think about as often is the position Palestine is put in politically when Israel commits acts of thievery, apartheid and violence against the Palestinians. And I could contend this point is larger than the point you mentioned because the political situation in Palestine is largely more unstable than the political situation in Israel.
Perhaps, but it is our house NCfan that is paying for Israel to persecute, steal land, and supress Palestinians, etc. If the goal of my tax dollars is to support Israeli expansion then I would encourage resistance in the form of terrorism. That will allow Israel to justify thievery, violence, and apartheid by claiming they are limited to such a response...
...and I can blame the Palestinians.
Israel was unable to negotiate peace with the secular PLO. It may be because they never made an offer designed to be acceptable. You may disagree and we can discuss this further if you wish. But failure to deliver peace by Israel and the PLO led to the rise of the more extreme Hamas.
Watched with baited breath? Don't tell me you are surprised at the outcome.
Hamas is one aspect of a very complicated problem.
Run around stealing land and killing, controlling lives inhumanely, and depriving viciously because they can but ultimaltely know they shouldn't...but don't care.
Steal more land...steal more's never stops.
They'd (and those that support this) would be better off serving humanity as lawn fertilizer...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yep, things are just rosy in Gaza. It's like a regular holiday destination. In fact, why don't you book a holiday there NCfan??
Gaza's humanitarian crisis
'Israel prevents the import of a list of specific essential humanitarian goods requested by aid agencies, including some fuel supplies, spare parts, cement, technical assistance and cotton for hygiene items.
Travel in and out of Gaza is all but impossible and supplies of food and water, as well as sewage treatment and basic healthcare can no longer be taken for granted.
Food prices are rising and wheat flour, baby milk and cooking oil are increasingly scarce.
A joint Israeli-Palestinian agreement in November 2005 has not succeeded in allowing cross-border access and movement to bolster the Gazan economy.
On average 12 export trucks a day passed through Karni goods crossing during 2006 - a fraction of the intended number.
Supplies to Gaza, intended to be 250 trucks a day, are limited to 45 trucks a day.'
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2007 - Israel mounts major Gaza incursion
September 15, 2007 - Israel Sends Tanks Into Gaza StriP
14 August 2007 - Israeli strikes kill six in Gaza
June 27, 2007 - Israeli raids into Gaza Strip leave 13 dead
Weekly Report on Israeli human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 13 - 18 Mar 2008
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
- 4 Palestinians were killed by IOF in the Gaza Strip.
- 12 Palestinians, including 3 children, a woman and a mentally disabled person, were wounded by IOF in the Gaza Strip.
- 3 civilians, including 2 human rights defenders, were wounded by IOF in the West Bank.
- IOF conducted 44 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank.
- IOF arrested 53 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children.
- IOF raided and searched a number of cultural centers.
- IOF have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT.
- IOF have isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.
- 3 Palestinian civilian were arrested by IOF at military checkpoints in the West Bank.
- IOF have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attacks Palestinian civilians and property.
- The construction of 2,200 housing units in East Jerusalem was approved.
- Israeli settlers attacked a school in Hebron.