Me and Barack:
Please take the time to read my blog, and get to know me.
Because I'm not going to go away.
a/k/a Lis
Please take the time to read my blog, and get to know me.
Because I'm not going to go away.
a/k/a Lis
Feels Good Inc.
Post edited by Unknown User on
i'm with you. i don't remember when i first learned of this man Barack Obama, but i was instantly taken with him and hoped he would mke a run at the presidency long before he ever announced he would. The man is a leader like we havn't seen in along time. Probably since Robet Kennedy or Dr. King, and exactly what this country needs. i'm pretty tired at the things people say about him, especially my felow lefties, as if any candidate that recieves more than 2% of the vote is "establishment". My hope for his success has been on a bit of a roller coaster the past few days. Its going to be hard. Dmocrats have been spoon fed the lie that is Hiallary Clinton for more than 4 years now, and alot of women, especially, will be voting with their boobs rather than their brains. It seems that most independants and even some crossover republicans are seeing the light. If the party faithful can understand, before its to late, that Obama is truly sincere, qualified and, honesly their only chance at winning and actually fixing things, we just may pull it off.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
All aboard!
Seriously, this is the kind of baloney i'm talking about. Its called leading. Thats what leaders do. True leaders such as Barack Obama will always have peabrained detractors like this. Oh, well. It just hints even more towards the man's leadership.
Infact I think that most Obama supporters would not support him if he was white and looked like the others. even if he was saying the exact same things hes saying now. change the color and most would probably not like him.
I can't prove that of course, But I bet if you go to an obama rally, most of his supporters wont even have an idea about what he stands for, he just looks so different, he's getting votes bcoz people are so tired of the same white guy.
what makes you think I'm a detractor? I havent decided who I'm voting for. I kinda like obama. save some room on the bandwagon for me and stop with the insults k?
he isn't for peace against iran or anything. he's for "change". what kind of change? I have no fucking clue, but he's for "change."
that's what his supporters always tell me when I ask why they support him.
Where do you get this stuff. Not for peace against Iran? Seriously, on what grounds do you make this statement. When has heever advocated violence against iran as a preemptive measure or without absolute necessity? Back this up.
You are right about one thing. You definitely have no fucking clue... about alot of stuff, i'm guessing.
He's only stated that "all options are on the table" which is a pretty damn smart stance. He DID NOT support invading Iraq. That is a fact.. Now that the troops are there, he, unlike many people here, understands that WE fucked Iraq and we now have a responsibility. Unlike Bush or McCain, he does want the troops out and is ready to start pulling them.
i'm thinking it was a comedic reference to the tool that asked Hillary Clinton to marry him at a townhall meeting. Either that, or kindergarten style sarcasm.
Which brings another question to my mind. Does anyone NOT see through tis shit? Does anyone not see that she is setting this shit up? i mean, the crying, the "iron my shirt" guys, the "will you marry me" guy, ITS ALL SO OBVIOUSLY STAGED. Its absolutely nauseating how phony this bitch is. Wake up dems, especially female dems, you're being played like a fucking fiddle!
You and most other obama supporters seem to be missing the point, which is, why is he even talking about iran in that way? Bcoz its in the Bush axis of evil?
I mean What is Iran doing thats so bad? why is Obama and all these other war folks talking about Iran with this tone? he's just like all the other politicians. all options in the table! what a joke.
Why is his mind fixed on iran? seems to be bcoz he's thinking the same as the others. the cowboy thinking of "we will be ready for iran" bs.
Even this latest speedboat junk, americans and the politicians jumping around for nothing! Iran has made no threats towards america, is not making a bomb. so why the tough talk to begin with?
he wants to win the election. He would get murdered in the election if he said Iran was this great country and no threat. he's a politician. he understands the concepts of tact and strategy, unlike extremists who never get anything accomplished. And because Obama says he won't "take any options off the table" (which is basically a non-answer to anyone with a brain), idiots automatically think he will declare war the day he gets sworn in. Never mind the fact that we are already in two very very expensive wars.
Iran has sworn us as enemies.. thousands or even millions of people incorporate "Death to America" in their daily prayers.
Iran is no saint. they talk tough so we talk tough back.
so as you know, he's trying to be like the others. so he can win.
Also it's not that anyone thinks that he will rush into war, but to be talking about it in anyform seems to be a bad idea, bcoz iran is currently not doing anything and currently no threat to america.
and crowds chanting is not good enough of an excuse for would be leaders or america to act so tough towards them.
also, what was the "options" answer a reply towards, what question?
The majority of the Iranian people do not hold this view.
How do you know that?I'm not saying that the majority do but it seems to me like an awful lot of them do.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
I never said they did. secondly how do you know? if not the majority then how much? we arent talking some renegade section of the population. its a very large amount. maybe even a whole generations worth.
Obama is not a anti war as his supporters make him out to be.
He'll fire up the guns as fast as the next guy.
There's no actual option except to lie down....and that's not going to happen until the levee breaks.
Good luck with that shit storm.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Because I have friends that are Iranians... do you know anyone from Iran? or anyone that has been there?
So he's just saying all these things to get support of people who are for those things? Sounds like all the others to me.
How are we so sure its just his game? how can you be sure he will choose peace when he votes to fund the same war he says hes against? calls israel a friend, and looking at history, israel seems far from a friend and is one of the most abusive states around. didnt obama vote to renew the patriot act? these are not signs from a man of peace. or are they?
you obviosuly do not know much history about Iran. but you know an Iranian and that makes you an expert?
there is a whole generation of Iranians (from the 70 and 80s) who hate america. its the new generation that is finally starting to like us. although we arent doing a good job of building on that.
At this point? Fuck em... we need to start taking care of our own country and our own people. The government there takes fucking vacations while Americans are dieing securing their streets... fuck that and fuck them... I'm sick of us flushing American lives and dollars down the toilet.