Getting Busted for Pot Can Cost Your Right to Vote...and more

"By Silja J.A. Talvi, In These Times. Posted July 31, 2007.
Once you've been arrested for the harsh anti-marijuana laws on the books, you can be denied everything from food stamps to voting rights to the right to adopt a child."
This is interesting...
Once you've been arrested for the harsh anti-marijuana laws on the books, you can be denied everything from food stamps to voting rights to the right to adopt a child."
This is interesting...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
That's a lot of pot.
30 grams. That's like getting busted with just over a pack of cigarettes worth (approx 30 cigarettes)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It must be more than 30 cigs... I'm not an expert, though. I'm trying to imagine how many cigs a quarter would roll... rolling as thick as cigs is a waste, anyway. Are you saying a gram per joint? 30 grams=30 cig-sized joints? That's too much!
How could the Average Joe get busted with that much, anyway? Driving (speeding?) around with it in your car? If you're dumb enough to do that, you deserve a felony.
Why are cigarettes legal then?
It such a ridiculous double standard.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I believe a king size cig is approx 1.2 grams. Subtract the filter, and weight for weight it's pretty close.
Some medical MJ patients can smoke around a quarter or about 5 - 7 grams a day fairly easily. If it was legal one wouldn't/shouldn't be concerned about waste all that much. This is the proper comparison mentality for perspective.
Also, once you build a tolerance, it's not that hard to go through around 5 grams per day, which would put a terminally ill person scoring every 6 days. Not very convenient at all in reality. Sounds like they are mandating an ounce or over an ounce beyond personal to make it a felony (which is 28 grams). The laws are very (very) harsh regarding it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Know your local laws and don't get caught. It's not just pot... any felony is bad news. Isn't mail fraud a felony?
Alcohol is legal because of the tax dollars it generates. Same with cigs.
It's an old arguement that will never be sorted out (like abortion). Pot will never be legal and abortion will always be legal. The local laws re:pot are pretty lenient unless you're a dealer or a user with a hard-core habit.
Don't do anything stupid and you'll be fine. Smoke away...
As I said earlier, a cig sized joint is a waste of pot. Geez... buy a bong.
If you're terminally ill and smoking a pound a day, don't get busted with it! Is it really that hard?
I asked earlier but you didn't answer... how do people get busted with that much pot?
hell yeah!!!!!!
have you ever watched "cops"?....;):D:D
You're missing the comparison altogether. People don't smoke cigarettes in a bong to get every last scrap. You seem to have been conditioned by the law and the comparison is eluding you. You are conditioned to think that amount of pot is a lot when in reality I just showed you it isn't. It's about the same quantity as a pack of cigarettes. Heck two packs even...not a big amount now is it?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
no, it's not... but if you're smoking that much, you have big problems!
-and maybe I am "conditioned". I don't need pot to get through the day. When I run out, I don't have heart-palipitations or steal from others to buy more.
edit-I'm not missing the comparison. 30 grams should equal much more than 30 joints. Try like 60 or more. Why would the average pot smoker need to have that much on them at once? And if they did, why do something stupid and get busted with it?
plus the government can't regulate it.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You're still missing it. If it was legal people wouldn't have to use bongs to snarf up every last drop.
Normally people would just light a joint and smoke it casually like a cigarette instead of huffing every last drop in a make shift smoke collector.
The law has everything so far conditioned and under thumb that people don't always see the reality of what would be.
It's not a lot as I already pointed out.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i agree with many times have you or others left half empty beers, glasses of wine or cocktails?.......i wouldn't mind going to the liquor store and buy a pack of cush....;):p:D
I can make a 1/2 last a year so we're both wasting time.
Smoking pot like cigs is a waste of pot. and just dumb.
The reality of what would be? It will never in a million years happen so people really need to get over it and turn their attention to a different cause.
Again... know your local laws and stay within their limits. It's reasonable if you aren't an addict.
I think you're stuck in a rut and can't get out of it. You need to uncondition yourself to what the media has programmed you with.'s deep.
Bottom line it should be legal.
If it was legal, someone could grow several pounds in their back yard. Not only that so could all their friends...and...they could spare a lousy pound if biggie at all. It's just a weed and it grows like crazy. They could use it as fertilizer or compost if they wanted to. End of story. the the math. Free your mind from the chains of propaganda.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The point is there no logical reason that it is illegal given what is 'legal' and readily available all over the place. It doesn't matter about over consumption bc people over consume food, alcohol and tons of other shit and it is all still legal.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Here we have something more natural than both, that is so stomped on that people are forced to go through ridiculous oppressive measures when encountering it.
I've used it like a once or twice a month in the past. Sometimes not at all for several months in a row. Sometimes a lot over a long weekend, and then not at all for months again. All in just seems so casual, I really don't see what the big deal is.
Herb has been excessively demonized while other worse substances are glossed right over.
Hemp clothing lasts a long time. We could be saving a ton of money on clothing if this was the case. Instead we get ripped off to buy cheap cotton fiber clothes that quickly wear out (especially women $$$). The oils can be used to lubricate engines...make paper to save trees, Omega 3 oils for health...etc..etc...etc...the uses are virtually endless.
It's all pretty crazy when you think about it. It's all some weird propaganda from long ago, so they can make a war on it, and lock people up to spin a buck from it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
this is why I will fight any sort of universal healthcare plan tooth and nail.
I'm not stuck in anything. I think you might be, though. You're more conditioned than me... you 'need' pot and I don't. most of the population doesn't, either and that's why it's illegal. You're in the minority and you always will be.
You can grow pounds in your basement if you want to... just don't sell it or tell anyone. Don't get caught with it and you won't have a problem.
I don't need it at all. I rarely ever use it. I only offer a logistical reality that you continually refute out of stubbornness, or I suppose naivety.
Harry Anslinger has stolen your mind. You can take it back though, it still rests comfortably above your eyebrows. One day the lightbulb will go off.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Probably after a bong hit?
like everything, it's cheaper in bulk.
an ounce of pot will last the average smoker a paycheck or three, that's not a heavy user. I know people that buy a lot more than that for personal, because they live out of town...something as simple as your headlight burning out on the way home could change your life....a hero cop and a hardass judge, yer in BIG trouble.
It's not like it's all reckless teens and gangstas running around with qp's n pagers....there are a lot of everyday people that have that much on them for short periods of time.
lol..yeah I suppose something like that. It took me a quite a few documentaries, videos, and articles on the history to realize it all stems way back to the 1920's (in America).
First they said it turns people into violent, delusional, psychopaths (no exaggeration) and makes people want to murder everyone. Then they put out reports that it makes people extremely depressed, suicidal and useless....just hopeless permanent losers. Now the say it makes people insane and gives people schizophrenia?! Over and over again this goes in cycles. New "reports" come out, and back and forth they go...round and round. Which is it?
Well...none of them in reality.
I don't get it. Someone up there really, really, (really) hates it for some reason, and it's become so obvious to me now that it's all on purpose. All the studies are skewed, and lie after lie is driven into the public conscious, while so many things that really do harm us are remain under our noses 24/7. It blows me away.
It's laughable what the media continues to come up with, to make it look so terrifying, so dangerous, so really have to wonder why.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I don't think it would be very easy to regulate any kind of decrim/legalization. Once the laws were off the books, people would challenge everything (esp if the laws fell on rights issues)...I don't know how long the tax cow would be would just crumble into hobby users and it should be.
Most states use 1 ounce as the cut off point between simple possession and more serious charges.
So keep it under 27 grams when travelling.
I guess you way the pros and cons and make a choice, eh?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I almost missed a PJ show because of this, ALMOST, but I made it to Champaign, 2nd row RIGHT IN FRONT OF MIKE, and they played Deep...
The day after the Indy 03 show, my ass went to jail!
When I get pulled over for speeding I don't give the cop shit or act like I live in a repressive country. I shut up and pay the ticket. I amy even write my member of parliament about our speed limits on certainstretches of highway.
We all live in a society where for better or worse we've agreed to give up certain freedoms for ourselves in rder to ahev a semblance of law and order. it ain't perfect and it needs continuous work. But I have zero sympathy for people who willingly and knowingly break the law then bitch about the very well publicized consequences.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley