Getting Busted for Pot Can Cost Your Right to Vote...and more



  • surferdude wrote:
    It is a waste. But equally it's a waste for people to knowingly break the law and then complain about the consequences and act as if they've been violated or live in a police state.

    When I get pulled over for speeding I don't give the cop shit or act like I live in a repressive country. I shut up and pay the ticket. I amy even write my member of parliament about our speed limits on certainstretches of highway.

    We all live in a society where for better or worse we've agreed to give up certain freedoms for ourselves in rder to ahev a semblance of law and order. it ain't perfect and it needs continuous work. But I have zero sympathy for people who willingly and knowingly break the law then bitch about the very well publicized consequences.

    I don't see a problem with breaking a law that has no good purpose. I'm not going to submit to this ridiculous law and I'll continue to complain about how stupid it is to have it in place. Just because it's currently illegal doesn't mean I should shut up about it....whether or not I ever get busted, I will still speak my mind. Getting caught doesn't change in the least how dumb this law is in the first place.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • I don't see a problem with breaking a law that has no good purpose. I'm not going to submit to this ridiculous law and I'll continue to complain about how stupid it is to have it in place. Just because it's currently illegal doesn't mean I should shut up about it....whether or not I ever get busted, I will still speak my mind. Getting caught doesn't change in the least how dumb this law is in the first place.

    There's a drug revolution going on right now with young people..

    We're fed up with this 'war on drugs' that does nothing but imprison innocent people and cause the very crime it's supposedly trying to stop. What power would those inner city criminals selling drugs have if they were legal? Fucking none.

    Not to mention our prison system is so overcrowded that people are sleeping on mats on the mother fucking floors 3 or 4 to a cell,... drug addicts (not marijuana btw..) are sent to rot in a crowded cell for years without any kind of rehabilition. Untreated withdrawal symptoms and aboslutely nothing to stop them from using heroin again as soon as they get out of jail. It's a revolving door system created by the very people supposedly trying to 'fight crime'. It fucking stinks.

    But anyway.. I agree with your post :rolleyes:
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..

    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • Here's a thought...don't complain about taxes, especially right after you file your return. You knew you lived in a place that made you pay. Don't bitch about the bloated knew it was that way before you began working and paying income taxes.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    You seem to have a misconception of why i want a quick, instant test first... its not for the people that ARE getting hot and driving... its for those that ARE NOT getting high and driving. The current tests are piss and blood... both of which require a little bit of time to process. Blood is invasive, You dont always have to piss

    If im driving and swerve to avoid hitting a dog, and a cop pulls me over and suspects im drunk- i take a breathalyzer, pass, get maybe a ticket for what he pulled me over in the first place, and i can continue on to my destination.

    If i have to take a piss test because he no longer needs probable cause to assume im high (because its a legal everyday substance), all of a sudden, even though i dont smoke pot, i have to either wait, go to the station or lord knows what- but none of it results in me getting to my destination.

    Additional inconvience to the general public just so a small minority can get high is not a trade off I want to make. Id be trading some of my freedoms so you could have yours.

    There are a couple of problems with this. A cop can't give you a breathalyzer just because it's an everyday substance. I believe they do need probable cause (correct me if I'm wrong). Granted, it's easy for them to construct that cause….but how often have you gotten tested because you swerved to avoid a dog? It should be no different with pot.

    Also, it's no small minority. Some estimates put the percentage of people that have tried pot at well over 70%.
    So you think your couple of hours of inconvenience, probably caused by your own bad driving (like I said, I can't see police randomly testing people and doing all that paperwork without probable cause), is a good enough reason to continue to hold over half a million non-violent people prisoner for a personal choice while we wait for a better roadside test? Pretty selfish if you ask me...
  • There are a couple of problems with this. A cop can't give you a breathalyzer just because it's an everyday substance. I believe they do need probable cause (correct me if I'm wrong). Granted, it's easy for them to construct that cause….but how often have you gotten tested because you swerved to avoid a dog? It should be no different with pot.

    Also, it's no small minority. Some estimates put the percentage of people that have tried pot at well over 70%.
    So you think your couple of hours of inconvenience, probably caused by your own bad driving (like I said, I can't see police randomly testing people and doing all that paperwork without probable cause), is a good enough reason to continue to hold over half a million non-violent people prisoner for a personal choice while we wait for a better roadside test? Pretty selfish if you ask me...
    Yes, but the core of his point was a good one. I'm a pot smoker, but if I fucked up sober... say I got caught speeding. I don't want to take a huge chunk out of my day for them to test me for being high.

    But in all honesty a toddler could tell you if someone was high if you told him what to look for.

    - red eyes
    - slow talking
    - spaced out
    - "chink eyes"
    - smell of marijuana

    etc. You don't really need science to do this.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..

    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
    Fight the law, not the enforcement!
  • There are a couple of problems with this. A cop can't give you a breathalyzer just because it's an everyday substance. I believe they do need probable cause (correct me if I'm wrong). Granted, it's easy for them to construct that cause….but how often have you gotten tested because you swerved to avoid a dog? It should be no different with pot.

    Also, it's no small minority. Some estimates put the percentage of people that have tried pot at well over 70%.
    So you think your couple of hours of inconvenience, probably caused by your own bad driving (like I said, I can't see police randomly testing people and doing all that paperwork without probable cause), is a good enough reason to continue to hold over half a million non-violent people prisoner for a personal choice while we wait for a better roadside test? Pretty selfish if you ask me...

    the simple act of erratic driving is all the probable cause that they need... and i have been given a breathalyzer once because i swerved to avoid a dog.

    and just because 70% have TRIED pot doesnt mean that 70% still smoke pot. Yes people do it, but i dont think its the majority of the population.

    Even if they were to legalize it, i dont think it would be to the extent that dealers, or repeat offenders would be released from prison and jail- they still broke the law- and chose to do so.... So its not selfish- they made the decisions to get themselves put in jail- not me- so i dont feel the least bit bad that they are in jail...

    and no, it is not at all selfish on any level to expect a proper test to be devised before they legalize a mind altering substance.... and i think it would be incredibly irresponsible to legalize it before coming up with something like that.
  • 1970RR1970RR Posts: 281
    You seem to have a misconception of why i want a quick, instant test first... its not for the people that ARE getting hot and driving... its for those that ARE NOT getting high and driving. The current tests are piss and blood... both of which require a little bit of time to process. Blood is invasive, You dont always have to piss

    If im driving and swerve to avoid hitting a dog, and a cop pulls me over and suspects im drunk- i take a breathalyzer, pass, get maybe a ticket for what he pulled me over in the first place, and i can continue on to my destination.

    If i have to take a piss test because he no longer needs probable cause to assume im high (because its a legal everyday substance), all of a sudden, even though i dont smoke pot, i have to either wait, go to the station or lord knows what- but none of it results in me getting to my destination.

    Additional inconvience to the general public just so a small minority can get high is not a trade off I want to make. Id be trading some of my freedoms so you could have yours.
    The problem with this is there is currently no accepted "level" of marijuana in your system that constitutes impaired driving. As it is now, any amount, regardless of when it was consumed, is considered as impairment for the purposes of driving under the influence charges.

    I believe that tests using some arbitrary chemical level in urine/blood as the sole determining factor in being prosecuted wrong. Arrest and prosecution should be based primarily on a persons driving and use of chemical tests should not be the primary evidence.
  • ecd1973ecd1973 Posts: 30
    But in all honesty a toddler could tell you if someone was high if you told him what to look for.

    - red eyes
    - slow talking
    - spaced out
    - "chink eyes"
    - smell of marijuana

    etc. You don't really need science to do this.

    I had all of those things the other night (minus the smell) from not sleeping for 48 hours.
    A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.

    -- Willy Wonka
  • ecd1973ecd1973 Posts: 30
    Pot and driving...

    Anyone who knows any goddamn thing about marijuana will tell you that, for most people, pot doesn't really impair your driving ability at all (especially not compared to alcohol).

    This is the way it should be handled..

    The vast majority of pot smokers can drive high easily and safely. If you drive high and are safe about it, no crime. You obviously are in a condition which you can drive under, whether or not it's an altered condition.

    The point behind DUI laws isn't (or shouldn't be) that you're fucked up, it's that your ability to drive is compromised. Pot usually doesn't do that. If you think it does, you obviously have no fucking idea what pot does to you.

    If you drive high and hit someone, run a red light, break any kind of traffic law or cause harm to others,.. tack on a stiff DUI to whatever that person did.

    That way safe drivers aren't penalized and those who aren't safe drivers high are held responsible.

    And before you say "this is encouraging people to drive high" think about it.. People are going to do it anyway. All this is doing is using the same logic most people use before they or one of their friends drives high.

    I had a friend who thought the exact same way as you, except about alcohol. He's not my friend any more.

    I've seen people high as a kite who couldn't even find their car keys, much less know how to unlock their car and then operate it. There definitely should be some kind of instant test before it gets legalized. Just because you "know pot doesnt impair your driving ability", doesn't mean that it shouldn't be tested.
    A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.

    -- Willy Wonka

  • The vast majority of pot smokers can drive high easily and safely. If you drive high and are safe about it, no crime. You obviously are in a condition which you can drive under, whether or not it's an altered condition.

    The point behind DUI laws isn't (or shouldn't be) that you're fucked up, it's that your ability to drive is compromised. Pot usually doesn't do that. If you think it does, you obviously have no fucking idea what pot does to you.

    The one problem i have with a lot of the pro pot arguements is the total lack of self awareness that it seems to bring, now granted i am speaking purely from anecdotal evidence....

    They just think they drive as well. Most pot smokers say they drive as well- and in my experience they are almost as bad as drunks- the difference is most drunks acknowledge how bad drunk driving is.
  • The one problem i have with a lot of the pro pot arguements is the total lack of self awareness that it seems to bring, now granted i am speaking purely from anecdotal evidence....

    They just think they drive as well. Most pot smokers say they drive as well- and in my experience they are almost as bad as drunks- the difference is most drunks acknowledge how bad drunk driving is.

    See, I've had the exact opposite experience. I don't smoke pot but I've been in the car with many who do and their driving has always been fine. The only bad wreck I've been in was with someone who didn't smoke and was also sober. There are so many things that can cause wrecks and have been discussed before such as lack of sleep, jittery, talking on the cellphone, arguing, cough medications, otc or prescriptions drugs... all legal. If you want me to make up memories where pot smokers couldn't handle driving I guess I could but why should I admit to something that I've never seen?
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • . If you want me to make up memories where pot smokers couldn't handle driving I guess I could but why should I admit to something that I've never seen?

    did i ask you to do anything of the sort?
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    Yes, but the core of his point was a good one. I'm a pot smoker, but if I fucked up sober... say I got caught speeding. I don't want to take a huge chunk out of my day for them to test me for being high.

    But in all honesty a toddler could tell you if someone was high if you told him what to look for.

    - red eyes
    - slow talking
    - spaced out
    - "chink eyes"
    - smell of marijuana

    etc. You don't really need science to do this.

    Right. If a toddler can figure it out, why do we need an immediate roadside test? And why are people so fearful of being tested when it's so simple to catch? when is the last time you had to do an alcohol breathalyser for a simple traffic infraction? In my experience, police hate being tied down with unnecessary paperwork. Why would they go through all of the inconveniences themselves (waiting for results, etc) without noticing at least one or two of the symptoms you listed? They DO need a better test if they are going to make this an issue, I do not support the police blood testing anyone…..and there are a lot of variables I don't want to get into that affect whether driving with pot in your system is an issue at all…. but in the meantime, we need to stop throwing people in jail.

    the simple act of erratic driving is all the probable cause that they need... and i have been given a breathalyzer once because i swerved to avoid a dog.
    Then you just happened across a cop with nothing better to do….this is the exception to the rule. I would take the bet that it never happens to you again.
    and just because 70% have TRIED pot doesnt mean that 70% still smoke pot. Yes people do it, but i dont think its the majority of the population.
    That's not the point. TRIED or not…that 70% of the population broke the law and should go to jail or at least have a permanent record that takes away their right to vote, travel, etc…..right? If this were a REAL crime, that actually affected people, would you be so willing to let it slide because it was only once? It's a double standard. You're basically condoning 70% of the population for trying it, but condeming the ones that get caught.
    Even if they were to legalize it, i dont think it would be to the extent that dealers, or repeat offenders would be released from prison and jail- they still broke the law- and chose to do so.... So its not selfish- they made the decisions to get themselves put in jail- not me- so i dont feel the least bit bad that they are in jail...
    Do you think the penalties are excessive or not?
    And it's not a decision to get put in jail. It's a decision to not change your relatively harmless lifestyle simply because someone tells you to. The decision to throw people in jail over pot is the problem, not the decision to smoke pot.
    and no, it is not at all selfish on any level to expect a proper test to be devised before they legalize a mind altering substance.... and i think it would be incredibly irresponsible to legalize it before coming up with something like that.
    You said it's about your convenience when being stopped by police, right? What is more irresponsible, locking up half a million non-violent people at a cost of $5 Billion a year, or making a couple hundred people a year have to waste a couple hours?

    1970RR wrote:
    I believe that tests using some arbitrary chemical level in urine/blood as the sole determining factor in being prosecuted wrong. Arrest and prosecution should be based primarily on a persons driving and use of chemical tests should not be the primary evidence.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    Here's a thought...don't complain about taxes, especially right after you file your return. You knew you lived in a place that made you pay. Don't bitch about the bloated knew it was that way before you began working and paying income taxes.

  • PJPOWERPJPOWER Posts: 6,499
    As if us pot smokers voted or adopted children in the first place, lol.............CLASSIC!
  • did i ask you to do anything of the sort?

    No, not directly...but this post suggests these people are not self aware in your eyes, that they don't know their driving is impaired, and that they won't acknowledge what you see to be the truth when they see it differently.

    The one problem i have with a lot of the pro pot arguements is the total lack of self awareness that it seems to bring, now granted i am speaking purely from anecdotal evidence....

    They just think they drive as well. Most pot smokers say they drive as well- and in my experience they are almost as bad as drunks- the difference is most drunks acknowledge how bad drunk driving is.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    surferdude wrote:
    Let me clarify for you. Pro-actively voicing your opinion and working to get laws changed is great and part of what makes democracy great.

    I agree.
    Getting busted then complaining about the consequences is retarded and just mindless bitching. Voicing an opinion that a friend/partner/work buddy has been treated unfairly by the system when all the system has done is applied the law is retarded and just mindless bitching.

    I get what you're saying, I truly do. And I agree with it, but I can't quite explain what I mean.

    If you get busted and get the average punishment for that crime and complain that you got it... that's ... less smart.

    But complaining about how the system itself is ridiculous, is not retarded at all. I mean if there was suddenly a law that prohibited you from buying candy bars because people are getting too fat... and you buy one and they give you a $50 fine you won't like it but you'll accept it, as would I if I get caught with weed. But how is voicing your opinion about that retarded? It would be a ridiculous law and part of fighting it is sharing your opinion with other people. Or would you silently, on your on, work to have the law changed?

    Working to change a law is great in my books. Complaining about the consequences of having a current law applied is just mindless bitching in my books.

    I don't think many people are complaining that the current law is being applied, I think they're complaining that the current law is insanely ridiculous.

    naděje umírá poslední

  • Then you just happened across a cop with nothing better to do….this is the exception to the rule. I would take the bet that it never happens to you again.

    Maybe, maybe not. A cop sees a car swerving at 1 in the morning, i have no problem with them taking 10 minutes to check to make sure the person isnt a threat.. like someone said before, whats wrong with making them work a little??
    That's not the point.
    TRIED or not…that 70% of the population broke the law and should go to jail or at least have a permanent record that takes away their right to vote, travel, etc…..right? If this were a REAL crime, that actually affected people, would you be so willing to let it slide because it was only once? It's a double standard. You're basically condoning 70% of the population for trying it, but condeming the ones that get caught.
    Yes. That IS the point. I brought up the fact a minority of people will benefit from the legalization of marijuana, and then you brought up the irrelevant stat that 70% of people have tried it- that has nothing to do with the fact most people do not smoke on a regular basis.

    and most first time or occasional pot smokers dont get tossed in jail. In fact, id be willing to bet that of your 70% of your people that have tried it, less then half of them has actually ever held onto pot other than when the bowl or bong or joint was in their hand. Most people that "try" it, or used it occasionally have probably either chipped in to a friend that has already bought it, or taken a hit at a concert, or just shared with others around.

    I am part of the 70% that has tried it, a couple of times- but guess what, if i would have gotten caught, i wouldnt be complaining how much bullshit the law is, or how much of an asshole the cop was- when i smoked, i was totally willing to accept the consequences that went with it. The people that are in jail for it have either habitually been caught, been dealing or some other stupid activity involving it....

    Im reminded of a friend who was walking home alone drunk from a party when he was 19. He got a Minor in Possession ticket.... We all know he did something else to draw attention to his condition- he obviously wasnt just walking... the same, in a lot of cases, goes for people that get caught smoking or possessing marijuana--- you have be doing something pretty dumb to get caught.
    Do you think the penalties are excessive or not?
    And it's not a decision to get put in jail. It's a decision to not change your relatively harmless lifestyle simply because someone tells you to. The decision to throw people in jail over pot is the problem, not the decision to smoke pot.

    I dont think they are excessive in most cases- as the ones that are in prison or jail have repeatedly broken a law to the point where they got caught over and over, or went far beyond the idea of just smoking a little for personal use.
    You said it's about your convenience when being stopped by police, right? What is more irresponsible, locking up half a million non-violent people at a cost of $5 Billion a year, or making a couple hundred people a year have to waste a couple hours?

    The couple hundred people a year should not have to sacrifice their freedoms just so you (or others) can legally get high. Sorry, even if it was just one persons convienance id feel the same way. That doesnt mean it shouldnt ever be legalized, but if its already illegal, its irresponsible to legalize it without addressing those concerns. If it was already legal, i wouldnt say to make it illegal because of the same issue... but as it stands- marijuana is illegal- and all concerns should be addressed before you make it legal- especially if those concerns involve safety and could potentially affect people that have no desire to smoke.
  • No, not directly...but this post suggests these people are not self aware in your eyes, that they don't know their driving is impaired, and that they won't acknowledge what you see to be the truth when they see it differently.

    So did you just choose to ignore the entire part where i said i was speaking from purely antecdotel evidence?
  • ecd1973 wrote:
    I had all of those things the other night (minus the smell) from not sleeping for 48 hours.
    And if your driving was erratic and you got pulled over with those symptoms it wouldn't be terribly unreasonable to be tested. Which does beg for an easier way to test for it but doesn't really require it.
    skitch wrote:
    The one problem i have with a lot of the pro pot arguements is the total lack of self awareness that it seems to bring, now granted i am speaking purely from anecdotal evidence....

    They just think they drive as well. Most pot smokers say they drive as well- and in my experience they are almost as bad as drunks- the difference is most drunks acknowledge how bad drunk driving is.
    That's completely the opposite of my experience. If you're just speaking from anecdotal evidence it isn't a very fair assesment.

    I've got friends that I wouldn't let drive high (maybe 2 or 3) but the vast majority of them actually drive a little better high. They're more careful because they know they should be. It all boils down to personal responsibility.

    And alcohol couldn't be more different than marijuana.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..

    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • So did you just choose to ignore the entire part where i said i was speaking from purely antecdotel evidence?

    Nope, but that still didn't take away from the point I just made. You can hold that against the people you had the experience with not the whole 'pro pot argument' because when you bring up people who you've never had an experience with then others are going to refute it with their own experiences.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    Collin wrote:
    I don't think many people are complaining that the current law is being applied, I think they're complaining that the current law is insanely ridiculous.
    I think you may be right. I think I've been a little bullheaded here.

    Like I said I want pot legalized so we can tax it. I just also want an easy to administer driving under the infulence test to be part of the legalization process. Will that test stop people driving while under the influence of prescription drugs or while tired? No. But we owe a duty to society to fix the problems we can, I happen to believe an easy to administer driving under the influence test is a very fixable problem.

    Once it's legal, I wonder how much it will gall pot heads to be buying pot from big business?
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • surferdude wrote:

    Once it's legal, I wonder how much it will gall pot heads to be buying pot from big business?
    Marlboro owns the rights to produce marijuana cigarettes when (yes, when) it becomes legal.

    *bum bum bummmm* :p
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..

    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    Marijuana is only illegal when it's convenient to be illegal.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • Breaking the law and challenging it is the most effective way of changing it. By this logic, slaves didn't have a right to complain if they tried to flee and got caught? They should have just shut up cause they knew the consequences?

    yeap...and there it is.

    Every man on this earth was a baby at one point. No man has the right to tell me what I can do. Just some baby shitting his diapers like everyone else.

    Some just put their heads down and follow...others lead. Leaders rule.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • yeap...and there it is.

    Every man on this earth was a baby at one point. No man has the right to tell me what I can do. Just some baby shitting his diapers like everyone else.

    Some just put their heads down and follow...others lead. Leaders rule.

    I am going to preface this by saying i have no problem with standing up against laws, and even breaking them if you are willing to face the consequences that go with breaking them.

    but "no man has the right to tell me what i can do" sounds like an insolent 6 year old telling their mother that "you're not the boss of me"
  • I am going to preface this by saying i have no problem with standing up against laws, and even breaking them if you are willing to face the consequences that go with breaking them.

    but "no man has the right to tell me what i can do" sounds like an insolent 6 year old telling their mother that "you're not the boss of me"
    No man has the right to tell me what I can't put in my own body.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..

    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    No man has the right to tell me what I can't put in my own body.
    The government has every right, sorry.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
  • surferdude wrote:
    The government has every right, sorry.
    What the fuck gives them that right?

    They gave themselves that "right" and if they think I'm going to honor it they can all go fuck themselves.
    Come on pilgrim you know he loves you..

    Oh my, they dropped the leash.

    Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!

    "Make our day"
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