Israeli Sniper Takes 12-Year-Old Girl's Life

RolandTD20KdrummerRolandTD20Kdrummer Posts: 13,066
edited March 2008 in A Moving Train
Sad story...

"I put my hand on her chest to stop the streaming blood. She told me that she could not breathe, her body trembled and she closed her eyes," said Ra'd Abu Saif of his 12-year-old daughter Safa's last moments after she was shot by an Israeli sniper last Saturday.

Safa was shot in the left side of her chest while she was inside her home in Jabaliya, northern Gaza. An ambulance tried to reach her but Israeli soldiers opened fire at it, wounding a paramedic and causing the tires to lose air, and so she bled to death three hours after she was wounded.

Her 39-year-old father Ra'd, 37-year-old mother Samar, and the rest of Safa's family surrounded her, praying for her safety. Her father pressed on the wound while her brother Ali held her hands as her body was severely trembling. She asked her father to help her to breathe.

"Dad, I cannot breathe, all of you leave me please, let me breathe, enough, enough," were Safa's last words, according to her father.

Ra'd tried CPR, but he failed. No more pulse and no more breath.

Safa had gone to fetch some clothes from the second floor when, according to Ra'd, "the Israeli sniper on a nearby building shot her in her chest."

The gunshot penetrated both her chest and the door of the room, and blood poured from her chest and back.

"I heard a gunshot and soon her scream filled the house. I went upstairs, [and saw] her knees gave in and slowly she fell down while calling for her mother," said her 17-year-old brother Ali.

Her father carried his wounded daughter and tried to evacuate her to the hospital but when he reached the door of the house, his brothers prevented him from leaving as Israeli snipers were shooting anything moving.

Several phone calls later, the ambulance center told the family to evacuate the girl. Her mother Samar carried Safa but as soon as she left the house, the Israeli soldiers opened fire at her and the wounded girl fell to the ground. Samar dragged her into the house.

While Safa laid dying, the family waited as explosions, gunshots, drones and helicopters sounded all around them. Israeli forces cut the electricity and shot the water tanks on the roof. The radio and mobile phone batteries lost their power."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.

( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    another senseless death.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • spiral outspiral out Posts: 1,052
    Thats so sad. Indeed another senseless death.
    Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!

    The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    We are all aware of the cycle of violence in this region. I don't want to advocate that the Palestinians need to "give in", but I surely think they need to reassess their position and alter their approach.

    From Ghandi to MLK, history has shown that non-violent protest (especially when you are in the right) will yield far more results than waging a guerilla war against your oppressors.

    With every suicide bomb, whether it is justified or not, the Palestinians lose respect and their ability to negotiate. Their standing is diminished, and their goals are pushed farther out of their reach.

    To see that the Israeli's are in the position of power is not to advocate their side, it is just the reality of the situation. They can continue to do what they please with little consequence.

    Until the Palestinians change course the cycle of violence will keep going round and round.
  • NCfan wrote:
    We are all aware of the cycle of violence in this region. I don't want to advocate that the Palestinians need to "give in", but I surely think they need to reassess their position and alter their approach.

    From Ghandi to MLK, history has shown that non-violent protest (especially when you are in the right) will yield far more results than waging a guerilla war against your oppressors.

    With every suicide bomb, whether it is justified or not, the Palestinians lose respect and their ability to negotiate. Their standing is diminished, and their goals are pushed farther out of their reach.

    To see that the Israeli's are in the position of power is not to advocate their side, it is just the reality of the situation. They can continue to do what they please with little consequence.

    Until the Palestinians change course the cycle of violence will keep going round and round.

    Man, not to be a dick but what does any of that have to do with a 12 year old getting sniped?
  • inside her own house mind you...

    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • spiral outspiral out Posts: 1,052
    NCfan wrote:
    We are all aware of the cycle of violence in this region. I don't want to advocate that the Palestinians need to "give in", but I surely think they need to reassess their position and alter their approach.

    From Ghandi to MLK, history has shown that non-violent protest (especially when you are in the right) will yield far more results than waging a guerilla war against your oppressors.

    With every suicide bomb, whether it is justified or not, the Palestinians lose respect and their ability to negotiate. Their standing is diminished, and their goals are pushed farther out of their reach.

    To see that the Israeli's are in the position of power is not to advocate their side, it is just the reality of the situation. They can continue to do what they please with little consequence.

    Until the Palestinians change course the cycle of violence will keep going round and round.

    Why do you feel it is the Palestinians who need to change the way they behave? Surely that can also be said for the Israelis, what is it that gives the Israelis the right to treat people like this? Oh yes i forgot the unquestionable support from the west.

    But yea it has nothing to do with the little girl, what are your thoughts on that?
    Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!

    The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
  • The deal is big guy rips off the little guy. There is no "deal" here except a raw one. I can bet the same people that think the Palestinians should lie down and make "deals" would themselves revolt when their government or some huge corporation bears down on them , and turns the screws on their land ownership via some "deal" whereby they sign their rights away. Then you'll hear it...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    inside her own house mind you...

    well, she was obviously firing rocket attacks and might have even demolished a dog house with one of those rockets...
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    It’s an ongoing vicious cycle. I hate to sound like a Debbie Downer but this is never going to end. The more I look at this world the more fucked up it is. I have come to the conclusion that people just don't give a shit anymore. They are concerned about writer’s strikes then they are about real issues. The systems we live in are so contaminated and have been for many, many years that it is impossible to get out of. I know this is a little off subject but its how I feel. I do not have any kids and my girlfriend (of 3 years known each other 12) and I do not believe in marriage and she wants to have kids. But lately I have been thinking do I want to bring a kid into this fucked up world. Don't get me wrong we both do very well and have no financial burden are very happy and I know we would be great parents but I am seriously having doubts about bringing a child into this world. Again, sorry for being off subject...
  • agreed....sad story.

    blow up cafes and buses = loss of many innocent lives

    snipers = loss of one innocent life

    when one life is lost, a name is attached to it.
    when many lives are lost, it is a nameless event.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    NCfan wrote:
    We are all aware of the cycle of violence in this region. I don't want to advocate that the Palestinians need to "give in", but I surely think they need to reassess their position and alter their approach.

    From Ghandi to MLK, history has shown that non-violent protest (especially when you are in the right) will yield far more results than waging a guerilla war against your oppressors.

    Tell that to the Algerians. Tell it to the Vietnamese. think that India won independence from Colonial rule without violent protest? And you think the blacks in the U.S turned the other cheek?
    What planet are you on?
    NCfan wrote:
    With every suicide bomb, whether it is justified or not, the Palestinians lose respect and their ability to negotiate. Their standing is diminished, and their goals are pushed farther out of their reach.

    To see that the Israeli's are in the position of power is not to advocate their side, it is just the reality of the situation. They can continue to do what they please with little consequence.

    Until the Palestinians change course the cycle of violence will keep going round and round.

    Until people like yourself cease being passive supporters of Israeli terrorism and cease believing the pro-Israeli propaganda spewed out by the western media on a daily basis, then these atrocities will continue.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    agreed....sad story.

    blow up cafes and buses = loss of many innocent lives

    snipers = loss of one innocent life

    when one life is lost, a name is attached to it.
    when many lives are lost, it is a nameless event.

    in the past month 120 Palestinians have been killed, compared with just two Israelis. This is the norm in that region.
    What was your point again?
  • Religion has utterly failed in that region. If suicide bombers actually realized that they weren't going to go on some magical Disneyland afterlife experience by blowing themselves up in the name of God, then it might be different. If Israeli's didn't think God gave them exclusive rights to that land via a book of ancient parables (aka stories) then it would be different. It would just be probably normal instead of insane. One could argue strongly that religion has made both these peoples certifiably insane.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,615
    that is toatlly fucked up being a father of an 11yr old girl myself this kind of senseless taken of a life no matter wich side it's on is totally fucked up ,both sides will never ever get along never never in our life times & probably my kids also ,they are back to biblical times over there you kill one of us we take one of your's .......RIP young girl :(......
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • flywallyflyflywallyfly Posts: 1,453
    agreed....sad story.

    blow up cafes and buses = loss of many innocent lives

    snipers = loss of one innocent life

    when one life is lost, a name is attached to it.
    when many lives are lost, it is a nameless event.

    You left out F-16's dropping bombs on nameless innocents. You forgot nameless kids and farmers blowing off limbs from leftover cluster bombs. Nameless event my ass.
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    You left out F-16's dropping bombs on nameless innocents. You forgot nameless kids and farmers blowing off limbs from leftover cluster bombs. Nameless event my ass.

    His comments were typical of the skewered thinking of many people in the west who sit blinking at the mainstream media, lapping it all up unthinkingly.
    Kind of makes you despair, doesn't it?
  • It's all very Ironic. Maybe the real sign the end times is near is really when the place that religion started so to speak has in fact become hell on earth.

    Messed up large... when do the participants sit back and realize what has become?

    "we followed god's word as it was written, and created hell"
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • agreed....sad story.

    blow up cafes and buses = loss of many innocent lives

    snipers = loss of one innocent life

    when one life is lost, a name is attached to it.
    when many lives are lost, it is a nameless event.

    I think they might have meant that it's easier to focus on the sadness and how shocking the story is when it's just one person. You're able to read details about the last moments of this persons life instead of seeing "the suicide bomber maimed 24 people and killed 6 others". We know this young girl was laying on the floor for three hours, slowly dying because help wasn't allowed to come. We know just what happened to Safa. I think that may be what the poster meant.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    how does one live with themselves if they are the sniper?? ... how do you pull the trigger on a 12-year old girl?

    i don't know the validity of this story but if it's true - it really shows what people are capable of ...
  • polaris wrote:
    how does one live with themselves if they are the sniper?? ... how do you pull the trigger on a 12-year old girl?

    i don't know the validity of this story but if it's true - it really shows what people are capable of ...

    It's true.
  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Tell that to the Algerians. Tell it to the Vietnamese. think that India won independence from Colonial rule without violent protest? And you think the blacks in the U.S turned the other cheek?
    What planet are you on?

    Until people like yourself cease being passive supporters of Israeli terrorism and cease believing the pro-Israeli propaganda spewed out by the western media on a daily basis, then these atrocities will continue.

    Good grief, what a bunch of stupid comparisons. Palestine is not some "colony" a thousand or ten thousand miles away. That makes a huge diffence.

    But the glaring oversight on your part is that Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world, and Palestine basically doesn't have one at all. They have a bunch of small arms and suicide bombs.

    Hate to break it to you buddy, but there is no way in the world that the Palestinians are going to win consessions from the Israelis with violence.

    As we have all seen, whatever the Palestinians do out of violence will be revisited on them 10 fold.

    It's people like you who give me no sympathy for the Palestinians. If they had a MLK or Ghandi type leader and the entire people decided to stop their half of the violence, then I would have TONS of sympathy toward them and would point my finger at Israel.
  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    spiral out wrote:
    Why do you feel it is the Palestinians who need to change the way they behave? Surely that can also be said for the Israelis, what is it that gives the Israelis the right to treat people like this? Oh yes i forgot the unquestionable support from the west.

    But yea it has nothing to do with the little girl, what are your thoughts on that?

    The Palestinians need to change becuase their methods are futile! Would anybody care to debate that?

    Israel is in no position to conceed anything due to voilence inflicted on them by the Palestinians. They can withstand whatever the Palestinians throw at them.
  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    spiral out wrote:
    Why do you feel it is the Palestinians who need to change the way they behave? Surely that can also be said for the Israelis, what is it that gives the Israelis the right to treat people like this? Oh yes i forgot the unquestionable support from the west.

    But yea it has nothing to do with the little girl, what are your thoughts on that?

    The Palestinians need to change becuase their methods are futile! Would anybody care to debate that?

    Israel is in no position to conceed anything due to voilence inflicted on them by the Palestinians. They can withstand whatever the Palestinians throw at them.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    NCfan wrote:
    The Palestinians need to change becuase their methods are futile! Would anybody care to debate that?

    Israel is in no position to conceed anything due to voilence inflicted on them by the Palestinians. They can withstand whatever the Palestinians throw at them.

    so ... if we're neighbours and i decide to take food from your garden and then i decide to build a shack in your yard and so on and so on ... are you saying you will do nothing?
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    NCfan wrote:
    Good grief, what a bunch of stupid comparisons. Palestine is not some "colony" a thousand or ten thousand miles away. That makes a huge diffence.
    So apparently, if you're a colony then violent protest works. If not, then it doesn't work? And where did you come up with that? Occupation is occupation. No matter where it is.
    But the glaring oversight on your part is that Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world, and Palestine basically doesn't have one at all. They have a bunch of small arms and suicide bombs.

    Hate to break it to you buddy, but there is no way in the world that the Palestinians are going to win consessions from the Israelis with violence.

    As we have all seen, whatever the Palestinians do out of violence will be revisited on them 10 fold.
    I'm really, really sick of how people seem to think that the Israelis are ALWAYS ONLY RESPONDING TO VIOLENCE FROM THE PALESTINIANS.
    IN FACT, Israel has started the bloodshed MANY times, regardless of what your pathetic news sources will say.

    I'm going to assume you're slow like the rest of them, so allow me to explain what I'm saying:
    No matter what, the Palestinians will suffer under the Israelis. The Palestinians completely surrendering and marching the streets instead is so unrealistic that the fact you brought it up makes me wonder. You do understand that they've been oppressed for 60 years. They're not about to simply walk down the streets like MLK.

    Also, even once they do that, what do you honestly think would happen? All the countries will suddenly go, "You know what? Let's just turn against Israel, and make them stop that... I can't wait till our next UN conference..." Do you know how many resolutions Israel has ignored? The US will still back up Israel, and give them plenty of money. your idea is so flawed and unrealistic that I don't see how you can think it would work.
    It's people like you who give me no sympathy for the Palestinians. If they had a MLK or Ghandi type leader and the entire people decided to stop their half of the violence, then I would have TONS of sympathy toward them and would point my finger at Israel.
  • NCfan wrote:
    The Palestinians need to change becuase their methods are futile! Would anybody care to debate that?

    Israel is in no position to conceed anything due to voilence inflicted on them by the Palestinians. They can withstand whatever the Palestinians throw at them.

    The US will be tucking tail out of Iraq and the whole thing will be considered a failure militarily much like Vietnam, You do realize that right?

    History shows us the mentality of "resistance is futile" does not pan out.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    NCfan wrote:
    The Palestinians need to change becuase their methods are futile! Would anybody care to debate that?

    Israel is in no position to conceed anything due to voilence inflicted on them by the Palestinians. They can withstand whatever the Palestinians throw at them.
    Except for the time they forced the entire Israeli military out of Lebanon, when they invaded all those years ago. With no resistance their would be no palestinian territires.
  • NCfanNCfan Posts: 945
    Look you guys, I doubt there is an international border anywhere on Earth that wasn't formed or influenced by war or fighting.

    Is this fair? No, it is not.

    Should humans be better than this?
    I think so, but I think we can all agree that we haven't gotten that far yet as a species.

    Palestine lost a war in 1948, and ever since then Israel has been the dominant player in the region. Several more wars have ensued, and the Arabs have lost them all.

    At this point, Israel's power is so great and deeply solidified that we cannot even comprehend their nation going away.

    I'm not saying this is right or wrong. I'm not advocating Israel of anything they have done to get where they are. I'm just saying, DAMN, the Palestinians need to wise up and quit throwing generation after generation down the fucking shitter becuase of lost pride and religious fundamentalism.

    I mean, does it make sense for American Indians to try and carve out a state of their own in the U.S.?

    Do they deserve one?
    Hell yes they do.

    Where they fucked over in the 19th and 20th centuries?
    Hell yes they were.

    Same principle. Quit fighting a lost cause. Know when to hold'em and when to fold'em.

    At this point, I think the Israelis and Palestinians are fighting out of pure hate. They hate each other so much, that they cannot fathom living together in peace.
  • shadowcastshadowcast Posts: 2,304
    What if the world decides to start giving back land to the American Indians? Places like Chicago, New York, etc...etc. But, the Indians (i mean no disrespect here) were very, very smart and staring progressing faster than us and making changes to our cities against our beliefs of our free country that we have here. For example taxes us higher on our resources, knocking down land marks...etc...etc. Would you fight back?
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,615
    They hate each other so much, that they cannot fathom living together in peace.

    this quote above is totally true they will never ever coexist let alone live next to eachother in peace .......
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
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